Testers,TTC&After Conception-Clomid,IUI,IVF,Femara -EVERYONE!!

I know that Hopin went camping, but I wonder if she held out from poas? :haha:
Lune I love your count down to testing! It fits right in for me. I'll have to keep watching it to know if my symptoms fit
Hey everyone...I have another TMI question....lol
I am taking Progesterone suppositories and have notice that ever since yesterday when I had that EWCM I have had soooo much creamy CM I mean to the point where I think AF is here. I also took them last month too and never had this much I barley notice anything at all. Is this how it is supposed to be while taking progesterone or could it be a sign...lol I am only 3dpo. I feel like I need to go buy panty liners, but its so strange like I said it was no where near like this last month.....:s

@ Breaking Dawn----How are u finding the Progesterone?? I am also really tired do you know if that is a SE of it?

I swore that this 2ww was going to be low key, and try not to think so much about my bfp but I am getting all these new symptoms it is now hard to think about other things.

How is everyone else feeling today??
MandaC- I know when I used the progesterone suppositories all the creamy white goo was from the excess progesterone. I never even chalked it up to CM because there was just so much of it. But yes, I strongly recommend using pantyliners with those suppositories, it can get pretty messy.

Would be a pretty funny story on how to pee on a stick in the woods :p
MandaC- I know when I used the progesterone suppositories all the creamy white goo was from the excess progesterone. I never even chalked it up to CM because there was just so much of it. But yes, I strongly recommend using pantyliners with those suppositories, it can get pretty messy.

Would be a pretty funny story on how to pee on a stick in the woods :p

Thankyou:) Its just so weird that this didn't happen last month but I will try not to get to excited...lol just incase. :wacko:
Lei- We have been using soft cups too. Totally not sexy but they seem to have worked for us!!

For those who have or are pregnant- did you all experience really bad cramps early in your pregnancies? I have been having really bad cramps. I mean laying in the fetal position in bed. I do not get any spotting with the cramps so I think that is good?!?

I had cramps but not really bad cramps. I would mention it to the dr next time you are there. I had cramps but no bleeding and then I had bleeding with no cramps. So as long as you are not having them together I think you are ok.

I remember googling whether cramps were normal when I was 5-6 weeks.
Lilrojo- have a good time on vacation.

Kudos to all the softcup ladies! I've read about them, just don't know if i could do it :)

AFM- got my IVF calendar on Friday, games begin July 3rd.

Anyone heard from TypeA either? Seems like we have a few ladies MIA.

I'm sooo excited for you!! Can't wait for the IVF fun to begin!!! You will do great! So assuming you don't get OHSS, which you won't because you will drink lots of Gatorade and have a high sodium and protein diet before retreival (right?!??)....you should be doing transfer and beta either late July or early August!!! Cannot wait to follow your journey!!

I'm here, but haven't been on the site for a few days. All I do is work, sleep, dry heave, and see drs!!! I have an elevated antibody that could cause fetal heart block in the baby. I found out last week that that antibody (SSA) has gone way up since being pregnant. So now I'm concerned about the hematoma (which is still there) and fetal heart block. It may sound crazy but the more and more I see the baby and I really begins to look like a baby the more devastated I know I will be if something happens. Those with that antibody are also susceptible to late 1st or 2nd term losses. So I'm pretty nervous at this point. I wish that just one of these issues would go away but that may be wishful thinking. Just to give you an idea of my week...I had an OB appt today, fertility dr sono tomorrow, specialist appt re: heart block on Thursday. So I'm at the dr a lot!!

TMI- but to those that are or have been pregnant did your BMs change? Besides the dry heaving, that's really my only symptom.

You guys ready for my cravings......FRUIT and DORITOS. I could literally eat fruit all day....this is a blessing because I can't stand to gain a ton of weight with this baby.

I'll send pics of baby after tomorrows sono! Last time he was wiggling in the sono...it's a precious little fighter in there.
TypeA is there anything they can do about the anitbody and stuff? I'm not familiar with it. Wow, that's a lot of stress it sounds like. I'm very sorry. He really is a little fighter though and I believe he'll come out on top and fully baked! FX the hematoma is gone or at least smaller tomorrow. My BM's changed early in pregnancy also, that's normal. Mmmm and fruit! I ate a lot of that while I had morning sickness, it helped a lot. Especially pineapple :)
TypeA...sorry that you are dealing with this scary stuff. But you're right...your bean is a tough little one ... :)

Manda...tiredness...boob pains pretty much any symptom can be due to that damn progesterone! So the clinic always tells me to come in 12 days for blood test. That would be friday july 5th. But I won't be in town....So...I may take an frer or go early haven't decided yet
TypeA- Thanks!! I’m so excited yet so nervous, ahh! Mostly nervous about the IM injections and egg retrieval. You make me giggle, right?!?! LOL I’m curious, if OHSS creates excessive fluid loss through vascular areas, how does a high sodium diet help prevent that? Doesn’t increased sodium increase liquid retention? Transfer will be last week of July, betas will be in August. If we get good embryos, we’ll be doing chromosomal genetic testing so it’ll be a day 5 transfer.
Did you have any immunological testing done initially? Wow hun, hopefully everything gets figured out soon! I don’t know too much about that antibody, I’ve only heard of NK cells causing problems. Good luck with everything!
Ah cravings…I have those even without being pregnant. I joke with my boss that I’ll probably eat normally once I am pregnant.
Ladies...just had an odd thing happened.

Advice from other IUI-ers pls.

I am 1-2 dpiui (back to back IUIs on sat and sun). I'm also taking progesterone supps.

TMI Alert!!!

Just now I went pee and wiped after ...then I felt discharge and I wiped again but this time I got a bunch of creamy discharge most likely the progesterone BUT when I wiped a third time there was more discharge and a dark brown/red clot...with a bit of bright red.

I've never had this before....could this be from my cervix? Maybe from the IUI catheter??

I know its waaaayyyyy to early for anything bfp related but wanted to ask bc it worried me a bit bc I've had 3 IUIs ( 6 total ) and never had this.
Ladies...just had an odd thing happened.

Advice from other IUI-ers pls.

I am 1-2 dpiui (back to back IUIs on sat and sun). I'm also taking progesterone supps.

TMI Alert!!!

Just now I went pee and wiped after ...then I felt discharge and I wiped again but this time I got a bunch of creamy discharge most likely the progesterone BUT when I wiped a third time there was more discharge and a dark brown/red clot...with a bit of bright red.

I've never had this before....could this be from my cervix? Maybe from the IUI catheter??

I know its waaaayyyyy to early for anything bfp related but wanted to ask bc it worried me a bit bc I've had 3 IUIs ( 6 total ) and never had this.

I bet the vag sups have irritated your cervix and that's the reason for the blood. But I would call the dr tomorrow and mention it and see if they are concerned. I do not think its anything to be worried about. I actually passed a clot while pregnant and freaked. We took a picture of it in the toilet and showed the dr. She said it was all ok. So I'm thinking its a little cervix irritation. Some people do spot on the progesterone so I would let them know but I wouldn't be concerned.
Thanks Type A.

I'm goi to see if there is more....if so then I will call the dr.

Also...it wasn't spotting ..ie not fresh blood. It was more like EWCM dark brown.

Thanks for your help!
I know for myself (not IUI experience) but I would bleed from the progesterone.. they would hit my cervix so I switched to oral.. and it didn't happen again.. but I agree with type a to call and see what they say..
TypeA- Thanks!! I’m so excited yet so nervous, ahh! Mostly nervous about the IM injections and egg retrieval. You make me giggle, right?!?! LOL I’m curious, if OHSS creates excessive fluid loss through vascular areas, how does a high sodium diet help prevent that? Doesn’t increased sodium increase liquid retention? Transfer will be last week of July, betas will be in August. If we get good embryos, we’ll be doing chromosomal genetic testing so it’ll be a day 5 transfer.
Did you have any immunological testing done initially? Wow hun, hopefully everything gets figured out soon! I don’t know too much about that antibody, I’ve only heard of NK cells causing problems. Good luck with everything!
Ah cravings…I have those even without being pregnant. I joke with my boss that I’ll probably eat normally once I am pregnant.

This is a fabulous question. I believe I asked and they had an answer. I just don't remember! I did what I was told and no OHSS for me.

Don't be nervous about the IM shots. I actually prefer them to the sups! And the egg retreival is nerve wracking but after its over you're like "that's it?!??" You'll do great

I actually found out about the SSA by accident. Dr was running some tests and found it. The heart block is the only issue with having it elevated. Otherwise it doesn't bother me. I don't believe they test for it unless you have full blown lupus or have recurrent miscarriages
Thanks Rojo...

I haven't had any issues with prog the last three cycles, but I just popped another suppository in and will watch for anything odd.
The OHSS happens with extra fluid ends up in other parts of your body than where it shouldn't be (called third spacing). To remove the excess fluid we give extra sodium because wherever sodium goes water will follow... so it will pull the fluid from the wrong areas and you'll pee it out :)

I have spotted from the IUI because I have a very sensitive cervix (check out my FF, I think I'm on day 11 of spotting this month). They say brownish blood is old, so works with the cervix sat/sun IUI being irrated.

I wondered if Hopin might have POAS yet... I've been stalking her temps and she did record while camping.. they rose slightly again :)
Good morning sweet ladies!!! Man....a girl goes camping for one weekend and I have a NOVEL of posts to catch up on! You ladies have been busy!!

Grateful & ajd Let us know how your appointments go today!!

Kins Welcome!! :flower: :hugs: Thanks for joining us. Sounds like you've really been through it!! I think your follie size is great though, so keep your head up! FX'd this does the trick for you. Should I put you on the front page with a test date of 07/05, or do you plan on testing at home before then?

Lei I think it's uncool that the clinic won't tell you if they conceived or not. I'm sure it would be helpful to you to know if it's worth it to ever do it again. I'm going to go ahead and say that she did though :) I just have a feeling.
Also, I am WITH YOU on the softcups deal! That is SO UNCOMFORTABLE! I used them for my entire fertile period this cycle, and I actually kept mine in all night and took it out in the morning. It certainly wasn't a great experience but I'm hoping that paired with the preseed does the trick. It DOES take the sexy time out of sexy time though :haha:!!!

Jenna That ring is GORGEOUS!! Love it! Can't wait to hear alllllll about the day you get it! Awe! That's so exciting.

Manda & Breaking Happy TWW! FX'd for your sticky beans.

ingodshands I def see the line on your tests! Congrats to you on your BFP! Remind me again, have you gone in for bloods?

Allika Are you ok??

ajd I bet you are SO excited about your new place! It's kind of nice to start fresh isn't it?!

Grateful How was your trip? And when is your baby shower? I know I've asked this a thosand times. I also know I've asked a thousand times for this too but when are you doing maternity photos?
Also, I hope you're feeling better, and not getting sick! :flower:

Breaking That's exciting that you and DH are going away! Where are you guys going?

Luna You look fantastic! I can't believe you are halfway there either. That's insane. How is the new job treating you?

Lune You're saying people seriously have used softcups by having the DH deposit in it and then putting the softcup in, and got a bfp?! That's crazy!!!

anmlz Are you getting pumped about IVF?!

lilrojo Are you on vacation? I seem to have missed that.

TypeA Today is the sono right?! I can't wait to see your sweet fighter baby! I've been lifting you up in prayer! Keep taking care of yourself and everything will work out!

Everyone take a sec to review the front page and let me know if anything is missing for them! I think I might've missed a few things here and there the last week or so.

AFM, No, I did not poas in the woods but that is cracking me up :rofl: :haha:!!! I temped while I was camping though (which I was extremely proud of). I am 9DPO today, no symptoms to speak of.
The only thing I have noticed is that I'm NOT spotting, which I normally spot for like a week before AF comes so that could be a good sign but def not anything solid enough to think this is a bfp cycle. Still planning on holding out until 14DPO, or Sunday, to test! We will see if I can make it that far :haha: Normally I would've already tested so I'm proud of my progress so far.
I did miss temping yesterday because I was at the hopsital at 3am with my sister who had her baby yesterday (posting in my journal about that shortly) so I didn't put anything in there, that's ok right?

I THINK I'm all caught up now, sorry for the HUGE post!!! Let me know how you're doing!
Type A- I am so sorry that you are having to go through all of this stress so early in your pregnancy especially after all the stress of IVF. I will be praying for you and your little baby that everything works out perfect. I truly believe in miracles!

Hopin- Thanks! I am so excited and absolutely terrified. My first number was only an 8, but since I had an unmedicated cycle, I am not even sure what DPO I was. I was suppossed to go back yesterday for more bloodwork, but just decided to skip it. I am having constant cramping and I spot brown stuff sometimes when I wipe. However, I am so nauseous and my lower abdomen is really bloated so hoping that is a good sign! Just leaving it all up to the BIG guy for now and praying alot! I think it would have been hilarious to POAS in the woods!!!

Happy Tuesday to everyone else!!:happydance:
WHOA! I can't keep up with you ladies these days!

Thank goodness Hopin' summed up most everything in her post! I'd be lost right now!

TypeA - Praying for you and baby :hugs:

Allika - Where are you girl? We are missing you! Hope everything is OK

Hopin - Great job on not focusing on HPT's!!! I am so proud of you! :haha: I swear it is so much more relaxing that way...and since you don't know...you can stay hopeful and excited longer then if you keep taking them early and see BFN's.:winkwink: Good job on temping while camping too, that's impressive! Your temps looks really great.

InGodsHands - As your username states! Stay positive and I am praying for you and baby.

All the ladies I the 2WW - FX'd for every one of you!!!

AFM: Work trip was good but totally exhausting. I'm so glad I made it through all the long hours and its over now. Baby shower is this Saturday. Also had some maternity pics taken 2 weeks ago...should be getting them in the next week or so. Time is still flying and baby's due date is only about 6 weeks away now. Wow. I STILL am not believing it.

Ok, gotta go check the front page now to see whats coming up!

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