The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

I would love a home birth - preferable water. I hate needles and the idea of having to go to hospital is horrible!

Obviously I will do whatever is nesscessery, but I think I would panic having a C-Section when they only give you an epidural I think I would rather be knock out!

I have read quite abit about the fact that in the UK they dont normally like youhaving a home birth with your first one. But I thought that if I can find a good enough midwife, she might let me:happydance:
I also dont want all and sundry there, Iam hoping to only have my OH. thats another reason to have it at home, so I can just do on my own with OH. Pain wise I am hoping to do as much as I can then probably gas and Air, I wont be opting for an Epidural unless there is a reason (See stupid Needle thing!)
I bought a Labour book today from Oxfam on my way to work :blush: Not something I should be buying yet I suppose but it was very cheap, and in very good condition!! Lol

WM2B I got marreid last year (in Venice) and for our honeymoon we bought a caravan (off ebay) Painted blue with goldstars, and travlled round Italy for a couple of months! It was the best holiday I have ever been on.... I love caravans!!!!! We are thinking about taking somewhere else this year!
also hope everything is ok with your scan.

Poppiebug Trampoling was so much fun!! We started by jogging (I hate jogging to warm up) then we got straight to it, we learnt the basics this week ( week one) so seat Jumps, Straddle, Pike, half twist, full twist, Body pump?? (not sure if thats what it is called) I turns out that for the seated ones, I have no coordination at all! But I am quite good at the Moves as I am quite flexible and can get my legs up quickly:blush: (just realised how bad that sounded!!) I am quite achy this morning so can only hope that it did some good. It was sooo much fun, definately see if there is a group near you! Also read your blog which is great.

I actually wrote notes this time, so I wont forget things!! lol

Have a great holiday ladies Im not sure if I will be able to get on this over the weekend as I am off to the In laws to get away from the Wedding!

P.S I love the fact when you want to reply to the posts you can click "Go Advanced" !!! Its makes me laugh:haha:
Birth plans... I'd be open to some drugs or the epidural. I really hope I don't need a C-section, that is completely far from my plans.
I also personally would not want a home birth, no thank you. I'll take the hospital with Dr's, machines, and drugs.
Happy Thursday, everyone. I’m always catching up.

I cannot wait to get in my garden and plant some flowers. Every Saturday and Sunday has been too rainy or wet for me to spend the time in the yard. I hope this Sunday I can get some petunias planted. My irises are growing and my peonies have buds. I love the spring! Beautiful flowers.

I might DVR the royal wedding because I would love to see all the fuss.

I haven’t thought of a birth plan either, except that I don’t want a C-section. I’ll take an epidural if I can’t take it anymore. I also want to start BF’ing right away. What’s with the cord thing? I’ve never heard of that.

I love to knit and crochet, but I haven’t had much time to do it since I’m in Graduate school. I graduate in a few weeks, but then I’ll be working on getting my house ready to sell. Maybe when I’m pregnant I’ll be able to rest. LOL
I'd like my first in the hospital too, but love the thought if a water birth - I imagine it being a little more relaxed (lol, as much as labour can be!)

Went to pick up my last load of BCP today! Felt very good to know that it's my last time for a while :) Hurry up June!
I'd like my first in the hospital too, but love the thought if a water birth - I imagine it being a little more relaxed (lol, as much as labour can be!)

Went to pick up my last load of BCP today! Felt very good to know that it's my last time for a while :) Hurry up June!

I start my last pack of BCP on Sunday. :happydance:
Congrats on the graduation CeeDee!!

I have one more pack of pills to go after this one. hooray!!.

I'm still wondering now and again if I didn't have a little whoops on this package of pills..
It's been a week later and I still have nausea, the headache is less than it was.
I'm starting to feel like AF will be coming soon but the withdrawl bleeding isn't until next Thurs. at the earliest. I'm trying to ignore all these things but finding that near impossible. I'll keep trying to push myself a couple days further before I give into the urge to POAS. lol.
AF is here. Bah.

From what I've read, a lot of babies become anemic after birth since the common practice is to clamp and cut the cord immediately. If you wait until it stops pulsating, the baby has gotten all of it's blood and stem cells, etc back. Here is a link to one article. It's worth looking in to. It seems to me like a simple way to help your baby get a good start.
Happy Friday everyone! I'm jealous of all the UK ladies having today off but am glad that it's the weekend again (after only 3 days of work). I shall be watching the Royal Wedding coverage tonight and also flicking channels to watch my AFL team's game that's in Sydney.

Congrats to all the ladies on their last pack of pills!! June is getting closer. I will be very jealous of you all getting your baby dancing on at the start of June. I will be patient tho and just pretend I'm super excited for our NYC trip, which I am, but it also means the start of our TTC journey also!!

I'm still wondering now and again if I didn't have a little whoops on this package of pills..
It's been a week later and I still have nausea, the headache is less than it was.
I'm starting to feel like AF will be coming soon but the withdrawl bleeding isn't until next Thurs. at the earliest. I'm trying to ignore all these things but finding that near impossible. I'll keep trying to push myself a couple days further before I give into the urge to POAS. lol.

When I first came off my pills I felt a bit this way. Very similar symptoms to the preggie ones that people talk about. Wasn't sure if there was a little accident or it was just my body adjusting to there being no extra hormones being loaded into it. My AF was also late so I'd taken a couple of tests to make sure I wasn't pregnant (as I had a hens night and a wedding to drink alcohol at!).

From what I've read, a lot of babies become anemic after birth since the common practice is to clamp and cut the cord immediately. If you wait until it stops pulsating, the baby has gotten all of it's blood and stem cells, etc back. Here is a link to one article. It's worth looking in to. It seems to me like a simple way to help your baby get a good start.

I think I've read about this too. I think most places are now in the practice of waiting until it stops pulsating before it is cut for that very reason. I suppose when this all happens for us everything will be happening so quickly and we'll be so happy (and exhausted!) we won't know what's going on. How do your OH's feel about cutting the cord?? I've told my husband he has to do it, as it will be his one big part (other than supporting me through labour) with the whole ordeal!
DH and I haven't spoken about who will cut the cord. I always assumed it would be him, but I don't know what kind of condition he will be in after the delivery. I will probably be doing better than him!
OMG!!! So excited...FF has an Android app now! It's fully integrated with your online chart! Yay!!:happydance::wohoo:
OMG!!! So excited...FF has an Android app now! It's fully integrated with your online chart! Yay!!:happydance::wohoo:

Ahh awesome. I'll have to get it :)

Does anyone else use other apps for iPhone / iPad?? I have Pink Pad on my iPad which has a calendar and stuff. It's just a basic calendar thing which is ok I guess. However, the forum on the app is filled with teenagers waiting to get their first period or asking lots of stupid questions. hmmm....
I didn’t see photos from the Royal Wedding except for one someone posted of the bride’s sister (on facebook, this morning), stating how she was trying to upstage the bride or something. No idea, but she did look lovely, I’ll give her that. And as tired as I am from hearing about it, I am more enthused to listen to details about the Royal Wedding than about Charlie Sheen or Rebecca Black. Trying to be optimistic although I’m quite glad the wedding is passing us by now. ;) No offense to all you lovely UK ladies.

Sorry, I’m blind and didn’t realize it was in your sig, Poppie! Lovely blog, I like that you do a photo a day. Really nice! I’m going to continue to stalk you.

I’m 8 DPO and flatlining. 5 days, same temp. Thermometer isn’t broken so I was concerned. But thanks to this lovely website, I found that this isn’t uncommon, so phew! I was wondering what the heck was wrong with me.

I have an iPhone and I use pink pad too, but I avoid the forums. Too much insanity in there, and way too many teenieboppers. I also use FF and I chart on TCOYF (in my sig) but cannot actually use it on my phone. It’s tedious but I log my info on there online because I think it has the best presentation and has the most options for being free. Plus your intercourse days are marked with hearts (unless you use BC then it’s a shield) and that’s freakin’ cute. I’m a nerd.

For birth, I do want immediate skin-to-skin contact and will hopefully BF, so long as I’m approved for such medically. Should not be an issue. I want my husband to cut the cord but he’s as light-headed about blood and doctors and needles as myself, so I’m not sure he’ll be able to handle that. I’m really hoping he can, though. We shall see!

I feel as though I’m missing more things to say to you – ack! I’m sorry if I’m leaving anyone out here.

Congrats to all the ladies coming off the BCP! So exciting for you all. =) If anyone is charting on FF or TCOYF, let me know! I enjoy stalking charts. LOL.

May 1 is almost upon us. How exciting this is!
I'm still wondering now and again if I didn't have a little whoops on this package of pills..
It's been a week later and I still have nausea, the headache is less than it was.
I'm starting to feel like AF will be coming soon but the withdrawl bleeding isn't until next Thurs. at the earliest. I'm trying to ignore all these things but finding that near impossible. I'll keep trying to push myself a couple days further before I give into the urge to POAS. lol.

When I first came off my pills I felt a bit this way. Very similar symptoms to the preggie ones that people talk about. Wasn't sure if there was a little accident or it was just my body adjusting to there being no extra hormones being loaded into it. My AF was also late so I'd taken a couple of tests to make sure I wasn't pregnant (as I had a hens night and a wedding to drink alcohol at!).

Odd thing is I'm not coming off of BCP yet. I'm in the middle of a pack (I kind of started it late and missed another pill a couple days in). Only with further reading did I realize that this is a bad part of the pack to miss a pill or two in.. oops. But I wouldn't mind if there was a little happy accident...
Hooray! Weekend and May is almost here! I can't wait! Even though I feel like July is NEVER going to get here!!

I liked Kate's dress. Very traditional and pretty. Didn't watch anything though - much too early for me!!

Big drop in temp today - guessing that AF will be coming to visit some time throughout the day possibly. I feel so fat and bloated. I am a charter too Swan! Click on my linky below to stalk! I honestly have been stalking you too!! Also, where did you get your thermometer? - in the TTC forum they were saying some were faulty from Walgreens and somewhere online. I got mine from Walmart.

I use Pink Pad, FF and an app called Period Tracker Lite on my Ipod Touch. A little obsessive, I am!!

I am very up in the air regarding BF. I want to do it because it know it is better for the baby and that it is cheaper but don't know if I will physically and mentally be able to do it. Personally, it kinda freaks me out.... a whole alot. If I do do it, I think I will have to pump and give LO through a bottle. I do not think I could have the baby on me - does that make sense? I am really sensative in that area and am having a hard time deciding what to do... I will prolly rent a pump from the hospital and see how I do. The good ones are so expensive and I am so wishy washy about it that I wouldn't want to waste the money. I also worry about having to go back to work and pumping. I don't know how that would work out...

One of the hospitals here have birthing rooms with tubs. I have been thinking about doing a water birth but aren't too sure. I def want to be in a hospital.

I want my hubby to cut the cord but I don't think he will. It scares him he said. The blood grosses him out. He already said he will stay near my head - he does not want to actually watch the birth. We will see when the time comes. Like most of you - I only want the 2 of us in the room.

What are y'alls plans for the weekend? Anything fun going on?
Oh yes, I too only want myself and hubby in the room. No photos or video either. Call me a freak but...

Ahh yay charter buddy snowflake! Well I ordered mine off Amazon, actually, just because I was ordering other things and got free shipping. 8 bucks, it's BD brand and has good ratings. I'm just going to see how things progress. I have a backup in case this doesn't work well but I'm trying to stick to just one, the same one, and see. When AF comes, we'll see what it does and I'll gauge from there. :)

We're going to a Phillies game Sunday! Yay! :D

If you're obsessive snowflake, than I am too! We both use three charts. ;) LOL
I currently use P tracker to track my cycles, although I’m on the pill and they are like clockwork. I didn’t like the FF app. I plan on using Lily by Whimsical Inc. It costs $5.99, but I like it because it’s one of the only apps that uses the Fertility Awareness Method described in TCOYF. FAMnerd is supposed to be putting out a better app in the future that is more inline with TCOYF and easier to use than the Lily app.
I've got Menstrual Calendar by Fertility Friend, and Period Tracker, which I just tend to use to track periods rather than anything more technical.

I loved all the royal wedding stuff! Sat watching the build-up from about 7.30am this morning, then stopped after they had the kiss on the balcony and went inside. I didnt' think Pippa (Catherine's sister) was trying upstage the bride at all! She's probably just wearing what she's been told to wear. You can't really upstage someone when the cameras aren't pointing at you :haha:

They've just driven off to Clarence House (where Prince Charles lives, and the family and close friends reception is being held) in an Aston Martin.
I've got Menstrual Calendar by Fertility Friend, and Period Tracker, which I just tend to use to track periods rather than anything more technical.

I loved all the royal wedding stuff! Sat watching the build-up from about 7.30am this morning, then stopped after they had the kiss on the balcony and went inside. I didnt' think Pippa (Catherine's sister) was trying upstage the bride at all! She's probably just wearing what she's been told to wear. You can't really upstage someone when the cameras aren't pointing at you :haha:
They've just driven off to Clarence House (where Prince Charles lives, and the family and close friends reception is being held) in an Aston Martin.

^ that's what I was thinking! surely the bride helped her choose her dress and well, no offense Pippa but you're not becoming princess, pretty sure you won't "win" the spotlight... LOL
I hope you are all having a lovely Saturday!

Our weekend has been awesome so far. I sat on the lounge all night last night watching Wedding coverage until the footy came on. My team broke an 18 year drought and beat the Sydney Swans at the SCG (which isn't in Melbourne. They hadn't beaten them there since 1993!). Then it was back to the wedding to see the balcony kiss. I had a lovely sleep in this morning too. We also headed out to our block of land where we saw they had started work on site and had done our cut and fill!! Next step should be the set up for the slab. Getting very exciting!!

I thought that Kate's dress was lovely, but it was a safe choice, would have liked to see her a bit more royal (if you know what I mean?) and perhaps a bigger bouquet of flowers, but it was a gorgeous dress none the less.

I'm not actively charting my cycle yet, waiting to see what it does this month. I've been having some little (not really painful) crampy pinchy pains in my general uterine area so hoping this means ovulation or something positive towards my cycle getting back to normal. I probably won't actually start temping unless we start to have difficulty conceiving in the first few months. In saying that though, if we don't fall straight away I'll probably temp and chart like hell from July!! 55 days to go and it can't come soon enough - I'm so impatient!

Hubby has started his new multivitamins. No complaints yet, but he is used to taking a vitamin everyday anyway.

lu-is yes, a little accident wouldn't be shunned. Fingers crossed!! heehee! I secretly hope for a little accident even though we use condoms, you never know - they've been known to fail for others in the past. Teehee!
Hi Girlies,

Sorry I haven't been about much, been manic with own wedding plans! 3 weeks today! AF started on thurs, so should only have 1 more before we start ttc :) just hope I don't have AF on wedding day, fingers crossed!

If I had a higher pain threshold, i would consider a home birth, but i know i am hopeless with pain, so it will have to be a hospital birth maybe a birthing pool if one is available, that would be if I don't have an epidural. I am B Rhesus negative blood, and I have read that this may cause problems is baby is positive, so maybe another reason for a hospital birth. I want OH with me, not sure if I want my mum there maybe not physically in the room, but just there!I would like skin to skin contact as soon as I have given birth and if OH can, to cut the cord.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

I only watched the re-run of the royal wedding didn't get to see it as it was happening, to busy planning ours!


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