Teacher mums chat thread

Wow, well done HG!

MartaMi, I think we all need to move to Estonia! Three years sounds amazing.

JC - I know just what you mean. I went to a barbeque the other day and my deputy head of department who is acting head while I am away was there. He just harped on and on about how much he had enjoyed taking over from me and how he was goingto find it hard to step down etc etc, made me feel even more crap about going back than I already did. I think his nose was put out of joint originally becasue I got the job over him and I was younger than him and with less experience at the time. Once he got his hands on my job I think he was dead chuffed with himself and wanted to prove that he could do it as well as me and now he has to step down it's a dint on his ego! A few people have told me that he hasn't done a great job, but they could just be saying that to make me feel good (although he is a real old woman and makes such a drama out of everything).

Anyway, all in all it made me feel poo. I already don't want to go back and leave my baby, and I certainly don't want to have to listen to him harp on and on about how he did this and he did that and how great he was. Urgh. Work sucks. Am hoping it will be better when I get there. Checking my work emails has depressed me as well, just full of people asking us all to do crap, pointless things that add nothing to our teaching and just take up valuable time, time that is even more valuable now than it was before.

Cattia - 3 years is amazing :thumbup:

When I just went to work in my school I was studying in university, I was young and single so other P.E teachers gave some of their stuff for me to do. When I realized it I learned to say no.
Now I'm actually not even planning to go back to work there. We're thinking of moving and if we will we will be to far to drive to that school every day.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ladies! I am going to be in Reception next year!!! I didn't think there'd be a space because of staff restructuring, but someone handed in their notice and the head said that even if they hadn't she really wanted to give me a chance in reception. It's only for a year (maternity cover) but yay, I don't have to work with my mental year 1 colleague anymore!!! I really wanted the experience to make me a little more employable if I chose to move schools in the future and to give me better understanding of where the kids are coming from when they arrive in year 1.
Becstar great news!!! Glad it has worked out ok. I got my four days a week agreed with Wednesday off - splits the week up nicely. So only 7 weeks until the summer hols.....

Hated going back today with the normal balls to deal with! Rock on July 23rd......
Ah great Becstar I love reception :).

HG fab news about the Wednesdays off!

I go back on Monday :cry:. After the crap I had to deal with when I went in the other week I doubly don't want to go back!
Big hugs JC. Try to enjoy this last week - easier to say than do. Do all your favourite things together. Don't think about it - it dosen't make it easier on the day. I don't think about work until after I drop LO off in the morning and then stop when i pick her up.

Are you going back part time?

My thoughts are with you - it isn't easy! I thought i'd got ok with it by the end of last term, well the tears today showed me it is never going to be easy.
Great news Becstar and HG! I am doing a 4 day week with Wednesdays off too, I am relieved that at least I'll have one day in the middle of the week when I get to spend time with LO, it will make it seem not quite so bad.
Thanks HG. I'm doing pretty well with not thinking about it but then all of a sudden it sort of sweeps over me that I have to go back (full time too). The only thing keeping me going is the thought of the summer holidays soon. Earlier she was happily bouncing away in her jumperoo so I thought I'd get the laptop out and have a quick look on here and then immediately felt guilty for wasting time during my last week of maternity leave going on the internet. I kind of can't wait to have another baby and be on maternity leave again. Its been the best 6 months of my life being home with my baby girl and having to worry about nothing else :).

That's good that you'll get Wednesdays off too Cattia. I bet it will really break the week up. How's the weaning going?
Weaning is a mixed bag - some days it's great, other days she is not too interested and then I get stressed and worry that she's going to be one of those kids who refuses to eat and ends up having to be fed through a tube (I think I might be a little prone to melodrama!) Anyway, she ate a really good meal this evening so I have my fingers crossed that maybe she will sleep better. So far it has not affected her sleep at all, she still wakes up at random times through the night. How is it going for you? I hope you are not too depressed about work. Just think, it's only a few weeks then we get to spend the whole summer with our LOs.
Weaning made no difference to La's sleep at all. She'll sleep when she's ready, sleep is for the weak!

Glad you guys got your flexible hours sorted.
Thank you Jchihuahua for inviting me over... can I introduce myself? I am a Year 4 teacher in a private boarding school. We are expected to be in each day at 7.45 and on most days work til 5.30. We also work Saturday mornings :nope: and are expected to work one night a week in the boarding house. The up-side is that we do get long holidays :thumbup: I go back to work on Monday and am dreading it so, so much... every time I think about leaving my little girlie (she's 5 months) I cry :cry: Luckily I have been successful in my request to give up boarding duty and Saturday mornings so that's something...:thumbup:

I have always got a lot from my job but I'd much, much rather be at home with LO.:cry:
Hi Bluehorse. We all know what you're going through with regards to dreading leaving your litttle one :hugs:.

I go back full time on Monday too (Daisy will be a week short of 6 months) and am dreading it. I was crying in bed last night thinking about it. I too have always loved my job but my priorities have changed so much since having Daisy. I'd do anything to be a stay at home mum. Its weird because I always thought if I had the choice to work or be a stay at home mum I'd still choose to work part time but now she's actually here I know if we could afford it I'd not go back at all.

My dad is a teacher in a private school too and I know what long days he has. He works Sat mornings too. That is lucky that they've agreed to you not doing Saturdays or boarding duty. Good luck on Monday hun, and I'll be in exactly the same boat x.
becstar - congrats :flower:
Jchihuahua, bluehorse - can't imagine what you feel :hugs: Bluehorse, that's really good that you got Saturdays off :wacko:
Hi Bluehorse, welcome! I am sorry to hear you have to go back to work so soon but glad you have at least got Saturdays off. I have sometimes thought about working in a private school because of the better holidays but the requirement to do evening and weekend work has always put me off.

JC - I hope you're managing to enjoy your last week of mat leave. I don't know about you but I think I am getting to the stage where I actually just need to do it now, thinking about it is so horrible. I am a week behind, back on 21st but only three days a week this term. Today me and DH had an argument because he couldn't see why I would not leave LO locked in the car while I go and pay for petrol. :dohh: This is the kind of thing that makes me anxious about leaving her with him for two full days a week. not that he doesn't love her or look after her, just that he doesn't think the same way as me (mind you that could be just as well otherwise we would both be nervous wrecks!) Well, let' hope it will be like going back after the summer holidays, when once you get in there you just get straight back into the swing of things and feel like you have never been away. I m not dreading going back to the teaching, the thing that i am really not looking forward to is all the crappy admin / targets etc and the politics. I think I am going to resent it wasting my precious time that I would rather be spending with LO.
Ladies I am so with you on having to go back to work. Day one is the hardest thing in the whole world. Even if you have left them before for a day work is different, it is a new permanent thing that makes it awful.

I'm on week 7 of full time working and I think I cried every day for the first week. I begged OH for the first 3 days to think of something to get me out of having to go. By week 6 we were in a routine and it was fab.

Then half term came. GOing back afterwards saw more tears and then she is so poorly this week and I keep abandoning her to go to look after other people's kids.

However it isn't all bad. I love seeing my 'other kids'. I like having a bit more money again and i like using my brain.

My advice is get organised so mornings are when you spend most of your quality time with LO. After work they are just grotty and u will get upset if they don't want to play.

Make their dinners at the weekend so evening tea is quick

Take a piccie with you to work to stroke! ALthough to be honest I don't think too much about her at work as so busy so that is ok.

Big hugs - any questions just ask. Even about silly routine things!
Thanks HG, your advice is really useful. I will definitely be making the most of the mornings as I know Daisy will be pretty much worn out and ready to go to bed by the time I get home. I used to do my make up immaculately for work and wash and straighten my hair everyday but that will be a thing of the past now as spending time with Daisy will be my priority. I already have my photo packed in my bag ready :).

Cattia :hugs: I totally understand the worrying. I too am anxious about hubby not doing things as I do them. My husband is actually even more cautious with Daisy than I am and would wrap her in cotton wool and never let her out of his sight until she's 18 if he could I think but it is just the little day in day out sort of things that I'm worried about like will he remember the rain cover for her pushchair and will he make sure she has a hat if its cold, suncream on if its hot, wash her hands often as she always has them in her mouth...those sort of things.

My hubby is all happy that he is going to be with her all day and working only 3 hours a day when she'll be in bed anyway and I really am insanely jealous. He isn't saying anything about it because he knows I'm upset and I know he feels bad that it can't be me that is staying with her. I'm happy for him that he's getting this time with her for the next few years but I am a teeny bit resentful too and I feel awful about it as it isn't his fault and he's lovely.
hi i'm a teacher too! can i join you all? at the moment i am music co-ordinator in an infantschool. i am off work on maternity leave til january and if finances will stretch maybe a few months more! i went back to work full time after my 1st two children so i know how hard it is for you girls who are facing the prospect now. :hugs: look forward to getting to know you all, if you'll have me!
OMFG I've just had a phone call. I've got Oftsted the day after I go back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
oh you poor thing!!!! that is a nightmare. I had it two weeks back. What you going to do?
I don't know :cry:. I'm gutted as I had planned a lovely stress free weekend with Daisy and now I'm like a headless chicken. I'm the foundation stage coordinator so have to be interviewed so am making notes on everything I'm likely to be asked about when all I want to do is play with Daisy :(. I have to go into school tomorrow now to sort my classroom out which was a total mess when I went in the other week. My maternity cover has been off sick so my class have had about 10 supplies and their behaviour is awful now according to my TA. Arrrgghhh I don't need this!!!! I just want to spend the time with my little girl without thinking about school and now this!! Plus I'll be expected to stay late on Monday and Tuesday after school now :cry: :cry: :cry:.

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