Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Jo Bean! You rock! Thanks for doing this! I hope you all know that just cause I got my BFP does NOT mean I am abandoning you girls!

How are you and your li'l bean doing, hun? You feeling pretty good? Or has the morning sickness kicked in? I'm still all giddy that your got your BFP. :happydance:
Great job, Jo! :) Can't believe this is already Page 8 and i'm JUST coming to the party! lol

I just had my 27th birthday....yesterday. :)
Hubby is 39 (just turned March 23) and we are TTC our first. He has 2 beautiful grown daughters (ages 16 and 17 (almost 17 and 18)) from a previous relationship. We have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility.

This cycle was my first soy cycle....and I thought I had ovulated only to have FF take away my O date....TWICE! It's now back, and giving me an EDD of December 24th!!! So i'm hoping we caught this time, although I know the chances are slim.

I had the flu...and weirdly caught a yeast infection which I haven't EVER had before. So I think my chances of conceiving are slim to none. :( But hey....a curvy girl can dream. I hope i'll be eating these words in 2 weeks. lol

HEEEELLLLLLOOOOO curvy bumps! :)

Happy b'day! :cake: I hope your temps stay up and you've gotten to O! And I do hope this is your cycle. I know how frustrating not O'ing is. I'm about a week behind you (CD35) and no O yet.

Did the soy do anything for you? I've been thinking about trying it out next cycle.
Hi ladies! Gone for a day and lotd of new people and new pages. Just popping in real quick (I seem to be doing that a lot lately, oops). I've been doing my OPKs for a week now. My OPK from today was blatantly negative, but it was darker than all of my others had been. This is my first month using them, is it normal to always have a line on an OPK? I have had one on every single one I've done so far, but todays was darker. We went ahead and DTD so we'll probably be doing it every other day until I get a temp rise. Yay! Well, I am off to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. My sister has gone past her due date and is getting induced tomorrow morning. I'm excited to meet the new baby, but so jealous at the same time. Night everyone!

Ive noticed since i joined this group and became a POAS aholic ive been getting 2 lines on my opk too when i do them, ive not been doing them everyday but every once in a while when i get that urge to pee on something i have 2 lines, one is always lighter and ive not had one where its as dark as the other line..

Great job, Jo! :) Can't believe this is already Page 8 and i'm JUST coming to the party! lol

I just had my 27th birthday....yesterday. :)
Hubby is 39 (just turned March 23) and we are TTC our first. He has 2 beautiful grown daughters (ages 16 and 17 (almost 17 and 18)) from a previous relationship. We have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility.

This cycle was my first soy cycle....and I thought I had ovulated only to have FF take away my O date....TWICE! It's now back, and giving me an EDD of December 24th!!! So i'm hoping we caught this time, although I know the chances are slim.

I had the flu...and weirdly caught a yeast infection which I haven't EVER had before. So I think my chances of conceiving are slim to none. :( But hey....a curvy girl can dream. I hope i'll be eating these words in 2 weeks. lol

HEEEELLLLLLOOOOO curvy bumps! :)

Very happy birthday to you hun hope you had a great day :)
Thanks ladies, for the birthday wishes. :)

As for the soy....considering I O'd at all...I want to say that yes, it helped....but the metformin is also new, so i'm more inclined to think THAT'S the cause for the change...since you'd think I would have O'd sooner on soy. I did CD 2-6. 100mg, 100mg, 180mg, 200mg, 220mg...if I remember correctly. Something like that. I have a HORRIBLE memory. lol

But yeah....I think it was more the metformin. My temps were a LOT more stable this cycle too, which was nice. Just wish I would have O'd sooner. I'd gotten an ALMOST positive OPK on CD17, and then a dip and O date on CD18...which disappeared for a CD22 O date...which disappeared for my CURRENT O date. So I have no idea. lol

Ooooh, TTC. How you turn me into a big ol' bowl of crazy. ;)
I'm so confused today :dohh: I was hoping and praying that my dip and rise in temp CD8 was my O sign, however my temp has levelled out and is not rising anymore?

This will mean if i do O at all my LP will be shorter than 13 days and from what i've read this is not good!

Is there anything over the counter available in the UK to help extend this length or is it all only GP prescription?

this is my second cycle since TTC back in 2001 -2008 when i had all my tests done (2004ish) which the results were never really discussed other than abnormal as my EX's tests were so severally abnormal that it didn't matter what mine said, it was never going to happen.

My optimism is diminishing today!!

Hey just curious since I havnt looked into it why is it not good for your LP to be shorter then 13 days? I think I just figured out that I have been Ovulating later then I have been thinking. I ovulated on CD20 of a 30 day cycle leaving only a 10 day LP :S
Hey just curious since I havnt looked into it why is it not good for your LP to be shorter then 13 days? I think I just figured out that I have been Ovulating later then I have been thinking. I ovulated on CD20 of a 30 day cycle leaving only a 10 day LP :S

Sorry didn't mean to worry you xx

From what i can gather it isn't enough time for the uterus to thicken enough for a good sticky bean should a bean be made? some people when they O late they still have a 14 day LP - giving them irregular cycles, however, my cycles are regularly only 23 days so i don't know what to think :shrug:
Thaaaankkssss Jo Bean!!!! Good job with the new thread. Looks like it is moving faster than the old one! Yay for new faces. Welcome, welcome, welcome. And how is everyone doing today?

StefanieC- I feel you pain and your DH's. I quit smoking a couple years ago and is was so, so, so hard. But I tell ya, I wouldn't have done it without my DH pushing me to. The best thing you can do is not take it personally that he hasn't quit yet. Quitting is so, so hard. And VERY scary (even just thinking about right now gives me the chills, and I've already quit)! The first month was the hardesst thing I've ever done in my life. Just remind him occasionally how much you dislike it and how bad it is for him, but try not to fight or be angry. He has to make the decision for himself- people that quit just because someone tells them to are almost 100% going to end up picking it back up again later. Cutting back is often the first step a smoker makes when they want to quit, and it sounds like he's got that part down. That's a BIG step to some smokers. (I know it was for me.) Maaybe take the time out to tell him how proud you are of him for giving up some of his smokes and offer to help him put together a quitting smoking plan. The best advice I could give him is pick a "Quit Day" far enough out in the future (say a month) that it doesn't seem scary yet and then everyday work on the "Quitting Plan". For me that was getting carrots, lolli's, crosswords, new video games, etc- anything that I could occupy myself with when the urge to smoke happened. It's important to be prepared for all environments, too. When he finally does quit, he'll have built up to it. And people who plan it out have a much, much higher chance of staying quit. And when he does quit (because with you there to support him I know he will!) just remind him that when the nic-fit does hit, must cravings only ast 5 minutes and then go away for however long he usually waits between cigs. Occupying those 5 minutes in ANY way that keeps him from smoking is what you have to focus on. Sorry for the hugs paragraph, but I know how hard this struggle can be. You two can do it!!!

UPDATE: CD33 and STILL no positive OPK. Oh mah gawwwwwd I'm gonna lose my mind! Come on second line! You can doooo iiiiitttt!!!!

hey pinksprinkles, your advise is spot on :thumbup:
Ive never smoked and i'll be honest have never wanted to, but my OH is a smoker, he doesnt smoke much when he is at home because it means going into the garden for one but when he is with his friends and family who are all smokers and with the lads from work who are all smokers he smokes quite a lot.
I used to moan at him all the time that i wished he would quit, that it wasnt good for him and all the usual naggings etc etc.
He tried to pack in on numerous occasions and done ok but then he would start back up again, that was until Christmas just gone when everything suddenly seemed to hit home.
It all suddenly just seemed to click that to get that sticky bean that we both so desperatley want then we both needed to be on track not just me, and since then he has been brilliant, he hasnt stopped completely but he is down to buying only 10 a week and has 2 a day he also wears patches and he is determined to stop completely by the summer and im so very proud of him which i tell him often and i've found that by praising him for how well he has done rather than nagging him to stop is definately better by far :happydance:

Good luck StefanieC I hope your hubby gets on board with it all soon

and thanks PinkSprinkles

Well i cant keep up with you all lol its just taking off now huh??!!??

Its helped me a lot to see we have 4 :bfp: in the group so far, it can be done and i think it will set of a chain reaction in the next few months :)

As for me ~ im still having a cycle from hell i think its 60+ days now, by far my longest cycle, i cant wait for next cycle to start, ive got opks and hpts and im just going to take a break from :sex: on Ov days on the next cycle, im going to keep charting and focus on when i ov and finding it, diet, weight loss, getting started properly on my slim fast milkshakes, water tablets and vitamins, exercise and relaxation. i need to free my up my mind because all i want is to see those 2 lines im just not thinking about anything else, every symptom is always pregnancy related, every leaf that drops near me means i have to be pregnant and im going to make myself crazy so im taking time out now, i dont care if AF shows her ugly ass and i dont care about Home pregnancy tests...... im going to enjoy the fact that me and fella can :sex: whenever we want and not have to worry that shes here stopping us :) cosy nights, relaxing baths, painting and drawing and learning more songs on my accoustic guitar as ive neglected her for ages and ive forgotten everything OH has taught me so far lol

Hope your all doing well girls :) i love chatting to you all and getting to know you, you are all better than my real friends who just dont know what i go through every month, i hope to get to know you new comers really well and im here anytime you ladies want to rant and rave or just get stuff off your chest as we are like a little family now :) Sisters from another mother :) xxx

Yo Sis ..... ha ha love it We Are Family :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Loving your new outlook and plan hope it all works out for you babe i have everything crossed for you xxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:
Great job, Jo! :) Can't believe this is already Page 8 and i'm JUST coming to the party! lol

I just had my 27th birthday....yesterday. :)
Hubby is 39 (just turned March 23) and we are TTC our first. He has 2 beautiful grown daughters (ages 16 and 17 (almost 17 and 18)) from a previous relationship. We have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility.

This cycle was my first soy cycle....and I thought I had ovulated only to have FF take away my O date....TWICE! It's now back, and giving me an EDD of December 24th!!! So i'm hoping we caught this time, although I know the chances are slim.

I had the flu...and weirdly caught a yeast infection which I haven't EVER had before. So I think my chances of conceiving are slim to none. :( But hey....a curvy girl can dream. I hope i'll be eating these words in 2 weeks. lol

HEEEELLLLLLOOOOO curvy bumps! :)

Many Happy Returns Lovely, and welcome to the party, its taken me well over an hour to catch up :wacko:

Hope your feeling all better now and F'xd for yor sticky bean :thumbup:
Wow.. I was gone for like a day and there's so much to catch up on :happydance:

My DH and I are going to see a reproductive endocrinologist in a few weeks and I'm a lil uneasy and nervous. This will be our first appt with a RE and I know she's going to test for everything under the sun which makes me even more uneasy. I've worried about what she is going to say and her response to my weight, etc! :wacko:

Anyone else been to a RE? What was your experience like?

Anyways, I noticed earlier you girls were talking about how unfair infertility is, and let me say I completely, 100% agree with you!! In my line of work I see all ages (youngest was 12 oldest was 52) being pregnant and having babies, and honestly, all I want to do is cry :cry: I've always wanted to be a mom, always! And now that my life is at the prefect place in life to have a baby, we can't get pregnant. 3 long years of TTC and 2 failed adoptions have almost completely pushed me into depression. BUT! I know that one day (hopefully sooner than later) my time will come and I will hold that sweet baby I have prayed so hard for and I will know and understand why I went through what I'm going through and so will all of you! :hugs:

Mel Mel your time will definately come i can feel it, when that baby is ready for you to be its Mom it will happen, and you will be the most perfect parents because you want this so badly, I am loving your positivity and i have evrything crossed for you :hugs:
lots of love and :dust::dust:to you xxxx
Geeezzzz it's taken me so long to catch up with you all and to get acquainted with all of our new Curvy's, it's fab reading all of your posts I feel like we have all bonded really well, i'm loving our new home :thumbup: thanks JoB

Oops I've gone a bit post crazy here havent I, I haven't been on for a couple of days so forgive me but i've missed you all :happydance:

So I'm cycle day 11 today, steady temps, neg opk's, sticky CM and :sex: every other day so far I also have pomegrante juice, preseed, Pregnacare Vits for myself and OH, but I'm trying not to stress about it too much this cycle .......... :blush: honestly ha ha ha ha :blush:
As you can see everything is in place and now im just going with the flow so fingers crossed for a sticky one this cycle :wacko::wacko:

Hope everyone else is ok and enjoying their Easter Weekend

:dust: to you all
I've just realised that although I've seen you guys around the boards and have joined Team Curvy Bumps, I've not actually really introduced myself to you ladies properly so thought I should.

I am 25 and my DH is 26. We have been married for just over a year and have been together for just over 3 years. We are currently in our first cycle of ttc baby #1 after I came off BC. I am taking Pregnacare vits and am using OPKs, my DH is quitting smoking and we are BDing every other day in hopes of catching that little egg!

Also had my first +opk today on CD23! I know it doesn't mean i necessarily ovulated but I am just so relieved to see that smiley face after testing for the last 2 weeks!

So hello and I'm so happy to be part of such a supportive group :) :hugs:
Hey ladies. I am feeling pretty down. I've had very light test lines on the OPK for the last three days after nothing since the beginning of my cycle- and I really was thinking I was finally going to O. Got DH all excited and taking his supplements and drinking his water- and now nothing is progressing. Still light lines, but definitely not getting any darker. I'm trying to convince myself that light lines are better than not getting any test line at all, but deep down I don't really believe it anymore. I just wish I would O. I'm on CD 36 and this is about the time AF is usually due for me- somewhere between CD33 and CD42, and I haven't even managed to O yet. Mother of *%*%&#$*@#&$....Now on my 12th straight day of fertile CM. I just wish something would happen!!! :cry:
Aw sprinkles. That's so depressing! Are you drinking loads of water or something? Maybe your per is super diluted? I can't think of anything to suggest but I just wants to reply with hugs and say don't give up. Just keep bding anyway xxxx :hugs:
aww sprinkles im sorry your down hun bit :hugs: just keep at the bding hun :flower:

I caved and get a peg test yesterday but BFN was staring at me, ive still not put the urine test in to the docs, but im going to do it on tuesday and i got a blood test on wednesday which im not looking forward to :(
Hugs for both of you ladies today :flower:

Sprinkles it sounds like your having a right old time of it, i'm no expert on these matters but surely a faint line is better than no line, maybe you did O'
and this is your late LH surge ?? I dont know what to say to make it better, but if your still DTD there's still a chance, isnt there :hugs:

Magic my lovely I really hope you get yourself sorted out soon, you really have had it tough, I'm so sorry you had another BFN, you really are having a crazy cycle arent you ?
Dont be scared of your blood tests they will be over in seconds I have them every 6 months to monitor my Thyroid Levels, I have Hypothyroidism (underactive) and you soon get used to them :thumbup: and at least when you've had them done they may be able to give you some answers :thumbup:

lots of love to you both xxxxxx:
Well I'm 30 weigh 315 and have 1 ovary and Fallopian tube. this is my 2nd month trying. After i had myvleft ovary removed the dr checked and aid my uterus and remaining ovary is fine and i should be able to get pregnant. So I decided to start charting but how do you know when you ovulated what should I look for
Well I'm 30 weigh 315 and have 1 ovary and Fallopian tube. this is my 2nd month trying. After i had myvleft ovary removed the dr checked and aid my uterus and remaining ovary is fine and i should be able to get pregnant. So I decided to start charting but how do you know when you ovulated what should I look for

I know I'm getting ahead of myself here seeing as I'm not a member of your group yet... But have you checked out ? They have an excellent charting course to teach you eaverything you need to know. You can also track your BBT on their site, and it tells you when and if you ovulate.

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