The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Hey guys, sorry I've not been around lately. I've been exhausted. The cat's been sick, which means a twice daily battle to force medicine down her throat (getting up very early in the morning since DH leaves for work before I even get up - it takes both of us to give her the medicine). My jewelry party is Friday, so I've been trying to make as much new stuff as I can. Plus I never ovulated this cycle, so I have to get a progesterone test tomorrow, then start Provera to induce my period, then go up to 100mg of Clomid next cycle. It's all very mentally exhausting.

Wana, I understand where you're coming from. I've been back and forth in my head lately wondering if we're doing the right thing TTC. But we've also lived together for over 2 years and our 1 year wedding anniversary is coming up on October 10 - so we've had quite a bit more time as a couple living together and a married couple than you two have. We still have quite a bit of debt, but if we waited until my student loans were paid off, I'd be 50 before we had kids! I don't think that there is going to be the "right time" for us. I just don't think that everything in our lives is going to magically line up and create the perfect circumstances to start a family (unless we won the lottery...which would involve actually buying tickets!).

Sorry for the pity party!

I'll try to get on more often and keep up with everyone. My life is just really busy ATM.
Hi Everyone, sorry I've been super scarce.

well I feel like a winge... so... please feel free to move past this post!

I have finally found something that makes me feel less sick (a particular herbal tea) and now have found out Im not allowed it pregnancy as it can induce a MC so... after last night (had horrible dream about having a MC) Im annoyed and upset that I might have done something unconcious to risk this BFP...

Im going to the singing/banquet thing on Saturday (also happens to be my birthday) and found out that I couldnt have the starter (prawns) so they have arrange another starter for me (goats chesse) which I also cant have... and Im just annoyed about all the things that I cant have!!!! So my starter is going to be salad! Im sure that Im not going to get listeria, or whatever you get from shellfish at a coorperate banquet! its not like you are anymore likely to get ill because you are pregnant your just as likely as you were before you were pregnant and you dont see normal people avoiding cheeses incase!!! AGGGHHHHhhh

Im sorry for the rant.. just feeling very frustrated and after a horrible nights sleep and dream.. I think Im going to go out and spend some money.. might make me feel better! thank you for allowing me to rant like this!
Has anyone heard from Jess Recently??

Was the goat cheese starter going to be cooked? it's safe if it's been heated. Have fun at the singing banquet, that seems really neat!
It's hard when things you really want aren't safe, like tea and tasty cheese. I found a lemon tea that is safe which makes me happy. I think it's the only tea at work that is okay to have.

WannaB - I hope you guys really enjoy the newly wed time right now, it's a really neat and special time. .. and definetly full of changes. When you're ready to start again I hope you get a big huge positive nice and fast. :D
To be honest I get worried now if we waited for the "right time". too late lol

Jess- Sorry your kitty is sick. dang! good luck with the progesterone test.

AFM - I don't want to make this super long but I've been busy with work, house looking, baking, packing, and my mom's in the hospital again. :(
We've got Thanksgiving coming up in a week and a hafl, so I'll get to see her then (yay!) I just feel bad for her, I hope she can come out for the weekend.
Good news - we get to hear the baby's heartbeat next week!! :D
Sorry your mom is sick. I hope she can be there for the holiday.
Luis sorry your mom is sick - I hope she's well enough to come home soon. Having loved ones in a hospital is exhausting xx

Jess, I hope your cat is better soon!
Luis- I hope your mom is feeling better soon.
You'll love hearing the baby's heartbeat! That was what finally made me accept that this was real and that there hadn't been any mistakes. :cloud9:

Poppie- Have fun on your trip. Also, I heard that sucking on saltine crackers helps with MS. Plus, it takes a while to melt them so you're not gorging all day to keep from getting nauseous. :sick:

WanaB- I'm glad you and your hubby are taking some time for yourselves. My hubby and I really enjoyed our first years alone. I think you'll appreciate it in the end. Plus you're so young that you have lots of time to have babies.

Singers-I know what you mean about feeling like you can't eat anything! I was really nervous about most foods at first. I finally asked my doctor about it and he said that as long as it's something I usually eat and as long as I don't have certain things more than once a week (eg lunch meat, crawfish...) then I wouldn't need to be concerned.

Mel- My fingers are crossed for a BFP this month and not AF!

AFM, I'm officially in my first maternity tops today. My belly was starting poke out from under some of my shirts. They're a little big but I appreciate the bagginess of them! Plus, they're really cute! It's nice that fashion has made an appearance in maternity clothes these last few years. Unfortunately, workout gear is behind the fashion/ quality curve and it's TOUGH to find bottoms in a 36" length. (I'm 5'10") However, I have been wearing these stretchy bands that looks like the bottoms of camisoles over unbuttoned pants. It looks cute plus gives me extra room in the waist.

So that's my big mile marker! I've been feeling pretty good; energetic and comfortable. How's the other preggo ladies feeling? Any TTC ladies testing soon?
Jess - Sorry to hear your kitty is sick. Hope she feels better soon. I hear ya about having to have 2 people to hold her to give meds - it takes 2 of us and her wrapped in a blanket to give ear drops when she has an ear infections - which happens too much bc she has bad allergies. Poor baby.

Luis - Sending good thoughts to your mama. I hope she gets better for the weekend. Awesome about the HB next week!

Singers - Spending money always makes me feel better! Go and get it girl!

Becca - Enjoy your trip to France! I am green with envy!

Poppie - Enjoy your trip too! Hope you feel good the entire way and have loads of fun telling friends!

Meadows & Dinah - Have you OV'd yet? I think I am 3dpo (could be 4dpo) OPK's were confusing as were my temps. Hope y'all are around the same. I was determined to be calm this month - and I think it worked as my OV went back to normal to the usual CD13 or so. Trying to feel good about this month but was caught a bit off guard and just hope that we caught it in time.

Wana - Glad you had a good heart to heart with your hubby. I am sure it feels like a huge weight was lifted off your chest.

As for Hubby and I's life story - We have been happily together for 9 years in December. Will be married for 5 years in January. I was 22; he was 20 when we met. 3 years after we met, we moved into an apt together for 1 year. We then decided to move from Buffalo, NY to Charlotte, NC together. As soon as we moved we bought a new house, got engaged and got married shortly after. We have been holding off on children til we got finances together and hubby got closer to finishing his Electrical Engineering Degree - He is one of those people that I feel will forever be in school - he already has 2 Associates Degrees and is working on his Bachelors Degree. I graduated with my Bachelors Degree in Business in 2004 while we were living in NY. Now we are 100% debt free (except for mortgage) and are paying cash for his tuition each semester so we will continue to not incur any student loans. I am so proud of us for being able to do this as I am the breadwinner and he works less than part time (lucky if he gets 15 hrs a week of work). So times have been hard for us these past few years taking a huge pay cut on him barely working but am so happy that we have met our financial goals earlier than planned - this is a huge accomplishment for us. Having a child during those times would not have been feasible or enjoyable. Now is the perfect time to start a family for us - FINALLY!
Snowflakes, My husband is a bit like that... He has his BMus, MMus, and now is about to start his PhD!

Jess hope your cat gets better.. Dont worry about not appearing to often.. we all have different things to do.

Nanner - I just bought my first pair of (two sizes bigger than I am ) leggings!

Luis Im sorry your mum gets better soon

ladies spent some money feel a bit better but keep forgetting everything! Definately pregnancy brain! I drove (on my vespa took about 15 mins) to get some mascara spent about 30 mins in the shop choosing other things, and then realised as I stood at the checkout I had forgotten my MONEY!!
I ended up going back out today to buy some, and forgot that I was suppose to get my OH;s Passport certififed!!!

I have my first "booking" appointment tommorrow whatever tha tmeans, I have already had blood done, so Im suspecting its just going to be lots of question asking. anyone else had one of these? The MW is coming to my home, which I thought was quite nice!

Well ladies I have to paint my nails, raedy for Sat.. Has anyone heard that nail varnish is also bad if your pregnant? Appartenly due to some specfic chemicals.... I have had a look at my varnish and none of them seem to have the chemicals DVB or Formadehyde so I think Im safe...
Have a good evening ladies
Lu-is, hope your Mum is doing alright and Jess, I hope your cat is ok too. Hugs to you both.

Just a quick note to say, temp dropped today and got a BFN, so looking likely that it's on to month 5 for me ...
Crap news Mrs Mel :hugs: Hope you're not feeling too bad about it...
:hugs: Mrs Mel.

Sorry to hear things at home are chaotic Jess. :hugs: Hope they improve soon!

You can paint your nails, no problem Singers. :) Just do so where you're not locked in a small room with the smell, lol. I've painted my fingers and toes non-stop thus far, without issue. If it's nice enough, I'll open a window and sit beside it just to ventilate the house in general since nobody likes that smell :haha: but otherwise I make sure I do it in the living room or something open like that.

Sorry your mom is sick Lu-is; I hope she's recovered soon! :hugs:
Think I may be 4dpo too...although there is a chance its 6. I seem to have a big rise then one day dip, then rise again. I find it hard to temp as my contacts aren't in yet and our room is quite dark, so I often get hubby to read it. To see if there is a realistic chance he cant read I've been double checking since yesterday. Day two of the test and he reads a 36.76 as 36.16! This only reafirms to me he probably got it wrong.

Regardless, I no longer expect or even hope for a bfp, I acccept this seems to be a long slog for us.
Just a quick update, I'll try to catch up later.

Saw my doctor yesterday. I had my progesterone test and I didn't O this cycle (like I thought). I had 2 options. One was to get another ultrasound, and if it was ok, I could just go ahead and start another round of Clomid without having a period. However it would not be covered by insurance (so about $1000). Or I can take the Provera, wait for AF, then start the 100mg Clomid next cycle. I had to do the 2nd option since I don't have $1000 laying around. So will be starting the Provera today.
Just a quick update, I'll try to catch up later.

Saw my doctor yesterday. I had my progesterone test and I didn't O this cycle (like I thought). I had 2 options. One was to get another ultrasound, and if it was ok, I could just go ahead and start another round of Clomid without having a period. However it would not be covered by insurance (so about $1000). Or I can take the Provera, wait for AF, then start the 100mg Clomid next cycle. I had to do the 2nd option since I don't have $1000 laying around. So will be starting the Provera today.

I know you said you don't have the money laying around. But my friend was on Clomid. Just wanted to let you know that Clomid gave her pretty bad cysts. She had a polyp the size of an apricot and had to have surgery to remove it. The only reason she knew about the cysts were because of the monitoring ultrasounds her RE did. He was 100% sure it was from the high dosage of Clomid she used for a few months. It really is an important part of the Clomid process. Might be something to do in a couple months to check to see if you develop any cysts. I'm not saying not to use it bc I know it helps lots of women get pregnant from using it, I would just limit the times you use it and be sure to get an ultrasound in a few months. Good luck!!
Yeah, my doctor said that if it doesn't work next cycle, we would try 150mg. If that doesn't work, she is going to switch me to Femara instead which doesn't really have many side effects. So I'm not planning on being on the Clomid more than 3 months. I know I'll have to get an ultrasound again sometime if I haven't gotten pg yet, but maybe at the beginning of the year. That way I will have the money in my flex account. I would do the ultrasound now but I only have about $400 left in the account.
It sounds expensive Jess. I'm very thankful that we don't have to worry about stuff like that here.

Incidentally, what happens to people in the US who can't afford health insurance, generally I mean not just for fertility stuff.
Snowflakes, not sure if I've ovulated or not yet, as haven't bothered testing this cycle! Having said that I have generally been ovulating on CD16 the past couple of months, and today I am CD17 so I think it should have happened by now! We've just been BDing every other day since AF left, so it'd sometimes hard to tell what my CM is like as it could just be his left overs! Sorry tmi! Normally I have a 30/31 day cycle so we'll see over the next two we go again, the lovely TWW!!!

Sorry jess to hear about all ur issues, that all sounds very expensive, just an added stress I can imagine u don't need. Sorry mrs mel too. Fingers crossed for you both.

I hope everyone else is ok.....enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Mel, sorry about the BFN :hugs:

Dinah - good thing you double checked the temperatures, that's a shame if he did get them mixed up. Good luck anways, maybe it'll happen because you don't expect a positive?

Jess - Good luck with the next cycle and the Provera. :hugs:
I agree with Becca, that sounds costly, how do people afford it? :( I didn't know an ultrasound is about $400

Meadows - ooh, good luck with the TWW - sounds like you got lots of BDing in ;)

I think my bump is ready to pop out soon.. maybe the next week or two? My pants are getting snugger. I feel more bloated/fatter lately I'm hoping people at work haven't noticed yet.. Soon I'll be telling my supervisor.

As for my mom, she took a bad turn yesterday and seems to have some sort of infection (her white blood cell count is high) so now they've put her on two kinds of antibiotics. It's unfortunate that they don't know where/what the infection is from. I hope they can get some answers today.
Healthcare is very hard here and is one the reasons why we waited as well. I just got done paying off a surgery I had in May 2009. I had to pay $5,000 for it and that was with my insurance - If didn't have insurance it would have been about $30,000. We are currently taking a gamble right now in the sense that my insurance could possibly change in June to a worse policy or hopefully to a better policy. If I get pregnant anytime now I have no idea what I would be responsible for paying. Really sucks. If it stays the same - I will have to pay $3,500.

Jess - That is awesome that you and your Dr. already have plan in place and you won't be on it for long. My friend did 10 months so I think you will def be safe.

Meadows - Hooray for 2ww!

Luis - I will pray for your mother.
Hi ladies,
Just a quick check in from me. Such a big few days traveling, the wedding etc. I'm so tired! I told 2 of my good friends - "L" and "S" who were very happy for us. My friend "A" who was supposed to tell me about her pregnancy at the wedding didn't say a thing, so I didn't share with her either. I also found out from my friend "L" that our other friend "J" is also pregnant, she also didn't tell. Those two can be a little weird though.

I did tell some other friends of mine today who I know through another forum. We had a meet up in the city. They were great, really lovely and excited. I'm glad I told them. I will announce it on the other forum tomorrow I think. Still keeping it off Facebook though.

I hope everyone is doing ok.

lu-is - sorry to hear about your Mum. Sending thoughts and prayers.

Mrs Mel - Sorry about AF :(

Jess - I hope that you can get your dosage right soon.

Catch up properly soon.


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