The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

For those of you who have done i right that you are supposed to do it in the morning when you get up, preferably the same time every morning. Also it should go up when your abouts to ovulate and then stay up for a while and drop just before AF or stay up if your pregnant??

I only got my thermometer Wednesday evening so just temp. just to see. Well i've done it the past 2 mornings now at the same time and my temp has dropped each day.

However i know i ovulated today as i had tummy pain earlier and then ive had alot of EWCM since. So i am a bit confused to say the least. Any help would be appreciated :)

Hope everyone is well xxx
Morning! We've got some brickies here this morning building our letter box. Quite exciting as we've had a small temporary one since we moved in and the letters fall out. Now we'll be able to get lots of mail.

Wana - you're supposed to do your temp as soon as you wake up in the morning and at the same time each morning if you can because if you sleep in your body temp will likely to be different. Also, if you have a big night (ie on the cocktails) it can also affect your temps. When you OV your temp will drop, then go back up (usually higher than your pre-OV temps) and stay up if you're pregnant or drop if AF is coming. I think I am right in saying all that? I used website to chart my temps and the Pinkpad iPad app. Fingers crossed you won't be temping after this cycle!
Thanks Poppie :D so that makes sense then really if it dropped...I just haven't temped long enough to know how high my normal temp usually is. Either way we had sexy time the other night :blush: and tonight when hubby gets home :thumbup: :haha:

Wana, usually a first month's chart is very up and down and you'll be looking at it thinking WTF is going on?! Not everyone gets the dip right before ovulation, though. Mine used to be fairly even before ovulation and then it'd jump up. Be aware that the jump in temperature happens AFTER you've ovulated. So the day of ovulation is the last day of low temperatures. It's important to know this and be aware that temping is more of a hindsight thing - you spend a few months (hopefully not of course!) charting your temperatures, and you'll usually see a pattern emerge as to when you normally ovulate. Some people are like clockwork, others are not. My cycles were always on the short side, 24-26 days usually, but I usually didn't ovulate until day 16/17, which is much later than you'd think for a cycle that short!

Mazzy, I'm so sorry you're feeling crap. It's probably rather hollow hearing that from someone in my situation, but I feel for you. I remember the really crappy feeling well :hugs:
Thanks becca :)

My temp went back up today to near enough what it was when i first temp'd so i'm going to say yes i did ov lol My temps went 36.76, 36.54, 36.22 to 36.60 today.

I'm 24-26 days too becca but im going to say (slightly guessing right now) i ov around 13/14 days in.

Sorry your feeling down Mazzy hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Got my hair chopped today and love it :D sooooo glad i finally go it done. I hadn't had it cut since before the wedding so was deffinatly needed!!

Its quite quiet in here lately isn't it...bit strange lol :)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend xxx
For those of you who have done i right that you are supposed to do it in the morning when you get up, preferably the same time every morning. Also it should go up when your abouts to ovulate and then stay up for a while and drop just before AF or stay up if your pregnant??

I only got my thermometer Wednesday evening so just temp. just to see. Well i've done it the past 2 mornings now at the same time and my temp has dropped each day.

However i know i ovulated today as i had tummy pain earlier and then ive had alot of EWCM since. So i am a bit confused to say the least. Any help would be appreciated :)

Hope everyone is well xxx

yes you are to temp 1st thing in the am when you wake up, even before you get out of bed, around the same time each morning. It's really the overall chart that helps, so over a couple of months you can learn what your body does temp wise and it will help. THe BBT should've came with instructions on how and when to take it ?

good luck to you :)
it did but tbh i had a quick read over it so must have missed an odd bit. I don't mind anyway i knew it was going to take a while espcially as i was so close to oving anyway when i got it. I wasn't expecting miracles this month lol xxx
Afternoon all....

Hot day here today but we popped over the the BIG shopping centre as I had to pick up my bracelet from Tiffany that I had my 5th Ave charm soldered on to (my bracelet I got in NYC). Also got a great bargain on some white cane baskets that have a blue and white checked fabric insert that I'll be able to use in the nursery. They match in really well with the fabric from my VHC quilt. Can't wait to be able to organise the room!

I also just finished placing an order on Vistaprint for some Thank You note cards. I custom made some ones with the VHC on them. Expensive, but worth it I think. I did take the slow delivery option so they would be free, and they should arrive around the time of the baby shower so I can send them out after that.

Thanks Becca for the extra info on temping for wana - I knew others would know more than me esp since I did it for such a short time.

It is quiet in here isnt it... hmmm .... :shrug:

Well back to work tomorrow - sigh.

Have a great rest of your weekends.

Well yesterday another friend had her baby :nope: Thinking of hitting Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream and forgetting the diet just for today :cry:
Sorry you're feeling so down Mazzy. When TTC I just kept thinking 'everything happens for a reason', whether that was to make us stronger as a couple I don't know but it certainly made me a lot more certain of what it was I wanted, whereas in the early days I think I maybe started trying before I was really ready just because DH was so keen to have a family.

Wana I used to track my temps, it's free (don't bother paying for the upgrades it's not worth it) and you can clearly see what's happening. My chart is still in my sig if you want to have a look. Your temp rise is the morning AFTER OV, so once it's risen the window has already passed. Taking it at the same time every morning is vital, although there are a few BBT adjustment calculators out there as well if you do sleep in. Some women get pre-ov dips and implantation dips, but it's nothing to go on as sometimes you might and sometimes not. I used OPKs as well as the thermometer as the OPKs tell you when you're going to OV, and the thermometer once you have, so it tells you the window when you need to pounce on your beloved!
thanks for that. we've given it a great shot anyway and i'm 99% sure we DTD the day i ov'd and the day after just incase. I've used the preseed as well so only time will tell :) xxx
Mazzy, so sorry, I know how you feel ! My niece is PG now and another niece had her baby last month. It's hard but keep telling yourself your time will come !! and yes, ice cream will totallly help !! (my weakness)

wanna lots of :dust::dust::dust: to you !!!

poppy it is quiet in here.... you will have to post pics of the nursery (if you have already I missed it cuz I've been gone for a while). The bracelet sounds pretty, i would love to have something that fancy. On the cards, what's VHC mean ?

Nanner when's the next birthing class ? how are you feeling ?

hope everyone else is doing good !! Hope everyone has a great week !
I'm gonna try and check in here more often, and glad that you guys still welcomed me back after being gone for so long ! (I was here when the junebugs started for those of you that didnt know, then stopped TTC after 2 months, now I'm starting again with a different guy)
I've been a bit busy the last week or so. Working late during the week and then had a chiropractor appointment yesterday to look at my neck. It's stiff and painful on and off, and it's been more on that off lately, so I've decided to get it looked at again. It's the result of a previous whiplash injury (three years ago) and the chiropractor said that some of the vertebrae joints in my neck are 'stuck' together, so she's going to manipulate them free. She did a bit on Saturday and it's definitely made a difference already. I'm going to need a few more appointments though. I also feel like I'm getting a touch of sciatica, so I'll get her to look at that too later down the line.

Baby is kicking me! Definitely been feeling it over the last few days, fairly sporadically, but it's been kicking quite a bit this evening. DH couldn't feel it so he's a bit bummed about that.

Other than that not so much going on. I've got my anomaly scan on 10th Feb, week on Friday, so that's not too far away now. We're not going to find out the sex of the baby.

Hope you're all well :hugs:
Hello everyone,

Wanna the first month I temped it didnt work, and I think that was down to not having a clue what I was looking at, the other two times worked though.. and my temp went really high.. from 31 to 38 so Whatever your temp range, I think it will be quite obvious... (well it was with me!)

Hello Dodge hows it going???

I have my 4D scan on Wednesday which is very exciting especially because I will have a half day at work Yippee!!!! then week after taht I have my midwife appointment which is a blood one, so not so happy about that.

We measured my bump yesterday and it measured 27 cm which is 27 weeks, so I reckon thats about right!!!

It has been quiet in here, I think its because everyone starts to get busy just after christmas...

Poppie I forgot to ask wehther you have Achica in Australia? They had VHC wall stickers, for a nursery and I thought of you! If not, just try looking for them on the net.

Becca - She has been moving around alot recently Im sure she is trying to get out!!!

Im currently watching a programme called, I didnt know I was pregnant, its quite a strange programme!!!
I have been making things this weekend, a sock monkey and a giraffe from clothkits.
Well I have to go, I have to groom the dogs!! And as you can see from my photo they are all long haired. So it can be tough!

Have a good week ladies!
Thanks can't really go wrong can it :) I either get pregnant or i don't and i'm already used to the not part lol

Sounds like your measuring right on track :) and glad to hear she's active. Will you be posting pics of 4D scan?? would love to see!

I've seen Didn't Know I Was Pregnant....I don't understand how people who have twins don't have a clue?!?!!?

Aww sounds like fun and good luck with the grooming...rather you than me haha.

Becca I hope the chiropractor sorts everything out for you and glad your feeling better already :) Sounds like your baby is getting active and have fun at your scan...I don't think i'd have the patients not to find out the sex lol

Dodge its sooo nice to have you back with us and thankyou :)

Mazzy hope your feeling better soon :hugs:

Morning ladies - 27 weeks! :)

So I handed one of my bosses (the other isn't in yet) my Maternity Leave Notice today. I put together a letter, just to make it official, which is a bit strange because nothing is really formal around here. Anyway, he was happy with my proposed finish date of 30th March, then 4 days annual leave (the 4 days before Good Friday) and then I'd be paid Good Friday, Easter Monday and start official maternity leave on 10th April. YAY! So 60 days left before I am done! :)

I didn't know I was pregnant sounds interesting. This actually happened to a friend of mine. She didn't know until she was actually in labour and at the hospital. She gave birth to a little girl (I think she was probably about 34 - 36 weeks) and she was fine after spending a couple of weeks in the special care nursery. She'll turn 2 in Feb. I actually saw her about 3 weeks before she had the baby, she did have a little tummy but nothing to make you really go "are you pregnant?", but apparently she had heaps of people ask when she was due etc etc. All her symptoms were put down to depression. Strange!

Mazzy - hang in there love :hugs: Be sure to treat yourself when on your diet and try not to get to down about having a treat every now and then. You are allowed to feel lousy about others, we've all been there.

Dodge - VHC is The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which is my nursery and baby shower theme. I'm so excited. I posted some photos of the quilt and things I got from Pottery Barn a week or so ago. We don't have our nursery furniture yet, so I haven't posted actual nursery pics yet. Yes, my bracelet is pretty - it was my only big purchase when we went to NYC. I saved for months to get it.

Singers - we don't have Achica in Australia, but I did order the VHC wall decals from ebay! Can't wait to get them.

Becca - great to hear about the movements. It's lovely isn't it?

Have a great week June Bugs.
Dodge- We'll have 1 more class each week for the next 5 weeks. Not really sure what to make of it yet! It was awkward and it's difficult for my hubby and I not to joke about it. She has me in provocative positions, she does the mood lighting with candles and ocean music, has my hubby massaging me while I wear next to nothing... I know that the information will be useful when we need it, but it's just funny to us! At least we're bonding over it! :laugh2:

I've seen a couple of episodes of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. All I think is that these ladies DO NOT pay attention to their bodies! There is no way that I wouldn't have noticed something by the fourth month. Most definitely would felt and seen the obvious movements by the six or seventh month. Blows my mind! :shrug:

Mazzy- Your time will come. It must seem so unfair when so many of your friends are pregnant. Just imagine how sweet it will be for you when it finally does happen!

Wana- I wish I could give you some good tips on temping. I never really understood it myself and only ended up doing it for a couple of weeks. I do remember reading that it should be done before you do anything else in the morning. I kept the thermometer by the alarm clock so that I would do it before I even got up. (I also remember it being a pain!)
Singers- I'm so jealous! I would love to get a 4D scan. They showed me the 4D image at my 20 week scan, but they don't really look like much that early on. I compared the image to a chewed up piece of gum. Now that she's bigger though I'd love to see her! Unfortunately we only get 2 scans through our insurance company so anything after that is on us (about $200!).
Wanna - I will definately be posting them, Im hoping they are good, and she is still a girl, otherwise im going to be selling lots of brand new baby girl clothes, on ebay!

I watched the whole programme, and Im just shocked by the fact people didnt know... it seems so weird, if I hadnt realised by now I would have been to the doctors, thinking there was something trying to explode out of me.. that is not normal! I thought it was quite intresting how most of the people yesterday had just had a baby when they got pregnant again, so I will definately be being careful, though im not sure how in the mood Im going to feel when the baby is born

Opnions ladies... I was wondering how to tell people on facebook Im pregnant.. My family, and friends that I have told have been under strict instructions not to mentions babies on my wall... But it is getting silly, I dont really want to make a massive annoncement, but I want to feel that I can like nappy groups and what not without thinking, someone might find out.. I was thinking about just starting to talk about it if, someone asks me.. as it is I have been making things and putting on FB so my mum can see, and talking to people on nappy groups..
What do you think? just go along as normal?? or tell the people that I want to know, (other friends that I dont see that often) or what!! Really stuck all comments welcome!

Also Thank you Dodge for the staus thing.. think I have done it...

She is probably too busy to be contemplating BNB right now but Swan hope you, OH and Aria are doing well, and you are enjoying maternity leave.

Nanner- We have had to pay extra for this scan, I managed to get a voucher so its cost £99 which im sure I could have spent on something more important but I get a 4d Video, some pictures and Im just in awe of scans in general so it great to be able to see if she is still alright in there, and get a more up todate measurements... the clinic im going to is recommend by the NHS so her measurements will go in with my notes.

Poppie - glad you like the VHC I saw them and thought they would be lovely in a nursery!

Dogs were almost completely groomed last night, so tonight its washing, drying and brushing again.. They will not be impressed.. they do all look funny when they have ben brushed but not washed like little clouds running around like lunatics!

Have a good monday ladies... the weekend will be here soon!!! Horrah!!
Hi all hope your ok. my scan went well and baby isn't growing big due to diabetes yey to me. I have another scan in just under 3 weeks yet. we are still team yellow to.
Ive had a day to myself and it has been so nice xx

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