The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Morning ladies!

Thanks for the vitamin tip snowflake – those sound yummy! When I finish with my currents, I want to try those. Mine are alright, they don’t make me sick, but I prefer a chewable because really, I’m like a 5 year old and I hate swallowing horse pills. Mine are even coated with some fruity kind of something or other that makes them easier going down, but still – no me gusta!

Holy HAIL jess that is crazy! We’ve been getting rain, rain, rain lately. It’s miserable. But nothing like tornados, so praying you ladies all are safe out there!

Hey Nanner no worries, you’re not behind at all! Plenty of time, still, to catch up with your jazz. We’re getting so close yet are still so far. D: Boo!

Hope you enjoy your magazines, Kimberley.

Congrats, dodge on bumping up a month! FXed for you, love!

No idea on books, singer but if anyone thinks of any, I'd be interested in reading them too! Anything to help make the dog x baby exchange a better experience for all parties involved! :)

I’m feeling uber broody. Awhile ago I bought this maternity shirt that my sister had also gotten – it was so freakin’ cute, and didn’t look maternity-ish. So I decided I needed it. They take your address and all that, turns out they send me non-stop mailings and submitted me to all these lists so I get all kinds of baby things in the mail. =( Formula, coupons, etc. It’s awful, because the days where I’m already slightly broody I get something in the mail and it amplifies by a billion. Tragic!

So my C is very soft and high this morning – until today, I was a skeptic about feeling for it and was convinced I’d never see the difference. Well, I do. It’s insane. So I guess now that I’m off BCP and can actually feel changes in it, I may as well start using that as a means of charting too.

Ugh okay, gotta get back to work. Boss is on a rampage today. LOL.

Hello ladies and welcome newbies!

Well, I am also feeling very broody too. I think it's the feeling that it's just so close now, it's almost within reaching distance!
I've actually started writing a diary, which is something I haven't done in a long time (like over 10 years!!) but I find it's a great way to take my mind off the wait and to get my feelings out, as I can't really discuss my TTC plans with anyone in real life.

Hope you ladies are all ok. Hurry up June!

Btw, Vicky I love the little saying you have in your signature, such lovely words!

It must be in the air cause I am super duper broody today Mrs Mel!

I guess it doesn't help that I went to Marshalls on lunch today. And just happened to peek into the baby dept. So now I don't know what to do. They have a ton of that Infantino stuff there. There is a tummy time mat that is really cute and themed in bugs! So adorable... (see here: ) And I realllllllly want to buy it. It is such a good deal only $25. - website says $60! Should I buy it? Am I crazy? They have so many cute little things of this brand there - like teether type things and shakers etc. I want to buy a few things but don't know if I should. The price is just so good that it is tempting.

Have any of y'all bought anything for your unconceived LO yet? I bought 2 maternity tops from Target so far because they were like $3! But I feel a bit silly buying play toys already...

We had some bad storms too, Jess! Hail everywhere! And tornados! Not near me but about 2 hours east - with lots of damage! Scary!

Enjoy your family time Poppie!

I want to get some preggy mags too now, Kimberley! I never thought about that! ;)+

Swan - I have no clue how to check my c. I would like to learn - I think getting TCOYF will help me alot. I can't even figure out the difference between some of my CM. So I just solely go by my temps to confirm OV with Fertility Friend.

Hooray for dodge moving up a month! That is great news! Our 1st june bug to fly so to speak!
dodgegirl, I find your story fascinating. I didn’t meet my DH until I was 31. The time before I met him, I started to plan out my life as a single woman too. Co-parenting probably would have been a great option for me, if things hadn’t worked out for me. I pray that everything works out for you.
snowflake, I read about it first online, then in TCOYF. I was skeptical at first - because I was on the pill and everything felt the same. derrrr me. LOL. but now? I'm like 0-0 because I can feel the change.

and I got a positive OPK today, which made me really broody.

then the damn dentist assistant is PREGGO and about 7 months along or so, I'd say, so that just made me wanna cry. lmfao!

thank you mrs mel! totally jacked it from twilight. I'm such a fangirl sometimes... xD whoops?!
I totally understand wanting buy maternity things, especially when they're on sale! An argument I have with myself when I'm tempted is that I don't know what season I'll be pregnant in. What if I end up with lots of winter clothes and am preggers in the summer? That great deal isn't so great if you can't wear them!
For myself and buying baby clothes/ toys, I don't get too tempted because I have sooo many relatives that will likely pass things off to me. Also, I know that my family will indulge this child with so many things that I'm sure anything I bought would be overkill!

Overall though, I think it's fine to get a few things if you can't resist!
I totally understand wanting buy maternity things, especially when they're on sale! An argument I have with myself when I'm tempted is that I don't know what season I'll be pregnant in. What if I end up with lots of winter clothes and am preggers in the summer? That great deal isn't so great if you can't wear them!
For myself and buying baby clothes/ toys, I don't get too tempted because I have sooo many relatives that will likely pass things off to me. Also, I know that my family will indulge this child with so many things that I'm sure anything I bought would be overkill!

Overall though, I think it's fine to get a few things if you can't resist!

dodgegirl, I find your story fascinating. I didn’t meet my DH until I was 31. The time before I met him, I started to plan out my life as a single woman too. Co-parenting probably would have been a great option for me, if things hadn’t worked out for me. I pray that everything works out for you.

aww that's SO sweet CeeDee !!! Thanks a bunch :flower:

I'm glad you finally met your DH :) I'm sure I will find mine someday, and in the mean time, I'm gonna have this wonderful child to raise...! :cloud9:
Afternoon ladies!! I have 1 hour and 20mins to go before my 5 day weekend!! Can't wait.

snowflakes120 that tummy time mat is so cute!! I am going to want to buy EVERYTHING ladybugs for my baby, no matter if it is a boy or girl!! LOL!! And I know people will buy ladybug stuff for me too.

I do have a few things that I have purchased for our future LO -

* I got a really good cot sheet set that was waaaaay cheap from this Enviro store that was closing down, also have carseat, portacot and pram (as mentioned in previous posts that I got because we have friends with kids that came to visit etc).

* This gorgeous ladybug romper - and a bumble bee sleeping bag, both which I ordered because I was ordering the same ladybug things for friends (who I know will pass back to me when our baby comes along). I've also signed up to a few mummy websites that send out free samples of stuff including diapers (or nappies as we call them here in OZ!) so I've been putting all them away for one day.

* I have also pre-ordered my nappy bag from The Beatles Store (cuz I love The Beatles too) it comes with the matching bottle warmer as well. I love the nappy bag because it just looks like a normal bag anyway and could use it for a laptop or something once baby is done with it.

So yeah, I have a few things already for baby but won't be buying the big stuff like a cot until we are definitely expecting.
Im waiting untill 3 months (though I will probably eat my words later) before I buy anything especially as we are going to be moving house around June/July so there no point moving stuff from one place to the next, it is very temping though. I found a Baby Dior outfit at TKMaxx the other day, and was desperate to buy it!!!

both my cousins have just had a baby, as has a good friend so I can buy things for them, if I slip up:haha:

I can't believe June is nearly here!!! :happydance: Itas seems to have taken ages... May better wizz by!

Will try and ask around about dog books see if there are any good ones!

P.S How do I add the little pictures at the bottom, like the Junebugs logo??
Welcome newbies!

I’m so far behind I’m trying to catch up. LOL

Welsh_Mum, Sorry to hear about your daycare issues. You might need to change your plans if it’s not the right time for your family. I’m hoping to take 8 weeks maternity leave and try to work something out with my employer to telework for at least the following 4 months (ideally when the child stops breastfeeding). If not, I’ll just have to pay childcare or get a nanny. We’re leaning more towards nanny.

Snowflakes, I think $800 a month is pretty reasonable. It’s around $2K here in Maryland.

Jess137, That hail looks crazy scary!

Swanxxsong, I feel you on the broodiness. Since I just got married everyone keeps asking me if I’m pregnant yet. Unfortunately I have to tell them I’m just fat. I’ve gained almost 10lbs since I’ve been married. Good Grief!!!

All this baby talk is not good for my broodiness. I guess I’ll go to baby Gap at lunch time and ooh and aww.
Hey everybody! Sorry I missed all of yesterday. We went to a Cardinals baseball game (BTW it was FREEZING!!!!). I didn't get to bed until around midnight, I was sooo tired so I didn't get on here.

I have started buying a few little things, and acquiring things from people with kids who don't need the stuff anymore. I have a couple Econobum cloth diapers I bought really cheap, some cloth baby wipes, and my aunt gave me her $300 Medela breast pump and her Boppy. I'm just getting a few things as I go along.

I am so excited, I did an OPK yesterday and there was a faint line! I know it doesn't mean I'm ovulating yet, but the last 3 times I did an OPK there was no line at all. I was worried I wasn't going to O this cycle, but maybe I will now. Yay!

I also counted out my babymaking new box of Pre Seed with 9 applicators, 11 OPK's, 8 IC preg tests, and 2 FRER's. That's pretty sad, huh, that I need to count how many chances I have to POAS! Oh well. Anyone else stocking up yet?
Hooray on the faint line Jess137!

I'm soo far behind too CeeDee.. I read a lot of the posts yesterday but didn't have time to respond.
We are just such busy gals!

I purchased some cheap PG and OPK tests for June, yay! of course I didn't want to scare my DH so I meant to keep them out of site.. unfortunately he found them yesterday. oops.
I kept the details minimal just told him they were OPK tests, for ovulation - I do have a good excuse, as I had ovary surgery last month I do want to make sure that I am capable of ovulating. (figured if I said there was both he might go a little green.. he's still scared..)
Okay to get the junebugs siggy, put this in your signature field:


BUT you need to remove the *s to make it actually work. :)


Second + on my OPK. Ovulation todayyyyy then, I'd guess? We'll see what my temp says tomorrow. Fingers CROSSED. >.< We almost BD last night without protection but then we decided to wait one more month. If I O on the cruise, or shortly thereafter, we'll be trying. So late May, early June? We'll see what my cycle does.

I have a maternity shirt from my sister, one I bought and she got me a baby bjorn. lmao. they're all hidden somewhere. :3

aw lu-is! so cute. I hope he warms up soon. ;)

YAY baseball! cold time of year for games but ahhh, so fun! we're phillies fans - went to the second game of the season, going again may 1 and then a few times later this summer. we're obsessed. :D hope you had fun, jess!

US ladies, preseed - available at any stores? I need to check CVS and stuff, I am hoping to avoid ordering online.

I have digital OPKs and a few PTs from earlier but I want to get a bunch more and a digital for when I KNOW but I want one that says PREGNANT on it. lmao. just because.

need to get preseed. otherwise, I'm pretty set I think?
oh yeah, and my bbs hurt like crazy. damn you ovulation! D:
Hello, hope your all enjoying your long weekends thats if you dont have to work! I wont buy anything for the baby just incase something happens and i know i will feel like i have jinxed it and then be all sad :( saying that though my friend knows we are going to try and has started a baby collection up for me hehe like baby wash and wipes and that, which i think is really nice. preseed is that just if you dont have alot of own moist (sorry i put it so crude) or is it to help as well. Im so tierd just had first day back from work from having ten days off and its been so busy as its the long weekend so alot of the families have put their family into respite.. hope everybody else is all okay and had a good day x
Okay to get the junebugs siggy, put this in your signature field:


BUT you need to remove the *s to make it actually work. :)


Second + on my OPK. Ovulation todayyyyy then, I'd guess? We'll see what my temp says tomorrow. Fingers CROSSED. >.< We almost BD last night without protection but then we decided to wait one more month. If I O on the cruise, or shortly thereafter, we'll be trying. So late May, early June? We'll see what my cycle does.

I have a maternity shirt from my sister, one I bought and she got me a baby bjorn. lmao. they're all hidden somewhere. :3

aw lu-is! so cute. I hope he warms up soon. ;)

YAY baseball! cold time of year for games but ahhh, so fun! we're phillies fans - went to the second game of the season, going again may 1 and then a few times later this summer. we're obsessed. :D hope you had fun, jess!

US ladies, preseed - available at any stores? I need to check CVS and stuff, I am hoping to avoid ordering online.

I have digital OPKs and a few PTs from earlier but I want to get a bunch more and a digital for when I KNOW but I want one that says PREGNANT on it. lmao. just because.

need to get preseed. otherwise, I'm pretty set I think?

I'm really glad that you know you're ovulating! That's great!

I will buy one of the digi tests after I get a positive on a FRER, just so I can take a picture of it! LOL

I don't think that Pre Seed is available in any stores here. I got mine off of Ebay. The tube with 9 applicators usually costs around $20. The person I got it from has that plus your choice of any mixture of 25 total OPK's and pg tests. I got it for $32.99 with all of that. I thought it was an ok deal since there was no shipping cost.

I forgot, also- does anyone know if sensitive nipples is a symptom of ovulation? I have really big bb's, so my nipples have never been very sensitive at all. Lately though they are almost a little sore. Sorry for the TMI...
Hello, hope your all enjoying your long weekends thats if you dont have to work! I wont buy anything for the baby just incase something happens and i know i will feel like i have jinxed it and then be all sad :( saying that though my friend knows we are going to try and has started a baby collection up for me hehe like baby wash and wipes and that, which i think is really nice. preseed is that just if you dont have alot of own moist (sorry i put it so crude) or is it to help as well. Im so tierd just had first day back from work from having ten days off and its been so busy as its the long weekend so alot of the families have put their family into respite.. hope everybody else is all okay and had a good day x

Preseed serves the purpose of other lubricants but it isn't harmful to sperm, upping the chances that they'll go the distance.
It must be in the air cause I am super duper broody today Mrs Mel!

I guess it doesn't help that I went to Marshalls on lunch today. And just happened to peek into the baby dept. So now I don't know what to do. They have a ton of that Infantino stuff there. There is a tummy time mat that is really cute and themed in bugs! So adorable... (see here: ) And I realllllllly want to buy it. It is such a good deal only $25. - website says $60! Should I buy it? Am I crazy? They have so many cute little things of this brand there - like teether type things and shakers etc. I want to buy a few things but don't know if I should. The price is just so good that it is tempting.

Have any of y'all bought anything for your unconceived LO yet? I bought 2 maternity tops from Target so far because they were like $3! But I feel a bit silly buying play toys already...

We had some bad storms too, Jess! Hail everywhere! And tornados! Not near me but about 2 hours east - with lots of damage! Scary!

Enjoy your family time Poppie!

I want to get some preggy mags too now, Kimberley! I never thought about that! ;)+

Swan - I have no clue how to check my c. I would like to learn - I think getting TCOYF will help me alot. I can't even figure out the difference between some of my CM. So I just solely go by my temps to confirm OV with Fertility Friend.

Hooray for dodge moving up a month! That is great news! Our 1st june bug to fly so to speak!

I bought 2 really cute Irish newborn onesie's that were like 75% off around St Patricks day, I couldn't resist ! Plus I bought a stroller, car seat & high chair from a good friend for a really good deal, I couldn't pass it up !
I hadn't thought of maternity clothes until I read your post ! I better keep my eyes peeled for some good deals !! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Target!! :thumbup:
oooh good call on sale maternity clothes.. hmmm...
I haven't bought any new clothes for myself in awhile and I figure that's a good thing, should I fall pregnant this summer I'd like to have the $$ available to buy new clothes that will accomodate a bump.
Even now I look at which clothes I have that will work for a little bump. lol

I have a question for the charters out there, you are super smart at cycle things..
Does day 1 of the cycle begin on the first day of your period, or on the last?
thanks for your help!

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