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Team Naughties

could be too early to be picked up on ic try testing again in 2 days, symptoms sound good.

Thanks hun, I hope so!! Think I'll try and wait til Saturday til I test again. Will have to sit on my hands til then to stop me POAS!!! xxx
Oh jeez...I have been out for awhile and so much I have missed! Congratulations to all the :bfp: this month!!! And good luck to everyone who is going to test! :dust::dust::dust:

Can you stick me down for the 8th of March please. Feeling the vibes this month!!!

Fankoo x
Rae Rae, please can you add me to the :bfp:list...got it this morning :happydance: YAY for Team Naughties!!!! xx

Woo hoo, I am so pleased for you!!!! I had just posted a message on another thread to ask if you had tested again today! I knew you were pregnant! That is such good news, it has made my day!
Congrats !!!!

RaeRae - I'm just the same... Last month (cycle 1) was hell for me. No wonder I didn't make a baby. I'm feeling much more relaxed about things now but then its only CD9.
Need to keep calm and not stress so much this month. Pretty sure Ov will happen CD14 so just need to :sex: around then and I'll be oop the duff.
Simple Huh?
Congrats !!!!

RaeRae - I'm just the same... Last month (cycle 1) was hell for me. No wonder I didn't make a baby. I'm feeling much more relaxed about things now but then its only CD9.
Need to keep calm and not stress so much this month. Pretty sure Ov will happen CD14 so just need to :sex: around then and I'll be oop the duff.
Simple Huh?

Well of course coz thats how it works!!! LOL!!!

I am 99% certain I OV'd on CD14. I was having pains and I had a positive OPK. We BD'd day 13, 14 and 15 with pre-seed so I'm hoping we got it.

Oh dear, post #666. Hope it's not a sign LOL!
Ha! Well have a lovely time in your 2WW - It is afterall the most pleasant of fortnights!
Hope its over early with a :bfp:
Thanks hun. I do too!! It's looking like Team Naughties is pretty lucky!
Good luck to you RaeRae....nevermind the #666 post. Sounds like you are on your way to a :bfp: :happydance::happydance:
Got my fingers crossed for you and much :dust::dust::dust:
Saw us near the bottom of the thread list so thought I'd bump us back to the top.
Not much happening my end. In the run up to ovulating so just getting in some BD'ing practice.
Just wondered, have any of you ladies changed diet, alcohol consumption etc since ttc? I have eaten the worst diet over the last few weeks (eaten out too much) and in desperate need of more fruit and veg. Hope all the crappy food doesn't clog up my egg and make his sperm lazy :rofl:
Hi msmith. I've pretty much given up alcohol, but didn't drink much anyway :)
It's summer here now, which means BBQs, salad, yummy summer fruit... I'm eating a bit better than usual, simply because it's been too hot not to!
Morning ladies, how are we all today? :)

Well another :bfn: for me this morning so I'm guessing I'm probably out this month but will just have to wait for :witch: to arrive to confirm it. Feel really crampy this morning but no sign of her so far. Got a nasty headache, feel really dehyrated still and boobs seem to be getting bigger every day but there is still no second line on the tests so I guess I should start facing reality :cry:

Husband gets home from his travels tomorrow evening which will be nice :) :happydance:
I suppose no news/:witch: is good news Blondie. FX'd for you. Remember PMA. Maybe your :bfp: result is waiting until your OH returns home so you can celebrate together!

Ohh, Freysamum you are making me really jealous. That sounds lush.
Keeping everything crossed for you Blondie, its not over till :witch: shows up . . .

I have given up the booze all together and been on the slimfast diet since sept, since x mas though i have relaxed it a bit when TTC went into overdrive. I have lost 2 stone in all so i am quite chuffed.

Due AF tomorrow but my boobs feel bigger (my bra doesn't fit as well anymore) and feel achy, also my nipples feel like some one has taken a cheese grater to them!! :rofl: Only 2 days until testing unless the :witch: shows up tomorrow.

I'm 7dpo now woo! Still not testing til the 1st of March if AF doesn't show. I'm almost hoping I'm not pregnant this month. I'm diabetic and my blood sugars have been going high at night and I don't know why! During the day they're really good but for the last few days at night they've just shot up. It's really scary and frustrating!!

OMG I'm genuinely seeing pink lines everywhere today - I have officially lost the plot completely. I amost added a photo of a hpt into a presentation I'm working on instead of a photo of our new factory - that would really have impressed the CEO tomorrow :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Roll on the :witch: - at least then I can have a couple of weeks of obsessing over :sex: instead of lines :rofl::rofl::rofl:

OMG I'm genuinely seeing pink lines everywhere today - I have officially lost the plot completely. I amost added a photo of a hpt into a presentation I'm working on instead of a photo of our new factory - that would really have impressed the CEO tomorrow :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Roll on the :witch: - at least then I can have a couple of weeks of obsessing over :sex: instead of lines :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Now that would have been funny. Imagine trying to explain how that happened!
I'm going to be making cakes this afternoon. It's gonna be like torture not licking the spoon just incase!!!!
I'm going to be making cakes this afternoon. It's gonna be like torture not licking the spoon just incase!!!!

Go on lick it - it might be your last chance to lick it without feeling guilty :rofl: - during 2WW I just carry on as normal as couldn't spend 2 weeks of every month without runny eggs, nice cheese or the odd drink. As soon as I get a :bfp: then everything will be put on hold for a few months. And if anyone expects me to give up peanut butter they will have another thing coming :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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