The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

hello, i know i just want af to hurry up now i no im not preggers. im on cd32 so i dont no where this bloody af is mind the pun lol.

a girl i know from younger and school got murdered sat morning and left a 5year old little girl, its so heart breaking. i have some pics of when we was younger and i am going to send them to her mum so she can have many pictures of her she is only 24 :( poor woman,

i really thought i would of being carrying a little one by christmas i really hope this can still happen x
Kimberley what an awful thing to happen! Do they know how/why/who etc? So sad for that family :cry:

No sign of AF here either. But could be anytime I guess. I hope we both have answers one way or another very, very soon!
Hello everyone! We had a fantastic time in Jamaica. We stayed at Sandals Royal Caribbean and it was so relaxing and fun. My husband told the bartender I was pregnant and he made me a half gallon of papaya, banana, strawberry smoothie to sip on during our stay. It was delicious. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so I don’t have any pics, but it was a still a great relaxing time. Still recovering from all the fun, but wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing.

Congrats Meadows!

I’m glad your scan went well, Poppie! Great pic of the little bug!
Jess- I'm sorry this has been such a frustrating process for you! :hugs:

WannaB- I'm starting to accept my growing bump more lately. I'll probably post a pic before too long.

Poppie- I'm glad your scan went well. Isn't it great to hear the heartbeat?! :cloud9:

Kim-What a terrible thing to happen to your friend!! That's so sad.

CeeDee- Jamaica is soooo great! I'd love to go back some time.

My mom and sister are coming for a visit tomorrow. I've taken a couple days off from work and I have lots of fun things planned when they get here!
Hey all

Sorry to hear the news Kim thats awful

Glad you had a fab time CeeDee

Would be lovely to see Nanner and hope you have a nice few days off :)

Hope everyone else is doing well :)

AFM for the second month running ive finished AF only to have sex once or twice and get (tmi) thrush :blush: :( Its not that bad atm and i got straight on it so it should be gone by the end of the week.

I'm hoping we can urm 'get it on' lol a bit more this month to give it a good go although we are still not temping or anything. But like you Kimberly i thought i would have been pregnant by christmas.

Oh and Nanner I can't wait to have a big baby bump so that im obviously pregnant, the only thing i don't want is to get fat. As in put on weight thats not neccessary. Also i'm dredding big red stretch marks :( :( i mean i've got lots of stretch marks already from growing, on my thighs, hips, lower back, upper arms, boobs. But they are all small, have never been red and not overly noticable so im quite happy as it stands. I just don't want to ruin that lol xxx
Hello ladies! Just a quick one from me.....I've had some brown spotting again  it was there when I woke this morn, but gone by 10.30am and haven't had any more. It was the tiniest of amounts, but has still really worried me. Had to power through at work today....not good. Went to the docs, they aren't too worried and said if I have any more tomo then I have to go to the EPU for a scan. I really hope all is ok. DH and I had a fumble around last night-if u know what I mean  we didn't BD, but seems a bit of a coincidence that I've started spotting after last nights activities!! Anyway, I'm pretty worried, and not very hopeful after what happened last this space. Hope everyone else is well x
I've got those stretch marks too wana. Just from growing in my teens I think. They're not noticeable thankfully and I don't really mind them. I just hope I don't get big red ones if I get pregnant!

I'm another one that's plagued with thrush. So annoying and it always comes at the wrong bloody time, about a week before im due to ovulate.
Becca and Kimberly - sorry about the impending AF. :( dang. :hugs:

Kim - also sorry to hear about your old school mate, that is tragic!

Poppie - cute idea on the "Green Eggs and Ham" book! :) Congrats to getting the key to your house this week, that's exciting!!

Snowflake - Yeah, you totally might be able to make it all the way until New Year's. I barely have anything showing. I've got to find a belly band (not sure where in Canada I can get one) then I might be able to continue with some of these pants. I'm going to do some searching today, and maybe get a pair of dress maternity pants for work. The others are hand me downs from my sister so a touch too big right now.

Jess- I hope your body smartens up soon and stops messing with you.

CeeDee - Welcome back! Glad you had a fantastic time ;) Sounds like so much fun!

I keep feeling forgetful today, like if I don't write something down right away I completely forget about it. (I hope the baby brain doesn't continue). It could also be tiredness.. my DH woke me at 4:30 this morning and then I couldn't get back to sleep.(I had to be up at 6:30) When I finally did fall alseep again I had very very odd dreams.. quite the adventure.

I promise I will work on a bump photo - I just don't feel like there's much of one there yet. lol
She was murdered by a ex who used to physically abuse her he was 48 and she was only 24 he stabbed her to death :( early hours of sat morning :( its so sad :(
Morning ladies!

Well just about everyone at my work knows now. I told a few more people this morning, my other boss was back and he was lovely. I feel so much better now I can talk about it with people. Some who are already mums are giving advice too which is lovely.

Off to see my Obs tomorrow. I've been trying to remember to write down questions to ask. I should get the results of my NT scan but after the Dr saying he was confident things looked good on Saturday, I'm not too worried. I hope she does another scan on me, I'd love to see baby bug again!

lu-is - I find I have to write things down a lot too and really have to think hard about my phone number when giving it out etc.

meadows - sorry to hear about the spotting but remember it can be completely normal. Also can happen like you said after "fooling around". I had that spotting at 6 weeks and a tiny bit of brown around the end of 8 weeks but nothing since. After telling more and more ladies almost all have said they had something similar.

CeeDee - welcome back! Sounds like you had an awesome time!

WanaB and Becca - sorry to hear you are both having down there issues atm. I hope it all clears up soon.

Only 2 more sleeps til we get the keys to our place. I can't wait to move in, things are so messy at our place at the moment with all the boxes and things.

OMG Kim, I'm so sorry about your friend. That is horrible! Have they got the guy?

CeeDee, I'm glad you had fun! I wish we could go on a vacation!

Meadows, I'm sure everything is fine since it's just brown blood. I know it's hard not to worry though...:hugs:

Poppie, how exciting about your house! Yay!


I know it's stupid to be excited about, but in 4 days I get to start my next round of Clomid. FX'd this does the trick!
That's great news Jess! I always feel a bit weird congratulating people when AF arrives...!

I had some blood-tinged CM when I wiped this morning so I think AF is on her way for me too, but will keep an eye on it.
yeah they have got the guy and another guy 26 who they belive is invouled. glad you got your af now :) im just waiting on one now it is taking ages! im on cd33 now.. and still no sign at all! but a neg test. so who knows i hate it doesnt go into a long 7 and half weeks cycle like the one after the mc. i never thoguht the mc could mess up my cycle so much!!!

how is everything going now meadows? have you got it checked out lots of sticky babydust. but i have heard its normal but i know what you mean how you feel as im going to be a nervous wreck myself when i do get preggers!

i cant beive your all so far along in the baby process! we do need some bump pics of people !
Hi girls!

Kim - Deeply sorry to hear about your friend. May she rest softly.

Jess - HOORAY for AF!!

Becca - Hope AF skips ya!

CeeDee- Welcome back! Sounds like a grand time - I love pina coladas!!

Poppie - So happy that you get to move into your house! I bet you are just over the moon. I love decorating so I had a ton of fun when we moved in - I was in heaven! Love the name Sam! So cute!

Meadows - Really hope it is nothing to be concerned with. I have read lots of girls having it on here. OBGYN said brown is old and good it is the red to be worried about.

AFM, not much. Got practically no symptoms at all. Just my trusty tender boobs - which have also subsided quite a bit. Wish some more symptoms would come along. Anyone remember how they felt in the beginning? I am 5 weeks and baby is a apple seed and looks like an ear....
Jess- Yay for AF!

Poppie- Congrats on getting the keys to your new place. Do you have plans for a baby's room yet?

Becca/ WannaB- I've been so paranoid of stretch marks! I've never had any before so I'm probably not very prone to getting them now, but even so, I lather cocoa butter on every day!! The way I'm growing now, I would not be surprised it I end up with a few marks. :growlmad:

My mom and sis get in tonight! :happydance:
AFM for the second month running ive finished AF only to have sex once or twice and get (tmi) thrush :blush: :( Its not that bad atm and i got straight on it so it should be gone by the end of the week.

I used to get thrush quite a lot after AF, can I make a couple of suggestions? Firstly tampons were drying me out too much due to the chemicals in them so I swapped to a mooncup and I haven't had it at all unless I've been on anti-biotics in the 4 years since. The other thing to check is you and your OH aren't passing it back and forth. Men don't tend to get symptoms until it gets really bad (when things get red, inflamed and tight so it hurts to pull the foreskin back) so for a few months he may well be completely unaware he had it, but you'd get recurrent infections. For men it's just a case of putting the 2% or 3% cream all over the head and under the foreskin for a few nights at bedtime, and it should clear right up if this is the issue. Not saying it is, but if you keep getting it its possible.

Hello ladies! Just a quick one from me.....I've had some brown spotting again  it was there when I woke this morn, but gone by 10.30am and haven't had any more. It was the tiniest of amounts, but has still really worried me. Had to power through at work today....not good. Went to the docs, they aren't too worried and said if I have any more tomo then I have to go to the EPU for a scan. I really hope all is ok. DH and I had a fumble around last night-if u know what I mean  we didn't BD, but seems a bit of a coincidence that I've started spotting after last nights activities!! Anyway, I'm pretty worried, and not very hopeful after what happened last this space. Hope everyone else is well x

Your cervix is super sensitive in the first trimester due to some hormone whose name I forget, and can bleed easily if agitated. If your fooling around involved any kind of vaginal stimulation it's perfectly possible that's all it is.

I was feeling all chuffed today as the nausea had vanished, then this evening its hit me with a vengeance and I can barely stand the smell of anything without retching. Not sick yet but not a happy bunny :nope:
Well the blood tinged cm came and went. It's gone back regular cm now and no sign of AF :shrug: I expect she's waiting there somewhere, testing my patience!

Wana, meant to say, stick your knickers in a 60 degree wash and then iron the crotch bit when they're dry. Sometimes the thrush bugs aren't killed off by washing alone.

Nanner my SIL religiously rubbed cream on her belly everyday during her pregnancy, only to get stretchies further round the back on her muffin top bit, where she didn't rub any cream :dohh:
thanks girls its cleared up thank goodness its fine today. It was better than last month though it proper (tmi) flared and wasn't itchy but just very red ..everywhere :( plus OH got it from me last month as well poor guy lol it was the worst either of us have ever had it.

i used to get it all the time on the pill. you only had to suggest sex and i had it :haha: ive got quite a sensitive chemical balance. i had been quite lucky and not had it in a while till now.

Thanks for the advice girls as well :D

Poppie i know how your feeling im getting very excited about moving next weekend :D we're only renting but its a lovely house!

Nanner/Becca - I am determined to use as much cocoa butter as possible through pregnancy when it comes around lol :D

I'm looking into a carear change at somepoint in the future but not imediatly...from childcare to midwifery. I've looked at it a few times now and was looking at a course near me last night. Looks really good i just don't know how i'd be with the sad side of it all like complications and babies dying etc i can be an emotional wreck at the best of times. But as i said it won't be in the next year or so so we'll see :)


P.S also can you believe this thread has be going for 6 MONTHS!!! Crazy we've all been chatting that long and we came from the WTT forum so its been longer than that really. Really does show how time flys!!!!

Well an update from me, haven't had any more spotting today, so i'm pleased, but am still on tender hooks.....constantly checking down below! I hope ur right Dinah and that it's just the fooling around and sensitive cervix. I haven't been back to the docs, as they only said to go back if i had more spotting...........i've got everything crossed that it stays ok. The midwife rang me today, and all being well, i've got my booking appointment on the 15th November. I'm 5 weeks tomo going on the first day of my last AF, but have noticed that Snowflakes and Dinah ur tickers say 5 weeks and 1/2 days, but i feel like u should be further on that me as you've known longer? Guess we're all around about there?! Confusing!

Kimberley - i really do feel like a nervous wreck, as i;m just waiting for it all to be taken away from me again like last time.....fingers crossed.

Becca - hopefully AF isn't coming, and that you are soon to get ur BFP?

WannaB - glad things have cleared up for you.....i know, it's crazy to think we've been chatting 6months - half a year!!!

Jess - glad AF has arrived and big fingers crossed for you getting that eggy now!

Poppie - nice to hear that lots of ladies have experienced it, but it's still so worrying isn't it?! How exciting that u get ur keys soon - woo hoo!!

Hope everyone is ok.....and i agree.....bump pics please ladies!!! Oh and how do i get a ticker thing on the bottom of my bit? Sorry, not the greatest with this site!!
Glad all is good with you medows. If you want a ticker like Dinah all you need to do is click on her one, it will take you to the website. Look on the left hand side and click personalised tickers and then click one of those and go from there. It'll give you a code two codes at the end. Copy the Pseudo HTML, UBBCODE, OR BBCODE code and then go to your profile page on here click on customize go to edit signiture and copy an dpaste the code in there. Make a few adjustments if you need to and your sorted :D :D :D


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