The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Gosh so much to catch up on! Welsh I'm so pleased hubby is doing so well.The photos are quite shocking but he's looking so much better lately, and Cerys is adorable. so pleased thinos are going well fir you xx

Wana loving the bloat! and glad you're feeling better. must be nice to be able to eat a bit more normally again.

Lu-is glad your hubby ok.

Swan aria is beautiful!

Jess sorry to hear things aren't any better but it's good to hear from you all the same.

Dinah I'll keep my fingers crossed that your LO stays in fir a but longer.

Poppie glad things are going ok!

I know I've missed someone - apologies! On my phone so going by memory!

So my news, I have developed SPD recently :( I've had pain in my hips for a few weeks now but I've recently had the classic grinding feeling in my groin when i walk and its really uncomfortable. So I've got a referral for the obstetric physio. I've also got to have the GTT as my bump us apparently too large for dates. My midwife things it's probably too much water rather than a huge baby, but still a bit of a concern.
Pre-e has been confirmed, just come back from being shown the special care baby unit, they're hoping to hold off on delivering her until Tuesday (28+1) but if i go downhill she could come tonight or tomorrow. I'm so scared, 28 weeks just seems so tiny.
wow dinah sorry to hear they have said its pre-e. Big hugs :hugs: and yes she'll be tiny but with the care they'll give her i'm sure she'll do amazing :) I watched OBEM the other night and a woman was c-sectioned at 30 weeks due to pre-e, It was a long journey and hard at times but he went home on what would have been his due date and he was absoloutly fine xxx
Sorry about Pre E dinah but at least the hospital is prepared to give the best care for you and baby.

Well ladies i went out this morning and got some new gym gear to beat the fat. My old shirts are too stretched and worn. But im ready to kick fat butt! :thumbup: Plus i saw an old pic of me and WOW i had great legs!!! :dance:
Oh Dinah, I'm sorry to hear that pre-e has been confirmed - massive hugs :hugs: and will keep you in my thoughts.
Dinah- My cousin had Pre-E and had he little boy at cant remember how early about 6/7 weeks early.. He has literally just turned one, and is absolutely fine, obviously nothing we can say can re-assure you, but Im sure you will all be in our thoughts, and good wishes to you and your little family!

Welsh - Glad your husband is on the mend... the pics are good to show what fantastic recovery he is making.

Wanna brilliant pics.. I currently had fun the other day dressed all in black from the front, I look like an overweight person, but from the side I look ridiculous!!! So its going to fun getting bigger towards the end!

Poppie how is it going?

Swan the pics are brilliant!! I always love pics!

Becca- I have very mild SPD which basically means I feel like I have bruised leg at the top, but at least I know I haven't got long to go! and I cant imagine what it would be like if I had to go on for to long. So Hope you can get something to help!

At the moment, Im getting really bad pains in my belly button when I walk for a while and I have had a cold, so coughing has basically started to help a little stretch mark appear or start to appear right next to it, so thats probably why its hurting! Only this week left at work WHHOOPPPEPEEEEEPPPEPEPEE! Am going to be so happy not to travel in! how is everyone else....???
Wow-loads has been happening on here......

Welsh-I'm amazed at how strong u seem to be, having been through all what you have. You're two daughters are beautiful, and fingers crossed hubby continues to improve.

Dinah-can only imagine how worried you must be feeling, but you are obviously in the safest hands and I am sure everything will work out absolutely fine-sending big hugs to you.

Swan-what lovely pics :)

Wana-great little bump pics! I remember wanting to get over that bloat feeling and to have a bump.....seemed to take ages for me!

Lu-is....surely it won't be long for u now! Yikes!

Becca- I'm sure all will be ok with you and ur big bump, from what I've heard from so many people, midwifes always seem to worry things are too small/too big and actually it all turns out fine in the end.

Pink-how's things with u? Long time no see?!

Nanner-if you're around, hope all is ok with u and ur new addition?!

AFM- not a lot to report....just still suffering with the last bit of a cold-have such an annoying cough, especially at night times-aaarrrgghhh! Heartburn is still going strong which is pretty uncomfortable, but otherwise all is ok I think!

Sorry if I missed anyone, hope ur all ok x
Oh singers! How could I forget you?! Jealous of ur week left at work! Enjoy! X
Lu-is, I know I can’t believe were so close. I know you’re excited about finding out if you’re having a boy or girl. I’m doing well, just slowed down a bit. Sorry to hear about your hubby in a ditch. Not fun.

Welshmum, I’m so glad your hubby is doing better. It sounds like he has some work to do, but doing well. Cerys is adorable.

Wanab, Nice bump.

Poppie, I’m glad you had a good scan.

Beccad, Sorry you are having so much discomfort. Keep us posted on the GTT.

Dinah, Oh my! I will keep you and baby in my prayers. :hugs:

Mazzy, Good luck with the weight lost.

Singers, :happydance: for one week left of work.

AFM, I started drink the raspberry leaf tea. I hope it helps with labor. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.
35 weeks today :) which funnily enough also means 35 days to go, that is if you went to exactly 40 weeks. So it won't be that long for me! Eeek!

Dinah - :hugs: I am sending thoughts and prayers for you and baby. You are in the best hands and they are only going down this path as it's best for baby and for you.

Becca - all the best for the GTT.

Mazzy - it's nice to have some new stuff to get you all motivated again. You go girl!! :thumbup:

Meadows - sorry about the cold. Doesn't help when you can't really take anything to ease the symptoms.

Singers - Horray for last week of work!! Ouchie on the belly button stretch mark! I hope it doesnt give you too much pain.

Wow! Lu-is and CeeDee - both of you have not long to go now!! How exciting!

I hope everyone else is ok??

AFM - BP still up a bit. I emailed my BP Dr last night with my weekend readings and just let him know I am a little concerned about it. I assume he will call once he's had time to check them out. I see him and my Obs on Thursday so in the mean time I guess I keep just resting and relaxing as much as possible. Could be a lot worse though, I have no signs of swelling and no horribly high readings like some of the other poor ladies on here.

Becca - ouchies! I've been having problems with pelvic pain off and on for weeks. It stinks.. especially getting out of bed or turning over at night. I hope the physio helps.

Dinah - sorry about the pre-e. Good thoughts and prayers for you and your little girl, I'm sure she will be fine and they will take great of your tiny sweetheart. Lets hope they can hold off until Tuesday.

Go Mazzy! You can do it!

Singers - I've got a couple stretch marks around my belly button too. So far seems to be the only place. It hurts when the baby hangs around there, or when I have to sneeze. youch! I hope your cold goes away quickly.
I'm on my last week of work too! :)

Meadows - hope your cold goes away too. My heartburn got a lot better as the pregnancy went on. I still get it once and awhile now, but atleast I don't have to worry about carrying antacids with me whenever I go somewhere.

CeeDee - Good luck with tomorrow's appointment :thumbup:

Hospital bags are about 90% packed (lol I must stop procrastinating) and I've inflated the yoga ball last night so I can do some bouncing and such. I do notice a difference when I sit on that vs the couch. Drop baby drop! Time to get that cervix dialating.
Poppie - Hooray for 35 weeks!! :) Glad there are no other signs of pre-e right now, I hope that your BP readings get better. :( I can't imagine the extra stress you and Dinah have to deal with.
Poppie - Hooray for 35 weeks!! :) Glad there are no other signs of pre-e right now, I hope that your BP readings get better. :( I can't imagine the extra stress you and Dinah have to deal with.

Thanks Lu. As worrying as it is, I know I don't have it half as bad as some of the other ladies on here, especially Dinah. I guess my Obs is super cautious though, which is good but yeah I do count myself lucky with no other signs pointing to pre-e and we've come so far from when my BP was first seen as a problem at 28 weeks.

My BP Dr just called and I will up my dose of Adalat to 2 per day. Hopefully this will see my readings get better before I see him and Obs on Thursday.
Welsh- I'm so glad things are improving. Your little girls are gorgeous.

Poppie- You're almost done! Let's hope your BP holds a while longer.

Things are going so well! We're really enjoying Paige. I can't believe how much I can love someone! :cloud9:

I'm still having trouble adding pictures. I'll give it another try tomorrow.
Will do a proper catch up later after I ( hopefully ) get Ari to come back to bed a little longer, but :hugs: Dinah. Will be praying for you and your LO at this time. I'm glad you're in good doctors hands, that's a relief. I look forward to hearing about your beautiful little baby!
Lu-is - I do feel a bit of a wimp when it comes to maternity leave, the fact you are working at 38 weeks.. and im wimping out at 35! I just dont think I could do with the travelling and thought I might as well use up some holiday! though Im sure its going to make those weeks go extra slowly, though saying that looking at my calendar (as it is also easter holidays) me and OH are going to be very busy till at least the 14th of April, generally because we cant sway no to anyone! Though I have a feeling I will be saying it alot when the baby arrives...
I got a ball thing yesterday and was tyring to decide when was a good time to sit on that rather than the sofa.. I know currently she is head down back to back, which i would really rather she wasnt!! Does it help bring on labour?? if so then I will wait a little longer (as much as I want her out now!! she would probably prefer a bit more cooking time!) I hve bought my RLT and am starting one cup a day from Wednessday when I will be 35 weeks.. So hopefully that will help!

OH has got it in his head than rather than buying an inflatable Birthing pool, we should buy one that will fit on our balconey so we can sit there in the summer.. (and with the baby of course) so we are currently looking for a fibreglass one that can be our table while we are waiting for the birth and and pool when we have had her.. I think it might be fun, but I cant imagine they are going to be cheap!

Also OH has got a job!!!! There is a new school opening about 15 min walk from our house in September, and he has got the Head of Music post! Which is fantastic!!! He wont have a commute and the first year its only 4 days a week which will mean he can look after the little one so One day less of child care when I go back to work.

Though Im already wondering whether we could do without the money! As the task I was employed to do I have finished (very early!) but knowing that I dont even really like leaving the dogs every day leaving my child in the care of someone else might be difficult!

Poppie have the doctors said anything about inducing you early or are they leaving you alone until it starts to get dangerous (sounds awful but dont know how else to put it!)

Nanner - I loved your FB pics.. especially the ones with the dogs how are they coping?

Also quick questions to you and Swan.. I plan to BF but Im slightly concerned when reading that the baby will probabkly want feeding at least every 2 hours! I cant imagine how Im going to get anything (including sleep) done? How is it going for your two ?is that realistic or is it more..

I think my MIL is also scaring me slightly as she says my OH was a veyr demanding baby and she couldnt do anything without him wanting to be picked up or given attention or fed, so much so that I was going to buy a bouncer seat thing, as I remember when I was little my brother loving them, and mum said that used to quite like them to.. my MIL you dont really need one of those as when are you going to use it? when are you going to put the baby down... I was sat there thinking WHAT???? Am I completely deluded when i think that I will be able to put my baby down??? Im obviously not expecting to just leave her sat there while I go about my daily business, and realise that some things I do now I wont be able to do when the baby is born becuase I simple wont have the same amount of spare time.. but.. I dont know Im just slightly worried that suddenly thats it! I apparently was a good baby, slept through early, ate solids early, when I got a bit older I used to sit in my cot and play with my books, and toys....

Sorry for the rant-ish at the end.. maybe its what you call cold feet! lol dont get me wrong im very excited and happy that we are having a baby and feel that I will be able to cope, I think it has just suddenly dawned on my that its going to be here very soon!
Holy crap on a cracker! (yes i am a big Bang fan!)

Had a random chat with hubbster about the weekly shop and i was all "crap i forgot the condoms" his response?.....Meh lets chance it! :wacko: He was more adamant to not have a christmas baby and he says thinks he is a bit broody! :haha:
I won't lie, breastfeeding is hard work. But I have friends who are BF whose babies are younger than Ari and sleep longer than her, and friends who FF whose babies sleep less. So it will really just depend on your baby with the sleep habits. Aria had awful habits for a few weeks but now she sleeps 5 hours then another 2 before she is up for the day - more or less. In the beginning she was up every 2 hours, but I made it through alright. Your body seems to just adjust - not saying it isn't hard, but I think it was easier for me to just pop out a boob and offer it than to prepare a bottle in the middle of the night. And since I'm a SAHM now, I don't feel right asking hubby to wake up with her at night. So it just worked for us.

But I won't knock FF because I know lots of people who do for various reasons. BF just worked for us. :)

So I won't lie and say its rainbows and sunshine because it's hard work and no matter what route you choose, the first weeks are rough. But you'll fall into a rhythm. :) just prepare to take naps and stock up on snacks to keep handy during growth spurts. I always had snacks and tons of water available for those periods. :) HTH!!
Morning ladies.

Mazzy - I think that's a great reaction from your hubby. Just see how you go :) I like Big Bang too, have only recently got into it as there's like 3 episodes on TV here each night.

Singers - my Obs still says we'll go til 38 weeks before being induced unless anything pops up like the pre-e.

I upped my meds last night after speaking to the Dr yesterday, so am feeling the side effects from that this morning but my BP is coming down so that's good. Also had someone's foot up under my ribs last night, so my usual comfy sleeping position had to be re-adjusted several times. Going out for dinner tonight with some of the girls from my work, so looking forward to that.

I hope everyone is doing ok.

Edited to add: was chatting with DH last night about if I had to have a c-section. I said "you'll be with me either way, won't you?" and he said "I can't if you have a c-section". And I was like WTF? Yes you can. For some reason he though that if I had a c-section he couldn't be in the theatre. I explained that the only reason he couldn't be there was if it was one where they had to put me fully under, but for the normal c-section, even if it was called an "emergency" one, I'd still be awake and he could be there. We'd gone through all this at our first antenatal class, we laughed because he'd be given a red surgical hat to wear so the staff knew not to give him instruments or tell him to do anything! LOL!!
Swan - Thank you.. I always thought BF would be easier, and am going to try that and unless something else comes up, like she gets really hungry or Im not producing enough then we will think about the other options.

Poppie- Im kacking (not sure how to spell it!) my pants about a c section obviously if I have to have one, I have to have one, but I wouldnt be able to cope if I was awake and I couldnt talk or see OH! Although saying that he did go through a funny near fainting when he saw blood... So he had just better keep his eyes on me!!

I was also looking for opinions ladies.. Im going to try to have a water birth, and have decided I dont want to sit naked in the water, and would rather have a top on, now ladies do you think I should buy a Tankini type top?? or would a strappy vest be ok?? Im thinking that tankini might be warmer what do you think.??

I would also like to thank you all for your patience... after my rant yesterday.. I think it was also hormones, and loads of other things piled on top! Im looking forward to the rest of the week now rather than wishing it away.. we have had beautiful weather, and i think it is slightly depressing me that I work in a library and Museum so everything is very very dim! Ah well only 4 days to go!

Thank you again ladies!

Also wanted to say I hope everything is going well with Dinah..

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