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Team Naughties

Sorry to hear that the diabetes is playing up, I hope you get it back under control soon. Any idea what could be causing it?

Hiya hun! Hope you're feeling good!

I don't know what could be causing it really. It can be a sign of pregnancy but I'm only 7dpo so I doubt it's that. It's just really strange that it's only been the last few days. I just checked it now and it was 4.9 which is perfect and last night before tea I was 6.6 which is also really good but it shot up before I went to bed and I have no idea why. WEIRD!!!
Hi girls - sounds like you've got some positive symptoms going on there!

Our week of :sex: starts tomorrow. Trying to stay calm but secretly getting very excited about making a baby on Sunday!
Has any1 heard from MrsR???
Have just read some posts which makes all sound not too positive?

she hasnt been on since sat, have been following the same as you read

I haven't been following :( Why does it not sound positive?

she has been getting :bfn: on tests

I've been trying to find out what's happened to MrsR too, looks like from the threads I've seen that a lot of people are worried so it doesn't look good, I really hope I'm wrong though bless her!!!

Well I should be OVing in a week but OH has just been signed off from work for a week as he has flu and a urine infection so I can't see this month going anywhere for us, he's looking very sorry for himself and I hate not being able to make him better poor love.
Just bumping...
Hope everyone is doing OK, and full of PMA!!
Hubby and I have both taken a few days off work (just to hang out together a bit really - usually he works weekends so we don't get a lot of time together)... I'm hoping we can make good use of the extra time, if you know what I mean... :winkwink:

Take care all. I look forward to catching up with all your news tomorrow. Sometimes it's hard living in the future (NZ - we're 12ish hours ahead of UK)! Hope to see some more :bfp:s when I log in tomorrow.
Morning ladies :) How are we all today?

Well did a FRER this morning as it is day 28 of cycle and it was a :bfn: so I guess it's just a matter of waiting for :witch: to turn up now :( Temps haven't really dropped yet and boobs still huge but I don't see how I can still be getting :bfn: if I was pregnant. Last month (before mc) I got my bfp on CD 28 so I'm guessing it looks like I'm out this month.

Oh well another month trying - roll on cycle 4 :hissy:
Aww Blondie don't give up yet.

Mind you I'm only 8dpo and I'm convinced I'm not pregnant this month :(
Well i cracked and took a IC HPT this morning (even though i said i wasn't until tomorrow!) and there was a faint, bearly there DH can't see it :bfp:!!!! I have been POAS enough times to know the difference (i hope!) so if i am right the lines should be getting darker now? When would be a good time to test again, tomorrow or wait until friday? Asmuming that AF doesn't show up.
Oh my god hun congratulations!!! If you can wait til friday I would coz it'll give the HCG a chance to build up and give you a clearer result.
PMA - fast going out the window with every :bfn: that keeps appearing :rofl:

Oh well at least I can go out and have a good drink at the weekend now :happydance::happydance: and I suppose it means I won't have to not drink and keep it a secret at my friends hen weekend either now :happydance:

See there is a bit of PMA :)

Oooh Razcox - very excited for you :happydance::happydance:
I'm a Team Naughty cos I started TTC in January 2009, but I'm not sure when :witch: is due so I can't add my date! Good luck to everyone though and fingers crossed for that :bfp:

PMA - fast going out the window with every :bfn: that keeps appearing :rofl:

Oh well at least I can go out and have a good drink at the weekend now :happydance::happydance: and I suppose it means I won't have to not drink and keep it a secret at my friends hen weekend either now :happydance:

I was doing the same, if it was a :bfn: at least on my birthday on friday i could have a drink and not have to explain why i wasn't! PMA is a wonderful thing.

See there is a bit of PMA :)

Oooh Razcox - very excited for you :happydance::happydance:

Thanks hun, i am trying to rein in the excitment until i get a line we can both see :rofl: but i am failing cuz all i want to do is :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
Just want the :witch: to hurry up and arrive now if there isn't going to be a :bfp: so I can get counting down the days again :happydance::happydance:

Each cycle I am becoming more and more obsessive about this :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Well i cracked and took a IC HPT this morning (even though i said i wasn't until tomorrow!) and there was a faint, bearly there DH can't see it :bfp:!!!! I have been POAS enough times to know the difference (i hope!) so if i am right the lines should be getting darker now? When would be a good time to test again, tomorrow or wait until friday? Asmuming that AF doesn't show up.

oh sounds good
Hmmm wonder if I could have ovulated later this month due to mc - I suppose until the HCG disappeared from my system the cycle wouldn't really have started again so I suppose in theory I could have ovulated any time up until Saturday 7th (did an opk test on Sat and it was negative but still quite dark and then faded over next 2 days). So if I did Ov sat or fri then I suppose I could still only be 11-12dpo. Hmmm I'm driving myself mad - the heart says :bfp: the head says :bfn: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Blondie-Fingers Xed for you, hun!

Raz--That is so exciting, hope the lines get darker over the next couple of days!!

I am trying hard not to be too disappointed about the :witch: showing this month...roll on cycle 3! I am thinking of attempting to sort of forget about trying so hard (like that's possible, right?) and maybe working to lose a few pounds over the next couple of months. I mean, it'll happen when it's supposed to, right? It's just so frustrating when you KNOW you did everything right, and still a :bfn:. Poor DH is bummed, says he has lazy sperm! :rofl::rofl:
so ladies i am on cd 8 and i lost my bbt so now im going crazy looking for it... i have no idea where it went... dang it i have lost my mind.... ughhh i guess i need to go on a hunt... and take my opks.... i prolly will be off this month due to the fact that we r moving and its gunna be busy here... but we r gunna try our best this month...
PMA - fast going out the window with every :bfn: that keeps appearing :rofl:

Oh well at least I can go out and have a good drink at the weekend now :happydance::happydance: and I suppose it means I won't have to not drink and keep it a secret at my friends hen weekend either now :happydance:

See there is a bit of PMA :)


ive just tested :bfn: i have no idea where in my cycle i am thanx to that wonderful invention call 'the pill' so later of to the local for a few drinks to wind down im so tense and fustrated over ttc!
HeHeHe DH has got the POAS bug now and wants me to do another test tomorrow now! :rolf:

Will it be anydarker if i do?

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