The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Dinah, I would definitely be taking the advice to stay at home in your situation. Medical staff don't recommend such a course of action lightly - especially as all the advice for normal pregnancy is to try and keep active and such like. Perhaps go back to work for a day to just tie things up if you have to, but I would absolutely go off sick, especially if you get paid.

I'm also feeling a bit bulky' round the middle at the moment. There's a bit of a change in my tummy above my pubic bone - starting to push outwards I think, but it's only noticeable when I'm undressed and even then I think only DH and I would notice the change.

Poppie it's about 6 degrees here today! A bit on the chilly side, but quite sunny so that's nice.

What are you all doing exercise wise? or not doing :haha: I'm hoping to start an antenatal pilates class next week, but waiting to see if they have any space. I might also go to aqua aerobics at our local leisure centre, but I need to give them a call and ask if the ordinary classes are suitable during pregnancy. I can't see why not but I don't want to get there and find out I can't do it.

I'm currently trying to decide when to go on leave. I've got a HUGE amount of annual leave to use this year, close to 10 weeks, so in theory I could finish work around 30 weeks and start maternity leave a couple of days before my due date (assuming baby doesn't come early). I can carry some of that leave over to next year, but even if I did that I'd have to leave at about 32 weeks. I just worry a bit that I'll get bored with all that time off, but I guess I don't have much choice really. The only decision I can make is whether or not to take it all this year or carry some over. I probably won't want to be commuting into central London much later than that...
I walk a lot so i take that as my exercise and when I'm at work I do a lot.
I think i will have quite a bit of annual leave to take as holiday year starts april and I'm hoping to start mat leave beginning of june and then hopefully i can stay off till jan but will have about 60hrs a/l which is a lot as i only work 15hrs a week so practically another month to fit in.
Has everyones works done the risk assessments. I know i only work weekends but surely because I'm diabetic my manager should of done it.
Im hoping to visit the baby shop I'm may but will be 36 weeks pg lol xx
I haven't told work yet, but I've had a look at the risk assessment form and there's nothing on there that gives me any kind of concern.
I'm definitely behind, and I'll try to catch up tonight when I get home if I can! Work's been beyond busy so I've been truly exhausted.. :| Trying to hang on to my small ounces of sanity that are left. :rofl:

But I hope you're all doing well! :wave:
What a week it's been! I'll be glad when things around here go back to normal.

Dinah- I understand the dilema. The bills have to get paid but your baby is the most important thing in the world. If it were me, I would do all I can to take the doc's advice.

Is anyone planning on starting their maternity leave before they deliver? I haven't decided when I'll start yet, but I'm thinking maybe a week before my due date. I turned in my resignation last week to my boss. I've asked to go part time but I don't know what administration will decide for my position. Hopefully I'll be able to stay on part time. I enjoy my job, plus as a fitness instructor, I get paid to workout and I have to show up!

My cousin is doing better though not out of the woods yet. It turns out she got a rare string of salmonella! Normally this wouldn't be enough to make a person septic, but they also found a cyst that wrapped around two vertebrae. Once she contracted salmonella, the cyst became infected and started to erode the vertebrae causing lots of pain. They operated on her back a few days ago and they're hopeful she'll make a full recovery. She'll be in ICU until the salmonella is gone, but she'll be in a full body cast from the surgery for 3-6 months. My family has really stepped up for her husband and kids; arranging meal plans, house cleaning, pet care, ect. I plan on taking a long weekend in February to help out. She's been sedated the whole time so I'm sure she doesn't know what's going on. Imagine that surprise when she comes to!

Other than that and getting back to normal after the holidays, things are okay. I keep getting bigger and bigger. In fact, I've out grown several maternity tops. I keep having to buy new clothes, which irritates me because I only have about 3 months left.
nanner i think its time for you to post a bump pic lol x will catch up when i have soem free time hope your all okay x
Hello all

Hope everyones well.

Dinah - hope your feeling ok and it might be best for you to take some time off

Anyone willing to put a bump pic up like Kim said?? There's got to be someone....especially you swan as your getting so close!!

I have always said that i'd work up until 39 weeks, which hopefully i'll be able to when the time comes :)

I'm supposed to have ovulated today but i'm pretty sure i ovulated on the weekend...especially as my boobs are starting to change already. They are a bit tender and uncomfortable and feel a bit bigger. Which means absoloutly nothing as this seems to be the trend with me now although it is happening quite early this time.

Forgot to say that we got a camping kit form DH's dad which insludes a 4 man tent, 2 double air beds, 4 sleeping bags and something else (can't remember) so we are going to start camping most weekends hopefully!!

For you Uk ladies One Born Every Minute is on!!! yayy!! love this programme and so glad its back :D :D anyone else watching??

i watched! and i was like aww baby im having on wow! lol i have a pic my tummy has changed shape and quite a few people are saying to me aint your tummy changed you look like you have a bump shall i post lol? im on the bigger side anyway but my whole shape has just changed! in the mornings when i wake up its hard and nice and round and once i have had a pee uterus goes back a bit, it feels near my belly button as its all hard ish there! 13days till my private gender scan :D
aww i felt so sorry for the father who was off to Afghanistan :( 1 day with his baby and then wont see her till 6 months old ...poor guy!

Yeah go for it kim post a bump pic!!

I will warn you all now, when i do jump on the pregnant band wagon you'll get a 'bump' pick every month from me lol :D

here about 2days ago, not sure if it looks liek fat or bump lol


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aww i felt so sorry for the father who was off to Afghanistan :( 1 day with his baby and then wont see her till 6 months old ...poor guy!

Yeah go for it kim post a bump pic!!

I will warn you all now, when i do jump on the pregnant band wagon you'll get a 'bump' pick every month from me lol :D


i know it made me wanna cry! :( poor man, i was willing her to have the baby before he went! i do have a no top one but you can see all my fat too lol. i wil llook forward to your pics i always love looking through the bump threads :D
Okay, pages and pages on which I must catch up! :haha: Let's see, where to begin?

Yes, PERVY PETS. My dog always wants in on the action. Ick.

RE: Age gap - no more than 5 years, preferably, but we'll see how quickly we get to it again. :haha: My sister and I are 8 years apart, and that was not easy. But we shall see!

I considered a 4D, Singers, but then we opted to just save the $$ because time moved so quickly... lol. Suddenly we're 5 weeks from her due date and I'm like "... oh crap!" :rofl:

Mazzy, if you mean pregnancy symptoms - I had nothing out of the ordinary from regular pre-period cramps and things, except an intense amount of heartburn and the dog was acting weird and clingy. :lol:

Tough choice Dinah, as I can understand how you'd perhaps go mad staying at home for that long - but your health and the baby have to come first, after all. :thumbup: If the doctor feels it's best, I would either cut back my hours or cut back altogether. Would cutting back your hours be a possibility? Maybe slowly slip into it? But seeing the pros to it, I'd definitely be staying home if I were you!

I've been horrible and have been ignoring my workout schedule since pregnancy. I miss running races and everything... :| I do yoga on rare occasion but I'm so swollen and in agony due to work and everything, so it doesn't happen a lot. Just been using my yoga ball for some pregnancy exercises and waiting, waiting, waiting. :haha:

If you're able, TAKE LEAVE BEFORE YOU POP! :rofl: I'm so miserable at work. And bitter. And then I feel guilty for being so weak because I came home last night and just bawled over being in pain. So if you are able to take off, I'd suggest it because it's pretty dismal working this late in the game. But if you're like me and stuck, don't beat yourself up for throwing the occasional pity party. :haha: I'm trying hard to just be optimistic.

Aww, great bump Kimberley!

Attaching a few photos from my maternity shoot. They're photos I took OF the photos, hence the kind of crappy quality... but I'm so lazy about going and actually SCANNING them. LOL. I'm awful, I know.


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Hey ladies, didnt want to R&R. We have our visitors here, going well so far with the little kids. They all went out to a playground this afternoon so I was able to have a nap and tidy up a little.

Gorgeous bump pics! I will get hubby to take a decent one of me in the next few days and I will put it up for you to see. Am getting out there, and I know i have a bit to go yet but its hard to imagine how big i will actually get!

Cant remember if I said this before or not, my obs recommends going on mat leave from about 34 weeks to de-socialise and get ready for baby. We probably really cant afford for me to go off that early, so will try and stretch it out a little longer, will also depend on my BP etc.

Anyway, i better go. talk soon
aww fab bump pics ladies :D and yeas Kim i think you can class it as a small bump :)
and swan 5 weeks!!! wow!! where did that time go :D

Kim, yes that definitely IS a bump, and Swan - you look amazing! Look at you all sultry!
LOL thanks ladies! There were tons of giggling moments during the photoshoot. Especially trying to get me on and off the floor or when he'd want me to just half smile or look "sexy" and I'm like pfft okay sexy with all this extra weight :rofl: so we had a good time.

Burrr it is cold out there!! Anyone else ready for spring????
Hello Ladies,


Dinah - Could you go part time and see how your BP is then, that way you wouldnt be letting your work down, but would still be getting rest... I know I would be bored if I ended up doing nothing although Im sure I could get used to it!

Kim - Nice Pic - Definately Bump!

Wanna - Where abouts are you going camping... I always have so much fun when we camp!

Mazzy - I dont think I had any symptoms I was pretty shocked really that I was PG!

In regards to Mat leave...

Poppie - I have taken two weeks off (due to Bank holidays it turns out to take only 8 days) at the beginning of April as my OH is a teacher and we thought about going away, but now looks like we will just mooch around the house, and then Im hoping to take Mat leave at the last minute.

Becca - The only thing that will make me take Mat leave earlier is the commute to work! I live in nr Woolwich so not that far from Central London, but have to either get the train or DLR to work (I work in Holborn) I have managed to get a Baby on board badge (you can get them by ringing up London Underground) and the first few days back from christmas holidays, people gave me there seat which was lovely... The other day I ended up standing the hold journey which is about 40 mins, and my back was absolutley killing me...
Swan, I cant imagine how you must be feeling dragging yourself into work. As I said above the commute will be my down fall Im sure. I love your pics... Im not brave enough I dont think... maybe later I will feel differently.

I had a midwife appointment today, she listened to the HB and just asked if anything was wrong... I have another in 5 weeks where they take all the blood...

Has anyone had a bounty pack - I didnt get one and want to know if I am missing out on anything...

OH has gone a bit mad - He has bought the Stokke (he said it is the only one he likes)... We went to Ikea on Sunday and bought the Cot (£50 which I didnt think was to bad!!) Yesterday evening we went to the Ashford Designer outlet and visited the Petit Bateau shop, so now along with the cutest baby tights we have lots of baby outfits... OH is worse than me, I say lets get this, its cheap and is good quality.. he says lets get this I love it! So we have quite a few things to say the least about 25 outfits (vests, baby grows, dresses, romper suit things, ranging from 3 - 9 months) and ended up spending quite a lot of money! But he is unstoppable... it was quite sweet last night getting home and folding it up into what will be her wardobe, and looking at what we had.. Oh and he also bought 7 Tots Bots nappies while I was at work and a new washing machine!!!
I think he is a little bored!

Hope everyone else is alright..
I might be brave enough to put a photo up later, if I can get a good one!

p.s would love a papaya right now!!!
Beccad, I’ve been talking Body Attack (high intensity aerobics) on Mondays and then doing yoga (via DVD) twice a week. My gym doesn’t offer much in the way of prenatal classes, but there are 2 other pregnant ladies in my Body Attack class. The instructor shows us ways to modify. I also try to do at least 15 minutes of walking during the day. It’s getting harder since the weather is getting colder.

I plan on working right up to the first labor pains. I’m trying to save up as much leave as possible.

Nanner, I’m glad to hear that your cousin is doing better although she still has a long recovery.

Kim, It definitely looks like a bump to me. Great pics.

Swanx, Your getting so close. Your bump pics are great. I’m a little jealous that you can still wear your wedding rings.
I've spent today researching travel systems. What I've worked out so far is I want one which uses a Maxi Cosi car seat, as they seem to be coming up very well on all the reviews for weight and ease of getting them in and out the car etc, which is especially important to me if I can't lift heavy things after a c-section, but also the safest due to being at a much better recline than some of the others where the baby sits more upright, and it's therefore suitable for use on longer journeys without the baby finding it uncomfortable to breathe. As we need to take the baby back to Ireland in the first few months, and it's probable we'll drive rather than fly this is more important to me than most I expect.

I'm coming around to the idea of staying off work, the meds are at a level now where I'm sleeping a lot more, and getting very lightheaded - this morning I opened the door to my postie and promptly went down in a swoon requiring him to catch me!

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