Teacher mums chat thread

Yes make them listen to your request! They have to have really good reasons for refusing your part time!

I'm quite involved in NASUWT if you need anything! they can say no, but.... should be accomodating
They seem to be coming round to tge idea but I think that was after head talking to Union!

I just cannot see how I could work full time with all the prep and be a mum too I worked as I think many of you know above and beyond and its not fair to Oli!

I have extended my leave i was due back tomorrow....so glad I not even my new date of 31st may is far to close for comfort!!!
Yeah they def have to accomdate you hun!!!

As for me, I didn't get the Deputy headship!!!! There was an internal candidate and he got it surprise surprise!!!!! But the head did say she would put me forward to other deputy jobs as she thought I did very well!!!!! Fingers crossed one of those comes through!!!!
thought i'd share:
i hate lazy yr11's who fail to complete hw or attend catch-up sessions dispite the warnings, detention slips, phone calls home. they demand your help and attention when they can clearly see your talking to another student with a patient queue of others, the help they then want if for you to do the work for them (no thanks i have gcse's). then try to stay late to complete coursework on the deadline day, which happens to also be parents evening. you have to try and force the kids out the door as parents arrive early for appointments.
rant over, one more day till hols..
Third time, sorry you didn't get the job. Internal candidates suck! When you get to an interview and there is one of them there you just know your chances are slim.

Charlieann, I know just what you mean! They think they can be rude to you all year, do no work, fail to keep any deadlines, and generally behave like idiots and then when the final deadline is upon them they want you to suddenly put on hours of catch up sessions, mark drafts the same day they give them in and generally do the coursework for them. Drives us all nuts! And the thing is you can't just leave them to their own devices becasue then they fail and it's your fault for not getting god results!
Hey teacher mummies, where are you all?
Hi Cattia :).

Hope everyone has had a good week so far :).

This week I've been doing loads of research into recipes for when I wean her. Its so exciting!! I'm going to start 2 weeks before she's 6 months so it is underway when I have to go back to work :)cry:) and I've found loads of recipes for things I want to try.

Well hello!

I'm back to school on monday....boo!!

Only just looked at my timetable, have no idea where each class is as maternity cover didn't leave any infro so monday will be fun!!

It is so horrible because LO and I are having such lovely days all the time! she has turned into the lovliest happiest baby who has even started sleeping!

don't know what next week will be like but I will have to deal with it!
Well hello!

I'm back to school on monday....boo!!

Only just looked at my timetable, have no idea where each class is as maternity cover didn't leave any infro so monday will be fun!!

It is so horrible because LO and I are having such lovely days all the time! she has turned into the lovliest happiest baby who has even started sleeping!

don't know what next week will be like but I will have to deal with it!

:hugs: I hope your return to work goes well :hugs:.
arrrgh! just had to reject to friend requests from pupils on facebook.
as if they couldn't wait 2 days for the new term, they wanna be friends with me!
was a bit paranoid had to check privacy settings to make sure they couldn't view my profile. i almost had 2 weeks off work!!

hows everyone else enjoyed their break?!
Well not a break really just last week of maternity leave for me! Back on monday. i haven't joined facebook for fear of pupil attack! I;m sure they've posted videos on youtube of me pretending to be a suffragette.

Forgot my timetable so have no idea what my first day back at shool will be! guess I will have to wing it!
Hi ladies,
How is everyone?
History Girls have been thinking of you and hoping work has been going well. I was in teaching a revision class today. So weird, feels like I have never been away! I did miss Abigail though :( On the plus side, I do get paid by the hour for doing these revision classes so at least I can buy her something nice :)

Jchihuahua how is the weaning going? I think we wil be starting in about a month so would be interested to know how you get on.

Hope you're all doing well.
Hi girls :).

I hope the return to work is going well History Girls. I'm following your journal.

I am dreading my return to work but I feel like the apprehension of going back will probably be worse than actually getting back into the swing of things for me. Hubby's work are messing hhim around with changing his shifts to part time. They agreed to it in Feb but now its getting near they are saying he can't have the shifts he needs ](*,). He's appealed so I just hope it gets sorted out soon.

I am going to start weaning in a month Cattia, when she's 5 months. I have just been researching yummy recipes up til now :). The Annabel Karmel site has some good ideas. I talked to the hv about weaning her the other day and even though I did want to do BLW I don't think I'll have the time to dedicate to it with having to go back to work in June :(.
Hi girls :).

I hope the return to work is going well History Girls. I'm following your journal.

I am dreading my return to work but I feel like the apprehension of going back will probably be worse than actually getting back into the swing of things for me. Hubby's work are messing hhim around with changing his shifts to part time. They agreed to it in Feb but now its getting near they are saying he can't have the shifts he needs ](*,). He's appealed so I just hope it gets sorted out soon.

I am going to start weaning in a month Cattia, when she's 5 months. I have just been researching yummy recipes up til now :). The Annabel Karmel site has some good ideas. I talked to the hv about weaning her the other day and even though I did want to do BLW I don't think I'll have the time to dedicate to it with having to go back to work in June :(.

I know just how you feel, I am dreading the return to work so much, I think it's got to be disproportionate to how bad it's going to be! I just want to spend all day every day with my LO but I know that isn't possible.I hope they get your hubby's shift's sorted out, that sounds like a right pain!

It sounds as though we will be weaning at about the same time :) I realy wanted to wait until 6 months but I need to be confident that Abigail is feeding well before I go back to work so I am going to start at 5 months. I'd rather it be me that works it out with her so that it's well established when other people are looking after her.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I keep fantasising about a job in Starbucks. There have to be easier ways to earn a living than teaching! Not sure what the mortgage company would have to say about that particular career move though...
I keep fantasising about a job in Starbucks. There have to be easier ways to earn a living than teaching! Not sure what the mortgage company would have to say about that particular career move though...

I just keep buying lottery tickets. My number have to come up one day!!
I'm full time, have been back full time since La was 4.5 months. It has been hard. I teach year one and am the environment coordinator.

I just feel there aren't enough hours in the day. I live 40 minutes from work so I get to school at 8.30am and leave by 3.45 unless we have a meeting after school, because otherwise I only get a couple of hours with La each day, and they're her cranky hours. I'm finding it hard to get everything done... reports are waiting to be done, I have to write our travel plan (a huge enormous document which takes lots and lots of research and collating surveys from staff, kids and parents) and I feel like saying 'forget the TLR responsibility, I can't do it' but I need the money!!!
PS The fear was worse than actually going back, and I wish I'd been able to stop thinking about it as it did spoil my last few weeks with her. We also weaned early as La would not take a bottle and my bf counsellor suggested spooning very runny baby rice into her, which did the trick. And though we didn't blw La loves finger foods and always has,
My husband is a SAHD and I am findinf it hard because I am so jealous, and when he complains (as he is within his rights to do, it isn;'t easy) I find myself thinking 'I'd kill to be at home with her, shut up!!'

He worked in mortgages and lost his job when Bradford and Bingley went to hell, and finding a job that pays higher than mine and goes up each year and is stable has proved impossible. I'd LOVE to go part time but he's need to find something that paid a lot still and it's just not happening.

I've just read how some of you have nowhere to express - ooh, that makes me mad!! Is there no small office that you can use at all once a day or something?
I can really identify with all you said Becstar!

I really feel that I am wasting these last few weeks worrying about going back. I'll never have this time again with her and I know I need to stop worrying and enjoy it but I just can't. It is on my mind all the time and I'm so aware that I need to put it to the back of my mind until the time comes but it always pushes its way back to the front!

I know her dad is looking forward to me going back to work (even though he'd never say so) so he gets to look after her all day. If his part time hours fall through he'll become a full time SAHD and I can barely hide my jealousy! There's nothing I'd like more than to be the person with her all day but being the main earner it just isn't possible because of our mortgage, debts etc :(. Sometimes when I think about it I feel a bit cross with him but I know I'm being irrational!

I would have loved to do blw and wait until she's 6 months and I feel sad that I won't be doing that. She does take a bottle luckily but I can see myself having to give her at least one bottle of formula a day as I won't be able to express enough and that upsets me too. She comfort sucks a lot even when she isn't hungry and it breaks my heart that she won't be able to do that :(.

The only place I could express at school would be the toilet and somehow I don't think the other teachers would appreciate not being able to go to the loo because I'd be in there expressing :lol:. I am going to see if the head can arrange anything for me though or my boobs are likely to explode!!

I teach reception, am an AST, am FS co ordinator and am on SMT so have meetings every night after school. The staff at my school all get there at 7:30am and don't leave until about 6. Every single day!! They are almost all young, ambitious and with no children so are able to do that. I am going to be leaving the very second my meetings finish and just hope I don't look like I'm being a slacker, but I will still end up with only a couple of hours with her before her bedtime :(. I'd like to do away with my TLR too but like you I just can't afford it. It really is all so hard.
Hello teacher mums!

Sorry for the late reply to all your thoughts!

Well done week one. Thank God - only problem another week starts tomorrow. I can't say it has been easy going back. The teaching side is no bother - like riding a bike lol - but the leaving LO is the hardest thing I've ever done and I've got to do it again tomorrow.

Becstar - I know what you mean about the precious hours with LO! I refuse to answer the phone before LO goes to bed now as that would waste a few minutes with her.

jc - I think you have a right for the school to provide you with oppotunity to express - I'm sure I've read it somewhere in my union stuff. I wanted to do BLW and I kind of am. I call it Phoebe led weaning - lots of finger food and purees. I waited until one week short of 6 months. I ff but weaning is so fun but also scary I wish I could have stayed off longer to enjoy it and get more confident.

I'm a bit jealous you've both got OHs with your LOs. I have to put mine into childcare and that is so hard. We lover her so much - something a CM doesn't - and I just wonder if that affects how they look after her.

It is tough, teaching is fine, and I wish I could win the lottery.

More details in the journal! couldn#t fact updating it last week.

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