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Team GB Bumps - UK BFP's *30 BFP's*

Congrats Jo!! That's fantastic news. So pleased for you! Bet you were over the moon when you saw that second line! x

Hi Charliekay, welcome to GB bumps. Baby dust to you. x
Congratulations Jo. The first of the GB bumps, great news.

Laura that pram is amazing, love it.

Am giving some thought to testing early as bbs are bigger and nipples covered in white spots. Looked it up, as I've never seen the dots raised like that before, and apparently it can be a pg system. Also keep getting hot flushes and have slight nausea. Of course it could be psychological...
Hi ladies! I have some news to share! ...........


Awesome news! So it's a race to silver and bronze medals lol!

DH returns tomorrow. I'm sooooo blooming excited!
A friend txt me this morning saying she had a dream last night that I was pregnant and she was my birthing partner.... Hope that's a sign! She's a big believer in the book 'The Secret' so fx'd!!

Have any of you read the secret? I've just started .... It's amazing!
Thanks lisaloo. :wohoo:

A few people have recommended that book actually! I might have to get a copy!
No I havent heard of that, might have to look it up.
I'm OFFICIALLY 5dpo now as FF gave me crosshairs at last lol
Congratulations Jo! Hooray! Very exciting!

I should ovulate on Monday so preparing for more Team GB team talks. I think we should put up banners supporting the teams.

"Copulation for the Nation!"
"Support our GB swimmers"

It might intimidate DH though. Lol.

Decided to be a bit spiritual about it all this month, I have Moonstone and Rose Quartz jewellery on and am having a Reiki session next week so looking forward to that :)

Jo_Bean, love love LOVE the profile pic! Are you a poas addict and we'll get a new one next week with the new number of weeks pregnant updated?! I totally would! I read some of your journal, sounds like you deserve that BFP sooooo much, really happy for you getting that gold medal before the Olympics has even started! Are you going to start a pregnancy journal or just keep your other one? Will be stalking you! x
Update for me ladies - I had a look at FF and if this cycle is the same as last cycle, I should O around 6th July, and so should test on 20th July - which is my hubbys 30th birthday!! What an amazing present that would be if I could tell him I'm preggers! Eeeeek so excited for his birthday now! I'm going to buy some digis so that if I am I can wrap one up as a present for him and that's how I'll tell him! I know I'm clearly setting myself up for disappointment big style if it doesn't happen, but for now I'm going to think positive and do everything I can to get pregnant this cycle! Wish me luck!
Congrats Jo on the gold medal- far better than any that the Olympians will win :thumbup:

Laura LOVE the pram :D

I've had a busy week back to work from honeymoon, so not been about much. Bit frustrated too as still waiting to O, and O hasn't been compliant in the bedroom. cd 27 today and still no O, likely due to the travel- I O late generally anyway, but last time I went abroad I didn't O until cd28. TMI, but I've had heaps of EWCM the last few days. Actually had a spell of it a week or so ago too, but didn't materialise in an egg- this happens with me sometimes, though. After a frustrating few days of trying to get some :sex: had a good session this morning just before DH headed off for the rest of the weekend, so at least I'm covered for a few days. Not had a + OPK yet, but line started to show yesterday, so fingers crossed today's will be +

:dust: to all of you who are approaching test day :dust:
If I make it that far I'm planning on testing on the 17th as its Fathers Day. I think I'm setting my self up for disappointment too. According to FF my due date would be my mum in laws birthday, and my last baby I got my bfp a week before fathers day. planned to wrap the test but couldnt wait so never did it LMAO Chances of another bfp at fathers day are low I think lol
Jo_Bean, love love LOVE the profile pic! Are you a poas addict and we'll get a new one next week with the new number of weeks pregnant updated?! I totally would! I read some of your journal, sounds like you deserve that BFP sooooo much, really happy for you getting that gold medal before the Olympics has even started! Are you going to start a pregnancy journal or just keep your other one? Will be stalking you! x

Hee! :yipee: thanks cheska!

Yep, I think I will update the profile pic each week, going to order some more tests for exactly that reason :haha:

I was thinking about a pregnancy journal yes, not sure when to cross over really. I think I will wait a week or so as I am scared to move to fast, don't want to jinx anything!
:dust: to you all! I will get my Pom poms out to cheer you all on!
Congrats Jo_Bean, may it be the first of many :D

In other news, I got my crosshairs today!!! Thought it would never happen. :D
Yey Loulou!! Fingers crossed you've got lucky this cycle! When will you be testing?

Anniepie, what you doing on here, get :sex: !!!! Hehe!

I have such a positive feeling about this group, come one, let's get another one on the podium with Jo!!

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