If I don't get my
this month it's game over until April 😭
My husband has to work away for six months. And I feel hopeless.

My husband has to work away for six months. And I feel hopeless.
Just found out one of my close friends is almost the same dpo as me. How amazing would that be. My daughter and her son are 4 months apart and having the same due date would be awesome! Fingers crossed. Anyone else give into poas'ing?
If I don't get mythis month it's game over until April 😭
My husband has to work away for six months. And I feel hopeless.
Anyone testing around nov 17?? I am cd8, fertile window is. Due soon according to my charting app! Lol
Good vibes and best wishes to you ladies!
Sitting on CD6 here. DH and I are having a little vacation to see family which hopefully is what we need to de-stress and feel refreshed for a new cycle. I really need to keep my stress levels down!
If I don't get mythis month it's game over until April 😭
My husband has to work away for six months. And I feel hopeless.