The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

It's something to do with the hormone level rising through the day, rather than being strongest in the morning. I think daylight might trigger it? I may have just made that last bit up, but I'm sure I read it somewhere!
That's kind of interesting that OPK's use afternoon pee, and pregnancy tests recommend early morning pee..

I think they're trying to mess with us.

Nanners - Welcome!! I'm not stopping the BCP until June, or technically I think it'll be my placebo pills at the end of May.

Folic acid and Vitamins- I keep forgetting to take my vitamins every third day or so.. dang.. I was doing so good until the last two weeks.. grr.. I've got to step it up.
Hi all
Hope you're well?
I don't tend to come on here much as I'm trying not to get too wrapped up in all of this until June is here but wanted to say we had a little "accident" on Friday when I came home from work drunk and I'm sitting at work wondering what if!! :)

AF is due in 12 days so will see if OH's little swimmers took effect :)!! At the weekend I kept waving my hands over my belly shouting "fairy dust, fairy dust"... Crazy I know!!

Just wanted to share.

Hello, Welcome to our little club house! :)
welcome newbies ! hopefully you can catch up on all our pages of chatting !

I snuck on here at work....shhhhh !

I'm not feeling so well today, not sick but just have pre pms cramps and super tired.
So if I'm gonna start TTC in May, I have to ween off of my anti-dep pills...ugh. so I think next week I'm gonna start weening. not looking forward to that, but I would rather do that then have it affect the baby !

better log off now...before boss man comes by !

later girls ! hope you are all doing well. feel better becca!! :flower:

~ Paula

Welcome newbies!!!! :thumbup:

I don't watch neihbours either!

Well I started my prenatals today...just folic acid and a multi vitamin, do you think that is ok??

.....and I invested in a Mooncup, I have been using it for 24 hours and omg its bloody fantastic, I dont know why I have never seen/used them before. I have heavy periods and always leak but There is no leaking at all with the Mooncup, I love it!

Yesteday my mum hit me with a bombshell.....My parents look after Daisy while I work 3 days a week, and I have asked them before if they are coping ok and hey have always sad yes, and I have always told them that when I get all clear that we want To try for another and they have been ok with that! Now yesterday I was telling my mum (I tell her everything, shes like my best friend) its my last period before TTC and she said she now dosent know if she would be able to cope with 2. So I have been looking into childcare costs and its so expensive it wouldnt be worth me working! I really dont know what to do now, I havent told DH yet because I am scared that it will put him off the idea too. :cry: I really respect that my parents are sacraficing alot looking after Daisy, but I feel sooo gutted right now, I feel like I have had my insides ripped out! :cry:

What should I do for the best?

That's really difficult welsh mum. I probably won't be going back to work either as childcare is so expensive. Nurseries round here are £75 a day!

Daisy will get free nursery sessions won't she when she's three? How long were you going to take for maternity leave?
Sorry to hear about your childcare problems! I can see why parents wouldn't want to be a daycare to their grandkids (especially if they're retired), but it does leave you in a bind!
I've been thinking about possibilities that would allow me to work at least part time but not have to use a public day care. Here in the US, we are only guaranteed 6 weeks of mat leave, so it makes it really difficult to find someone that's willing to take on a newborn.
One option I though of is changing my work schedule opposite of my husband so we can hand off the baby. Another idea was to trade childcare with a neighbor or friend in the same situation. If it comes down to me quitting my job, I'll try to look for things I can do on my own time (lawn care, cleaning, ect). Ideally though, I will have saved enough money and reduced my expenses so that I can just stay home with my LO!

Good luck!
I'm so sorry to hear about that, welshmum! :( US childcare costs a ridiculous amount of money too, and if I put a child into daycare, my job wouldn't break even with the cost of it. UGH. so as long as we can make it work, I'll be a SAHM and probably somehow work from home if I can. Not sure all the details yet. Wishing you the best! xo
Hey girlies - Doing my daily check in!! :hugs:

I am doing a multi-vit + folic acid prenate as well right now. I think once it gets closer I will add in a fish oil capsule..... The only way I can remember to take the vitamin is by keeping the bottle in my purse so I have it all times. I like to take it with my lunch. I have been good about remembering to take it this way. If anyone is in the US - I am taking the Belly Bar Chewable Prenatals - I really like them and can be found at Walgreens. ;)

That is a really hard situation to be in Welch_mum. It might be best to sit down with hubby and have a heart to heart and weigh all the options. As Nanner said here in the US daycare can be expensive. I did some research and called around where I live and it will be about $800 a month - that is some people's rent/mortgage in these parts. I do plan on using daycare (we have no family near us) as my hubby is in school and working part time - I bring home a good paycheck so it is not possible for me to leave my job at this time. We are hoping when he completes his degree and gets a good job that I would be able to stay home with our children. :thumbup:

Kinda bummed - I OV'd 3 days later this month as opposed to the past 2 months. I am wondering if my LP will shorten or if the CD's will extend this month. I guess I will have to wait and see. :shrug:

Hope Beccad and dodgegirl feel better soon!! Take a nice bath!! :flower:
Yay! Welcome Nanner! :happydance:

Welsh_mum2be childcare is so expensive here in Australia too. My plan for work is to finish up at my current job when I'd normally go on mat leave anyway, then have our baby and get the parental payments that our government supplies (18 weeks at minimum wage). I am then going to be a Family Day Care Mum and have kids come to my place during the day. It's something I've wanted to do for ages and will mean I can be at home with our baby as well as have other kids around for my baby to grow up and socialise with (and also get paid for it!).

Talking about folic acid and vitamins - I've been taking mine for about a month and a half now. I take it every night after dinner. I also have to take Zantac as I get heartburn so that reminds me to take my vitamin too. I've ordered the new Menevit vitamins for hubby so he can get into top baby making shape health wise. I've noticed that there's lost of studies coming out now about having men taking the folate vitamins (and others) before TTC.

Beccad and Dodgegirl I hope you are both feeling better today.
hi poppiebug...i'm bored but at home. freezing cold and just stuffed myself with ice cream, yumm !! If I was able to get on here at work, I wouldn't get anything done ! I'd be on here all the time. :comp:

which preggo book are you going to get? what did you mean by the books are exxy ?? expensive? I need a new one !

During school holidays my work is mainly just in the office so I basically sit at my desk all day reading forums or whatever. I hardly get any emails either so it's easy to get bored. During term time, I'm usually out at schools most days so that is what I enjoy most.

Yes, the books can be expensive. I'm going to get the What to expect when you're expecting book. I probably could borrow it from somewhere / someone but would like my own copy.

Jess137 I meant to comment before - you have a cat and a rat?? How do they get on?? LOL! I'm hating rats right now, we had one die in our roof and it stunk out the house so much we had to stay in a motel for 2 nights. We'd told our landlord that they were in there (we thought it was possums at first) but they didnt do anything about it, then one died and they finally decided to bait them!

1 hour for me to go at work - bring on 5pm so I can head to the shops and then home :happydance:

The rat is in the spare bedroom in her cage (what will become the nursery), and the cat has the rest of the house. She doesn't really try to mess with the rat.

Becca-sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon!

Nanner-Welcome! I stopped my BCP in February, went for my preconception check with my OB/GYN, dentist, psychiatrist, and primary care dr. I have gotten off almost all of my psych meds, and I am working on getting off of a couple more meds. I have been taking a prenatal for about 3 months, and folic acid for almost a year (per my psychiatrist for my bipolar disorder). I am checking my CM and cervical position and keeping track of that. I am using an app on my Android phone to track any symptoms and when we BD. I have used a couple OPK's but I don't know if I'm ovulating yet after stopping the pill. I also took the charting course on Fertility Friend, read What to Expect Before You're Expecting, am reading What to Expect When You Are Expecting, and I read a book on pregnancy do's and dont's. I know that's a huge list, I'm sorry!

Welsh_mum-I'm glad you love the Mooncup! I love my Instead cups! I'm sorry to hear about your issue with childcare. Hopefully everything will work out. I'm not sure exactly what will happen with the job/childcare situation. I need to figure it out soon. Hubby is due to get a promotion so FX'd that it happens soon!

Off topic, but these storms here have been crazy lately! There have been 169 tornadoes this month! There were more today but the numbers aren't in yet. They are saying that the rest of this month looks like it will be just as bad. Here's a picture of some hail I picked up out of my backyard an hour ago.


  • hail041911.jpg
    5.5 KB · Views: 36
I'm sorry, I know I keep whining but I am soooooo BROODY today. I keep seeing new pics on Facebook of my pg cousin. The one having twins that I talked about before. Anyway all I can think about is how I want that to be me, iykwim?
Jess137 we've heard about the tornadoes over here. They look soooo scary! So many weird things happening in the world atm, it's just freaky. I hope you stay safe.
Don't worry about the broody-ness, I am too. My parents have just arrived to stay with us over Easter so hopefully that will provide some distraction for me. The end of June "activities" is all I seem to think about at the moment.
Wow! It seems I'm a little behind in my preparation! I guess I better get busy!
so yah....I DVR'd all the episodes of "A Baby Story" and "Bringing Home Baby"....omg there are so many episodes each day ! Tonight I watched about 3 episodes, I think that's enough for now ! haha and most of them were C-sections ! scary.....!

So yah I decided on TTC in May now....I've got so many emotions running through me now !
Jess our news said it had been more like 200 tornadoes! That hail looks really scary - does it cause damage to buildings? It looks like it could break windows.

I'm feeling a bit better today, not quite so bunged up, but I won't go to work again today as I know they'd just send me home again, and I wouldn't be very productive!

Dodge, I presume you live near the guy who is going to be the father? Exciting news for you!
Welcome Nanner hope you like our little group :) as i dooo.
Welsh that is really sucky. maybe your mum will come round when she sees the baby, or could ou afford to be a stay at home mum? I would love to be a stay at home mum im hoping to only go back for 16hours instead of 35hours hopefully!. Congrats for you Dodge oooo im excited for you :D
Swan I know excited much oooo I so am. I brought some pregancy magerzines yesterday and felt so naughty lol as when I turned the first page it was like "congrats your pregant" and i was thinking ooohh no im not lol.
Jess woah thats alot in a week, im glad we don't have anything like that over here, i would be so scared, but on the same hand i would like to see what it looks like just so i know.

Right my last day off work and im back tom, ah i really dont want to but i cant complain i have had 10days off :)

Oh yeah i hope i dont hit my peak between june 10-17 as im taking my service users on hoilday and i will be awa from other half for a week. it would be good if i had my two week wait then so i would be kept bus, do you think i could still be pushing wheelchairs if its my two week wait or will it do damage?? just a thought x

**heheh gone trigger happy with the colours :D**
One more day until it's the Easter super long weekend here. Can Not Wait! :happydance: My Mum and Dad have arrived and are staying until next Wednesday. Looking forward to some shopping and general laziness over the weekend.

I'm pretty tired so will have an early night tonight. Catch all you lovely ladies tomorrow.

yay sounds really nice poppie, enjo and have a goodnight, nighty night x
I have bought that to, thought it was brilliant, really clear and easy to read. Might get the Jenny McCarthy one though if it was funny!

I have 3 dogs, so am also slightly worried about a new baby. I know two of the three will be find, but the last one, is almost blind, so she tends to growl before they get her (if you know what I mean) I am hoping that the baby will smell like us, and we will be happy so there will be no probelm with her. I think perhaps might have a look around for some books about Babies and Dogs, any suggestions ladies??

I love reading the posts to have to say Im very pleased I have found somewhere I can vent everything Im feeling!


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