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Team Naughties

hi ladies.

just popped on to say hello.

hope your all ok

Awww Razcox congrats!!! Your :bfp: will be more clear by Friday! So happy for you!
To everyone the :witch: got this month...good luck and fingers crossed for you next month.
To everyone who is going to test later this month..:dust: :dust:
Good luck to everyone! :hug:
Razcox - congratulations hun, that is exciting! :rofl::rofl: about your DH catching the POAS bug! Maybe better to hold off till Friday if you can just to give the hormones a chance to build up.

Blondie - I still haven't given up hope for you this month. Please keep us updated with any news!!!

Samzi - nice to see you dropping in. I hope that everything is OK with you and that it won't be too long before we see you back here.

As for me, I am pretty sure I'm not pregnant this month. I'm just not 'feeling' it. No symptoms apart from tender bbs and unusually tired this afternoon.
Hi girls. Sounds like we're gonna have a good announcement any day soon.

I've got lots of PMA for everyone. I'm convinced I'll be PG this time round - haven't even OVd yet!

Polaris - its a real killer isn't it - kind of knowing you're not PG but still kind of hoping that there might still be a chance. HATE THE 2WW.

I'm 4 days 'till OV... I hate the WOV !
I just don't think I'm pregnant this month. I'm 8dpo now and I don't feel any different so I really don't think I am.

edit:It disappeared for a bit but it came back lol
rae rae your still too early for symptoms, dont give up yet

It's stupid coz I know this and I know that with Zoe I don't remember having symptoms til I was a week late but I'm feeling very sulky about it today LOL!
Hi i've just joined and i too started ttc in jan. Got :witch: today : (.

Heres hoping for :bfp: next month.

can you please send me the link for team naughties signature.

thank you and :hug: to everyone xx

edit:It disappeared for a bit but it came back lol

just so people dont think you ve lost your mind, i ll back you up, yes it did go and come back. lol :rofl:
I have decided that DH definately has selective hearing tonight. I really fancy seeing confessions of a shopaholic, I loved the books... and it is a while since I read them so I should enjoy it... however DH has completely refused my suggestion of a cosy night at the pics, usually he claims not hearing if it is something he doesn't want to do..... MEN :hissy:

(I think I am getting PMT, dunno whether to be peed off that this month has obviously not been our month... or relieved that the hormones seem to be working correctly....)
Hi i've just joined and i too started ttc in jan. Got :witch: today : (.

Heres hoping for :bfp: next month.

can you please send me the link for team naughties signature.

thank you and :hug: to everyone xx

Hi flowertot, welcome to Team Naughties. We have been pretty lucky so far with the :bfp:s so hopefully next month will be lucky for you.
I have tried to pm you with the logo but I don't really know what I'm doing, so I hope it works!!!
Thanks Polaris i got the link and found the signature bit but i cant add the logo until i've had 5 posts so i will add it as soon as i have.

how long have you been ttc?

i had a very early miscarrage last month but it was just like a period. got my :witch: today right on time so we are just starting over. Cd 1 today!

thanks again for logo (will add it soon) xx
Howdi Ladies!
Welcome Flowertot. Glad that your body seems to be getting itself back in order after the m/c. Roll on cycle 2!!

Can't wait to hear about your next POAS result Razcox. Getting :bfp: vibes!

Mumtobewaiting, sounds like seeing 'confessions of a shopaholic' might be one for a night out with the girls haha. Bloody men.

My MIL is staying with us for 4 days next week (not usually a problem as she is lovely), AND guess when I will be ovulating? Yep you have guessed it. We will just have to be quiet :rofl:
Thanks Polaris i got the link and found the signature bit but i cant add the logo until i've had 5 posts so i will add it as soon as i have.

how long have you been ttc?

i had a very early miscarrage last month but it was just like a period. got my :witch: today right on time so we are just starting over. Cd 1 today!

thanks again for logo (will add it soon) xx

Oh yeah I had forgotten you had to have a certain number of posts before you could add signature. Sorry to hear about your experience last month, even though it was early it is still so disappointing after thinking you were pregnant. I am TTC since coming of BCP in December 08 so this is my second cycle. Not really feeling it this month, but FF has predicted ovulation for next month around about St. Patrick's Day (17th March) which is a holiday here, so I'm feeling really hopeful for next month that it will bring me luck!
Morning ladies :) How are we all today?

Well still no sign of :witch: and on CD29 now - my usual cycle is 26 days so should really be here by now but assuming post mc cycle is a bit screwed up.

Feel so like I did last month when I had my :bfp: I'm bloated, constipated, huge boobs, headaches, loads of creamy CM, temps still up but no blinkin :bfp: It's starting to drive me slightly insane :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I didn't do a test this morning as couldn't face another :bfn: and was expecting to find :witch: anyway.

Hmm she doesn't arrive today I'll do another test tomorrow but I really don't see how I can still be getting :bfn: on IC and a FRER (ok so I thought I could see faint lines on a couple but only if I inverted and played around with all the colours etc - desperation :rofl::rofl:)

Raxcoz - please test again today - I'm dying to see what your results are!!! :happydance::happydance: Fingers crossed it's a :bfp: for you!
Well i did another test and this one WAS darker and still :bfp:! :happydance:

BUT DH still cant see it (it was at least 2 shades darker then the rest of the strip even if it was still a bit faint) i get that it isn't as dark as the control line but i also know its very early days (15dpo) and don't expect it to be. DH on the other hand says i am reading to much into it and the control line was a line what i saw was a faint smudge :roll: Men!

So to convince him i am going to get a 'proper' test today, but which is the best one to get to give a good result so early? Ummm think i will start a new thread for ideas.
FRER are the best ones to get an accurate early result - don't use a CB digi just yet as they are less sensitive so wait until due date for that one - though it is so satisfying when you see the word "pregnant" just appear before your eyes.

I would definitely get a FRER - by far the best for early results :happydance::happydance:

So excited for you :happydance::happydance::bfp::happydance:
FRER are the best ones to get an accurate early result - don't use a CB digi just yet as they are less sensitive so wait until due date for that one - though it is so satisfying when you see the word "pregnant" just appear before your eyes.

I would definitely get a FRER - by far the best for early results :happydance::happydance:

So excited for you :happydance::happydance::bfp::happydance:

Being dum here but what does FRER mean? and where can i get one from, boots or will a supermarket have one?

AF was due yesterday but was a no show, CP has now gone high and i just done feel like i do when :witch: is due . .

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