Teacher mums chat thread

It means working mums will again be penalised because we can't stay as late or arrive as early as others... and men will be further revered because not only are they rare, not only do they not take maternity leave or need to leave for antenatal classes etc, they can stay later even if they have kids. GGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I hate David Cameron!
I feel your pain....

I must admith I'm feeling it a bit a the mo with the gender difference! one of my best buds at school is a bloke (as gay as they come but adorable) and he stays late, is in first in the morning, always full of energy and always getting promotions.

Where as I now come in just before registration, normally with a bit of sick about my person, a look of 'I've been up all night shhh' and have to be at the CM by 5pm. The SMT don't even acknowledge me.

I'm not really jealous as I;ve got LO and that makes work almost irrelevant - I'm there to earn enough money to feed and clothe her - but where did femminism get us? nowhere really. We do all the stuff we used to but work as well

sorry rant over.
Hi ladies, I hope you're having a good start to the week. I've been at my mum's for a few days and Daisy is really poorly with an ear infection in both ears. Its horrible :cry:.

I have to go into school for a meeting tomorrow. They phoned me the other other day and asked me to go in. The supply teacher covering my maternity leave has gone off sick and most probably won't be back. I think they may be hoping I'll agree to going back earlier than planned but there is absolutely no chance whatsoever of that!!!

PS. I hate David Cameron too grrrrr!!
It was weird being back in school. It was just as though I'd never been away! I loved seeing my class of 4 and 5 year olds though :). They asked me 'how many sleeps' until I'm coming back to be their teacher :). Work rang me this morning to ask me stuff about reports, I have to go in next week to lead a meeting for new parents and then the week after I'm in for 2 mornings. I can't belive how quickly these last few months have gone!
Jc - glad it looks like it is going to work out well

all I can say in week 4 back is - we've got ofsted next week!

crappy crap crap!

Never mind, the SMT are nearing meltdown and i've worked at home tonight for the first time! we've been told we should all be observed so made my lessons as good as i could.

at lease if I work my but off tomorrow I can forget about it over the weekend!
Oh hell, OFSTED??? You poor thing. I got lucky and we were inspected while I was on leave.

JC, I'm glad your kids are being so cute!!!

Well I am worrying about next year now... I need to change year groups (been in year 1 for 4 years) but I wanted to move to reception. A recep teacher is going on leave for a year so there was a space but the nursery policy has changed so the teachers there are out of work so they have given the reception job to the nursery teacher. That means I'll be moving up which I dread (more marking!!!) or staying where I am which is not great for my career (well for future job applications - I'd like to work closer to home). BUM.
Ofsted, History Girls, yikes!! Good luck with it and let us know how you get on. We are due one any time now and I'm just hoping it'll happen before I go back. Even if it does I have promised I'll go in to be interviewed as I'm the EYFS coordinator, but at least I wouldn't have to teach.

If I was in your position Becstar I think I'd stay in Year 1. I have taught Reception for a few years in a row and and even though I did wonder whether it might not be the best move for my career to be in one year group so much I just decided that it would make me more of a specialist in that area. Year 2 is a lot of work in my opinion. Year 3 is okay according to friends of mine but I personally would hate to teach upper KS2. It is a shame that you can't get reception.
JC - isn't it sooooo weird how when you go back in for the day it feels as though you've never been away! It freaked me out.

HG - good luck with OFSTED.

I know exactly what you all mean about the gender divide. I have been in my current job for 6 years now, and during that time I have done EVRYTHING! Every singel time there was a weekend or after college club I was there, I have helped at every single student event even though I live 45 minutes away, I have given up all my lunchtimes to run clubs etc, and I have never had any thanks for it (I don't mind that as such, that isn't why I did it) but I am sure that now I am going to have to leave early and not put the hours in THAT will not go unoticed. I am also bricking it about the Tories. I work in post compulsory education and I am sure that will be one of the first places to see cuts. We already manage on a shoe string and there is no funding for anything. I mean, WHO VOTED for David Cameron? I don't know a single person who is happy about the new government.

Anyway, moan over, at least for those of you who are back at work already, it's the weekend now :)
Thanks to the poster who replied to my posts I do pay pension but havent got a student loan. my salary was £31855 when i was full time. now i worked this out to be £760 a month doing 2 days a week, however, this is based on the tax taking out of the full pay amount. Would it change? (the tax??)
I used the teachernet excel spreadsheet just now to work out your pay and based on 40% pay you'd be getting £12742 a year before tax etc, then using the salary calculator online to work out tax and ni and pension at 6%, you'be be getting £842 a month.
Well - sorry for the gap in posts but that was ofsteds fault!
As usual most members of staff ran around like headless chickens. The SMT were crowing on that some members of staff did 14 hour days at the weekend to prepare like it was something to be proud off! I didn't. I did work Thurs and Fri night but nothing at the weekend.

In the end I had a 30 min insepection and didn't worry about going for feedback. Don't know how we did overall yet - I'm sure the SMT will share tomorrow, luckily I'm on a course tomorrow!

Hope all is well!
Thank heavens it's over HG! It REALLY annoys me when they make out that there is something noble about dedicating all your spare time to work. Our managment are just the same. It has always annoyed me as I think it is promoting poor time managment and basically crap priorities, now I have LO no doubt it will rial me even more! We teachers dedicate enough time to our work, the pressure to be in the building until all hours and on your email on a Sunday night is madness. sorry, didn;t mean to start a rant. Don't know where that came from!
Well hello :flower:

I'm a P.E teacher on mat.leave. Haven't been to work since early March and won't even plan to do that any time soon because our mat.leave is for 3 years. Will be enjoying my mat.leave but still would like to chat with you.
Three years mat leave? That sounds like a dream come true! Do you get paid during that time? Where do you teach and what age?
Is it three years paid maternity leave? That would be amazing! Only 3 weeks left for me now :cry:. I'm not as stressed about it as I was a couple of months ago. I think I've come to terms with the fact that I have to go back :(.

How was the Ofsted feedback HG? I'm glad it is all over :hugs:.

Poor Daisy's ear infection a couple of weeks ago turned out to be mumps and me and hubby both have had it too for the last week. It is horrid and we look like hamsters. Poor little Daisy, she was clawing and scratching at her face when she was poorly and I'm not surprised now I know what it feels like myself. I have no idea at all where she got it from. We don't go to any baby groups and none of my friends kids are ill and nobody we've been in contact with has been ill at all. She's has such a rough trot with her health :(.
Mat. leave is paid for 18 months, but job is held for 3 years. Besides, during that 18 months I can collect enough money to give my input until I go to work. Yes, it is like a dream because I couldn't imagine going work when my kid is so little. You women are brave :thumbup:

I teach girls from 1st grade til 12th grade. That's 7-19 year old girls. That's pretty good variance because with older girls I can also do something and do it seriously. Although they like to think all kind of different excuses not to take part in classes :rofl:
Well we got an outstanding - how i don't know!

As a treat they let us into the new staffroom (which had been locked away since it was finished) and it is lovely!

School has calmed a bit now and the SMT love us now - it won't last!

Hope all is ok teacher land! Half term is only 3 days away!
Had to go into work this morning for a couple of meetings and ARRRGGHHHH!!!!!!!! I'd forgotten how crap it can be and how people pile stuff on me and that people just assume after almost 6 months away I'd know exactly what is going on and that people can sometimes be so unreasonable and that I went home feeling crap and with loads of work I now have to do and e mail in and phone calls I have to make :(.

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