The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Thanks poppie :D

I can't believe how far along some of you pregnant ladies are!! Its flying by ( although it probably doesn't feel like it for you lol)

Busy weekend for you ladies! :haha: Finally catching up now! We had my formal shower at my MILs this weekend so it was insanely busy, and today I ended up crashing and taking a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day. Guess it all caught up with me!

Great scan pic Lu-is! :D

Aw Nanner, she is beautiful! Congratulations!

Keeping my FX for you, and no need to apologize or think you're driving us nuts Wana! :hugs: It's excitement and confusion mixed into one, and we're here to support you! Hoping this turns into a BFP for you! xoxo

I'm so sorry you've been unwell Pink, and that they treated you like crap too. Hope you're feeling much better very soon!

HOW WAS BREAKING DAWN?!?!?!?!? I want to go see it and have NO idea when I'm going to fit it into my schedule. I may beg hubby to take me next weekend since nobody else can coordinate with my Thanksgiving schedule! :haha: I'm dying to go see it!!

Aw Dinah, I'm so sorry about your tooth and I hope you're feeling better soon! As for OH - ugh, men! :dohh: I'm sorry he slipped, and sorrier still she made a negative comment. Some people need to learn when to shut their dang mouths. :( It's not her baby, it's yours; you get to choose the name, game over. Blah.

Hope the party went well CeeDee!

FX that Emily returns with good news soon!

Can't believe I'm 29 weeks on Tuesday. Holy crap! And WelshMum is even closer to her due date! We are going to have out first Junebug before we even realize it! :haha:

I think I updated everything on the page one sheet (or I will have once I post this and then press the submit on my other tab lol) but if I missed something or if anything changes, let me know! ;)
Dinah - ouchies.. sorry to hear about your tooth. My sister did that last year, chipped off her veneer cap.

CeeDee - I hope the party went well and was fun!

Poppie - Happy Monday. (darn.. here goes another week) That's exciting that your housewarming is coming up. :) My DH just had his 30th birthday this weekend. We went for sushi.

Wanna - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Symptom spotting is so hard not to do.

Swan -oooh another shower, that sounds fun! :)

As for my weekend, we had my hubby's 30 birthday celebration. Mostly I spent a lot of my time packing. The baby's been really active this evening... lol kicking and tossing. hee hee it's so cute.
Busy weekend for you ladies! :haha: Finally catching up now! We had my formal shower at my MILs this weekend so it was insanely busy, and today I ended up crashing and taking a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day. Guess it all caught up with me!


Keeping my FX for you, and no need to apologize or think you're driving us nuts Wana! :hugs: It's excitement and confusion mixed into one, and we're here to support you! Hoping this turns into a BFP for you! xoxo


HOW WAS BREAKING DAWN?!?!?!?!? I want to go see it and have NO idea when I'm going to fit it into my schedule. I may beg hubby to take me next weekend since nobody else can coordinate with my Thanksgiving schedule! :haha: I'm dying to go see it!!


Can't believe I'm 29 weeks on Tuesday. Holy crap! And WelshMum is even closer to her due date! We are going to have out first Junebug before we even realize it! :haha:
Thanks Swan I've calmed down abit now although i do think i'll pop out and buy a test tomorrow and test on wednesday lol

Hope you had fun at your shower an dglad your taking time for yourself as well :)

Breaking dawn was fab. It didn't have as much action and was quiter than normal to start but was great and they made up for it with the wolves and it really came together at the end. The way the end it is fab because it leaves you wanting more lol

29 weeks!! holy cow!! when did you get that far along lol I can't believe how fast our time together as a group has flown!!!

Just waiting for the dentist to open so I can call up... think I'll call in to work and put a days holiday in regardless as I have a midwife visit at 3pm, so if I get a dentist appointment at say 10am, I won't get to work until 11.30, have to leave again at 1.30, that's going to absolutely decimate my flexi sheet so I'd rather just use up the last of my holiday.

I'm about 90% certain we heard the babies' heartbeat on our doppler last night. DH said it was a lot quicker than my pulse, and it was really clear and in what I think was the right place. I was extremely excited as it made it a lot more real to me, DH was pleased but said it was already real for him (how is it more real to him than me, who spends her whole day over a toilet bowl or tentatively nibbling dry toast?!)

Prune day :D :D :D Only 2 weeks until my first scan.

Make sure its a 10 miu test WanaB.

Glad you had a nice shower Swan.
Dinah, I know what you mean about it being more real for your DH than you. I'm not doing so bad with the sickness now but my thoughts are consumed entirely by making sure I don't get sick, basically shovelling food into my mouth every hour so I don't get hungry, and making sure I get enough sleep. It's totally exhausting and I don't really have time to think about the baby!

DH on the other hand is planning how to decorate the nursery :wacko:

I'm sorry you're so ill though. Is it worth seeing your GP or are you managing ok? :hugs:
Ugh, sorry just here to rant....I really hoped I wouldn't have any issues like this...

One of my bosses partners was in at work today (she does our payroll) and she asked how I was going. I said, pretty good, getting out there now (today was the first day I've had to wear my buttons undone on my work shirt and I wear a black singlet top underneath) and she said something like "Oh you can't just wear a couple of buttons undone, you should just wear a little shirt under and wear it open". Well I was shocked. Like I am not a small girl to start with, and so it's been a struggle to find clothes that fit and look decent as it is, luckily I found some nice black maternity pants for work which look good. I have also spoken with the person in charge of ordering shirts for us and she's happy to get me some bigger shirts, but they haven't come yet. Anyway, I said that to her that I'm getting some bigger shirts etc etc, and she was like "Oh you probably don't want just big shirts"...blah blah. So anyway I basically just backed away. I just wanted to cry and did when I got home. This is the only time in my life I can embrace having curves and a tummy, why would you say something like that?? I think maybe she saw my face drop when she said it and realised she upset me, but I'm not sure. I avoided her for the rest of the morning.

Anyway, probably overreacting but just had to get it out.
Thanks girls xoxo
Dinah, I know what you mean about it being more real for your DH than you. I'm not doing so bad with the sickness now but my thoughts are consumed entirely by making sure I don't get sick, basically shovelling food into my mouth every hour so I don't get hungry, and making sure I get enough sleep. It's totally exhausting and I don't really have time to think about the baby!

DH on the other hand is planning how to decorate the nursery :wacko:

I'm sorry you're so ill though. Is it worth seeing your GP or are you managing ok? :hugs:

this is so like me! lol i have to eat every hour or i will get sick! i was in tescos the other day and i felt sicky and i was dry heaving it was so embrassing! i just cuddled up to my oh and he was like dont be sick on me lol! when i ate before it would make me feel better but now sometimes when i eat now i still feel sick eeek >.< but im enjoying it all the same, i think im going to buy some seabands today see if they work.

im not a breaking dawn fan either not had the time to watch or read any of the books but so many people rate about it its nice for people to get excited over :)

fingers crossed wanna i never got any bleeding mid cycle both timers i caught pregnant, so i cant give any more info on it.

poppiebug, yay for 17 weeks! not logn now till your gender scan i forgot are you finding out?

swan i can nnot belive your 29 weeks soon that has gone so quick same with lu that has gone quick if my other pregnancy went forward i would be the same as you lu!

but things happen for a reason and if that didnt happen i wouldnt have this little bean :D well a blueburry now :D

dinah sorry about your tooth it does sound so painful is it? and it makes sense to have the day off as no point stressing yourself out to go to the denist then work then doctors. at least after you have done what you need to do you can relax :)

i have had the weekend off work as our home has come down with a bad case of the runs, about 6 service users had got it samples have been sent off so we can fidn out whats wrong and my nurse has advised me to stay off until it comes about what it is, as if i do get it it can be dangerous but touch wood i have had no signs so i got out when i could. so it was nice to have my first weekend off in two years i enjoyed doing nothing and catching up on sleep.

hope emily jane is okay wonder what her test result was?

i looked on our main page and i belive we have our first boy, from topsy!

lots of girls been born wonder what the rest of us are going to have, at the tiem i have no idea what i am having they say mothers can sense it but i cant is any of you sensed the sex of your baby?

atm i am having mad dreams in one dream i ate a baby and it was a sponge cake then it turned into a apple core! weird. my dreams are just crazy has anybody experiance this?

i member meadows writing something but babybrain has made me forget! so sorry meadows, but hello :D
i finally have permission to put a pic up of me and the oh

So here goes ladies this is caleb :D and me obv hehe


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Hi Ladies!

Congrats to all the BFPS :happydance:

How is everyone? Hubby has finally got a job in Liverpool so i see him every night and actually have a relationship with him rather than the wifey who drops him off and picks him up at train station and never see each other. (BD has increased too so really not complaining! :winkwink:)
I have learnt how to knit! Mother inlaw has taught me so im making a baby blanket for my nephew who is due in Feb! My shoulder is REALLY hurting though.

uhm what else? oh yeah..TEAM JACOB!!!
Hey all

Monday mid day an dive been cleaning like a mad woman all morning lol

Dinah what do you mean by a 10 miu test (or do you mean min?)

Poppie sorry that you had that silly woman make a comment like that. People really don't know where the boundries are sometime. Hope you feeling a bit happier now :)

Mazzy fab news about the job. Its gotta be nice getting more quality time together. My great nan tried to teach me how to knit years ago and it didn't work out very well as she was left handed and i was right lol. I picked it up a few years later when my mum showed me how to do it but it never stuck lol

As for twilight...for the books and films team Edward all the way. It just makes more sence lol for personal preferences team Jacob lol


kimberly aw you two look really cute together

sorry about the mad sickness also ladies
Poppie- People say the dumbest things to pregnant women! I've had some rude comments said to me lately, too. They wouldn't say things like that to someone that wasn't pregnant so why do they think they can say those things when you are? And what's with the entitlement of rubbing my belly?! I have a big "private space bubble" anyways, and now that I'm self conscious of my body it's gotten bigger. How is patting my belly different than patting my ass?! Grrrr.... it infuriates me when people do that, especially people I don't really know. :growlmad:

I've got some disappointing news. :nope: There was a fatal accident last week at the mine my husband works at. It ended up shutting down production for a few days. Now that they're running again and behind schedule, my husband has to work through the Thanksgiving weekend. This means our plans of going to my family's place is cancelled and that I'll be spending the long weekend mostly by myself. I'm really disappointed because I had a lot of relatives that were going to be there and we had a bunch of fun stuff planned. But I have to remember that even though my holiday is ruined, it's not near as bad as the family's of the deceased. Jesse said that the father of the kid (I say kid because he was only 24) came in yesterday to clean out his son's locker. It really shook him up. :cry: It can be such a tough industry.
Poppie, That was not very nice of your co-worker. I think people need censors especially with us pregnant women who are so emotional.

Swanx, I can&#8217;t believe your 29 weeks either. Time definitely does fly.

Dinah, Hopefully you can get that tooth fixed. Isn&#8217;t it exciting to hear the heartbeat. It does make it seem so real.

Cute pics, Kimberley!

Nanner, Sorry to hear about the accident. It&#8217;s never a good feeling when things like that happen. Hopefully you&#8217;ll still be able to have a good weekend.

The birthday party was fun. We told my DH&#8217;s daughter she&#8217;s getting a baby brother or sister and she was so excited. She even gave me names for a little girl: Natalie, Isabella and Kathy. LOL Three day week, with Thanksgiving on Thursday and Black Friday on Friday. I can&#8217;t wait for the work week to be done. Scan tomorrow. :happydance:
Nanner could you still go to your family? Or do you have any friends locally you can visit? So sad that someone died - does your hubby actually work in the mines? It's still such a dangerous industry.

Poppie, it's astonishing the sort of comments people make. I've no idea why people think it's acceptable to comment on a woman's body - my SIL says people always commented how her boobs had got bigger whilst she was pregnant! It's so rude!

What's black Friday?
Nanner sorry to hear the news thats awful. I can't imagin losing a family member like that. Like Cee dee said is there anywhere else you could go so your not on your own all weekend??

Cee dee glad the party went well and its lovely how your DH's daughter got so excited :D

Went town earlier and got christmas cards and wrapping paper...feeling a bit more festive now lol also got home and once again went for a wee and got pinky discharge when i wiped.

Black Friday is the start of the Christmas shopping season in the states. Usually stores put out really awesome deals just for the Friday after Thanksgiving and open up really early in the morning, so that consumers can shop. Some people are annoyed by it, but I love it.
Yey Mazzi for the new job (and the knitting!).

Lol no I mean miu WanaB. Its the measurement of how much hcg is in the urine. A 10miu test will detect pg twice as early as a 20miu test, and some store ones are up to 70miu so wouldn't detect until around 3 or 4 days later! It will say the sensitivity somewhere on the box.

Really sorry about thanksgiving Nanner, although you're taking a very healthy attitude thinking of the family who lost their son. I can't imagine what it's like for them.

Blood pressure check today was all good, although have huge dizziness now, I think thats the medication though rather than just pregnancy or blood pressure. While I read dizziness is common in pregnancy, I only get so dizzy I swear the sofa is moving when I've remembered to take all the tablets!
ahhh right had no idea about that. Well i picked up a twin pack First Response Early Result test when i was in town. I've just looked all over the box and on the leaflet inside and can't find a miu anywhere. too late now anyway as i have them lol. but its says upto 6 days before missed period and i'm waiting till Wed which is 3 days before.

DH is trying to convince me to take a test now as we have two lol but i'm holind strong lol

Also glad that your BP check went well xxx

edit: just googled it apparently they are 25 miu but in clinical studdies they've done they have detected as low as 12.5 and 6.5 but still they are 25 lol

Thanks everyone. Like I said, just stupid emotional me at the moment but I didn't think it was nice.

Nanner - I haven't had the belly rubs yet, but I know what you mean - personal space!! In the what to expect book she gives some good examples of how to handle that. Sorry about your Thanksgiving weekend, but sad to hear about what happened at hubby's work.

Dinah - glad to hear your BP is going ok. I've been dizzy too, mainly when I'm tired or get up too quick.

CeeDee - glad the party was fun.

Hi Mazzy! Great to hear about your husband's new job and you get to spend more time together.

I hope this week goes quickly... bring on the weekend!!

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