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Team GB Bumps - UK BFP's *30 BFP's*

of course you can hun, welcome and loads of :dust: for you :)
Thanks :) Unfortunately I think af is about to rear her ugly head, so will have to try harder next month to beat the Olympics!

Congrats on your BFP!
thankyou :)

Have you not got a link to your chart? you're not out until the :witch: shows ;)
No I chart on an app on my phone. My temp was actually ok this morning (36.69C with my cover line around 36.45C) so I was really pleased, but I am having quite a lot of spotting today, and it's exactly what I get each month the day or two before she shows up. It's OK though, this is the first cycle I'm pretty sure I won't break down and cry, just move onwards and upwards instead.
Ah ok well if she does rear her ugly head then on with the next cycle :)
Hello lovely ladies! Just starting my TWW.. Not sure exactly which day I Od as I dont temp etc but it seems to have been about cd20, im expecting a longer cycle than usual this month! Hope this TWW doesn'tgo on forever! Baby dust everybody xxxx
yay, I see we're back in the TTC group from the TWW...was just about to contact admin. Well done whoever managed it!

I'm desperately trying not to symptom spot at the moment, but can't help it. TMI, but been getting loads of creamy CM, yesterday I was having sharp, stabbing pains in my uterus/ovary area, today I've very dull cramps, and while sore BBs straight after O is common for me, this cycle it's accompanied with really sensitive nips as of today.

Like I say, trying really hard not to symptom spot :dohh:
Hi ladies,

I've just got my reading back from Gail! :happydance:

Linking in around you, I sense a happy path already, with alot of 'newness' approaching for you, I feel the plans your making now within your life, will bring contentment
Yep well I am happy, am not entirely sure what plans I'm making other than baby plans, but am excited for my "newness" on the way! :thumbup:

I also link very strong with a lovely lady in the spirit world who comes in around you, who confirms children and also wants to say decisions youve made have been the correct ones, so I hope this makes sense
The only person who has passed away who is female is my Grandma, I was very close to her but she never met my DH so it would be lovely to think that the comment is about that :flower:

I feel also some financial improvements around your partner within October
Whoop! :yipee:

Looking now at pregnancy, I feel this is something you want as soon as possible and your life feels very ready for this now, spirit dont want you to worry and show nothing is or will prevent this
Heck yeh! These last few months have been the first point in my life where I've considered having children, previously I've not been sure. But now I've decided that's what I want I don't want to wait!!

I see an early September conception for you, and alot of happiness with this, I dont think its fully until around your scan time you settle with this, and begin to look forward to your babies arrival
My wedding anniversary is September so it would be really nice for that, but would mean I don't get a gold medal in the Olympics! :cry:

You baby girl is born 2013 safe and well and a lovely bond shows around you, its a very special and happy time within your life
Ooooh a girl! That would be good as me and DH argue about names for a boy, but think we could agree on a girls name easier!

Spirit then show me a further conception for November 2014, so not a huge gap in years, and a baby boy is born 2015, everything around pregnancy labour and birth well, wishing you every happiness for your future :) x
I would like to have children close together so that sounds good to me!

I'm pleased with all that, but am still giving it everything to get preggers this cycle, I still want that July BFP!!
Nice reading hun xx yeah keep going for it anyway :thumbup: you can prove her wrong :D
I love these readings, I know you have to take them with a pinch of salt, but I think they lift your spirits and spread a positive vibe! Thats how I felt since getting my reading

Nothing to say we won't prove her wrong and all get BFP's, especially now that we've got ttc olympians on our thread, thats definitely got to spread some good luck and baby dust around!

Now if only I could get a pos OPK, I'd feel like I'd won a medal!!!
Hi Sam. What time of day do you do your opk? And do you only do 1?
Opks haven't seemed to work great for me either, I can only ever get a positive with smu, and I tend to get a positive for 3 days, and either my temp hasn't gone up at all or it's gone up 2 days after my third positive opk. So I don't really know if I even ovulate or not. When do the rest of you guys poas? Morning, afternoon, evening? Do you find it vital to not drink and hold your pee for 4 hours for it to work? X
Afternoon around 2-4ish is best and I have not found drinking has made any difference. They usually say if you have a long surge (so get more than 1 positive) to take the 1st as your actual positive, but if your temps dont back that up then I'm not sure
Think I might have managed a pos OPK today! :happydance: I did one at 8am (not fmu), Noon and then about 15 mins ago. The last 2 are the darkest lines I've ever had, the lunch time one has faded a bit as it dried, but the other looks identical in colour to test line in real life :happydance:

Jo, I've been doing loads, an embarrassing amount if I'm honest :blush: Even been sneaking off to the loo's at work in the evening with a plastic cup and a test LOL!!

I'm going to attempt a picture, but I'm not too clever with this sort of thing, so I'll do my best!


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Defo positive - get :sex:ing and catch that eggy!!
Opks haven't seemed to work great for me either, I can only ever get a positive with smu, and I tend to get a positive for 3 days, and either my temp hasn't gone up at all or it's gone up 2 days after my third positive opk. So I don't really know if I even ovulate or not. When do the rest of you guys poas? Morning, afternoon, evening? Do you find it vital to not drink and hold your pee for 4 hours for it to work? X

All 3 :D

Positive opk's are usually darker than the control line, maybe you should test every couple of hours after you get what you think is a positive and see if it gets even darker? It's surprising how much it can change in 2 hours and it's easy to miss the surge.
ttcbambino#1 happy BD'ing, I had the darkest OPKs I've ever had in two years of ttc this cycle! Hopefully it means we've/will O nice and strong!

I'm 4dpo today and SO tired. I had the longest "nap" ever lol. I know it's way too early to be symptom spotting but my brain has turned to mush these last few days. I keep saying and forgetting really silly things.:dohh:

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