Testers,TTC&After Conception-Clomid,IUI,IVF,Femara -EVERYONE!!

Ajd...hope you feel better soon.

And don't worry about the bfns...I'm sure it's bc of the liquids causing your urine to be less concentrated!...Fx
Hopin: Draven better never tell me my kisses are uncool! I'd give him even MORE. He already hates it when I kiss him though lol. He haaates his face touched so when I give him kisses he's like "Ughhh!!"

Momof1: This is just a regular office visit that you're missing, right? Because all they'll do anyways is listen to the HB (if they can even find it because baby has so much room in there at this point it's not always possible to find) and you said you have a doppler now so you already know it's there!

TypeA: Hahaha!!!! "scared to death of the egg retrieval". You'll be fine, doll! It's just a nice nap, remember? ;)

Lei: What does DH have? He really should go to the doctors, that's a long time to be sick :-/ Any fever??? You will deliver, don't worry. It'll go great and you'll walk away from this experience feeling so accomplished. I think I want to sign up to do that... It sounds like something I'd feel really happy about doing. What do you think? Do you get to meet the couple at all?

Lilrojo: Can't wait to see how your bloods come back! Good luck! And congrats on that positive digi!

Breaking: Lmao!!! 1DPO, yes you still have quite a ways to go. But I totally know how you feel! I remember doing the saaame thing. Being at 1DPO and not thinking I could go any longer with out poas, even though I knew it'd be negative.

Allika: Just start testing every morning until there's nothing. From what I've seen (don't rely on me 100% because I've never done it myself) it takes about 7 days.

ajd: It does sound like we have the same thing :( I hope you feel better soon. I had OH make me a milkshake and that helped a lot. And I've been eating popsicles. I definitely see those lines on those tests! But I agree, blue tests are notorious for false positives. I'd just hate for you to get your hopes up, but I'm ABSOLUTELY keeping my fingers crossed for you! So excited to see your tests tomorrow! What kind will you be using?

AFM: I'm feeling a little better than yesterday, thank God! I was feeling really terrible yesterday. I'm able to stay awake more than 2 hours at a time today so that's good news. And OH let me cuddle Draven for a couple minutes today and kiss him on THE BACK of his head lol! Fever has gone from 101.2 to 98.8 (my normal is 97.6) so that's improvement. I'm hoping if I just stay on "quarantine" back here for the rest of today and keep taking all my vitamins and herbal stuff I'll be better tomorrow.
ajd: I'm curious, your signature says single mother by choice. So does this mean you're using donated sperm and just doing this all by yourself?? What's your story?
THanks ladies..

AJD I too see those lines.. fxed its not an evap but a nice bfp will show tomorrow :)
Single mother by choice, never found my one and I told myself when I reached 35yrs old I would move forward on my own with having a family. So I started this process in Jan 2012, with all my initial doctor apts and getting everything cleared by the Sperm Bank. My friends have been super supportive with process and my family was on board with the idea before I even brought it up to them, gotta love my mom! So I got lucky and got pregnant with my first IUI!! And one of my best friends was 2 weeks ahead of me and it was super exciting to be going through all of this together. And I knew of the possibility of a miscarriage but was devastated when it happened and it finally dawned on me just how hard this whole process was going to be by doing it alone. My friends were there and were great about it, but I just wanted someone to hold me at night and go through the whole thing with...but I continued on. A friend of mine was over for dinner one night two weeks after the first miscarriage and I had had a positive surge that day and he was willing to help me out and try again...and sure enough I was pregnant again! And then a second miscarriage and my heart broke all over again. I struggled with what was happening, had my doctor run all sort of tests and the only thing he found was low progesterone. I spotted for two weeks every month from Nov 2012-April 2013 from post ovulation until my AF would show. They ran tests, found a cysts and removed that in June 2012. Since then I have only spotted one or two months and he didn't see anything on the second saline infusion ultrasound. I had a small breakdown and started to see a reproductive therapist and she really helped me find some perspective on the whole process. She said my numbers looked great (Day three labs and AMH) and that my turn would come and I would be an amazing mom. I had really high hopes with these last two IUIs: I had so many follicles on both (5 on the first and 9 on this last one), my sperm count on this last one was high (the only other time it was this high was when I got pregnant from him the first time) and I had the trigger shot. Everything lined up perfectly.... I did extra acupuncture to help with ovulation and implantation. I am keeping my fingers crossed.... I really want this to happen... though I will be honest and say I'm kinda scared a little of having multiples on my own!! :)

Tomorrow I will be testing with a First Response (pink lines) and a CVS version of the FR (blue lines) tests. I have a digi but am trying to hold off on using that yet, esp since you can't open them and examine the strips inside (I tested right before I went in for my IUI just to prove to myself that you can't read the strip and sure enough I had a second blue line at that point haha). I'm being very realistic right now and not getting my hopes up, but keeping my FX and praying for my miracle!!
ohhh.... you guys can check out my donor if you want!!!

Donor #### from Pacific Reproductive Services in San Francisco.
I saw his baby picture last month when I picked up my sample and he was a beautiful baby....it brought such a loving feeling to my heart to see this LO that I could be having xoxo my LO

I love how all of our stories are so different but how we are all here for each other, you girls are awesome and full of so much positive energy it feel great to be here.... now I'm not only addicted to POAS but also BnB too!!
Lol welcome to the addiction of bnb AJD... im keeping everything crossed this is it for you and so sorry to hear of your miscarriages.. I too have had 2 and its devastating.
AJD- I love love love your story! I wish some of my single friends would follow your journey and become mommies! I wish you so much luck with this cycle!!
Wow what an empowering story! I really applaud you for being able to do this alone! I had a hell of a time doing it with my best friend / lover by my side, I couldn't imagine doing it by myself! Do you have support people you can turn to for help? Like during the last trimester (I couldn't even put my own shoes on. OH was even helping me put on my underwear the last 2 months lol!) or if you get put on bed rest? Labor/birth? After you have the baby? I'm just amazed, such a strong woman you must be! I don't know what the heck I would do with out OH to help me!

I'm trying to look up your donor but the website isn't working right now. I'll try again in a little bit.
P.S. I remember this being briefly talked about before, but I think it needs to happen for real. Someone REALLY should write a letter to Ellen about our thread and the journey's we've been through together and how we've supported each other. I'd do it, but I'm not much of a writer so I don't think I'd be able to really capture the love of the thread and be able to put it in to words. The love and support we have for each other, despite how incredibly different all our stories are, is just AMAZING. I love you all :hugs: Been there for me from beginning to now, I don't know what I would have done with out you all.
I'm not sure what he has Jenna! He doesn't feel warm but he's been sweating a lot which makes me believe he's running a fever. Today he went to work & when he got home he seemed a bit better. Still has a cough & sore throat but he isn't throwing up anymore. I told him he may be pregnant lmao :rofl:

Im glad your feeling better :)

As for the donation! You should so do it. Its been a pretty neat experience but just nervous cause I don't know what yo expect. I'm sure it will get better the further in to it I get. Unfortunately no I don't get to meet them. they made me sign papers last week saying I couldn't try & find the couple or I couldn't go find the kid...all I get to know is if they got pregnant. I do look forward to finally get my bfp once this is done with though.
TypeA: I wish a lot more strong single ladies would do the same too! I know it is going to be hard going it alone but having my sweet LO in the end will be so worth it. I have to much love to give to not do it!

Jenna: thanks! It is amazing how much strength we all have in ourselves, sometime I forget myself until someone reminds me…like today ☺ I laughed as I envisioned myself trying to get my panties on 9mons preggers…..oh boy! Not sure about the whole shoe thing…..though, I work in a hospital and last time it came around to reorder scrubs I went up a size for maternity wear lol! So I guess I can get a pair or two of the slip on clog thingies I see so many people wearing…hopefully I can just step right into those. I have some family and friends who are going to take turns flying out to California to spend a week with me during the first two months. And some great friends here who are going to help out as much as possible. And I have you guys to emotionally support me ☺

Lilrojo: thanks and I’m so happy Hopin mentioned this thread to us ladies on another thread…. this is definitely an addicting one!

Allika: same to you!! Keeping my Fx this is your month!

Lei: I was LMFAO where you said your hubby could be preggers….that was funny ☺

Ellen: you would really like our group if you joined….are you TTC? Or thinking about it?

AFM: so I am in a wedding in May for a friend in Minnesota and when we ordered dresses I had no idea how pregnant I might be. I almost missed the wedding altogether with first pregnancy and questionable on the second one. But now my dress is WAY too big and my lady here in Cali won’t touch, said the panels are too big and it would ruin the dress. I called the Wedding Shop in Mn and they told me it was too late to order another dress….but to show up the day before the wedding and they would alter it overnight no worries! I was in tears….thinking I had really screwed up by ordering so large, she said she has been doing wedding dresses for 30yrs and have altered many sizes for women just like me who order Pregnancy size dresses…… so I booked my flight out today for Tues with an apt at the shop an hour after I land and the wedding on Saturday. Thanks goodness I work 7days on and get days off so I had the extra time to spend there with her! Always something good shines through all struggles that we have, sometimes you just need to look harder to find out why ☺
Lei: Is there options where you CAN meet the couple? I just feel like I'd want to at least meet them! I don't know, something I need to think about I suppose. In the meantime I'll just go donate some blood ;)

Ajd: Crocks would be a great idea, I had a couple pairs while I was working as a CNA. They're super comfy and easy as pie to put on. You'll DEFINITELY need them once you hit the last trimester! Are you going to hire a doula? I've heard such great things about them I really think you should. I would have done it if we had the extra money!
Jenna I'm not to sure. I'm sure of you look more into it in your area you might be able to find out... I only hears about this fertility clinic through a friends friend which is why I chose it. There policy is every is anonymous but I'm sure they have others out there that aren't.

I swear dh is so hard headed.... He woke up puking all morning & I told him to stay home & call the Dr. Of course he didn't listen cause he's a man !!! Lol
Happy Hump day!

Ugh I am tired! Thank Goodness it's halftime already for this workweek! Today is Day 1 of the 2ww :)!

You know what sucks? Reading about cycles where everything went right and then still only a BFP. 20% success per cycle is sooooo little!
Good morning lovely ladies!! PHEW.....I had a LOT to catch up on!!! I love how active this thread is, but not OVERLY crowded. We are a tight knit group and I just love it!

Mums I know I'm being repetitive and I'm sorry for that but I really AM starting to worry about you and your health. :hugs: Hope everything is OK :flower:

Lei I bet it is hard not to jump DH's bones! But aren't you on BC? Are you supposed to be abstinent anyway? And LOL :rofl: @ DH being pregnant! And of COURSE he's being hard headed...he's a man :haha:

rojo Thanks for sharing!!! I'm so excited for you and to hear how your bloods are today!! :hugs:

ajd I know we were on the other thread together and I knew that you were a single mom by choice but it really is inspirational to hear your whole story and everything you've been through. I think it's AMAZING what you're doing and I feel grateful that you're on this thread with us so that we get to be here for you through this process.
About the bfn's, give it time. You arent technically supposed to be testing until Sunday right? I'm keeping my FX'd for you!! :hugs:
I tried going to the donor site to look at the baby picture but you have to pay $15 to see it, so I didn't go that far but I DID read the profile, he sounds great! Tall, good build, love his ethnicities, no medical issues whatsoever! That's awesome! Do you ever have a chance to meet him OR would he ever have the option to meet you? This is such an interesting process!!
SO glad you found someone that can alter your dress. Hopefully you're not dealing with a bridezilla who's flipping out about the timeline LOL :haha:

Jenna My DS turns 6 on Saturday (which is really depressing because I feel like he was Draven's size just yesterday) and he lets me kiss his face repeatedly but he DOES think it's really uncool and I have to refrain from doing it at his school when I'm there for things with PTA or class events. I want to be a cool mom :haha:
I'm glad you're feeling better, your temp has gone WAY down so that's great!! You should be good after today!!
Oh and I think if I were Lei I'd want to meet the couple too, I'm not sure why. I'd probably want to meet the sperm donor if I were ajd too. I guess I'm just nosy?!

TypeA I almost put your exact words but decided to just put your general dates instead :haha:

Breaking One more day closer!! :hugs:

Jenna I think you're totally right, but I want to take a poll of who would be on board with one of us writing to Ellen Degeneres about our group of ladies!! I would do it, I think.... it is something to think about though. That's a very public way of kind of putting that information out there, but I think I would be ok with it. I do think it's PRETTY AMAZING that we are all so close, and here for each other, even though we are in different parts of the country - I'm not sure if anyone on this thread is outside of the US? - and even though we are in ALL different stages of TTC. What do you ladies think?

Allika Happy TWW :hugs: :flower: Yeah the statistics aren't fun but don't pay attention to those silly things this is YOUR CYCLE!! :hugs:

How is everyone else doing?!?!

AFM, Just waiting to finish bleeding this out. I am realllllly hoping that by tomorrow it will slow down a little. I'm taking the day off and spending it with DS, he's on spring break from school and we're going to have a mommy son day, I'm really excited about it. He's my little buddy. I'm in the final steps of planning his birthday party, it's going to be great - Carnival themed complete with all kinds of carnival games, cotton candy, a face painter, prizes - you name it. He's SO EXCITED. I have put SO MUCH work in to it - but it's all home made games, it will be a ton of fun. I'll have to post pics on here afterwards. It's this Saturday, on his actual birthday this year so it makes it extra special.
Morning everyone!

Ajd - Thanks so much for sharing your incredible journey with us! We are here for ya and I'm so excited to see where your path leads you!!! :flower:

Allika - Yeay on the 2ww!

Lei - Hope your DH feels better soon!

Jenna - Glad your feeling better - I'm sure it is pure torture to not be able to snuggle little Draven! Also, I agree on the Ellen thing...would be a cool story. Someday we should all meet at some middle place - how cool would that be?!

Mums - Still haven't heard from you, I hope your OK.
Rojo - FX'd for you!!!

Hopin - Hope you have a wonderful day with your DS today - sounds like fun!!! Also great job on the birthday planning....sounds awesome!!! What a lucky boy :flower:
Thanks Grateful, but it's actually tomorrow that I'm spending the day with him :) I can't wait! And I'm the lucky one, no doubt :):):):) <3 <3 <3

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