Poppy & Tink- Thank you
he had it all day in between feeds but ended up drinking about 2oz throughout the day but she only gave it to him that one day (he doesnt like water he want milk
). He went other night but was up crying whole night cause he was trying again and couldnt go
plus I guess his gums were hurting from the thrush
but he should be okay cause he went 3 days without going and he went day before yesterday I suppose his body got to get used to the formula he is on
at describing your nipples as crusty
Tink- So do you think that we should give him water if he straining? Or wait till tomorrow to see if it comes through itself? Glad you had a nice valentines night!
AFM- Nothing to update really
My dog is petrified of baby crying he hides under the bed shaking
he shakes about everything, he needs to grow a backbone
If you met him you would know what I mean I think he does it for attention because he is extremely needy and he is not getting so much attention as the baby is so he is jealous
My OH has hired a transit to go pick up 2 cockatiels
what is he on
What would you advise the best baby formula milk? Dexter is on SMA.. Im on really early today just noticed and Im rambling because I cant think of anything to say
Oh can you see my chart by clicking on my ticker now? Or do I need that OV chart thing up? (not updated it yet though