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Team GB Bumps - UK BFP's *30 BFP's*

Also I saw a "Happy 1st Father's Day" card today and told DF I will be able to get it him next year hopefully.:cloud9: I feel so good about this month it's weird.
I got my dh a dad to be one when I was due Liv, saw one today in the shops and thought of Jo & Satine. Is anyone testing this weekend?

What sort of OV symptoms do you get? I have (normal for me) side pinching, last cycle on cd21 it was right side, this evening it's left side and a bit of cramping. Although felt a bit unusual earlier?! Not sure if I'm coming down with something. I felt a bit dizzy, really tired and just off so had a lie down with a glass of vino and some ice cream and now I feel fine! Also my loolah feels 'heavy' :blush: thats the only way I can describe it could be all the :sex: I guess :winkwink:
I just had cramps this time but they lasted for a good few days mostly on my left side so I assume that's the side I O'd from. We didn't BD on O day only the days leading up to it:dohh: but I remember the day before I O'd BD'ing was painful but the pain didn't last long. I usually feel dizzy and even sick sometimes but I guess the soy might of helped with my symptoms.

I am dyinggggggg to test!
Not long to testing loulou fingers crossed for a lovely :bfp:

I'm a bit of a POAS addict, so tested opk again today at 10.30 and the test line is darker than the control line :happydance: Never ever happened before so I'm very excited. Sorry to bore everyone, but here's another picture!!! Now do I still count yesterdays as a positive or just today's as today's was darker? And how many days shall we keep :sex: Only fly in the ointment is ewcm seems to have gone missing :growlmad:


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loulou your chart is looking good Fxed for you hun :)

bambino count both as positive and keep BD for at least another few days to make extra sure you catch the eggy :D

:dust: :dust: :dust:
All 3 :D

Positive opk's are usually darker than the control line, maybe you should test every couple of hours after you get what you think is a positive and see if it gets even darker? It's surprising how much it can change in 2 hours and it's easy to miss the surge.

I test usually about 11am each day, then when I had got my positives I'd test about 4pm and again around 7pm. The afternoon and evening ones were never positive, even when the morning of and morning after ones were. It was really weird. And the morning ones were definitely positives, test line was darker than control. I asked a few times in the forums and no one had heard of it before so who knows?! :shrug: I just hope it doesn't mean that my body is trying to ovulate but not quite managing. :cry:
I never get positives in the evening only with SMU which is usually around 11 or 12.

Not everybody's body follows the standard rules, atleast that's what I put it down to!
I never get positives in the evening only with SMU which is usually around 11 or 12.

Not everybody's body follows the standard rules, atleast that's what I put it down to!

It's good to know I'm not alone in only being able to get a positive on a morning, I do hold off on using the bathroom for 4 hours and try not to drink much in that time in the afternoon/evening, so who knows. When I posted my question before a couple of the girls said to stop testing on a morning as they weren't true positives, which really got me down as I was thinking I'll never get a positive. But I think i'll carry on doing what I'm doing and give it a few months and see what happens.
Yeah people kept telling me to not test in the morning, which is ridiculous IMO because you can surge at any time of the day! I would just go with your instinct, not everyone knows what they're talking about really. Most tests do state that you can actually use them with FMU.

Edit: Oops posted before I finished.
32 dpo ................


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Wow! Congratulations hun, that's great news!! I think we might get lots of Team GB bumps on the way!

Who's testing this week? Who can we get excited and nervous for next? I'm waiting for O so it won't be me.

waiting to O also. Based on last month should be in 7/8 days x
Congrats, BFPs are really starting happen now!
I'm waiting to O. its been around day 19/20 but not sure how B6 affects this, If I should expect O earlier or just a longer cycle. I also have preseed this cycle just in case the B6 works well enough to allow an egg to actually implant.
Congrats babydeacon!!

I'm due to test this week. Usually have a 10 day LP but want to wait until 12dpo to test if AF hasn't shown. Although I must confess I did poas today-Bfn but I know its stupid early at 7-86dpo (not clear when I O'd this month)
I'll be 6dpo tomorrow so testing from then onwards.

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