Rest of story- She was pushing for hours and head had swollen so was stuck in birth canal as she was not getting contractions very often by the time they told her to start pushing they were like every 30minutes and they could only get 3 pushes in each time. They then took her to theatre gave her an episiotomy and used the ventouse she was on last try before they proceeded for c-section (they had topped up epidural ready and everything) when suddenly baby shot out like the whole of him in one push
So thats the rest, he coming home today I cant wait for another snuggle with him, but Im jealous that everyone else gonna be holding him the whole time and I wont get ago cant imagine what SIL is feeling like
Hopes- They did episiotomy on sister in law cause babys head had swollen and it was stuck in her birth canal and she couldnt stretch enough to get baby out so they cut her to give her more room to get him out of (that sounds really gross)
. You only just realised it has to come out
Wohoo youre a plum
Thank you all for your words of congratulations
will get pic up as soon as I can find my lead for my phone!
Goodluck Jenny- a nice relaxed cycle is always good
Plus a lot of ladies conceive on their first cycle after stopping soy/ clomid
Tink- So gonna try that hot chocolate now, you made me want it
that video is funny, he going to be real happy with you
Poppy- Good luck for testing tomorrow!
Goodluck on getting BFP! Even better luck for testing with your IC, it must be a sign to randomly find it
Coral- Goodluck for scan hun! Really hope its your little girl for you!
Damita- Aww hunny
Goodluck hun and I hope you get your bfp as soon as you start trying again! Yay! For keep trying, I hope you can sort something out hun! Cause 2 years is a real long time!
Really Sorry if I missed anyone! If I did then
to you!
AFM- AF due tomorrow 12dpo already this cycle had flown by! CP high, closed, half is soft half is hard
CM- white, creamy/watery Feeling completely out as we literally only dtd on days needed this cycle we only dtd 5 times throughout whole cycle
SIL & baby are coming home today
just waiting on paediatrician to see baby cause he was on obs for meconium and cause waters were broken for over 48hours and the distress in labour but he is doing just fine. I think she is suffering from gender disappointment as when I went to see her she said I wish I could call him Isabelle I really wanted a girl and only time she held him was when he wanted feeding, but Im sure it wont last for long she got beautiful little baby regardless of gender & she can always have another one! Kind of got a little excited in shop ended up spending £50 on 1 balloon, some banners, a card and a huge teddy, a photo frame, first curl pot and first tooth pot and a daddy cup holder and a mummy keyring