Mas I missed that you had a chemical, I'm so sorry
Me and Jennifer are back home now, she's doing really well, she has her meds to take every day and we're getting as much sunshine as possible to help the bilirubin levels drop right down, we even had our first trip out today!
We went into the city and I ended up spending far too much on more baby clothes for her, all needed though as new born sizes completely swamp her!
The only things I bought myself were a couple of nursing bras (oh my God, how much easier do these make life??) and a couple of strappy nursing tops for the hot weather we're having!
I'm having to visit the VTE clinic every day to check my INR and make sure my dosage of warfarin and heparin are correct, at the moment I'm on 6mg warfarin and 18,000 units of heparin each night and my INR is 1.2.....It should be between 2 and 3 so my blood is too thick and leaves me open to more P.E.'s

So, loads of blood tests until it's right!
Hope everyone else is doing well!