The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

I know, I feel bad for them that the weather is going to be bad, as it's been so amazing! Mind you, we had rain on our wedding day, why should a princess have it any different! Besides I have heard it's meant to be lucky to have rain on your wedding day! :)

Beccad, I'm in Sussex, between Gatwick and Brighton.
I always forget what Im going write, so might update this a bit later.

I wish the weather would make its mine up, today I went out in Trousers and Im boiling!

Good luck DG with your OH tests.

Has any one thought about how they want to give birth??
I always think too far ahead!

Im starting a trampoling class tonight, in aid of getting fitter before any LO's arrive (hoping for twins!!Lol) Im actually quite excited, though I have woken up with really achy Legs, ( i think it might be due to wearing my Shape up trainers yesterday after not wearing them for a while) so am a bit concerned as to whether I can actually jump!

Im getting away for the RW I really dont want to be in London, it is going to be impossible to do anything! Already had the tube closure noticed, and I reckon if I stayed here, I would just have to sit in the house!

Anyone else do crafty things? I am thinking of trying a patchwork quilt?? Anyone done one that can share some tips?

Hope everyone is feeling good.

Will let everyone know tommorrow, how my class went, that is if I can move enough to type!

Thanks Ladies, this is a fantastic Group!!!
I think it's fantastic too! So nice to have a group of likeminded ladies to share the journey with!!
Sorry to hear about your OH's forgetfulness. I'd be so mad!!
By the way, have you noticed that we actually live pretty close to each other? :wave:

I just found out the the royal wedding will be aired on 1:00 am on Friday. I don't think I'll be watching. :sleep:
Oh man dodgegirl &#8211; men! What is with them and their brains? I swear! I hope you get the results soon. <3

Oy, I haven&#8217;t posted in ages and I&#8217;m so behind. Admittedly I google all the UK slang, because I&#8217;m always confused. LOL. I know of a few terms and things but I&#8217;m not really up-to-date. I know I&#8217;m not the only American on BNB but we seem to be a minority &#8211; which is awesome because I&#8217;ve learned so much from being here, and not just about babies!

I love UK accents too, kind of wish I could have your posts all read to me in accurate accents. It would be so fun. ;)

6 DPO today. Acne attack! I&#8217;m so annoyed, I have three large pimples on my chest and they hurt so badly, and nothing is helping them. A few more on my face too. Now I miss the BCP. Grr. But I&#8217;m hanging in there, trying to work with it the best I can.

Otherwise I feel decent. Just tired this week. We put up the new TV so we&#8217;re up until all hours watching Discover channel in HD. We are lame.

My neighbor is recording the royal wedding! So I&#8217;m excited, I want to see her dress! Not that it won&#8217;t be all over the news and such, but still. I bet you ladies are excited over there; I mean, considering how pumped some Americans are, bet it&#8217;s even more enthralling over there.

Can&#8217;t believe it&#8217;s already Wednesday. Where is time going? I planted a bunch of things yesterday &#8211; primroses, grape hyacinths, daffodils, irises and bleeding hearts. Hoping for a wee bit of rain today to water them! LOL. We&#8217;ve had 80 degrees (F) here Mon and Tues and lots of sun, which is a nice change since we got bombarded with rain recently; but looks like we&#8217;re due for some storms or something soon.

Alright, I&#8217;m off to get some work done, will check in later. Hope you ladies are having wonderful times!

Oh and Poppy, what&#8217;s your blog link? I hunted and didn&#8217;t see it and would love to check it out! :D
Sorry to hear about your OH's forgetfulness. I'd be so mad!!
By the way, have you noticed that we actually live pretty close to each other? :wave:

I just found out the the royal wedding will be aired on 1:00 am on Friday. I don't think I'll be watching. :sleep:

YAH HIIII NEIGHBOR!!! :) considering most others in this thread are in the UK, we are next door neighbors ! :flower:

I wont be watching the royal wedding either, blah.... :sleep:
Oh yes, singer, I have. I'm completely off my rocker and just want a Csection, planned and over with, because I'm a baby and a half. LOL. and I wish I could do natural, but I will need to be drugged, no doubt. as much as I hate needles, I hate pain even more - because I'm weak. :( I admire all of those women who're going through it naturally. ugh. I wish I wasn't so lametasm.

I haven't really thought about a birth plan just that I do not want a C-section. My cousin had one and her recovery was so much longer and harder as it is major surgery!! But I am willing to do whatever is necessary at the time to have a healthy baby (but will be pretty upset with a c-section).

Spring is so here and has been - its been in the 80's or so almost everyday now.

Today I am 11 DPO. My past 2 cycles have been 26 days with a 13 LP so AF should have come today but since I OV'd late; I guess AF will be late. My temp didn't drop all that much this AM so I know it won't be today at least. I added a link to my chart in my siggy below if anyone ever wants to take a peek.

I am still kinda debating the whole starting in June instead of July like hubby mentioned. I think it is really going to depend on how my cycle falls. If I continue with these longer cycles - we will start the end of June.

I am so excited for my sister and her hubby to come and visit me next week. I took off work which is much needed. I have been working insane amounts of hours as of late. It will be the last time I see her for 27 months - they joined the Peace Corps and will be in Tanzania.
Has any one thought about how they want to give birth??
I always think too far ahead!

Yes, with as little pain as possible :haha: I really want a c-section to be honest. I know they're mean to be a longer recovery, but I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally don't want to be pushing a baby out of my foof :wacko: It all sounds too uncivilised with tearing, episiotomies, stretching, poo, and subsequent frequent tena lady moments :dohh:

I love UK accents too, kind of wish I could have your posts all read to me in accurate accents. It would be so fun. ;)

6 DPO today. Acne attack! I’m so annoyed, I have three large pimples on my chest and they hurt so badly, and nothing is helping them. A few more on my face too. Now I miss the BCP. Grr. But I’m hanging in there, trying to work with it the best I can.

Can’t believe it’s already Wednesday. Where is time going? I planted a bunch of things yesterday – primroses, grape hyacinths, daffodils, irises and bleeding hearts. Hoping for a wee bit of rain today to water them! LOL. We’ve had 80 degrees (F) here Mon and Tues and lots of sun, which is a nice change since we got bombarded with rain recently; but looks like we’re due for some storms or something soon.

I'm quite posh! Listen to Kate Middleton saying her vows on Friday and I'm not too disimilar :blush:

I'm 7DPO and it's a bit of a dull time, isn't it, waiting around for ovulation. Think I've got another week or so yet.

DH has been really busy in the garden today doing lots of heavy manual work, digging up rubble and such like.

Oh yes, singer, I have. I'm completely off my rocker and just want a Csection, planned and over with, because I'm a baby and a half. LOL. and I wish I could do natural, but I will need to be drugged, no doubt. as much as I hate needles, I hate pain even more - because I'm weak. :( I admire all of those women who're going through it naturally. ugh. I wish I wasn't so lametasm.

You're in good company :thumbup: Only problem here is that unless you can afford £10,000 to pay for one, you don't get a elective c-section on the NHS unless you actually need one :nope: You're expected to give birth naturally unless there's a pressing reason not to.
Hiya Girls,

I havent been on here for ages!! But I thought I would just check in, How are you all?

I am looking forward to the wedding, but only because I want to see her dress and also because of the day off!! hehe

Off on our holiday next week...I cant wait, its only a caravan in Cornwall but I am so excited :happydance:

I cant knit but my MIL knits loads but tbh some of it is hideous so I have to hide it lol :haha: But somr is really nice.

Was wondering if anyone has the new hummingbird bakery cookbook, my OH got it for my birthday and the cakes look soooo scrummy but I havent had time to bake at the mo! Has anyone tried any?

Well my CT scan was today and I am so glad its over, just waiting for results now. so FX

good luck welsh :D, i love cornwell! esp their icecreams yumum have one for me please.. or two heheh.
I'm just waiting now to see how my ccle is going to go as i have just finished my break through bleeding and im off the pill so hopefully it wont be too long. me too i can not wait to see her dress, im working 7-11 on friday so thats a nice easy shift and i can come back and look at her dress.
ohh im so sleepy i think i can hea my bed calling x
Morning all, lots of pages here to catch up on. I love how chatty we all are. It gives me something to do while I'm in the office! My OPK's arrived in the post this morning along with a pack of 4 PT's so hopefully this will be all I will need once we start TTC. Hubbies new Menevit Vitamins also arrived so I'll be getting him onto those from tonight to get those spermies healthy and ready to make us a baby :)

Has any one thought about how they want to give birth??
I always think too far ahead!
I am also a real baby myself when it comes to pain. Part of me just wants to get knocked out completely to have baby, but I guess I will try for a natural birth but won't be knocking back any pain relief that is offered. My sister had 1 natural birth (which was difficult) and the other was a c-sec. Her babies were quite big though, hopefully mine will be smaller. I don't really want the 6 week recovery from the c-sec as you can't do much for yourself. I know I'll have help from hubby and my parents will also come to stay so if I can get away with a relatively painless (as if! LOL!) natural birth that would be my preference.

Im starting a trampoling class tonight, in aid of getting fitter before any LO's arrive (hoping for twins!!Lol) Im actually quite excited, though I have woken up with really achy Legs, ( i think it might be due to wearing my Shape up trainers yesterday after not wearing them for a while) so am a bit concerned as to whether I can actually jump!
How cool!! Trampolining would be awesome. What do you do at the class?? I loved having a trampoline as a kid and wanted to join the circus so I could do it all day long. What are those Shape Up shoes like? Do you think they make a difference?? What sort of results have you seen??

6 DPO today. Acne attack! I’m so annoyed, I have three large pimples on my chest and they hurt so badly, and nothing is helping them. A few more on my face too. Now I miss the BCP. Grr. But I’m hanging in there, trying to work with it the best I can.

Oh and Poppy, what’s your blog link? I hunted and didn’t see it and would love to check it out! :D
My BCP was one that helped with acne and things too. I haven't noticed too many more face pimples since going off it, but I've had a couple of ouchie ones in my hair! Luckily you can't see them but they do hurt!

My blog link is and the link is also in my sig. It's pretty boring most days but it will get more exciting once we start building our home and we go OS.

I am still kinda debating the whole starting in June instead of July like hubby mentioned. I think it is really going to depend on how my cycle falls. If I continue with these longer cycles - we will start the end of June.
We'll be definitely TTC at the end of June, so we'll be TTC together! Hubby won't budge on the TTC starting when we're in USA.

Well my CT scan was today and I am so glad its over, just waiting for results now. so FX
Fingers crossed for you. I'm sure everything will be fine.
I can't keep up! I'm just going to read from now on and respond to what I remember. It takes forever to respond to everything.

Sorry FOB is so forgetful Paula! Men, grrr!

I have some ideas as far as giving birth, but who knows if I'll stick to it. I would like to have a natural birth, but I have a feeling I will get an epidural anyway. I know that I want immediate skin to skin and BF'ing. Also that the cord is not cut immediately, so baby gets all of the blood and doesn't become anemic. I have to have a hospital birth, since I work for a hospital system and that's what the insurance covers. I want to avoid a C-section at all costs unless the baby is in trouble.

No offense to anyone who is excited about the royal wedding, but I am soooo tired of hearing about it. I just want it to be over. It's all that's on TV! I would like to see her dress though.

I am so frustrated with my SIL (to be). Their wedding is on May 7, and she wants to have a "wedding party" on Mother's Day, May 8, so we can watch them open presents. I understand that they want family with them, but on Mother's Day??? I think DH's family is upset with me since I said something about it to her. Oops...
Hiya Girls,

I havent been on here for ages!! But I thought I would just check in, How are you all?

I am looking forward to the wedding, but only because I want to see her dress and also because of the day off!! hehe

Off on our holiday next week...I cant wait, its only a caravan in Cornwall but I am so excited :happydance:

I cant knit but my MIL knits loads but tbh some of it is hideous so I have to hide it lol :haha: But somr is really nice.

Was wondering if anyone has the new hummingbird bakery cookbook, my OH got it for my birthday and the cakes look soooo scrummy but I havent had time to bake at the mo! Has anyone tried any?

Well my CT scan was today and I am so glad its over, just waiting for results now. so FX


Good luck, hopefully they will call soon and give you the all clear! FX'd for you!
As far as a birth plan...

I know I want to try for a natural birth... in hospital. The idea of pumping my baby with meds makes me nervous, especially if it's not necessary. Plus, many drugs make you loopy and I wouldn't want to be groggy while I'm giving birth!

Something I'm 100% sure of is that I don't want anyone but my husband even at the hospital. I feel it's our moment and our parents/ siblings can wait until I've at least got a nap and the baby had a bath!

Has anyone had or is considering a home birth? Maybe with a a midwife?
yeah it is so hard to keep up with everyone's posts !!

birth plan? hmm well I have been watching the baby shows where people are giving birth, and the ones that have C-sec scare me because of their recovery time !! I need to be able to take care of baby & me after birth and I don't want to have someone here waiting on me while I am recovering from C-sec !!!

so I guess it's really out of my hands, I will just hope for a vaginal birth !!! I don't mind getting an epidural...the less pain I feel the better !! Of course since this is my 1st LO I have NO idea what to expect pain wise!!
yah i want to have just gas and air hopefully and would liek to try some medertion to get into a relac state and would like a water birth, but you watch i will be screaming in pain asking for every drug under the sun and saying i cant do it lol. but like a few of ou i really really dont want a c-section unless baby needs it, OH doesnt want me to have a c section either. who knows, i know about the royal wedding its everywhere i just want to see the dress too!!

Does cutting the cord soon cause some damage then? i didnt no that. x
Something I'm 100% sure of is that I don't want anyone but my husband even at the hospital. I feel it's our moment and our parents/ siblings can wait until I've at least got a nap and the baby had a bath!

Totally agreed on this. I just want it to be me and hubby at the hospital. Everyone else can stay away for at least the first little while.

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