hello again luvlies
poppy, how ADORABLE korben is!!! and so little to be walking already!!! awwww! so precious!!
i think your opk looks neg hun, but defo on the way to being positive. who knows...you still might end up ov'ing at the usual time for you
tink and coral...you 2 looked lovely at your lunch! so wonderful you got to see each other!
would be so awesome if we could plan for a huge ding dong get together at some point!
MC, coral, hopes, pheobe, your bumps are all looking wonderful sweeties!
such precious
ding dongs in there!!
i can't remember much of what else was posted now sweeties...i'm glad babyd got "home" safe to visit her family
all that reading and my brain's fried!!!
and i've been having such a hard time focusing today, so that's why it's taken me so long to get through it luvvies...and i had to take dh to the doc this morning.
good grief i've got my days confused!!! keep thinking it's saturday! the kids didn't have school today and again on monday, so today feels like saturday!!
anyway, the flu bug is going around here same as there in the UK i guess
my son was sick with it last week (thur/fri), then dh got sick on sunday...running a fever and very ill until wed, then dd2 had it on wed/thur this week. ugh. hoping it's over now and nobody else gets it!
anyway, after dh had the flu, then he developed a bad bladder infection, so we had to go back to the doc this morning for bloodwork. i think everything's fine, just following-up to make sure it gets all cleared up.
as you know, the witch got me
it was really hard to deal with the last days leading up to and day of, of course.
on monday, i "thought" i saw a line again, but i didn't have time to post before work. on tues, it was defo bfn and af started wed morning.
well, i'm ok now. with dh being ill and getting af at the same time, we were able to talk again, and he was willing to talk to the doc about his sa. so we asked the doc while we were there wed for a referral. the doc is also new to the area, so he really didn't know what to do/say, BUT through it all, dh gave me the green light to set up appt with ob/gyn and get a referral that way. and i have appt on tues, feb 22nd, so VERY soon!!! not long to wait at all!
now just hoping that this is a good doc who will listen and get things started. if not, i'll have to set up a new consult with a different doc but i'm really really hoping this will be good! and dh is all on board again about ttc and everything.
so overall, i'm feeling very positive.
BUT, since i'm going to see the doc on tues, and i'm HOPING she will start testing with me too, i'm not sure whether or not to start soy tonight!! yikes!
i can't make up my mind. i feel the soy has been helping me, but maybe i shouldn't so i will have a "clean" cycle to go over everything with the doc??? i know it's getting late over there in the uk girls, but let me know what you think!! i have to leave in about 30 minutes to take the kids to meet their father. they're staying with him for the weekend. i think dh and i will go out to dinner...