Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
I'm only maybe 2-3 dpo but I had some serious nausea tonight. I had a lot with Violet.
9dpo - symptoms have vanished 😕😕😕
Last night I had severe nausea and dizziness but no I have nothing
1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
6 dpo: cramping, sensitive right nipple, exhaustion, bloating
Does anyone else ever kinda just *know*? I knew I was pregnant with Violet before the test was positive. From the very beginning, I knew she was there, forming inside me. (Yet, for some reason I still had trouble believing the test, to the point where I took three more. I think it was just that I couldn't believe my good fortune.) But the last two months when I've tried, I felt nothing like that... but today, ugh, I was more irritable than usual (I was so irritable while I was pregnant with V) to the point where I seriously almost yelled at my brother because he wants a dog and I hate dogs, lol. And I'm craving pretzels, which I haven't eaten since I was pregnant with Violet. I'm only maybe 3-5 dpo (depends on which charting tool you believe) and it's a very faint feeling at this point but I'm surer than I've been since Violet. I believe. I even think it's a boy. Maybe I'm crazy (crazier than I normally am). But maybe not. Fingers crossed!
Does anyone else ever kinda just *know*? I knew I was pregnant with Violet before the test was positive. From the very beginning, I knew she was there, forming inside me. (Yet, for some reason I still had trouble believing the test, to the point where I took three more. I think it was just that I couldn't believe my good fortune.) But the last two months when I've tried, I felt nothing like that... but today, ugh, I was more irritable than usual (I was so irritable while I was pregnant with V) to the point where I seriously almost yelled at my brother because he wants a dog and I hate dogs, lol. And I'm craving pretzels, which I haven't eaten since I was pregnant with Violet. I'm only maybe 3-5 dpo (depends on which charting tool you believe) and it's a very faint feeling at this point but I'm surer than I've been since Violet. I believe. I even think it's a boy. Maybe I'm crazy (crazier than I normally am). But maybe not. Fingers crossed!

I did. Yesterday 9dpo I noticed my boobs were so veiny and i’d gone off coffee just like I did with my son so I tested last night knowing it would proberly be negative but it wasn’t I was right. I got my first faint pos
Hoping you get yours too
1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
6 dpo: cramping, sensitive right nipple, exhaustion, bloating
7 dpo: on and off cramps, right nipple still super sensitive (why only one?), lots of what I think is creamy cm (correct me please if I'm wrong, so tmi, it's white and thick, but watery enough to leave wet patches in my underwear without any color to them, but has some stretch to it, like less than half an inch of stretch?), very tired, but my son got up in the middle of the night and got up an hour and a half early this morning.
I am currently 4 DPO. Trying for number 3 baby. So far 7 months of TTC.
1 dpo : AF like cramping but not as bad if it was actual AF cramping.
2 dpo : more dull cramps. All day
3 dpo : cramping on and off. Tired. Gassy as hell. Upset stumach and acid reflux. Also alot of discharge.... Very odd. And very cranky! Someone chewing was almost setting me off like wth? Totally not like me at all
4 DPO: cramps. Upset stumach. Alot of discharge. Blood when brushing teeth ( never happens it was alot too....) Felt sick when I woke up and went away and aga about 10 minutes ago. Hungry but no apatite at all. And I could go back to bed and pass out if I had the chance. Also finally my boobs hurt. Which is so weird. They always hurt day after I ovulate. And they feel bigger and darker....I know to soon. Right?
And I am so bad today I am gassy it's gross. Like I could kill someone with these farts �� rotten egg. Bla
Update: eekk I just had a hot flash. Or at least that's what it was. My whole face neck and chest was on fire. It was the most weirdest sensation I have ever had. I swear to god this better be a sign or I'm going to doc to get checked out. Still tons of snot like discharge too. It's so baziarr and feel like I'm going to be sick. Maybe flu. Calm down. Maybe I'm coming down with the flu.
So I'm currently 6 dpo according to FF. Did AI on CD 12-15.
1-2 dpo - nada
3 dpo - nausea
4 dpo - sensation that it's just.... happening. That it's right this time. I don't know. Good feeling.
5 dpo - Increased irritability, nonstop pretzel eating.
6 dpo - Today. Irritable as hell (as I was with V) and craving pretzels. I ate them all and I went to two stores and they didn't have them and I almost went off on a random driver because frustration due to pretzel-less-ness. Holy moly if I am pregnant, this is gonna be a looooong 9 months! But fingers crossed...
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My Mood:
1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
6 dpo: cramping, sensitive right nipple, exhaustion, bloating
7 dpo: on and off cramps, right nipple still super sensitive, lots of what I think is creamy cm
8 dpo: cramps are gone, bad nausea today, but that could be my autoimmune disease, lots of creamy cm still, nipple sensitivity decreased
1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
6 dpo: cramping, sensitive right nipple, exhaustion, bloating
7 dpo: on and off cramps, right nipple still super sensitive, lots of what I think is creamy cm
8 dpo: cramps are gone, bad nausea today, but that could be my autoimmune disease, lots of creamy cm still, nipple sensitivity decreased
9 dpo: creamy cm, all other symptoms have gone. Moody. Tired. Af is probably going to be here in a few days.
1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
6 dpo: cramping, sensitive right nipple, exhaustion, bloating
7 dpo: on and off cramps, right nipple still super sensitive, lots of what I think is creamy cm
8 dpo: cramps are gone, bad nausea today, but that could be my autoimmune disease, lots of creamy cm still, nipple sensitivity decreased
9 dpo: creamy cm, all other symptoms have gone. Moody. Tired.
10 dpo- creamy-ish cm, like ewcm mixed with creamy, low soft closed cervix. No symptoms.
8 dpo now and all I can say is holy mother of sore BBs. Hi there, bean, I know you're in there! Please stick for Mama, okay?

1-2 dpo - nada
3 dpo - nausea
4 dpo - sensation that it's just.... happening. That it's right this time. I don't know. Good feeling.
5 dpo - Increased irritability, nonstop pretzel eating.
6 dpo - Irritable as hell, cravings, sore BBs
7 dpo - See TTC journal for rant about BIL to understand just how irritable I was on this day... lmao. Sore BBs, bad sleep, vivid dreams, night sweats, breathlessness
8 dpo - Not as irritable, but I spent the day largely alone with my new computer. BBs are sore as heck, peeing nonstop, more vivid dreams and breathlessness

I'm actually about to wear a sports bra to bed because my nipples rubbing against my T-shirt is driving me crazy, which feels so ridiculous to me, I haven't had that problem since before puberty :lol:

I just know... I swear, I know.
1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
6 dpo: cramping, sensitive right nipple, exhaustion, bloating
7 dpo: on and off cramps, right nipple still super sensitive, lots of what I think is creamy cm
8 dpo: cramps are gone, bad nausea today, but that could be my autoimmune disease, lots of creamy cm still, nipple sensitivity decreased
9 dpo: creamy cm, all other symptoms have gone. Moody. Tired.
10 dpo- creamy-ish cm, like ewcm mixed with creamy, low soft closed cervix. No symptoms.
11 dpo- bfn. Feel like I'm out, tested positive at 10 dpo with first 2. Some cramping. Super low cervix, soft and closed. Lots of (tmi) gooey creamy cm. Af due in 2 days.
1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
6 dpo: cramping, sensitive right nipple, exhaustion, bloating
7 dpo: on and off cramps, right nipple still super sensitive, lots of what I think is creamy cm
8 dpo: cramps are gone, bad nausea today, but that could be my autoimmune disease, lots of creamy cm still, nipple sensitivity decreased
9 dpo: creamy cm, all other symptoms have gone. Moody. Tired.
10 dpo- creamy-ish cm, like ewcm mixed with creamy, low soft closed cervix. No symptoms.
11 dpo- bfn. Feel like I'm out, tested positive at 10 dpo with first 2. Some cramping. Super low cervix, soft and closed. Lots of (tmi) gooey creamy cm. Af due in 2 days.
12 dpo- period due tomorrow. Cramping, creamy cm, anxious. Bfn this afternoon, couldn't test this morning as daughter came downstairs with a fever of102.5°f. Test from yesterday has developed pink second line, with that meant something. I feel out. Think af will be on time.
1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
6 dpo: cramping, sensitive right nipple, exhaustion, bloating
7 dpo: on and off cramps, right nipple still super sensitive, lots of what I think is creamy cm
8 dpo: cramps are gone, bad nausea today, but that could be my autoimmune disease, lots of creamy cm still, nipple sensitivity decreased
9 dpo: creamy cm, all other symptoms have gone. Moody. Tired.
10 dpo- creamy-ish cm, like ewcm mixed with creamy, low soft closed cervix. No symptoms.
11 dpo- bfn. Feel like I'm out, tested positive at 10 dpo with first 2. Some cramping. Super low cervix, soft and closed. Lots of (tmi) gooey creamy cm. Af due in 2 days.
12 dpo- period due tomorrow. Cramping, creamy cm, anxious. Bfn this afternoon, couldn't test this morning as daughter came downstairs with a fever of102.5°f. Test from yesterday has developed pink second line, with that meant something. I feel out. Think af will be on time.
13 dpo- tested again this morning on a Wal-Mart .88, bfn. Thought af might come today, but she didn't. No symptoms really, just exhausted and irritable.
1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
6 dpo: cramping, sensitive right nipple, exhaustion, bloating
7 dpo: on and off cramps, right nipple still super sensitive, lots of what I think is creamy cm
8 dpo: cramps are gone, bad nausea today, but that could be my autoimmune disease, lots of creamy cm still, nipple sensitivity decreased
9 dpo: creamy cm, all other symptoms have gone. Moody. Tired.
10 dpo- creamy-ish cm, like ewcm mixed with creamy, low soft closed cervix. No symptoms.
11 dpo- bfn. Feel like I'm out, tested positive at 10 dpo with first 2. Some cramping. Super low cervix, soft and closed. Lots of (tmi) gooey creamy cm. Af due in 2 days.
12 dpo- period due tomorrow. Cramping, creamy cm, anxious. Bfn this afternoon, couldn't test this morning as daughter came downstairs with a fever of102.5°f. Test from yesterday has developed pink second line, with that meant something. I feel out. Think af will be on time.
13 dpo- tested again this morning on a Wal-Mart .88, bfn. Thought af might come today, but she didn't. No symptoms really, just exhausted and irritable.
14 dpo' supposed to start af last night or this morning, she didn't show. Normally I spot for a couple days prior to starting, no spotting. Slight nausea, irritable, vivid dreams. Hungry, but can't eat much. Extreme exhaustion. Literally was sitting up right on the couch with my feet on the floor, bentin half and restedmy chest on my legs and my head between my knees. Passed out like that. Took a first response rapid result this morning. I swear I see a line, but I think it might just be my hopeful eyes, it's so faint. I have had a faint line on every test I've taken, I've never had evaps before, but I guess there is a first time for everything.
The rapid response aren’t very sensitive. I bought them by mistake once. Good luck on tomorrow’s test, I have my fingers crossed for you.
1-3 dpo: no symptoms
4 dpo: cramping
5 dpo: cramping, sensitive nipples
6 dpo: cramping, sensitive right nipple, exhaustion, bloating
7 dpo: on and off cramps, right nipple still super sensitive, lots of what I think is creamy cm
8 dpo: cramps are gone, bad nausea today, but that could be my autoimmune disease, lots of creamy cm still, nipple sensitivity decreased
9 dpo: creamy cm, all other symptoms have gone. Moody. Tired.
10 dpo- creamy-ish cm, like ewcm mixed with creamy, low soft closed cervix. No symptoms.
11 dpo- bfn. Feel like I'm out, tested positive at 10 dpo with first 2. Some cramping. Super low cervix, soft and closed. Lots of (tmi) gooey creamy cm. Af due in 2 days.
12 dpo- period due tomorrow. Cramping, creamy cm, anxious. Bfn this afternoon, couldn't test this morning as daughter came downstairs with a fever of102.5°f. Test from yesterday has developed pink second line, with that meant something. I feel out. Think af will be on time.
13 dpo- tested again this morning on a Wal-Mart .88, bfn. Thought af might come today, but she didn't. No symptoms really, just exhausted and irritable.
14 dpo: supposed to start af last night or this morning, she didn't show. Normally I spot for a couple days prior to starting, no spotting. Slight nausea, irritable, vivid dreams. Hungry, but can't eat much. Extreme exhaustion. Literally was sitting up right on the couch with my feet on the floor, bent in half and rested my chest on my legs and my head between my knees. Passed out like that. Took a first response rapid result this morning. I swear I see a line, but I think it might just be my hopeful eyes, it's so faint. I have had a faint line on every test I've taken, I've never had evaps before, but I guess there is a first time for everything.
15 dpo: can't remember the last time my cycle went this long. Cervix is high, soft and closed. Tired, stressed. At this point I would take af if it just meant I had an answer. Bfn on a frer. No symptoms.

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