The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Aw, sorry about AF Becca. :( BUT I am so envious of your fun vacation you have planned for France and that's so true, you can enjoy every French indulegence without worry!

As Nanner said, I was told to continue at the activity level at which I had been - which was high-ish when I got pregnant, as I was training for an intense 5k (with obstacles) at that point. I... obviously have not stuck to that regimen at all, sayeth the scale. :haha: But women who ran before pregnancy are encouraged to continue through pregnancy, though everyone's encouraged to also listen to their body and not over-exert. And certain things are frowned upon, such as horseback riding, skiing, etc. Well, I should say they're more, "to each their own" activities. I know loads of women who rode horseback into pregnancy and were fine. Since I'm clumsy, my OBG was like, "Yeah that's a really bad idea." I may have mentioned this here before, but I was walking a horse (like a dog, on a lead) when I was 6 weeks or so, and she's young and I'm clumsy so we somehow tripped over one another's feet and I fell on my knees and she bruised my ankle and foot and they swelled for a day. :haha: I was fine and thankfully, so was she, but it's things like that where I get hurt on the ground, they didn't think they could trust me to ride sensibly. Not that I'd intentionally do something foolish, but well, accidents happen. :)

ANYWAY, long, elaborated rant aside, I have some pre-natal DVDs that are yoga and light cardio that I plan to do. I've been encouraged to walk, since I've not run in ages and they don't want me to get back into it now. My plan is that come winter, I'll register for a May or June 5K race, which will force me into revamping myself after the birth, so hopefully I'll get back to it. And in the meantime, I'll walk and do light exercises to try and keep myself from ballooning any more than necessary. :)
Have you started buying girly things for the baby yet Swan? :D
I'm sorry about AF becca:hugs: At least you get to have some wine!:wine: Fun! And yay for France, that sounds awesome! I wish we had money to travel..:cry:
Swan - What are your dvds I was looking at getting some and cant deicded most of the non pregantcy ones were too hard work...

Becca - I bought a spearm test for my OH which you can do at home, and it was just the first thing you can do, and its less intrusive to all the test a women would have to have,.. OH laughed alot about but he did it, if you are really owrried about tell your dr you have been trying for a year and they will start all the tests... See how you feel, otherwise Im sure it will all happen!

They was something else, but have completely forgotten! MS AGHHHHH I think it shoudl be re0named Mid day/evening sickness!
Thanks for all the welcome back comments!! It is def good to be back.....YES they absolutely drove me crazy.....don't know how i got through it really....there were lots of tears (behind closed doors) and i tended to take it all out on my DH :-(

Yeah lu-is.....chuffed basically means happy/pleased!!! Isn't it funny how u just don't realise that some people might not know what on earth ur going on about!!!

Woo hoo Snowflakes!!! Thought u must be somewhere near me, as we were last nice to have someone on a similar cycle......glad there are a few other ladies to help us through it all too!!! So, snowflakes are you on month 4 of trying now?

It is so nice to be sat on my own sofa, without having to make polite chit chat with the in laws!

So glad its friday tomo :) x
I'm sorry about AF becca:hugs: At least you get to have some wine!:wine: Fun! And yay for France, that sounds awesome! I wish we had money to travel..:cry:

That's the one thing we Europeans take for granted I think. We've got all these countries and different cultures right on our doorstep, relatively speaking of course. It's very quick and easy to get places and be somewhere entirely different.
That's definitely awesome - mad jealous Becca!

I have made a ... few ... pink purchases. xDD Trying not to go overboard but it's so difficult!!

The DVDs I got are:

Summer Sanders' Prenatal Workout & Fit & Firm Pregnancy with Denise Austin. And somewhere I have a prenatal yoga DVD that someone gave me... lol.
Welcome back Meadows and Dodgegirl!

Beccad, Sorry about AF. :hugs: I’ve tried to keep up with my normal exercise routine, but I’ve been too tired. I’ve been working out 2-3 times a week doing low intensity aerobics, step and walking.

Poppie, I know what you mean, its hard not to freak out. I was actually worried because I thought my morning sickness had gone away.

Swanx, Glad your appointment went well.
TGIF!! :happydance:
So glad that it's the weekend again AND tonight I'll be calling the family to tell them of our little secret! :baby: I'm scared and excited at the same time. I can't wait to tell, but am so scared that something will go wrong and I'll have to take it all back. I will tell my Dad first, then hubby will call his parents, then it's onto phoning my brothers and sister.

Also, I think I'll be telling one of my close workmates today too. She's going over to America on holiday next week and I want her to grab me some OPI nail polish (sooooo much cheaper over there) and also a baby onesie with I Heart NY. I wanted to buy one for us when we were there, but hubby said no. Now that we are having our little baby I really want one. So I'm going to have to tell her today that's the other thing I want. :blush:

Time for a proper catch up...

Dodge - :hugs: sorry things didn't work out with FOB. I'm sure that things will work out for you and be even better than you expected.

Swan - Yes, Bob Marley's version of the song :thumbup: . It's the best by far. I've never really been a follower of his music before, but this song popped into my head one day when I was stressing about everything and I thought, right, that has to be my song to get calm and try not to worry. I'd like to think I'll also carry it onto when baby bug is born and I'll be singing it to him/her too. Also, I wouldn't be able to help myself, I'd be out buying everything pink and ladybugs if I knew I was having a girl!! :kiss:

Becca - :hugs: sorry about AF. I am sending loads of the :dust: for next month.

Meadows - sorry to hear your inlaws drove you crazy, but now they are gone you can get back to normality. 5 weeks is a long time!

Singers - sorry your MS/Day/Arvo/Night sickness is annoying. Like I said, I am fully expecting to get something, it can't be as easy as this on me. At the same time, I worry I'm not sick because something could be wrong. I did manage to find out that my sister didn't really have any with her first and another good friend of mine was fine during her pregnancies so that keeps me a little more sane. :wacko:

Mrs Mel - :dust: for you too. TWW feels like forever hey??

Nanner - welcome back! I hope you are trying to take some time to relax during your busy schedule.

Everyone else out there.... I hope you are all well?? :dust:

Have a great weekend everyone. Apart from the excitement of tonight's phone calls, I'll just be doing some more packing for the move. We still don't have an official date yet, but we know that the plumbing and carpet should be finished by the end of next week and then the inspections start.

O/T, but I had to take my poor kitty to the emergency animal hospital tonight. She has to stay overnight. The vet said she might have interstitial cystitis (basically inflamed bladder walls). They have to give her fluids so they can get a urine sample. I have to go in to work late since I have to pick her up in the morning. She is not going to be a happy girl...

Poppie, I'm excited to hear how it goes with telling the family! How much is OPI in Australia? It's like $9 or more here which is INSANE compared to other brands. I do have one color that I love - Pompeii Purple. It's the only one I will spend that much money for. I hope they don't stop making it, I'd have to find a replacement!
Jess - in the stores here it's a whopping $19.95!!! I got it for $8.50 in Duane Reade in NYC. Crazy!!

Also, just had another bit of brown when I wiped. :( I know I shouldn't be worried as I have no cramps etc, just trying to stay positive.
Wow, that is a LOT OF MONEY! No way would I pay that much! Can you get it online and shipped to you for cheaper than that? Like from an American store?

I know it's hard not to worry, but it's just brown blood... at least there are no cramps or red blood. Lots of women have bleeding all the way through their pregnancy and have perfect LO's.:hugs:

EDIT: Sorry, I read that back. I wasn't trying to trivialize your feelings or anything if it came off that way. I'm not very good at reassuring people:flower:
Thanks Jess. That's ok. I've just spilled the beans to a close work mate (who I know I can trust) because she knew something was up with me. She said she had the same thing when she had her boy and very little MS too. So that was reassuring.

Just being stuck in the office today with nothing to do and only this to think about is doing my head in!! Sigh.... I'm such a bloody worrier and whinger. Sorry :(

Yes, I could get OPI cheaper off ebay and things, but just thought I'd ask her to get it for me seeing as she was going to be there.
Poppie, sorry you've had more bleeding - I'm sure it's going to be fine :hugs:

As for me, I need to talk to DH about this, but I think I want to take a step back from TTC for a few months and get my job situation sorted out. At the moment I'm just coasting along in a job where I'm massively bored, and to be honest just sticking around for maternity pay (six months full pay!). That was fine when we first started TTC and we didn't know what was going to happen, but if it's perhaps going to take a little while I don't want to sit there feeling bored and frustrated and resenting every minute of the day. The crap job situation makes the desire to conceive quickly all the more pressing. I can't put my life and career on hold indefinitely I guess.
As I have confessed earlier - I am addicted to Nail Polish & Makeup. I prolly have over 25 OPI and like 15 Essie and 15 China Glaze and a bunch of other various named polishes. I would love to try the new Gel nail polish that is out with the black light but I really can't commit to one color for 3-4 weeks!! As much as I work I can always find time to do my nails! This week I have on OPI yoga-ta get this blue. Alot of times I can get buy 2 get 1 free from Ulta where they are $8.50 a bottle or use one of their coupons. I bought a bunch of China Glaze at Sally's last month for $3.99 each.

Becca - I am so in the same boat. I am so sick of working so many hours but feel I have to stick with it just to have a job so hubby can continue to go to school - he only works like maybe 15 hours, if that. I make good pay enough to support us both and not have to take out student loans and pay cash for school and we just off all our debt (except for mortgage) but I can't stand the job and hours. I want to quit but I know that just isn't possible with our current situation and my age. My biological clock I feel is ticking and need to make this TTC a priority right now over my career.

I just noticed in my local paper this week that they offer Pregnancy Yoga Classes at a nearby church. I would so love to do it - It is only for 2nd & 3rd Tri though. I totally plan on doing it someday.

Meadows - Yup, 4th cycle too. Here's to hoping this is lucky cycle #4 for both of us!!

Dodge - Welcome back - good to hear from you!! Sorry to hear things didn't work out with FOB!
Becca - I am so in the same boat. I am so sick of working so many hours but feel I have to stick with it just to have a job so hubby can continue to go to school - he only works like maybe 15 hours, if that. I make good pay enough to support us both and not have to take out student loans and pay cash for school and we just off all our debt (except for mortgage) but I can't stand the job and hours. I want to quit but I know that just isn't possible with our current situation and my age. My biological clock I feel is ticking and need to make this TTC a priority right now over my career.

I know what you mean - I veer wildly from thinking that I should just stick it out, but then I think that it could take ages and I need to sort myself out with a different job. Just in case, you know? But then long term I don't even want to work in my current industry so I don't know why I'm worrying so much! I wasn't ever planning to go back to work after maternity leave anyway. Rarrrr! I'm probably making a mountain out of a molehill, but I just worry about these things. Perhaps I should concentrate on the things I want to do post-baby. I've been thinking about getting a personal-trainer qualification amongst other things.

Cycle 6 for me.
There are so many things to think about when trying to decide if you want to continue working after the LO arrives! I really want to quit and stay at home; economically that would be a good decision since the cost of childcare nearly matches my income. However I'm under contract with the hospital I work with. They've been paying for me to go back to school and if I quit I'll have to repay everything. Plus, I plan on continuing school (assuming I get accepted into the program I'm interested in) so I'd love them to keep paying my tuition! There are a few loopholes to look into

I learned today that I've been scheduled for two military courses. I was accepted into a Warrant Officer program for the army which requires one 5 week course followed by one 9 week course. I have an extension since I'm pregnant so I wouldn't be going until 2013 and they're spread out 3 months about. But who wants to leave a 1 year old at home for that long!? Plus, both courses are lock down (no phones, internet, newspapers...). That will be tough, but in the long run very much worth it.

Sorry for the rant. I just wanted to share the things I'm stressing about! :wacko:
hello totally of topic but i had my wisdom tooth out today so feeling sorry for myself i promise i will do a proper catch up soon hope all is welll x
Hey ladies,
I hope you've had a great start to the weekend.

Just popping in to say I told my family last night and hubby told his parents today. Really good reactions from everyone. My sister was really good too, I told her about the brown stuff and she said she had it too, so that makes me feel so much better. It's still there a little today, usually just on the first wipe of the day (soz TMI) but I think all is ok.

Anyway, just wanted to say that and I promise to catch up properly with everyone soon.

I haven't posted in a while but i have been reading and catching up on what your all getting up too :)

Poppie glad you got to share your news and i'm sure everything is alright with baby bug :)

Hope the rest of you pregnant ladies are doing good and are suffering to much with symptoms

Becca hope your not too 'up in the air' with what you want to do and that your not to stressed or anything.

AFM, i still haven't decided about the pushchair and car seat. I'm washing the car seat now and i went to have a look and i was like 'awww their lovely' i do want to keep them its just that the car seat hasn't got the newborn head support but i don't want to have to get another one and a car seat is deffinatly going to be used on a regular basis so i think it may have to go although its my favourite lol.

Mum has said if we are keeping them that she wants them at her house as she is more on the superstitious side than i realised and said that you shouldn't have a pushchair in the house before the baby arrives and the whole bad luck thing so yeah.

But once the car seats washed i'll take a photo and put up :)

On the baby making side i don't think we'll be successfull this month, i'm just not in the mood really tbh. My AF finished and we dtd and i got a UTI which just cleared up and i just don't fancy it lol so we'll see.


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