The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Nanner – it’s crazy how once you hold a little baby you just feel this flood of unconditional love. I noticed it when holding my newborn niece last August – I can only imagine what it will feel like when I finally get to hold my little baby. :)

Singers – I don’t think you’re a wimp at all. Really I don’t think I’d be very productive at home if I did take of earlier and I’d just get more impatient for the baby – plus I really want to get as much $$ as possible before the little one arrives. The yoga/work out ball may not necessarily bring on labour but it can help them get their head engaged and pushing on the cervix – I did notice a difference when I bounce on it or do like hip circles. I was reading about ways to get the baby in “optimal position” you could try spending some time on all fours, that can help turn a baby from back to back.
I’ve discovered it is so much easier to get up off of then the couch. Sometimes my pelvis hurts too much that getting off the couch is impossible. Hee hee
Good luck with the birthing pool – hope you guys find what you’re looking for. I think a tankini type top might be nice and warm?
Congrats on your OH’s job, that sounds fantastic!! Your MIL sounds like she didn’t want to ever put her baby down. I’ve watched my sister raise her three kids and helped as “nanny” myself for her first child, you can totally get things done. They do not need to be attached to your hip or tit all the time. Babies need some independence too.

Swan - thanks for the insight on BFing, it's good hearing various experiences and opinions.

Mazzy – ooooh sounds fun ;) good luck. My hubby brought up the fact that we’ll need to buy condoms again in the near future.. dang.. I’m not looking forward to that.

Poppie – Glad the BP is coming down, sorry about the side effects. You just have to make it a couple more weeks :thumbup:
Like Singers, I’m scared of thinking about a c-section… *shudders* I think being a brass instrument player I’m like super protective of my abdomen muscles.. I don’t want them to have to be cut. Laproscopic surgery last year was adventure enough. But let’s hope everything goes okay and nobody will be needing an emergency c-section.

AFM – baby is feeling a lot lower today. We were doing some shopping yesterday evening and I felt a lot more pressure on my cervix while walking, let’s hope there is some dialation happening. It’s weird that the baby is even bigger now but the movements have been hurting a lot less lately. (yay!) and they’ve kind of slowed down a little. Maybe I’m getting closer and closer.
My sister gave me some optimistic advice yesterday, with her 1st she went from 0cm dilated to water breaking and full labour. (completely opposite of her last where she was 4cm dilated for a week and went overdue).
Tonight is my final brass band concert so since there is no baby yet looks like I’ll be playing. Lol should be fun.

I also hope Dinah's doing okay. *fingers crossed*
Thanks for the info on BF swan - i've always planned on BF so will just have to give it a good shot :)

Singers i'd probably say a tankini although if it was me i'd just wear a bikini top. You should be fairly warm because its got to be kept a certain temp for baby when their born.

Lu-is have fun at your last concert!

Mazzy - that sounds optimistic :D

AFM i got my scan letter through today!!! :D Its for Monday 16th April so i will be 13 weeks exactly by my dates. Very excited and can't wait :)

Lu-is - I trained as in opera and it didnt even occur to me about the abs! Obviously I use it all alot to... MMmmmm, well if its the only way!

Thank you for the tankini advice was looking at Marks and Spencer today so will probably be able to find one there! Hope everyone had a good day
My dogs have gotten soooo protective of little Paige! They're always on our heels if we leave the room with her. My beagle gets growly if a stranger comes around, which isn't really like her.

Singers- Paige and I took to BF pretty fast though it still wasn't an easy process to get started. We don't have a great routine yet, but it's coming around. I've been pumping to increase production and to get a stock-pile in the freezer. I'd be lying if I said I was getting tons of sleep and my nipples didn't get soar. I definitely feel like I'm constantly feeding her.
My recommendation for anyone is to at least give it a try for a couple weeks. I can see how it wouldn't work for many schedules.
Also, congrats on the OH's new job!

I think I've finally got some pictures uploaded!


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Nanner's right - I say don't discount BF until you've tried at least a few weeks and give yourself time to adjust. :) Also, utilize lactation consultants. I learned a lot from mine, including the fact that many women think they don't have enough milk or other issues that they think they cannot resolve when there are sometimes ways to do so! :) The La Leche League helped me a lot, plus the kellymom website and my hospital's LCs. So don't be afraid to recruit some help! :D And I find it completely rewarding, albeit sometimes tiring and frustrating. And some ladies and their babies get it very easily! Ari just came so early and all, she was a bit behind in the game. lol!

That's so cute Nanner! My pup is protective of Ari too, I love it. Great pics, btw!

Prayers for Dinah! :hugs:

Poppie, maybe he was thinking about the epidural insertion portion? My OH thought he couldn't be in during the c-section either (if I had to have one) and I realized he was thinking about when they explained how he had to leave if they inserted a spinal. :rofl: I was terrified when he had to leave, but it was not the worst experience in the world.


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Morning ladies.

I went out for dinner with girls from work last night which was lovely just to get out and also see them for a catch up. BP is lower, not as low as it probably should be but I will see what my Obs and my BP Dr says tomorrow when I see them.

Nanner - your photos are gorgeous, even though I've already had a sneaky peek on FB, she is super cute and it's so lovely to see the pics again.

Wana - that's exciting that you have your scan date. It'll be here before you know it.

I assume Dinah has probably had her baby by now. I hope everything went ok.
Love the pics, and very pleased your dogs are protective,:thumbup: we have 3 little white fluffy ones, and Im very confident that they will be alright about the baby but it is still nice to hear that other dogs have coped well to!

I also had the realization yesterday (cant remember if I already said) that we could have our baby in 3 weeks!!! Im starting to get quite large! So am hoping she feel ready to make her appearance before rather than after her due date!! Its also strange that for the past 8 months its has seemed so long away and now its nearly here!!! Cant wait to not have this huge bump but have a little person instead! :happydance:

Getting back into cloth nappies (though OH has banned me from buying more.. I have found one that I think he will love, and Im just trying to decide whether to buy it or not :haha:) but I think that is because I am bored at work, and they are all so pretty!

The weather here is lovely again, and tonight I have my second antenatal class, (missed my first) so am looking forward to that, dont really know what to expect. I am also looking into getting a hypno birthing cd, to try to help me with relaxing during contractions... anyone using this?? or has used it???

Hope Dianah and her baby are doing well.. and hope everyone else is having a lovely week!!! Nrly weekend Nrly finishing WORK!!!! :happydance::thumbup::haha::winkwink::flower: (there arent enough happy dancing joyous faces!!)
Yay Singers on the 35 days to go... which means you are 35 weeks! Crazy hey?! Yes, I stop and think every now and then, it's only a matter of a couple of weeks and baby will be here. Especially seeing as my Obs want to induce me at 38 weeks, if not before depending on my BP and fluid.

I'm not doing the cloth nappies, but I agree, there's some really gorgeous ones out there. I'd be particularly terrible at resisting them, especially if we were having a girl.
Poppie, I hope your blood pressure gets better. It can be concerning, but you are doing well.

Nanner, Glad to hear from you. Good to hear Paige is doing well with breastfeeding. Lovely pics, she is so gorgeus!

Singers, I wish I could take some time off before the baby arrives, I do feel as though I am falling apart sometimes. I just don’t want to waste any leave sense I only get a 3 month maternity leave. Great news on your hubby’s job. That is fantastic. I think a sports bra would be good in the pool.

Swanx, It’s good hearing how you faired with BF. I know it won’t be easy, but I’m excited to give it a shot.

Wanab, Wow your moving right along. Time flies.

AFM, My appointment went well. I’m dilated 1 cm and my cervix is soft. She thinks I’ll go on time without any interventions. *fingers crossed* Sending prayers for Dinah.
Has Dinah had her baby, or are we presuming she must have done by her absence? Either way I'm keeping her in my thoughts...

Wana, great news about the scan date - so exciting!

Ceedee great news that you're already dilating! Sounds like you're ready to go!

Hope everyone is doing ok - I can't believe some of you nearly-due ladies are still at work. That must suck :hugs:

I got DH to do a bump photo just now, 27+1 - third tri!
Wowza.. Today it is really hurting to walk.. and to get off my chair at work.. stupid pelvis. There's been more BH's today, so I'm hoping that's a good sign :thumbup: Weekly Dr's appointment tomorrow and I'm also hoping for some good news there, and/or a sweep.

Nanner- Hooray for pictures!!! Paige is adorable!!!! :D
Thanks for your BF insight as well. I'm excited for BFing but nervous that the baby won't take to it (I even had a dream about that the other day).

Singers - I'm glad I'm not the only one who keeps looking at cloth diapers online.. I'm trying my darndest not to buy more.. We're going to do a combo of cloth and disposable.
My realization yesterday was that in 3 weeks I should for sure have a baby.. it's a crazy thought.

Ceedee- 1cm that's good news! I'm anxiously waiting until tomorrow to see if anything has changed from last week.

Thanks for sharing the photo Becca!

I really hope everything is okay with Dinah.

2.5 more work days to go! YAY!

Wowza.. Today it is really hurting to walk..
Hey ladies, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

Our little girl was delivered on Monday after my platlets fell again and my liver started to fail overnight on Sunday. They told me they could wait until Tuesday if I really wanted, however they can only do a spinal anaesthetic on someone with a platelet count over 100, after that it's a general due to the risk of bleeding. On Monday morning mine was 104, down from 178 on Saturday morning... so I decided it was better just to do it. I got a bit of a sense that they thought it was urgent by the fact they said if I chose to do it Monday they'd put me in the first slot at noon and push everyone else back as they didn't want to risk my count falling during the day.

She came out crying and weighing in at 1lb 15oz. We've called her Grace Nancy Alison. Nancy was DHs grandma who passed away the week before my LMP where I fell pregnant, and Alison is my mum. Grace is all her own name. She's had to be ventilated as she was tiring out trying to breathe, but luckily they'd given me steroids a few days earlier to mature her lungs. She's so tiny and fragile, but she opened her eyes today and has been having a good stretch, and they're hoping she'll be weaned off the vent within about 48 hours. She's jaundiced and currently stretched out like a little sunbather under the lamps with a mask on. Yesterday was really emotional as she went on the vent when previously she'd been breathing herself, but today I can be a lot more positive, she's opened her eyes and had a good look around and she seems much more alert. I'm trying to stay positive as the doctors say unless they panic, we shouldn't.

On c-sections, all I can say is don't work a c-section up to be worse than it is, if it needs doing personally I found it a fairly positive experience. The section itself was really straight forward, the spinal didn't hurt at all, and I was lucky to have a really nice anaesthesiologist who chatted away to me and DH and I didn't find it scary. It wasn't painful at any point, although there were some pretty unusual tugs. DH wasn't allowed in while they gave me the spinal and put the catheter in, but as soon as I was laid down on the table he was right there beside me, he even got to cut the cord. Because only emergency ones are done under general I spent 20 mins in recovery while they monitored my bp, then I went back to my room and my legs gradually woke up over the next 4 hours or so. I had mine 56 hours ago now, I can get out of bed without too much difficulty (although I was stiff when I woke up this morning and found that quite hard), I've had a bath and shower, I've actually walked over 3km today between my ward and Grace's just going to see her a few times, coming back for my medications, going over to express milk etc. I expected it to be a lot worse than it is. The scar is going to be really low down too (way past where my pants cover) so I could even wear a bikini if my tummy ever goes back to being flat. The not driving for 6 weeks thing will be a real pain though especially with needing to come back every day to see Grace. For me the worst bit was that because she's so sick they took her away afterwards,

Just started trying to express today, I was really worried absolutely nothing would happen as she's so early, I haven't had any sore breasts (in fact they've gotten smaller since giving birth) etc, but I got some collostrum out of both sides within 5 minutes of trying. A tiny ammount but something. So that's being frozen until we have enough supply to start feeding her through the tube, at the moment she's just on a sort of sugary-mineral solution. I have to express every 3 hours to try to encourage supply, including at least once during the night. Won't be so much of a pain once I'm home, but at the moment I have to walk about 400m each way to get to the ward where she is and all the machines are, which would properly wake you up at the best of times, but with my fairly slow c-section shuffle I feel like I'm going to be shattered in the morning. Still if it means I get to bf it will be well worth it, I'll be so chuffed when I manage to get more than about 2ml into my little jug!


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Aw Dinah, she's beautiful. Congratulations and will be praying that all continues to go well! :hugs: :hugs: What a beautiful name, too! Prayers for a quick and easy recovery for you, as well.

CeeDee, that's great! Sounds as though you are right on track!

Nanner, she's just too darn cute! :D

Ari has a double ear infection, but is feeling a bit better today thank goodness. So not fun watching my little princess suffer. :|

Becca, love the bump pic! You look awesome! :thumbup:

There's so many of you in the final stretch! How exciting! :happydance:
Beccad, Great pic!

Dinah, Good to hear from you. I will keep you and sweet little Grace in my prayers. She is darling.

Swanx, Sorry to hear about Aria’s ear infections hopefully she’ll be better soon.
:hugs: Congratulations Dinah, and welcome to little Grace! I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers, may she grows big and strong real fast. Sounds like she's doing great for someone so tiny. Adorable pictures.
Glad you are doing good and best wishes for a speedy recovery from your c-section.

Swan - ouch a double ear infection.. not fun! hope she's better soon.

Just took another picture this evening.. just about 39 weeks. :D


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Oh Dinah - so glad to hear from you, you have been in my thoughts and prayers. Congratulations on your beautiful little Grace, she is devine. I'm sure she'll be packing on the pounds in no time. :kiss:

Lu-is & Becca - gorgeous bumps!! :D

Swan - sorry to hear about Aria's ear infection. I hope she's all better soon.

CeeDee - doesn't sound like it'll be long for you now.

AFM - I saw both my Dr's today. All good. My Obs pretty much said that, all things going well, she'll be looking to induce me the weekend of the 14th April, so 16 days!! Eeek! We're only going to tell family and a few close friends as we don't want everyone checking up on us the whole time, so just keep that to yourselves for now (lol - who are you ladies going to tell??!). Of course I will report in here as soon as I am able. Hopefully he makes his appearance on the 14th as DH's mum's birthday is the 12th and our wedding anniversary is the 13th, so the 14th would make for 3 days of celebrations! :)

Anyway, football is back on tonight, my team is playing and looking for a good win. :happydance:
Dinah its lovely to hear from you, and I'm so pleased things are going well. It all sounds really positive. What a gorgeous little girlie you have. I can't believe the neonatal ward is so far from the maternity ward though! You'd think someone would have the foresight to put them closer together!

Swan sorry Aria has ear infections. I used to get them a lot as a child and they're not nice.

Poppie, so exciting about the induction date.

lu-is looking fab! Has your bump dropped yet? It still looks quite high.
Hello Ladies,

Dianah - Thank you for spending time to come on here and let us know! What lovely pictures.. I was jaundice when I was a my mum said I looked lovely like I had been on a beach and got a tan! Obviously this will be a very worrying time for you and your family, but wish you a speedy recovery as well as Grace a speedy Home time (if that makes sense)

Lu-is I went a bit mad on cloth so have quite alot, I have about 50 newborn nappies which I was given through various vouchers so will be using those to begin with, and then move onto cloth, or only use them until she fits into cloth properly... What have you got in your stash?? What type are you using?? I have been trying to stock up on BTP so that I dont have to keep buying them, but I have succummed to a few sized ones! also Lovely pic! I am getting pains in my hips when I walk now, and its very frustrating, I am one of these people that walks quite fast, and am finding it hard that Im suddenly reduced to snail pace!

Swan - Poor Aria, I hope it clears up quickly, how are you doing?

Becca - Great Pic

Wanna - How are you feeling at the moment exciting for the scan, how is the MS going?

Poppie - OOOhhhh so close! Are you trying anything to help him speed himself up so you dont have to be induced??

I had my first Antenatal class last night ( it was actually the second but I forgot about the first) which was all about stage 2/3 labour.. I was actually quite intresting and the midwife seemed very happy and positive about giving birth naturally which did reassure me, as you all know I want a home birth, but after last night I realised that if I had to go into hospital then anything else that happened after that would only be because it had to be done.. It was a very positive experience!

Im off to brighton for the weekend to pick up the moses basket which will good and see my mum, who went a bit funny when I told her I was going to get the train (with the 3 dogs) as my OH has got to go to Northwich on sat.. So in the end we have compremised and OH is driving me to Mums house, and then getting up early sat to drive to Northwich and back again.. I feel a bit sorry for him doing all that driving so will have to come up with a good reward!

Had lots and lots of BH yesterday, I m not sure whether it has anything to do with being sat at work, rather than walking around, so today I keep going for a little stroll, hopefully that will help...

How is everyone else??

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