zzzzzzz Still not awake
Think its gonna be one of them days.
China, I'm feeling sad for you honey
day 1 is the pits and I so wanted you to be successful this time. I'm glad your gonna temp, I think it will help to see whats happening with your cycle
for this to be your BFP cycle
MC, hows the spotting situation, move the feck outta the way blooming placenta! I really hope DH lets you get the doppler, its so reassuring to be able to hear HB whenever you want
Agree with Pops and the others about weight gain. I am not weighing myself. Over in the UK we don't usually get weighed apart from our first appointment to screen if we are likely to be higher risk. Now with scans and stuff its easy to tell if bubba is growing properly so its not really needed. I personally have always put on a lot of weight in pregnancy, but lost it quite easilly after. I think as long as your trying to keep to a healthy diet (which can include your naughty cravings - me its sweets lol) you'll be just fine. Bubba takes what it needs FIRST and we get what's left. So unless your eating so little you are seriously deficiant in something, bubba will get what it needs. Yes you might suffer if you have low levels of stores but bubba won't.
Popsy, little raskel Korben with his shoes
I am pressuring Babydream to test also
Chart looking mighty fine
Sleeping Bubs, I'm fed up with your doctor also. Don't really know what to suggest, have you any 'walk in' G.P services around where you live? I'm just trying to think how you could get another opinion easily without having to go to A&E again. Hope he gets better soon honey x
Damita, 5DPO already!
glad your sticking around x
hope you get on well at the DM today honey, sorry your feeling down in the dumps again today x
Coralista, want me to book our tickets for the show? hope your ok today. That chilli was so nice but I had ridiculous heart burn yesterday. Your tummy take it ok? x