Hey :wave:
Hopes- I would say try a day without vits and see if its that?
glad u getting sickness meds though will be alot better for you!
PK- Your posts are always long and fun to read, don't worry about going on its nice to have conversations non-ttc related and know more about our fellow ding dongs!
Poppy- I think you have to produce a mature enough egg to produce LH as the other girls said
AFM- More house hunting
Absolutely hate it!
was fun at first but now its just hassle especially the places we have seen i wouldn't let my dog step foot in them
and the nice ones were TINY! Sorry for the rant, still no +OPK but due to do one shortly so will see (usually get one CD 15)
Completely fed up with college course, all the people on it are complete BITCHES and i can't be doing with people like that, they act like 13yo school girls
and course isn't even about animals it more about jobs you can do with animals and we never actually do anything with actual animals just bloody pictures! Fed up, i wanted to be hands on as fed up of sitting in a classroom but this is completely what i didn't want. Been on course for nearly 2 years and its just got worse, debating quitting and just getting half the qualification as they messed up my train pass so i couldn't go for 8 weeks so i am a whole term behind anyway
sorry just fed up
Little dexter is such a sweetie he brightens my days
fed him for first time yesterday
so cute! He is doing well, up to 4oz of milk per feed already and he still wants it every three hours although SIL only feeds him every 4 cause she doesn't want to overfeed him, he is really bad of an evening at night he just screams and screams for no apparent reason and we all have to basically hold him while he is crying cause nothing pacifies him
doesn't matter though cause he such a sweeties HV said its cause he is a baby and he can't go on hungry baby work till 6weeks
Wish i would hurry up and ovulate already!