The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

On my phone at the mo, so can't write too much but just to say I understand ladies. I feel more and more disheartened as the months go on and the fact that every time AF comes it's another couple of weeks to wait to OV and another couple of weeks to wait for answers. It makes me sad too, more that I just hadn't expected it to take so long and I hadn't expected to want it as much as I do.
Poppie, hun, you really don't need to feel guilty at all. I love the fact that we're all at various stages of our journeys, it's so lovely hearing about how you pregnant ladies are doing!
Will post properly when I get a chance. Have come to work with bad indigestion today, am hoping that it's a good sign . . . xx
Ov seems to have gotten later again this month - the last 2 months its been CD13, but I'm now CD15 and while I've had +OPK and EWCM, I've not had the vital temp shift.

I also think I might have broken my DH. This morning he shot out of bed as soon as the alarm went, I think for fear I might try it on again. Turns out 6 times in 48 hours is as much as he can handle before things get a bit raw!

I'm another one a bit fed up that 5 cycles in nothing is happening but at the moment I'm quite relaxed about it. Always get a bit blue when the temps start to nose dive, but getting stroppy about it won't help anything so trying to stay positive.
I feel that same as you Meadows, Mrs Mel and Dinah. Just mostly bummed that it hasn't happened yet. It's just so hard when those temps drop and you have AF for a few days as a constant reminder that you didn't get it that month.

AFM, temp raise today so I OV'd yesterday and only got in that one good try. Also BD'd this AM as one last attempt. Oh well, I kinda messed up my cycle days in the beginning which ended up putting me a day behind where I thought I was. Going to remain positive as it only takes that one time anyways.
Poppie, don't feel bad about posting your things too! I don't mind reading any of it - I enjoy reading about how things are going, and only have good feelings about you pregnant ladies. A little envious obviously, but definitely not in a negative way.

Dinah :rofl: broken your DH - poor man! Surely you're sore as well?!
I feel the same as poppie. I dont mean to winge, and rant..hope you all get your BFPS soon.

Mum and my bro were here over the weekend, so had lots of are you excited, how do you feel, should be eating that? blha blah blah!!!! So it was intresting.. To be honest I dont feel pregnant at all.. I have a booking appointment on friday whatever that is!!! a midwife will come to the house and ask questions I think... still feeling sick... urrghhhh its the worst part! still worrying about the scan on the 20th incase somethings gone wrong... rode my vespa for the first time since the summer the other day, and everything time I went over a bump I thought... I hope that hasnt disloged anything.... Im also hungry as well as feeling sick, which is bizare! Having weird dreams...last night my teeth were falling out, not sleeping well, but I am hoping as soon as I start work i will be so tired i will be knocked out. I will have to ask the midwife about the bike I suppose..

How is everyone.. OPKS never really worked for me, they were never ever dark enough, so perhaps you have had a positive opk jess.. you just have a low about of hormone..

Well ladies, headache and sickness prevail, am going to go lay in bed and read a book.. Hope everyone is well..

Swan any bump pics... So enivous... I still just look fat!!!

Maybe we should start a junebugs Bump pics... what do you think ladies ??
hello hope all is well,
does anybody else feel like the year is going so quick yet going so slow?

i know what you mean about it not going to happen, i feel like that and then i feel like i im lucky to of had it happen but then at the same time i feel like ive not had a proper go at it! its all a waiting game but good things will happen to those wait.

And i think we should start the bump pics of the june bugs! would be nice.
wisdom removal went well, hurt soooo much but its not as painful i can open my mouth more now lol. the stiches should disvole in 2weeks. i was auite lucky to have it out friday as they had someone cancel as otherwise i would of had it out right where we woulld be sure if we was or not. so now i dont have to worry about having drugs and such if i could be preggers.

im going to see my friend today for dinner which should be nice even tho i will be having mash potatoe lol! due to the tooth removal, my friend is 15weeks pregant she would of been 3weeks ahead of me, which is hard but i have to deal with it!.


on cd10 and started the bding not sure when i should ovulate thinking around cd15 but im just going to keep doing the deed everyday from now, im in two minds about using opk this month as oh thinks its getting a little pressured. and to be honest i feel like im just thinking about it all the time, so i might just play it by ear, will save me money!! oh wont use anything like preeseed or softcups and the rest as he wants it natural which is annoying but at the same time i can see his point. but its still annoying knowing that we can use something to help and he keeps saying:we did it before without anything so we can do it again.. ahahhhaha

hope is all a happy monday x
Don't be so silly poppie and is lovely to hear from all of u pregnant ladies.....the only think that keeps me positive!!! Just wish i could join u!!

Am glad (in the nicest poosible way) that i am not alone in my depressing thoughts about it never happening! It will happen tho ladies, and one day we'll be mummys, and brilliant ones at that!!!

I'm CD12 and haven't started OPK's....don't think i'll bother this month, as the first month we ttc, i didnt bother with all that, and it happened (even if it didn't last long) just want to be as relaxed as possible, but find it hard to do that considering every single day i think about it!! Arrrgghh!

Anyway, my cold is still hanging around and it's only's gonna be a looooong week!
Well i must be the only one thats statred to think we should put it off a while. I don't know as time goes on i have been getting less and less sure which dosen't really fit tbh with me and how i've always been and thought. Last year when we got pregnant by accident i was over the moon and then when we MC i was devestated so i don't really know why i'm having such a bit turn around.

I do now think though because of OH's complete lack of ability to manage his money that has been proved this week that we could do with earning more money maybe or just waiting till we've paid off a few things.

I'm just not really sure whats going on in my head because i mean the car seat we've now aquired i LOVE and am so happy we have it and theres still little that makes me go 'aww' and 'i can't wait' but at the same time i haven't felt broody really in a good few months, maybe even before we started trying.

ahhhh i just don't know but i need to speak to OH anyway i did try and bring it up the other week but he thought i was being silly lol

Morning ladies. :flower:

Another day in the office today, boring! Looking forward to Thursday as we're driving to Canberra (7 hours!) for a friend's wedding on Friday. I will get to tell my friends about our secret then and also find out officially from my other friend who I know is pregnant too.

I told another of my best friends yesterday - remember the one I did the baby shower for? It was great to be able to tell her. She's due in 9 days time, so I was able to say that her baby won't have to wait long to have a playmate. She was so excited for us and couldn't believe I kept it a secret from her for so long!

I went up to our new home yesterday to meet the people who are doing our blinds. I also saw our site supervisor who said that we should get the keys probably around the 14th October. We needed to know so we could give notice to our real estate about moving out of our unit. So we've said we'll be out by the 31st October. It's all very exciting!!

Kim - ouchie about the wisdom tooth removal. I had mine out years ago in hospital. I was such a sook, I cried all the way to the operating theatre. Recovery was fine though, didn't have any issues.

I hope everyone has a great day.... here's more :dust: for you all!
Dinah :rofl: broken your DH - poor man! Surely you're sore as well?!

Not at all - don't know what that says about me! We did use conceive+ most of the time though.

Well i must be the only one thats statred to think we should put it off a while. I don't know as time goes on i have been getting less and less sure which dosen't really fit tbh with me and how i've always been and thought. Last year when we got pregnant by accident i was over the moon and then when we MC i was devestated so i don't really know why i'm having such a bit turn around.

I do now think though because of OH's complete lack of ability to manage his money that has been proved this week that we could do with earning more money maybe or just waiting till we've paid off a few things.

I'm just not really sure whats going on in my head because i mean the car seat we've now aquired i LOVE and am so happy we have it and theres still little that makes me go 'aww' and 'i can't wait' but at the same time i haven't felt broody really in a good few months, maybe even before we started trying.

ahhhh i just don't know but i need to speak to OH anyway i did try and bring it up the other week but he thought i was being silly lol


I think these are normal feelings, but you do need to make him understand this is serious and he can't ignore the conversation because he hopes if he laughs it off you'll let it go. DH and I agreed to start trying in March, then I went away for a week without him, left him a list of some essential things that needed doing, and some other things it would be handy to do to help me out. I came back and NOTHING had been done all week - and he was irrationally pleased with himself he'd tidied the study - despite missing 3 bill payments and going overdrawn as he didn't move money between two accounts. I hit the roof, burst out crying, and told there was no way we could have a baby when I couldn't cope with the responsibilities of being the only adult in the house already. Since then he has changed completely, I won't say he's not still a scatter brain and leaves everything till the very last minute (which drives me mad and is the reason we were hurtling to drop some papers off at 10pm last night rather than posting them last week) but he saw he needed to step up and he did. Sometimes people just need a handy nudge to cop on to their lax behaviour in one area or another.

I don't know if you're religious at all but I like this verse:

Deuteronomy 24:5 NIV

If a man has recently married, he must not be sent to war or have any other duty laid on him. For one year he is to be free to stay at home and bring happiness to the wife he has married.

In my church the pastor interprets this as the bible stressing the importance of spending time as man and wife before embarking on a new journey. We are encouraged to step back from other responsibilities (DH quit the church worship group for example as it took 2 evenings and a weekend day off us every week, and we both left bible study as it was done different evenings men and women so we were only getting one evening together) to make time to just spend the two of you, not one or two evenings a week, but as much as you can. We've found this has taken us from being a good and happy couple to a very, very close and solid couple, and I do think spending some time after our wedding together, and focusing on our life together (which for us did mean addressing our financial priorities together as well) has really helped us know where we want to be. DH wanted a baby from the day we were wed, but I wanted to wait as I wanted a baby but didn't feel that I needed to have it yet, and he now agrees this was the right thing to do.

Feeling blue this morning. No temp rise, looks like I tried to OV but didn't this month. Which is not an issue I've encountered before.
Wana, I must agree with dinah about having some time after marriage just as a couple (I wouldn't consider myself a religious person). DH and I lived together for three years before we were married, but the dynamic of our relationship change somewhat from just living together to being married. The first couple of years of our marriage (married 3.5 years now) were a bit rough to be honest - it took a bit of time to adjust, although I can't pinpoint anything specific. We were still learning so much about each other, and I found having to totally refocus my life to someone else's needs and wants (although not losing myself entirely in the process) was quite a challenge. I'd say it's only really in the last year that I've felt really settled. Obviously every couple is different, but perhaps some time to adjust might help you feel better about TTC?

Aside from that, I think the responsibility thing is quite common! I'm pretty responsible with my money, although haven't always been and have learned the hard way, but DH is a bit different. He isn't irresponsible as such (the mortgage always gets paid and suchlike) but his attitude and priorities towards debt and spending is totally different to mine. He has two credit cards that between them have quite a significant amount sitting on them, just on interest free payment schedules (it's not a totally unsumountable amount to repay with our level of income, but would probably take a good 18 months!) I discovered recently that he's only been making the minimum repayments on it all, yet at the same time is making plans to borrow more money to build a garage at the side of our house, thereby taking on more debt :dohh:

When I spoke to him about it he genuinely didn't see any problem with that, but then I explained that the likelihood is that once we have a baby we'll be dependent on his income and that alone, and we'll have to be much more careful about what we spend, so having to repay all that credit card debt will make things much harder. It's like he doesn't have any fore-thought about such things :shrug: It genuinely doesn't occur to him to plan finances for the future! I think perhaps I do have to think about these things because it's my life that's going to change significantly when we have a baby, whereas he'll continue going to work and earning, with not much of a change to his life. So the credit cards should now be paid off in 17 months I think we worked out, so quite a long time, but it'll mean we'll have all that extra income every month afterwards!
Wanna - I have lived with my OH for nearly 6 years before we got married (been together nearly 8 years) we have been married a year, and though oh wanted children from the get go... (I had known him for 3 weeks, I was sat at a bus stop and he said you do realise we are going to get married!!!) I think I was the one dragging my heels, but you have to do whats right for you... I really didnt want children at all untill January, then suddenly bam..I wanted children, now that we have our BFP im petrified that we have made the wrong desicion and that Im not going to be any good!

But I trust myself, and my OH that whatever happens, we will sort it out and get through it...

I think you need to talk to your OH about your concerns.. and not worry about how you feel about TTC your still young, so its not as if you havent got time on your side.. Enjoy being with your OH Im sure once you have sorted through everything your feeling, you will have deicded whether you want to start again or not.. :flower:

We wont mind you hanging around!!! :winkwink: Also Im sure your mum will hold on to the baby things until your ready! :flower: Im mean my in laws have got all my OH's child things incase we were ever going to have children!!

Feeling less sick today than yesterday :happydance:... which is a bonus, might be down to the cocktail tea my OH made me last night.. So quite please about that.. hoping it doesnt mean anything bad... (just keeping that out of my head!!) :dohh:

Last night when we got into bed, OH picked up the Tesco catalogue (when we got in we ut it on the bed rather than putting away properly :dohh:) and he opened up the baby pages, and was looking at prams, and car seats, and all things we might need.. I thought it was quite sweet , but I feel weird looking at those sort of things as we arent even that far along... I dont know when Im going to feel ready to start getting things.. probably when I stop looking fat and start looking more pregnant! :blush:

Swan how you doing??
Jess hows the clomid going??

How is everyone...??
Wow, there is some deep discussions going on. I think that it's good for us to start talking about the "behind the scenes" of baby making. We're usually so blinded by cute little bundles that we forget how much they cost, that us mommies might have to quit our jobs to care for them, that maybe we don't know our OHs as well as we thought, or that we might just want a little more "me" time.

I've been married for six years and we lived together for one. Total, we've been together for ten years. It's taken us that long to get ready. We racked up student loans and credit card debt in college. We wanted to travel and we spent the first half of our marriage moving constantly. Now, with just about 2 years of payments on student loans, no credit card debt, and we own our own home, I think we're ready. I think we all realize that there is never a perfect time, so we have to go for it during the best time.

No matter when we all have LO, I know that each and every one of them will be loved and cared for. We're all going to make great mommies! :baby:
Hi ladies! I've missed a lot in being absent for a few days! And some deep conversations at that.

:hugs: to all of those ladies out there who are struggling with TTC and the emotions accompanying the process. My heart goes out to every one of you, as I know how I am with patience. It's never easy wanting something so badly and not knowing when's the right time, or waiting for the right time.

Hubby and I were together for 6 years before we got married. We never lived together until we got married - heck, he got his diploma in the mail on the day of our wedding, and had only been home for a week before we got hitched. :haha: We enjoyed almost 3 years of marriage before we started TTC, and will be at almost 3.5 years when the baby arrives. We felt it was good to take some time to enjoy ourselves, our freedom and prepare ourselves, especially financially but also mentally. We both were fresh out of college when we got married, so we just weren't prepared to take care of ourselves at that point, let along a small child.

After 9 years of being together, I still feel as though I learn a little more about him daily. It's crazy.

But I'd definitely sit down with him, Wana, and have a serious conversation about managing money, the future, etc. :hugs: Good luck in doing so!

AFM... nothing really happening here. I'm at work. I'm tired. What else is new? LOL.
Hi Ladies,
I've only had the chance to skim through the recent posts. It's taken us awhile to get to the baby making stage in our lives too. We'll have been married for 8 years next April and been together 10 years this year. We went straight from Uni into jobs, bought new cars and have just been trying to find our place in the world. After living in a couple of places we're now we're in Melbourne, we love it here and couldn't see us living anywhere else. I'm very close with my family even though we don't live near each other we're just a phone call away. So we went down the home building path and always knew we'd have kids once we had our own home. We won't do it easy one baby bug comes along with the mortgage, but I have always wanted to work with little kids so what's better than being a stay at home mum and having other kids come round to play and get paid for it??

Anyway... you do what you have to do hey???

So today I've had a bit of queasiness, ugh... not good when you're just sitting in the office and I didn't bring enough snacks. I feel ok when I eat, but only for like 5 mins.

Packing tonight for our trip to Canberra in the morning. I hope I go ok in the car. I think I'll try to nap. Can't wait to get there and see my other best friend and tell her.

I hope everyone has a great end to the week, I might get on when I'm away but if not I shall talk to you all on Monday.
Wana, you have to do what's right for you hun, but definitely speak to hubby, don't have things bottled up inside :)

It's been nice to hear about you and your men . . . I met mine was I was 20 (he's 4 years older than I am), we moved in together the following year, got married when I was 25 and I'm now 28. It's always been very effortless with my hubby really - in a good way. We met, hit it off straight away and have just grown together as the years have gone by. We've had our fair share of learning to adapt to each other, especially living together. I think the thing I've done differently with him is that we talk through things if there's a problem, rather than argue about it. In past relationships it would have been an argument, but with OH, we sit and talk things through ans usually resolve them that way.
It was him who originally wanted babies, fairly soon after we got married (he had just turned 30) I wasn't really ready back then and told him, the following year we did try for a while, but were forced to stop TTC, for financial reasons. It's only this year (June) we've felt ready to try again. We both really want it now and will be so excited to finally get pregnant!

I hope that you're all doing ok! Beccad, did you make any decisions about your job? It is so tough trying to balance it all.

AFM, 12DPO, BFN this morning, but temps are still up. Symptoms I have currently really could be AF coming or pregnancy, so it's just a case of wait and see I guess!

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday, almost 1/2 through the working week already!
well me and OH met at collage when when i'd just turned 18 and he'd not long turned 17. A month later we started going out. About 6 months later we got engaged in the April whilst on holiday but didn't announce it to anyone other than my parents until the Christmas so 8 months later. In that May a month later he moved in with me at my parents we lived there together for 14 months and then moved out which was last year. We then moved our wedding forward a year to obviously this August just gone and we aer now abouts to move again just 15 months of living where we are and we will now have been together 3 years.

So as you can see we've had quite the accelerate relationship anyway. I've been working full time for 2 years now and OH 1 year. We both did part time before that, neither of us did the uni thing. As some one else said, we've never had a full on argument. We talk alot about everything. Yes i can be a bit naffed off at the time but its never shouting and anger and what not.

Anyway we talked about it last night and OH had noticed i wasn't really that excited or broody as i had been anyway so we are going to take a few months and see where we are after christmas. I'm not going back on any contraceptive we'll just leave it and use the 'pull out method' As it stands i could already be pregnant anyway so if that does happen it all goes out the window anyway. But yeah we are taking a break to just take time for us and sort out the new house when we move etc

But i will be keeping any eye on all you lovely ladies!! I want to see the rest of you get your bfp's!! and i want to see your lovely baba's when they are born :D :D xxx
I hope that you're all doing ok! Beccad, did you make any decisions about your job? It is so tough trying to balance it all.

AFM, 12DPO, BFN this morning, but temps are still up. Symptoms I have currently really could be AF coming or pregnancy, so it's just a case of wait and see I guess!

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday, almost 1/2 through the working week already!

Well, we're going on holiday on Sunday (road-trip in France for 10 days) so not really worrying about the job situation at the moment. I have decided that whatever I do I'm going to make the most I can from my current job, push myself to achieve more than I currently do. I have quite a flexible role, really, and I could take it in quite a few directions. I've just been put in charge of the website so have to do some training for that and that's quite a lot of new skills to be learning (maybe useful for the future? who knows!)

Poppie, have a fab time in Canberra! From what I've read it seems to have a lot of green space?
well I feel like a winge... so... please feel free to move past this post!

I have finally found something that makes me feel less sick (a particular herbal tea) and now have found out Im not allowed it pregnancy as it can induce a MC so... after last night (had horrible dream about having a MC) Im annoyed and upset that I might have done something unconcious to risk this BFP...

Im going to the singing/banquet thing on Saturday (also happens to be my birthday) and found out that I couldnt have the starter (prawns) so they have arrange another starter for me (goats chesse) which I also cant have... and Im just annoyed about all the things that I cant have!!!! So my starter is going to be salad! Im sure that Im not going to get listeria, or whatever you get from shellfish at a coorperate banquet! its not like you are anymore likely to get ill because you are pregnant your just as likely as you were before you were pregnant and you dont see normal people avoiding cheeses incase!!! AGGGHHHHhhh

Im sorry for the rant.. just feeling very frustrated and after a horrible nights sleep and dream.. I think Im going to go out and spend some money.. might make me feel better! thank you for allowing me to rant like this!
Has anyone heard from Jess Recently??

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