She's had her today Annie! A day early, the little monkey clearly couldn't wait to see the world!
Yep I've got my 16 week appointment, in true Fran fashion late at 17 weeks! And we go on mat leave at the same time too, the last weekend in June! Brilliant!
Aw, I'm so behind the times...I've been so awol recently. Work has been kicking my butt...and the last 5 days I've been really poorly with a chest infection and really really bad cold- seriously have not ever felt so ill from a cold before, and of course couldn't take anything. This afternoon, at last, I am starting to feel more normal, although I still sound like I've smoked 40 a day since birth
Well, HUGE congrats Jo!!
This appointment is my only one so far that will have not been on the late side- my booking appointment was at almost 12 weeks, my 12 week scan at almost 13 weeks... But it's all go from here for me. I've tomorrow's mw appointment, an appointment with an obstetrician Thursday and extra, detailed scan next Tuesday (these extra appointments are because DH's brother died at 6 months from an inherited genetic disorder, so they want to see if we might have it too), then it'll be just 3 weeks until our 20 week scan

Can't believe how fast time seems to be going just now!!
My mat leave is just an estimate at the moment, but seems a sensible stopping point, at the end of the month. I may push it back a week, then have the option of taking some leave before if I need it...want to spend as much time with bubs as possible...
Hope you're all doing well