The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

ceedee bet it feels lovely knowing thats your little girly in there :D we are paying for a early gender scan which we will have in 5 weeks time so im excited for that :D will ou get more pics from the scan?

poppie how nice to have two weeks off thats what sucks at my work as its a 24 hr unit we dont get the hols and that off :( booo.

nanner im glad no1 got really hurt and its really sad about it happenign again, thoughts are with you and people you know who are affected by this. on a happier note lookign frward to seing your finished room :)

lu hope your feeling better turn that frown upside down :haha:

becca- lucky you getting to see baby twice in one week cant wait to see pics and it will be next tuesday :)

swan- i have msg welsh on her post poor lady, i know everything will be okay hope your doing well, has the nesting started? can not wait to see her picture when she is born

wanna- my house tooo!

pink- its horrible when pou get a cold and your child or somebody less able gets it, i really feel for them, as like people at our home get ill they dont understand it and get alot of pain :( hope your feeling better soon with the hip too

sorry if i missed anybody out im hungry sleepy and im being forgetful!
hope jess is okay! and dodge and emily!

and me IM A LIME WOOO :D
Hello Ladies,

Just to say hi really, hope Welsh mum is alright will have to find her post.

I was wondering about jess to hope she is doing alright.

Swan when does your maternity leave start??

Wanan glad your shows have been going well.

Two friends are coming up tommorrow and they dont know Im pregnant so am looking forward to showing my to many pies belly!!

Everyone on OH's side is very happy we are having a girl, and already discussing names, and middle names, and shortern version of names!!!

OH and I have already discussed are few, but cant really settle on one, the one I like the most and thought Im going to have a girl and call her ... i hav decided Im not sure if im keen on the shorted version... which is a pain! I have the middle name sorted as its a family tradition for the first born girl to have it, so I have my aunite my grand ma, so thats nots to bad, but Oh's grandma wants us to have her mums name as a middle name, so we will see!!!

better go, as Im at work!!

hope everyone has a good weekend!1
Just seen her post, how absolutley terrible, hopefully everything will get better. Am going to leave her a little supportive note.
Hi all

Read Welsh's post after...i can't imagin how she's feeling :sad:

Poppie if your offering a free trip to Austrailia to clean your house then i'm in lol :D :D

Not much going on with me atm. I'm all prepared for christmas apart from needing to get the christmas food in. We do a 2 week shop to last past New Years so that we don't have to go in between.

We're busy over parents are coming to ours christmas day, we are off to my sister's on boxing day where my other sister and nephews will be also. We are going to DH mum's the day after and then to Dh'd nan and bamps the day after that where they do an xmas party where his dad, brother, niece and nephews, aunty, uncle and cousins will all be. So a very busy 4 days for us!! I did hope i'd have a baby bump by this time to be showing off to everyone but oh well ....Just means i'll hopefully will have a baby bump to show off during the summer months in nice floaty tops and dresses :D :D xxx
Hubby seems to forget that although i may be a bit of a tough nut sometimes that i'm still a girl and not one of the rugby lads lol He just tried to throw me onto the sofa playing about and in the process full on headbutted me in the cheek!! Owww!! I burst into tears and its slightly swollen and throbbing now :( He did apologise i don't know how many times and gave me cuddles and made me a cuppa. I think he felt really bad love him xxx
Morning Ladies!! :flower:

Well i turn 30 today and hubby is in the kitchen making pancakes and im in the living room playing with Lego :haha:

Hope everyone is safe and well x
Hello Ladies,

I wanted to say a huge thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes - it really means alot to me.

Gary is still fighting and continues to suprise the doctors. Both his pupils are responding to light now ans today he has started to move his right leg. His right hand is moving alot and he is fiddeling with my hand. He has a very bad chest infection and abseses on his lungs but he is on antibiotics.

It is a very slow process but I know he will fight for us.

I was checked over in the pregnancy assesment unit on tuesday and all is well with baby thank god!
:hugs: Welsh. I'm glad he's responding and I will keep you in my thoughts and hope Gary continues to get better. I'm glad you're ok too xxx

Happy Birthday Mazzy! It's my birthday on Monday, but I'm a little bit older - will be 32.
Hey Welsh glad he's improving, showing he's a fighter :) and glad to hear baby is all good :D

Just a question Mazzy and Becca ..did it suck growing up with your birthday so close to Christmas or did it never really bother you? i've always wondered xxx
Hey Welsh glad he's improving, showing he's a fighter :) and glad to hear baby is all good :D

Just a question Mazzy and Becca ..did it suck growing up with your birthday so close to Christmas or did it never really bother you? i've always wondered xxx

Yeah it bothers me loads more now than when I was a kid. For example today (and this is fairly typical) DH organised an afternoon tea thing for my birthday, gave people plenty of notice and had a number of people say they could come. Then this last week some people suddenly had family obligations come up 'because of Christmas' and a couple of people couldn't come because they were ill, although to be fair they can't help that. :dohh: The days are as short as they're ever going to be, it's freezing cold, restaurants always try and make you have a christmas menu (ie. christmas dinner - I just want a nice steak on my birthday, but apparently too much trouble!), and bars are full of people celebrating christmas etc. People give me joint presents - I don't give people joint birthday & valentines/Easter/Halloween gifts FFS! It wasn't so bad when I was a child as my parents were very careful to separate Christmas from my birthday. As an adult I have no expectations of anything much happening for my birthday - DH was really cross on my behalf today, but it's just normal for me. It might just be my friends being crap, but I know other people who have Christmas birthdays who have similar complaints about it all.

I'm aware I sound a bit prima-donna ish about the whole thing, but it's not as if I'm expecting much from people, just the same consideration that everyone gives to non-December birthdays really... If we were still TTCing I'd have stopped for the month that would have meant a December birthday...

ETA: sorry - the subject always gets me ranting :haha:
Hey Welsh glad he's improving, showing he's a fighter :) and glad to hear baby is all good :D

Just a question Mazzy and Becca ..did it suck growing up with your birthday so close to Christmas or did it never really bother you? i've always wondered xxx

Yeah it bothers me loads more now than when I was a kid. For example today (and this is fairly typical) DH organised an afternoon tea thing for my birthday, gave people plenty of notice and had a number of people say they could come. Then this last week some people suddenly had family obligations come up 'because of Christmas' and a couple of people couldn't come because they were ill, although to be fair they can't help that. :dohh: The days are as short as they're ever going to be, it's freezing cold, restaurants always try and make you have a christmas menu (ie. christmas dinner - I just want a nice steak on my birthday, but apparently too much trouble!), and bars are full of people celebrating christmas etc. People give me joint presents - I don't give people joint birthday & valentines/Easter/Halloween gifts FFS! It wasn't so bad when I was a child as my parents were very careful to separate Christmas from my birthday. As an adult I have no expectations of anything much happening for my birthday - DH was really cross on my behalf today, but it's just normal for me. It might just be my friends being crap, but I know other people who have Christmas birthdays who have similar complaints about it all.

I'm aware I sound a bit prima-donna ish about the whole thing, but it's not as if I'm expecting much from people, just the same consideration that everyone gives to non-December birthdays really... If we were still TTCing I'd have stopped for the month that would have meant a December birthday...

ETA: sorry - the subject always gets me ranting :haha:

No worries i've never thought it could be that fun. My birthday is September and i quite like it :)

There's 3 children at nursery who i feel sorry for...there is a set of twins who's birthday is the 22nd. Well they have to share a birthday for starters let alone 3 days before Christmas and there is another little boy who's birthday IS Christmas day.

I know people like my friend who's is on the 4th don't get christmasy until after their birthday but i mean that close to christmas it isn't really possible is it.

Mum loves her birthday because she's got 6 months till her birthday and the 6 months till Christmas because her birthday is June lol xxx
DH has scanned in the sonograph pictures so here they are!

and this one isn't so clear but you can sort of see it
awww they are lovely becca :D

I was literally just coming on here to have a whinge and say i'm having one of those moments where i just feel like...


That is all xxx
Mum loves her birthday because she's got 6 months till her birthday and the 6 months till Christmas because her birthday is June lol xxx

Yeah I'm quite pleased that this baby is going to have a summer birthday for that reason :thumbup: Although now people are banging on about it being young in the school year. You just can't win :dohh: :haha: :shrug: Everyone has an opinion about everything it seems :wacko:

Big hugs hun. I remember feeling like that and it's totally crappy. It will happen for you soon - I think plenty of people take a little while to conceive but just never talk about it. I don't know about you but I only ever really hear about the surprise or quick conceptions - "I wasn't expecting it to happen so fast!" etc., which is amazing for them and wouldn't we all like it to happen that way, but I think for a significant number it's just not the case. Just that nobody talks about it!

Plus being preggo over christmas is rubbish! I just keep thinking about all the nice cheese I can't eat. (Total whinging minnie today, I know!)
Hey Welsh glad he's improving, showing he's a fighter :) and glad to hear baby is all good :D

Just a question Mazzy and Becca ..did it suck growing up with your birthday so close to Christmas or did it never really bother you? i've always wondered xxx

Yeah it bothers me loads more now than when I was a kid. For example today (and this is fairly typical) DH organised an afternoon tea thing for my birthday, gave people plenty of notice and had a number of people say they could come. Then this last week some people suddenly had family obligations come up 'because of Christmas' and a couple of people couldn't come because they were ill, although to be fair they can't help that. :dohh: The days are as short as they're ever going to be, it's freezing cold, restaurants always try and make you have a christmas menu (ie. christmas dinner - I just want a nice steak on my birthday, but apparently too much trouble!), and bars are full of people celebrating christmas etc. People give me joint presents - I don't give people joint birthday & valentines/Easter/Halloween gifts FFS! It wasn't so bad when I was a child as my parents were very careful to separate Christmas from my birthday. As an adult I have no expectations of anything much happening for my birthday - DH was really cross on my behalf today, but it's just normal for me. It might just be my friends being crap, but I know other people who have Christmas birthdays who have similar complaints about it all.

I'm aware I sound a bit prima-donna ish about the whole thing, but it's not as if I'm expecting much from people, just the same consideration that everyone gives to non-December birthdays really... If we were still TTCing I'd have stopped for the month that would have meant a December birthday...

ETA: sorry - the subject always gets me ranting :haha:

Mum loves her birthday because she's got 6 months till her birthday and the 6 months till Christmas because her birthday is June lol xxx

Yeah I'm quite pleased that this baby is going to have a summer birthday for that reason :thumbup: Although now people are banging on about it being young in the school year. You just can't win :dohh: :haha: :shrug: Everyone has an opinion about everything it seems :wacko:

Big hugs hun. I remember feeling like that and it's totally crappy. It will happen for you soon - I think plenty of people take a little while to conceive but just never talk about it. I don't know about you but I only ever really hear about the surprise or quick conceptions - "I wasn't expecting it to happen so fast!" etc., which is amazing for them and wouldn't we all like it to happen that way, but I think for a significant number it's just not the case. Just that nobody talks about it!

Plus being preggo over christmas is rubbish! I just keep thinking about all the nice cheese I can't eat. (Total whinging minnie today, I know!)

Your right you can never win lol thats what DH hated that he was one of the very youngest being an August baby which is why i like September as well because i was one of the eldest in the year.

Thanks becca. I think its made worse by the fact i keep thinking 'how is it taking so long when we got pregnant by accident whilst having the merina coil fitted' we'd only been on it a few months. ahh well everythign happens for a reason. We wouldnt be where we are today if it hadn't of happened. We had the miscarriage and then decided to move out and move the wedding forward a year and its just been on the up since then. I'd just like to add to a baba Gibbs to the family now :)

DH keeps saying he's not worried because it'll happen one day which i find quite funny becuase he doesn't know that for deffinate but as long as he's happy lol

Hi Ladies,
I hope you are having nice weekends. We've not done too much just popped out yesterday and picked up a bath for baby bug. It's one of those contoured ones for when they are little they can just sort of sit in there, then when they are bigger they can sit up at the other end. Wasn't to expensive either.

I've been a bit dizzy today, had to go let hubby finish the shopping while I sat down with a drink outside the supermarket. Came home and rested for about an hour. I felt silly but I guess this is what can happen. I suppose I just need to take it easy and make hubby help out more with this housework.

Welsh - hello hun, glad to hear that there's been some improvement with your husband and you and the baby are doing ok. Thoughts and prayers still coming your way. xoxox


Becca - gorgeous scan pics! :)

This time next week it will be Christmas Day!
Happy belated Birthday Mazzy, you sound like your DH is a cracker enough to make up for some miserable mates.

Glad things are looking up for you Welshmum, you seem to have such a positive attitude generally that I'm sure you're coping better than most people, and that will be a huge strength to your family.

I've had a few comments on mine being young in the school year, to which I reply that my DHs brother is a July baby and some sort of actuary accountant/stock trader whose first job is netting over e120,000+ bonus, his three cousins are all May/June and are respectively a doctor, a lawyer and a gynecologist, so clearly their birthdays didn't hold them back. Conversely my brother is a September baby and if he rouses himself to remember to apply for jobs after uni I'll probably faint.

Does anyone know if the alcohol is burnt off during the heating of mulled wine? I was told this week it's all gone, if it's true it would be nice to have a cup, but I'm not having any if it's still a bit boozy.

Christmas tree STILL not decorated - DH has a proper flu/cold with chest infection and much as he tried to be useful yesterday he was just too ill so I sent him to bed. If he wakes up and still isn't well I'm just going to move him to the sofa so he can watch and do it myself as I think that's the closest we're going to get to doing it together this year.
Hey Welsh glad he's improving, showing he's a fighter :) and glad to hear baby is all good :D

Just a question Mazzy and Becca ..did it suck growing up with your birthday so close to Christmas or did it never really bother you? i've always wondered xxx

Yeah it bothers me loads more now than when I was a kid. For example today (and this is fairly typical) DH organised an afternoon tea thing for my birthday, gave people plenty of notice and had a number of people say they could come. Then this last week some people suddenly had family obligations come up 'because of Christmas' and a couple of people couldn't come because they were ill, although to be fair they can't help that. :dohh: The days are as short as they're ever going to be, it's freezing cold, restaurants always try and make you have a christmas menu (ie. christmas dinner - I just want a nice steak on my birthday, but apparently too much trouble!), and bars are full of people celebrating christmas etc. People give me joint presents - I don't give people joint birthday & valentines/Easter/Halloween gifts FFS! It wasn't so bad when I was a child as my parents were very careful to separate Christmas from my birthday. As an adult I have no expectations of anything much happening for my birthday - DH was really cross on my behalf today, but it's just normal for me. It might just be my friends being crap, but I know other people who have Christmas birthdays who have similar complaints about it all.

I'm aware I sound a bit prima-donna ish about the whole thing, but it's not as if I'm expecting much from people, just the same consideration that everyone gives to non-December birthdays really... If we were still TTCing I'd have stopped for the month that would have meant a December birthday...

ETA: sorry - the subject always gets me ranting :haha:

Couldnt agree more! I gave up trying to organise stuff since when i last organized a meal for my 21st only 1 person knew it was my birthday out of my friends(16) so i thought f*ck it and spent the rest of my birthdays with Chinese food and a film with my family....and then when i met hubby Chinese and film with him...since i have been with him i have even gotten birthday cake!!!

When is your birthday Becca? Have i missed it? Sorry if i have :cake:

Me and hubby have decided not to try when the due date is in late November and December...although a Halloween Baby would be awesome! :haha:

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