The Gassy Girls!.....43 BFP's and counting!

Well looks like im the only one here with patience when it comes to testing those BFN make me so sad though.

I do have a question or two, I know in the TWW when pregnant your temp should go up or stay up but what happens after the tww if your pregnant does it still stay up? Im bad at charting I always forget my BBt til right before my period.:shrug:

My gas has returned :cry:but luckly it dont smell or make any noise im starting to think i ate something bad because ive never had farts like this they make noise and rumble low in my belly then come out peacefully anyone ever have gas like this lol
Hey sweetie, how long have you been ttc for? I think you did say but I've forgotten :blush:

I'm still at the stage where - although disappointed - I'm not that miserable when I get a BFN? I've/we've still got loads of things to try and things to add to my diet/his diet etc

My gas is exactly like how you describe just after I've ovulated, it's like having a thunder storm rolling round your lower abdomen!

What thermometer are you using? I might start charting myself for next cycle :thumbup:
Nope dont think Ive said Oops lol Its been 8 months it really dont seem that long though, I do get over the BFN rather quickly

I use a regular digital basal thermometer I know people like to use the ones that measure like 1/100TH of a degree but I perfer 1/10TH and it works ,Im glad I remember to chart at the end though because the day my temp drop arond 97.3 or lower AF comes that day so know wondering if she's coming
I really wish I had your will power Sweetie bug. This is only our second TTC cycle. But we are hoping we get a BFP either this month or next, my husbands a teacher so it would be great to have the baby before his 6 week summer holidays next year.

CelticStar your story made me laugh. I've been a bit windy but I have been before. I am getting cramping in my lower abdomen but I don't know if this is normal for me or not. Thanks for the tip re: Savers. Yeah I am in the UK, will try and pop there later.

I'm considering charting temp next cycle. At the mo I just use OPk and monitor CP and CM but that doesn't help you know when you actually ovulate.

Willpower and good luck to everyone!
Bean-Its hard to not test but everytime I want to I try to tell myself AF coming lol That would be a great timing for you FX'd If this is my cycle ill be due right around my bday and I got excited about that
Hello ladies
Sorry I dont understand most of the abbreviations on here as this is my first time.
Im also in my 2ww tho and my test is due on 6th October.
Had my transfer on Saturday and this seems to be the longest time of my life.
Should I have felt anything by now - apart from totally bloated
Thanks for that sweetie, I've got a thermometer on my amazon which I'll get when I test this cycle :D

catsnfings, hello! It's perfectly normal to not have any symptoms at all, do you normally notice anything before AF?

Oh and here's the abbreviation list that I constantly refer to ;) - Lingo and Abbreviations thread!
Right, this is me trying to be sensible and not get my hopes up, I've just felt my lower abdomen just above my pubic bone, my first thought is that it's a sign of AF coming this cycle :(
It feels hard and bigger than usual, I've never actually felt my belly before AF before so I'm not putting it down as a symptom.
Does anyone else get this?

I'm thinking it's just a case of my uterus "swelling" and getting ready for AF (looks like I will need that Raspberry Leaf tea and extra stock of hpt's after all :haha:)
Put together with the painful experience last night of OH - ahem - "meeting" my cervix, I'm thinking that it's my body telling me that there's no point trying any more this cycle....

But re-reading that, it could also be my body telling me that there's no point in trying any more as we've succeeded :dohh:

I'm going to think of it as the former though....Seriously NOT getting my hopes up! I'm thinking we'd have to be REALLY lucky to get a BFP on only our 2nd cycle, realistically I'm thinking it'll be more like 6th or onwards...There, head is out of the clouds and feet firmly back on the ground again....What would I do without you girls to talk at? :haha:

(That's a theoretical question, I know the answer would be - "Make us broke by spending all our money on hpt's" :haha: )
Hey charliekitty, I don't have EWCM any more, it's gone white and creamy now...I don't have a clue about what different CM means so I'll just keep updating with information on mine for no reason whatsoever :haha:

Here's hoping that you get the best birthday present ever! FX'd!

Hello Bean :D Your AF is due the same time as mine (and a few others as well on this thread) I know exactly what you mean about symptom spotting, I said early on that I wasn't going to take notice of everything and only note down the symptoms that I've never noticed before....Well, now I'm hyper sensitive to EVERY symptom and I can't remember if they've been like this on other cycles :dohh:
Are you in the UK? I'm asking because Savers do a kit of three testing strips for just a pound and they also do HPT for a pound as well, might be worth taking a trip there if you're on this side of the pond!

heavyheart....I'm so with you on the man farts :haha: mine have thankfully lessened off now but I'm so glad no one was around when I made my cup of tea this morning....Picture the scene : I'm in the kitchen, have just made a cuppa and am walking up the hallway to the living room with the two cats around my feet and the dog with his nose shoved up my butt....

So I'm about halfway to the living room and as I take my next step it seemed like an atomic bomb had just exploded....I was trying to think how to drop to the floor without spilling my cuppa or my bowl of cornflakes, the cats had run off and hidden somewhere, and the dog was looking extremely shell shocked (remember where his nose had been shoved!)
Then it dawned on me, that stomach ache I'd woken up with had gone!
I had just let go the biggest man fart of my life!
I actually had to look around and see if my OH had come back in after work and heard it....Mind you, I think he could have heard this one at work never mind having to be in the same house as me!
Thankfully the coast was clear and the only ones traumatised by the event were the two cats and the dog....The dog moreso!
The cats are still giving me dirty looks and the dog won't come near me now, he has been getting his own back with some truly toxic man farts of his own though :wacko:

:haha::haha::haha: TOO FUNNY!!!!! I'm LMAO!
If you didn't gather from that post Mas, it takes me a while to get my brain functioning after I've "woken up" :blush:
Hi ladies! Would love to join the wait with you guys! This is our 1st cycle TTC #1. My cycle length has varied since coming off the pill (i used to be 28 days like clockwork) but now it ranges from 30-35, with 33 being the average over the last year. This would put AF due on Oct 6th.

I had an ovarian cyst burst about a year ago which prompted me to use OPKs to make sure my cycle had gone back to normal. I used them for about 3 months and never caught my surge. I went and had hormonal bloodwork done and everything was normal. I stopped using the OPKs because we werent quite ready to TTC and I didn't want to stress myself out unnecessarily.

Now, this first month TTC, I used OPKs again and still didn't catch my surge, despite using them twice a day for about a week in the "prime time". I have a CBFM on order so will start with that next cycle.

SO, I'm not completely sure how many DPOs I am because I can't pinpoint it, but I know that if AF isn't here by Oct 6th I'll be late. So would love to join the wait with you ladies!!
Welcome in FX'd! (sorry, my fingers have gone on a sort of strike as I've done loads of typing this morning!)

Are you going to be using the CBFM throughout the month? I'm asking as I have no ideas about OPK's or FM's! I think OPK's are only used when you think you're O'ing and FM's are used throughout the cycle? Is that right?

Here's hoping that you don't need the CBFM next cycle due to getting your BFP though! :D
Trying not to symptom spot (not really), but my boobs felt heavy this morning and are looking a little veinier(is that a word) than usual, I think.
This time my boobs are actually not veiny or how ever you would say that lol but I always hear its a good sign if they are does it ever happen any other cycle mas?

I also feel like im out this month Im a little a head of most of you I think (AF due no later then the 3rd i think I dont like being first no fair) I am cramping just like when she is coming and backache only AF symptom I dont have yet is a break out which I get every time
Im hoping for the best Celtic! You seem to have all the same symptoms as me but I have so many hot flashes!! I have the same "tight" feeling in my lower abdomen that I KNOW I had when I got pregnant last time. Im taking it as a good sign :) Im still holding out and not testing until thursday morning!!
Hot flashes? As in you're just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel as if you're drenched in sweat and just can't cool down?

I really hope this is a lucky month for us (baby dust...Where's that freaking baby dust? Found it! :dust: :dust: :dust: ) At the same time I really don't want to believe it could be...Does that make sense?
it makes complete sense.. Im worried that Im getting my hopes too high :sad2: and YES it doesnt matter if Im sitting on the couch watching a movie with a fan on me in 65 degree weather I STILL have them since I O'd! These hot flashes are soooo intense! Today my abdomen feels a little more tight and I felt something similar to round ligament pain early this morning when getting up out of bed I could just be trying to find things that are symptoms.. :blush:
:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:!!!!! and more freaking :dust: !!!
Right, in the interest of keeping our feet on the ground, I declare our symptoms as normal AF symptoms.

We will NOT be encouraging each other (GAH! hot flash again, getting beyond a joke now!) and we will be telling each other that it's only AF......Deal?

You can give in and test on Thursday, I'm going to hold out until I'm at least 10dpo (should be Sunday) and then we can commiserate with each other!

Baby dust!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust::dust: :dust: :dust:
Well said hun! I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up lol xx
I know people say that if you think positive then good things will happen but in my experience if you think positive then you just get more disappointment in the end....

So I'm doing the opposite and thinking this isn't going to be lucky for me (still hope it is for you ladies though! - Quick!! Baby dust needed! :dust: )

And yes....I do have some Irish blood which explains my unlogic :haha:

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