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Team GB Bumps - UK BFP's *30 BFP's*

How is everyone getting on?
I think after last month, AF arriving at 7dpo, I may have found an answer as to why its taking so long this time. I still hope last month was a one off, but if it isn't then at least I now know why.
I am still breastfeeding my youngest and had been thinking "well I'm ovulating and having regular periods so there's obviously no issues due to breastfeeding". But have discovered that prolactin (the milk producing hormone) can lower progesterone, which in turn can lead to a short LP. I hadn't been to serious on the opks etc in previous months and so could have missed this before. But apparently vitamin B6 can help to lengthen the luteal phase. I'm feeling very torn atm
Hey ladies... Well hubby due home Saturday. Will probs be delayed knowing the army! AF still not made an appearance yet. We had a street party yesterday and a local man who had just returned from carrying the Olympic torch was there too with his replica torch so I got a pic with my lil boy holding it, fx'd that'll bring me some luck.

Anyone testing yet? Xx
I'm now at 1dpo. Not sure where I stand atm but excited to know that soon I'll know if my short LP was a one of for some unknown reason or if its a regular thing. Then can get on with things. I have 1 IC so I'm really going to try not to test before 14dpo (if I make it that far)
Hi all not been around for a was bit DD sick again, been up to a&e twice in the last week :cry: She's on the mend so feel a bit more able to get back involved!

So no BFP news yet? Looking back think some of us are due to test very soon, so hope there's some great news on the horizon

Have the night off tomorrow, hubby staying home with DD and me, my mum and sister are off to see westlife at the O2 :happydance: such a guilty pleasure, very excited!!

I do have a charting question if anyone can help? I only just really noticed that none of my temps sinc AF have dropped below coverline, based on my coverline temp last cycle. Does the coverline temp differ each cycle? Last cycle coverline was 36.25ish, all pre O temps below this, this cycle all my temps have stayed at post O temps. Any ideas? I guess I just assumed coverline would be roughly the same each month?
Hi ladies,

Sorry for the radio silence from me, been so busy with work lately I've not had chance to think about anything else! FF says that I'm 14DPO but to be honest I don't believe it, my temps are all over the place and I don't think I've ovulated since I came off the pill in January, so I've not done a test this morning. Will do one later in the week but I don't really expect to be pregnant, but equally I don't expect AF either. My last cycle was over 60 days so who knows when AF will show. Trying to not be bothered by my crazy cycles, but I really am! Sob sob!

Baby dust to you all. x
I do have a charting question if anyone can help? I only just really noticed that none of my temps sinc AF have dropped below coverline, based on my coverline temp last cycle. Does the coverline temp differ each cycle? Last cycle coverline was 36.25ish, all pre O temps below this, this cycle all my temps have stayed at post O temps. Any ideas? I guess I just assumed coverline would be roughly the same each month?

Good to hear your DD is getting better, must have been worrying for you. x

My cycles are nothing like being normal but from what I've heard others say each month your temps can vary a bit and so your coverline can be different each cycle.
Hi all, I don't think I'm going to ovulate again this cycle either, my temps are rubbish, so I won't be testing anytime soon but good luck to anyone who is. :thumbup:
Hi Ladies :hi:

Back from honeymoon and checking in with a quick note. Have I missed anything the last 2 1/2 weeks??
Hi Ladies :hi:

Back from honeymoon and checking in with a quick note. Have I missed anything the last 2 1/2 weeks??

You've not missed anything from me! Hope you had a fantastic time! :flower:
Congrats and welcome back anniepie
Glad your daughter is on the mend ttcbambino
I am only on my 1st cycle of temping. Not sure exactly what it should be doing atm. Gone down down down, up, up, down, up then down again! I'm pretty sure going by them and +opk and cm, cp and other symptoms that I am 2dpo but waiting for FF to mark me as such. I had the +opk the 2nd day my temp rose, then it dipped the next day which should have been O jusdging my everything else, then rose the next day so I assumed it would keep rising :/ Now I'm not so sure
Congrats and welcome back anniepie
Glad your daughter is on the mend ttcbambino
I am only on my 1st cycle of temping. Not sure exactly what it should be doing atm. Gone down down down, up, up, down, up then down again! I'm pretty sure going by them and +opk and cm, cp and other symptoms that I am 2dpo but waiting for FF to mark me as such. I had the +opk the 2nd day my temp rose, then it dipped the next day which should have been O jusdging my everything else, then rose the next day so I assumed it would keep rising :/ Now I'm not so sure

Can you link your chart to your signature? Then we can have a look and see if we can help? x

AF came today and I know I should be sad but I'm not, I think that maybe I ovulated for the first time this cycle so am really chuffed that my body might be sorting itself out! So I'm going to try everything I can this cycle, temping, checking CM, opks, eating healthily, EPO, etc etc to try and catch that egg!

Good luck ladies who are testing soon, wonder who'll be the first with a :bfp:

Sorry not been about much ladies, still waiting for our first BFP, come on ladies get to it :haha:
I had a big temp jump today! Hope thats a good sign.
I'm not sure how to link it
Hi ladies! I have some news to share! ...........

Congratulations Jo!

My Af showed up today! Means I'm out for this month - didn't have a huge amount of hope for this month anyhow with donation six days before ovulation - but on the positive side, the soy iso's moved my ov to cd 18/19 and my luteal phase to 10/11 days instead of my usual 10 days between first +opk and period.

Booking a holiday for September on Wednesday. Seven whole days of beautiful New York goodness :) If I'm pregnant by then... I want this buggy...

hey can i join this! im in uk and will have been ttc for a year in august hopefully i'll have my bfp before the closing ceremony!! :) xx

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