The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Wow wana that time flew again . Surely it should be your early Xmas present x x

It would be nice wouldn't it lol :) hopefully so we'll see.

as i'm typing this i have just woken up its 11.47pm and i fell asleep at just gone 8. i am now going back to bed although i feel abit icky :S

see you in the morning everyone!

Afternoon ladies,

Hopefully by this time tomorrow work will be done for the year!! That is if they let us go home after lunch - we'll see.... hmmm

Saw my Obs this morning - all seems to be good. My Funday Height was 25 and I got to hear his heartbeat again. :cloud9: She sent me for a follow up blood test for the parvo (slapped cheek) just to check to make sure it is still clear and gave me the referral for the 26 week tests including the glucose challenge one. Am a bit nervous about that, but I guess it's good to know everything and be sure that baby is ok.

I also asked when she recommends that I finish work and go on maternity leave - she says 34 weeks just so you rest and also to get you used to being bored at home with no friends as that's how it will be once baby comes! LOL! So I'll have to chat with hubby and work about that, so we'll see.

Wana - Sorry you are feeling so crappy but I hope you get a lovely Christmas present of a BFP this weekend. :dust: I'm much better now, not so tired, but in the early weeks it was a struggle. I'd go to bed early most nights and sleep for like 12 hours!

Kim - great scan pics. I am going to go..... umm... boy - just because the blue team is lacking somewhat!!

Mum and Dad arrived yesterday (I had a sick day) and we went to the shops :blush: Mum bought baby bug some clothes and singlets and also some of those colourful cloth nappy squares that I am going to use as chuckie rags. I also bought a couple more maternity tops... oops! LOL.

I hope everyone else is well. Not long til Santa!! :xmas16:
I REALLY struggled with the tiredness in first trimester, luckily I have flexi time and I told my boss early so he said any day I was struggling just to go home. I found that it didn't matter if I woke up at 6am or 10am, by 3-3.30pm I NEEDED that nap, so I started going to work for 7:20 when the building opened, then by 3pm I could go home and still have worked roughly the right hours. That's not to say I didn't take several naps on the bench in the shower changing room though!

In maternity trousers for the first time today, got them in a bundle off ebay. I feel a lot more comfy except the label in them is really itchy and I'm loathed to take it out as I'll resell them again after and they're a decent brand and will get decent pennies. I may sew a little cotton patch over the label.
Ohh wana I SO hope you get a christmas BFP :cloud9: Best of luck chica xx

Poppie, I think we're recommended to go on leave at 36 weeks here (by the government - health professionals would probably recommend going earlier). I'm probably going around 31 weeks possibly even earlier in fact. I've got a ton of annual leave next year - 6.5 weeks as standard and I'm carrying over 6 days from this year, which works out to another two weeks' leave as I'm part-time. I think there will be some extra days I can tag on too - bank holidays given in lieu as I don't work Mondays and Fridays, which is when most bank holidays are, but they give them to me anyway! I'm a bit worried I'll get bored being at home, but I'm already finding the commute quite tiring. I work in central London, so have a 15 minute walk to the station, 30 minute train ride and then the underground. It takes about 1hr 10 mins each way.

Last day at work for me until the new year! I don't really have anything to do, plus there's no management here at all today, so I've been looking at maternity jeans online! I've just bought two pairs of maternity trousers from Seraphine as they were in the sale. Indigo jeans, which were £35 (started at £45) and a pair of black cords, which were £29 (started at £35). They do free returns and the postage was only £1.95, so no harm done if I have to send them back. I wanted to go out and try loads on, but I just can't face going shopping whilst the sales are on and I hate shopping at the best of times. I definitely feel like I need something to wear. I'm not showing yet, but I only have one pair of jeans that fit and are comfortable, plus I feel like my waist has sort of thickened out in the last couple of days, if that makes sense?
Good luck wana! Keep us posted :) I'll be testing next week x
Wana, I definitely struggled with tiredness and working in the first trimester, then it wasn’t so bad in the second and now it’s just brutal. :haha: But I’ve learned to adapt. I go to bed by 9, 9:30 at the latest now, even though that means I only spend 2 hours at home, awake, after work + dinner. I figure I should stock up on rest now as much as I can, because when she arrives… forget it! xDD

Christmas family traditions… well OH’s family Christmas party is always the weekend before Christmas, so we did that last weekend. :) This weekend we’ll be attending Christmas Eve service at our church on Saturday night, and Sunday after church we’ll go to my parents’ to spend Christmas day and the day after with them. Just relaxing and enjoying our time together. But every year it’s a little different because of work schedules and such – so we haven’t developed anything too solid in terms of tradition at this point.

FX that you get a :bfp: this weekend Wana! What a Christmas gift it would be!

That sucks that the patch is itchy in the pants Dinah, but oh – I LOVE MATERNITY PANTS! :haha: I find them so wonderful … probably because I can’t keep up with my growing bump at this point. :rofl: Hopefully a cotton patch over the tag will help! :)

Glad to hear your appointment went well Poppie! I should have your doctor write me off – so I can stop coming back to work after next week. ;) That would be awesome! :dance:

So bored today at work. Boss, supervisor and half the staff is out the next two days… and I’m stuck here! But I get off Monday, and took off next Friday, so I’ll only work a 3-day next week. That’ll be nice! Then I’ll be working another… 5 weeks? Trying to bust my butt through those and then hopefully she’ll either come, or I’ll be taking my PTO to give myself a darn break. Maybe I’ll begin taking leave at 39 weeks if she hasn’t come by then… I’ll have to see how I feel and what the doctor says. The timing… it’s so tricky.

Can’t believe it’s almost Christmas! I can’t wait for my parents to open their presents! :dance:
I was sooooo tired during the first trimester. I could easily take a 4 hour nap and still go to bed at 9:00. Fortunately, it was short lived and I became more energetic toward the second trimester.

Kim- I'm gonna say boy too. They're definately lacking amongst the June Bugs!

Wana- Crossing my fingers for a BPF! What a Christmas present that would be! :xmas16:

I am always so surprised at the difference between maternity leave practices outside of the US. We're only guarenteed up to 6 weeks and usually that's not all paid for, so most people only take about 3 weeks. My company does an accrued time off system, so depending on how many hours I have banked is how much paid time I get.

I'm planning on talking with my boss next week about transitioning into a part-time position. I'm so nervous! :cry: I've been putting it off for weeks. Hopefully I'll get my way, but won't know right away because he'll have to bring it to hospital admin for review.
Good luck Nanner!!! I hope it goes well for you! :flower: and I know, isnt it baffling? I remember seeing a thread ages ago too where a woman was mad at her hubby for not taking his full paternity leave to be with her and the baby and man was I shocked! lol. Hubby only has 3 days left until late April so that's all we will be getting. XD
How do people cope with working and a very tiny baby? I mean six weeks (or less) is really, really young. What happens if you're breastfeeding? Not to mention the sheer exhaustion of a very young baby.

I got my down syndrome result today - 1 in 710, which the letter says is low. I worked it out as a percentage and it's less than a quarter of a percent (if I worked it out right), so that's reassuring.

So pleased to be finished now for christmas!
Congrats Becca, that's great numbers! :)

Most women (of the ones I've known personally, that is) pump during their breaks at work, and then either dispose of the milk or store it for the baby's use while at daycare or a relative's house. Any of my friends who returned to work said they cried a lot the first few months of leaving their baby with their caretakers, too, as it just added to the emotional strains of just having the baby and their attachment was too fond to easily adjust to having to leave them behind while they'er working.

And well, they all said they were zombies at first. :haha:

Personally I think it's outrageous how early some women return to work - I've met them who returned as early as 4 weeks (due to need, not desire, to return to work) after their delivery. It'd be one thing if they want to, but many just do because of need, since a lot of places only give partial (if any) pay during the initial 6 weeks. I wish the US would re-evaluate their thought processes on that. lol.
well thankyou for all your positive thoughts but AF turned up right on time this morning so no BFP for Christmas for me and no BFP in 2011 :(

Ahh well onwards and up i suppose. 2012 here we come :D :D


Edit: hope you get your BFP soon MrsMel :)
Aw Wana, I'm sorry to hear it. :hugs: :(

But major :dust: for you for 2012!!
well thankyou for all your positive thoughts but AF turned up right on time this morning so no BFP for Christmas for me and no BFP in 2011 :(

Ahh well onwards and up i suppose. 2012 here we come :D :D


Edit: hope you get your BFP soon MrsMel :)

Sorry hun, everything crossed for next month! x
Aw Wana, I'm sorry to hear it. :hugs: :(

But major :dust: for you for 2012!!

You'll probably have had you little baby girl by the time i get pregnant lol :)

Although i have decided that if we are still trying when it comes round to being that a due date would be sometime in December, we wont try until it changes to January lol

Wanab, Yes, I haven’t had too many issues with being tired. I’ve noticed that if I get out of the building and get some fresh air, it rejuvenates me. I also sit at a desk all day, so it’s not that strenuous. We don’t have family traditions around Christmas. I didn’t even put up decorations or a tree. Next year, we plan on going all out with our little one. Sorry about AF.

Poppie, I’m glad your appointment went well. I’m not looking forward to the glucose test. I’ll probably schedule mine at my next appointment.

Beccad, You sound like me. I don’t feel too motivated to work, so I’ve been surfing the web looking at baby carriers. Great news on your downs test! I know some people who went back to work in 2 weeks. If you breastfeeding, you pump at work.

Swanx, We’ve got a skeleton crew here at work as well. It’s just me and another lady. Boring!

Nanner, I hope all goes well with your talk with the boss. It’s hard being a working mom in the US. I hope to be able to take off 12 weeks.
Morning ladies. It's Friday, not just any Friday... the LAST DAY OF WORK FOR THE YEAR!!

Wana - sorry about AF :( :dust: for 2012

Mrs Mel - I have everything crossed for you :dust:

Sooooooo hoping we get to go home early today.

How great are maternity pants?! (Sorry about your itchy label Dinah ) I love my maternity jeans. I will have to switch to shorts soon as it's getting really hot, but these jeans are so comfy!!

Anyway, I'm off to go waste time around the office. LOL!!

I hope you all have a stress free lead up to Christmas Day, no doubt I'll be on to wish you a Merry Christmas before then anyway.

Wana I'm so sorry about AF :hugs: Are you still NTNP?

Gosh I just find the US mat leave thing so sad. I really feel for all those poor mummies who have to hand their tiny little baby over to someone else every day. I mean our statutory rate of maternity pay isn't great, £120 ish per week, but it means plenty of families can scrape by for a few months. I do know some people who are opposed to it, kind like if you choose to have a baby you should save up to stay at home, but that's not something I agree with. I'm not all for an entirely socialist state but I'm happy for my taxes to go to those who need it as long as they try and do something productive with their lives. There's a lot of resentment towards certain sections of society - people who've never done a days work in their life and don't ever intend to. They are totally reliant on government money, sometimes 'earning' significantly more than families with two working parents, and many people think the money is given out too freely. I think the current government is trying to change this but it's so hard.
Wana I'm so sorry about AF :hugs: Are you still NTNP?

yeah technically we still are. I mean because of my ticker and an app on my phone i know when i 'should' be ovulating and so we do gear DTD around that time. Other than that though i don't actually know for deffinate when i ovulate as i don't test and don't temp.

I just didn't want to make it all too technical straight away. I wanted to see how we went. I suppose because we got pregnant on birth control last year i thought we probably wouldnt take long and wouldn't need to do temping or anything.

I have already said to DH about starting to temp in the New Year...maybe get some preseed as well. I'm not going to pay any attention over Christmas and New Year though and just enjoy myself and i probably wont come on here after tomorrow until January. So i'll have alot to catch up :D

I do know my AF signs have changed. Im don't get spotty a week before anymore. I don't get any twinges or any back aches until my AF has already started now. I now get uncomfortable slightly bigger boobs before AF comes.

But anyway its FRIDAY and its 9.46am here. I'm sat in bed currently as i don't start till 11.45am :D I'll get up in a few though :haha: I'm picking up fish and chips for everyone at work at 11.30am and then i finish early at 5.00pm. I also have a non uniform day at work today so all in all its a pretty good day :D Hope all of you have a good day too!!

Thanks Poppie! Last day of work for us too :)

We are very lucky in the UK with our maternity leave rights, I didn't really realise that until recently.
Sorry about AF wana, 2012 is gonna be our year! :hugs:

Well me and hubby have started playing the new online Star Wars game, yeah we are big kids! And its bringing us back to when we first "met" and well things are turning interesting :winkwink::blush: so hopefully January 2012 is going to be our month :thumbup:

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