The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

A lot of people are on Medicaid, which is the state sponsored insurance, but I don't think it covers infertility either. And the ultrasound was over $1000 I think (the last one I had).

Meadows, FX'd for you in the TWW!

Lu-is, I really hope they find out what's wrong with your mom.

Poppie, wow, you have a lot of self restraint! I don't think I'd be able to go that long without saying anything on FB.
Morning ladies. It's Monday again!

10 weeks today! :happydance:

Such a struggle to get out of bed this morning as daylight savings time started for us on Saturday night, so we lost an hour and I'm having trouble adjusting! Not to mention just general tiredness from the weekend.

I hope everyone is going ok?? I'm off for bloods today, there's lots of things on my referral sheet that they are going to be checking for. 2 weeks to go until my 12 week scan, can't wait. I'm also a bit worried though that things won't be right, so just have to keep telling myself not to worry.

I hope you all have a great week! :)
Hi everyone! I’ve been gone awhile, but lurking a bit. I liked reading everyone’s life stories.

Lu-is sorry to hear about your mother. I will keep her in my prayers.

Poppie, I was so nervous about my 12 week scan as well. Once I saw the baby on the screen I felt so much better. I hope you’re not too nervous.

AFM, my morning sickness has gotten a little better. I had my 12 week scan this past Monday. I’m waiting for the blood test, but the NT measured 1.2mm and the nasal bone was present. The heartbeat was 162. It was very long scan and I had a very full bladder. I have my next appointment with the OB on Thursday. After seeing the ultrasound I’m thinking it’s a girl. What do you guys think?


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I have no idea about the gender but you have a beautiful little baby in there!
:hugs: to all of you – I was away from my computer all weekend, so checking in to see how my lovely ladies are doing.

sorry to hear of your O frustrations, Jess. :( I hope the doctors are able to best guide you in the decisions to make – always nice to have supportive and informative doctors!

depends on the circumstances, Becca – some people are on state aid and stuff like that, so I believe taxpayers cover their health care through what they pay in taxes (from what I understand anyway, I’ve never been on it before but this is what people tell me lol but I could be wrong). and many others simply pay off their medical bills by monthly. my sister had to with the birth of Aiden, because she was laid-off during pregnancy and cobra healthcare or whatever she was on charged her a fortune (almost 10,000) to have him… so she paid it in increments. healthcare here is just ridiculous in so many ways.

thoughts and prayers for you and your family at this time, Lu-is; especially for your poor momma! :hugs:

:dust: :dust: to all of you who are in your TWW!

congrats on 10 weeks Poppie!

aww beautiful scan pics Cee! :hugs: so adorable! if I had to guess I’d say girl, but I’m just going based on how she looks compared to Aria’s 12-week. :haha: but hey, you’re already 13 weeks chick, so you’re moving right along now! you’ll be finding out the sex then at 20?

hope everyone is doing well, in their various stages of chaos on this Monday morning. I have nothing new nor exciting to report, because it’s just another Monday for me, and I’m tired. :haha:
Hello Everyone, boy have I had a doozy of a day!
We went to a movie last night and while we were driving home some young guy rear ended us at a red light then drove off!! I can't believe it, we've never had someone hit and run! wow!
The seat belt locked across my abdomen when they hit us so I had some cramping after the accident. We decided to go get everything checked out at the hospital; I would feel so bad if we went home and things did not turn out okay. We went to the ER from about 12:20am-5am got some blood work and a portable U/S (yay got to see the baby moving around!). Everything looked good (phew) and we went back later today 9am-12 to get a full ultrasound today. I got to see my little guy (or girl), wow what an experience!! So cute! I got see it's little spine and bum, then it turned over and showed us it's arms and legs. The baby's fine and healthy and moving around like crazy.
I'm glad my DH, the baby and I are all okay. I think I can feel the baby moving now. :)

Oh yeah, baby measures 14 weeks 0days today (oooh that's ahead of what I expected); heartbeat was 122.

Poppie - We haven't said anything on facebook yet either. We've been telling people in person. I think I'll probably tell my supervisor this week at work. Good luck with the blood work.

CeeDee - yay for your U/S!! Baby looks good! Thanks for sharing pics. We didn't get any pics from the hospital, I guess I'll just have to wait until 20 wks.

Swan - wow $10,000 just to have the baby?? I was reading some numbers posted on the wall in the ER this morning and for uninsured canadians a newborn was $375 and for non-Canadians the price was only $938 and according to the sheet that included NICU and some other acronyms I didn't know.

Thank you everyone for the positive thoughts and prayers, they must be helping my mom is getting better and will be going for surgery on Friday morning. Hooray!
Oh my gosh Lu-is, that must have been so scary! I'm glad both of you and baby are ok! It must have been really cool to see baby though.
Wow Lu-is, that's awful! I am glad you and the baby are okay though! :hugs: And yeah, she got charged a ridiculously disgusting amount. Pretty pathetic if you ask me, lol!
Lu-is, that must have been so scary. I’m so glad everything worked out great.
June Bugs have been quiet! Some times, when I miss a few days of checking in, there's so many posts I end up skipping a couple of pages. Other times, I can catch up in a few minutes!
I've been busy too. I'd really like things to slow down!
I don't know if anyone else works at a hospital, but I often see how the details of different healthcare plans. There are so many. Some are good and some aren't. Medicaid/ Medicare are options intended for low income families and those that can't work. They're available without a premium, but sometimes patients have to pay a deductible or copay.
Healthcare expenses are VERY high here. A normal delivery costs around $10,000. A c-section is closer to $25,000. That's on top of any pre & postnatal care. My husband and I each have an insurance plan through our employers so we won't be paying much out of pocket for the bills, but we do pay about $200 in premiums each month for the policies. Most plans will not pay for any procedures not deemed necessary, such as fertility treatments.
For those that have no insurance at all cannot be denied treatment. They'll be billed at a later time and have the option of setting up payment plans. However, there are many people that can't afford any of the costs. This usually results in a ride-off from the hospital. This is one reason why healtcare costs so much.
Hope I didn't bore anyone too much! I find the differences among countries facinating. I have a hard time imagining getting treatment and not being asked for my insurance cards and/ or up front payment!

I've been well. Really busy with work and school. I've also had company and been doing some traveling.

Lu-is- Any luck finding out who hit you? That makes me so angry! :growlmad:
How is you mom?

CeeDee- I think it's a girl too, but I don't have a good reason. I just went with my first instinct when I glanced at the picture! Regardless, you have a beautiful baby!

Poppie- I'm glad you got to tell some people finally. You keep a secret so well!
Good afternoon!

No luck on finding out who hit us. :( Wish I'd been super quick and gotten the licence plate #, instead I was trying to calm myself down (my crying was worrying my DH).
We did make a police report yesterday but I doubt the'll catch them. Makes me mad that the little twerps will get away with it.

Again so happy that the baby is okay. To focus on the positives I did get to see it and now I know what it's movements feel like. The baby was moving most of the day yesterday.
I don't think it's been as active today, I can't wait to feel bigger movements!

My Mom is doing a little better. Hooray! Any small victory is something. They discovered that the infection was from the Pic line/ IV they had in her arm. So they had that removed and the antibiotics have brought her fever down. The plan is to do surgery on Friday morning. She will unfortunately not be able to get out for Thanksgiving this weekend or eat a tasty turkey dinner, but I think as long as the pain is better she won't mind at all :). Plus all of my siblings and I will be in town that weekend to see her.

Nanner - good to see you! School can be super duper busy (I'm glad to be done with that for now).

Anything exciting happening with anyone this week? Any testing coming up soon? I know there are a couple ladies in the TWW.
Morning ladies. Wednesday here.... hump day!

lu-is - You must have been so scared. I'm so glad that you are all ok. I hope some how they can catch those idiots.

Nanner - it's very strange how different countries run their medical fees and things. We have Medicare in Australia, where if you go to the Dr and it costs say $50 you'd get about $32 of that back. You also get money back for scans, most Obs appointments and things. However it doesn't cover dental. You can then opt to get private health insurance which, depending on your level of cover, will determine how much you get back from insurance. Hubby and I have the top level of cover, which I think costs about $800 a quarter (I could be wrong, but it is expensive). For having our baby, it won't cost us anything for the hospital. The main costs for our baby will be the out of pocket stuff for the Obs. We've found that having the private insurance, while expensive, has been good for us with things like reading glasses, chiropractors etc as it's all covered.

AFM - Tired. Still not feeling really sick or anything. Feeling bloated and like my belly is getting bigger, but I'm sure it's just bloat and fat. I'm going to call up today and see if I can change my 12 week scan from the Monday to the Saturday before, so then we don't have to worry about getting out of work. Also once we see that everything is ok (and it will be) I'll be able to tell more people are work on the Monday. Fingers crossed they will let me.

Sending :dust: to people who are testing or Ov soon.

I hope everyone else is well??

Hey everyone. I'm a 2WW-er but not really as I'm only really waiting for AF. Been having AF type 'warm' pains since yesterday night, so looks like it could be another short cycle. Shame, I just spent a daft amount in the supermarket on salmon, if I was pg I could claim it was a craving!
Hey Junebugs!

Hope all is well. Just still hanging out in the 2ww. I might do a test tomorrow depending on what my temp does. Only consistent symptom is my teeny tiny BB's have been tender basically since OV. Today they hurt so bad.

Hey everyone. Things have been a little quiet around here!

Here's a whinge from me: I'm so tired! :sleep: I'll be wanting to go to bed at 7pm, but will force myself to stay up til at least 8:30pm, but once I get to bed my mind just races or I can't get comfy and I don't get to sleep for ages. Also I've been waking more often to pee but then I can't get comfy again so am awake for awhile more. I'm also pretty bloated atm, which is yukkie, I just want to do a massive fart and get all the gas out but I can't! Ahh the joys! I suppose there's more things to come.

To our preggo ladies - when did you start to notice your tummy? I don't want to be premature but I am pretty sure mine is getting rounder and coming out a bit more now. :blush: I know it's mainly just my fat and bloat but it's just there. I went and bought a belly-belt set last night, don't quite need them yet (am wearing my loosest jeans atm) but probably will soon. I have also got some mat bras, one really comfy one I just got from Kmart to try it was only $9! I'm going back to get some more tonight.

Also, I managed to change my scan appointment to the Saturday 15th at 1pm, which is great because we won't have to make excuses for work. Only 7.5 more days and I'll get to see baby bug! :happydance: Scared but excited at the same time.

Dinah & Snow - fingers crossed for you both :dust:

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Our will be spent packing and packing and packing!!

Praying for BFP’s for the 2WW’ers.

Poppie, I think I still have fat and bloat more than a tummy. It gets really big in the evening and then back to normal in the morning. I was able to get a pair of maternity jeans at Target for $7.50! I thought they would be too big, but they fit wonderfully.

I got the results from my NT scan, 1/5000 chance of DS and 1/9000 chance of Tri8. Hubby and I are going to Jamaica next Thursday, so I’m starting to prepare for the trip.
That's great CeeDee! Good test results too right? I hope we get good results too.

Have fun in Jamaica! I hope you get to relax and enjoy yourself.

Dinah!! Good luck, I hope AF stays away despite the feelings you've had.

Snow- Good luck for you too!! Sore BB's is a good sign. :thumbsup:

Poppie - I still don't really have a baby belly. mine is super round and the belly button is threatening to pop out at night sometimes but it's just bloat. :( boo. A lot of bloat apparently. I can feel where the baby is down low, it's nice and hard down in my pelvic area about 3-4" below my belly button. I can't wait until we have realy bumps. :)

CeeDee- Have fun in Jamaica!! I'm jealous. ;)

As for me, we got to hear the heartbeat today!! Hooray!!! It is such a wow moment. and it was just so darn cute I couldn't help but laugh, but then that would disrupt the hearbeat and the baby would move away on the Dr. hee hee hee...

It's Thanksgiving this weekend, time for lots of turkey and pie. yum!!
hi everyone havent been on as ive been busy at home. will catch up on weekend as im off.
My af turned up spot on time well i thought it was but its pretty much no exsistent. so who knows. dont feel any different so will hang on wit testing xx
Geeze Lu-is; shame they can’t find that person and double-shame on them for not doing the right thing and admitting they effed up by hitting you. /: But again, really glad you and the baby and your OH are okay – despite the crappiness of the situation, there is good news to be found. :) And I’m glad your mom is doing better too! Glad you were able to hear the heartbeat, too. That’s so awesome!

:hugs: and :dust: to everyone waiting in the 2WW!

I’m attaching a bump progress photo Poppie – I felt “bigger” almost immediately because I had pretty severe bloat for the first few weeks. But then around 12 weeks I began noticing that I was getting harder and the upper portion of my abdominal region was not popping, since it wasn’t bloat as much as it was baby. Now for me, I’ve been *ahem* gaining a bit more than “standard” because well, I’ve not been doing exactly what I could have been to keep my body up to par, but I’m not worrying too much. I’ve adjusted my eating habits for the better lately, and have been doing light workouts, so I aim to slow my gain a bit, but not worry about losing at this point. So I’m beginning to ‘show’ in a more obvious manner now, but I’m also not really as “bumpalicious” as some of the ladies in my birth group, either. I am really short, but I have a long torso so the doctor said that kind of sways me in my ability to show as quickly, plus I was a little overweight pre-pregnancy so… whatever. I love my tummy and I think you ladies should share bump updates too… ;) (though my tummy hasn't changed much from 20 to 22... boo!)

Congrats on the great results and have a lovely vacation CeeDee! I can’t wait to hear all about it! :D And PS: I love maternity jeans/pants. Love, love, love.

Aw Pink! :hugs: Hoping it’s a fluke for you and not the real deal. Majorly keeping my FX for you!

Anyone have any exciting weekend plans? My FIL is coming to help paint and my MIL might be coming too… so I need to figure out what we’ll do together if she does come. And Sunday I’m hoping to go for a swim at the Y since I have a week-free pass and I plan on taking full advantage while I can! :)


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