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Team GB Bumps - UK BFP's *30 BFP's*

Right so I'm going to be getting me some pineapple and honey and cinnamon with my next lot of shopping lol
I'm waiting for some pre-seed, and opks to arrive but as I'm still only on cd 4 they will be here in plenty off time
Mmmmm...pineapple with honey and cinnamon....now there's an idea (and a touch of pommegranate on the side). Forget TTC....my mouth is watering!!!

So what's everyone else trying this month?

MrsBump sorry AF got you
I am:
:flow: Temping
:flow: Checking CM
:flow: Checking CP
:flow: Using opks from CD12
:flow: Evening Primrose Oil to help with CM
:flow: Grapefruit juice to help with CM
And possibly SMEP, I'm certainly going to try every other day from CD10, and see how it goes. I could probably start it later as I don't expect to O until CD30 but part of me just wants to get started and hope it happens earlier!
Good plan cheska :thumbup: be careful you don't wear yourselves out before ov though :haha: all that :sex:!!!!!
Thanks Jo, haha I know, I'm not sure if I'm up to all that BDing anymore, I'm no spring chicken anymore after hitting the big 3-0 :haha: But I'll give it a whirl, us olympians have to train hard to get the medals!
Sorry AF got you Mrsbump

I'm not big on herbal teas, do you think having raisins normally would be a good idea though? We get through quite a lot here, my dd loves them, don't normally get a look in!

I bought a psychic reading off ebay, Gail Cuffe, and it came today, wasn't expecting it till next week! Anyone fancy a read, don't want to clog up the thread and I don't have a journal, but I'll put it on if anyone else is interested!!
yes would love to read. I had a few done while in the wtt forum but they were a bit rubbish I'm afraid. Had one from Gail-expected it in 3 days but got it in 2 hours...must say it wasn't me at all!!! Others I know got one from her which were much better. Take it all with a pinch and as a bit of fun...
Yes definitely, I've just ordered one an hour ago too! Please post it and let us know what you think. x
Your Reading
By Gail Cuffe Psychic Medium

Linking in around you, I feel your life is quite hectic with alot of focus around children and the home, but feel your happy with this and how your life is going, and you will always have a big focus around family I'm very close to my family and have always wanted a family, I used to dress up as a bride when I was little and shove jumpers under my tops to pretned I was preggers :blush:

I sense a slight worry around finances, but spirit show me 2012 brings many improvements there, and you do have alot of spirit around you, and I feel you can be quite psychic yourself Very true, DH was made redundant before our wedding, I was made redundant at 6 mths pg and we're not as solvent as we we're, I worry about it more than DH, I took a pt job inn the evenings to help out. When I ordered the reading, I said to myself, 'I bet she says I have psychic tendancies, ooh err!

Spirit show me 2 more conceptions for you quite strongly, and I see July 2012 as your conception month, with a baby girl born 2013 and all is well around pregnancy itself, as is labour and birth I said to DH I have a feeling we'll have 2 girls :cloud9:

I then see another conception for August 2015 and a 2016 birth, and a baby boy, again with all showing well and problem free and this child will then complete your family for you

So to clarify I see 2 children ahead for you and wish you all the best for the future Never ever saw myself with 3, but I'll take whatever we're blessed with!
I've asked for it to be moved back if anyone is wondering why thread is here! If anyone knows how to fix it, please bring us back!
that's a good positive reading hun, you are gonna get your GB Bump if she is right :D

yeah wonder why it's moved?? thanks for asking for it to be moved back.
I'm not big on herbal teas, do you think having raisins normally would be a good idea though? We get through quite a lot here, my dd loves them, don't normally get a look in!

dunno if raisins do anything for your fertility wise... But they're definitely good for you anyhow. It's the cinnamon and honey that are meant to be good for nice strong eggies :)
Ttcbambino, tvat's a great reading, fingers crossed she's right about next month and you get your BFP in time for the Olympic ceremony! Weird about the psychic thing too!

And how strange we're now in the 2ww, I wish I was!!!!
That's a great reading hun :thumbup: fingers crossed it comes true :dust:

Weird, why would the thread be moved? Must be an accident. :wacko:
Ladies it's still here and no response to my post in the help section, I'll bump it and see if anyone gets in touch! Anyone else know how to contact admin?
I had a reading done over a year ago. It was really detailed and was so spot on on just about everything. Except the fact that I'd conceive a baby girl in March 2011. My friend had a reading by the same woman and again everything was spot on except the bit about the baby!
Hi ladies, I'm from N.Ireland and would love a bfp before the Olympics finish (ideally earlier!)

Can I join?!

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