The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Dodge: That's great news!! my finger's are crossed for you and lots BD your way!

Singers_love: I don't know what to tell you about alcohol.. I've always kind of wondered/struggled with that question myself. How long is the holiday? can't you take HPT with you and test again in a day or two?

It's Sunday here.. and I don't want to go to work tomorrow... blech
I'm off to celebrate Mother's Day with my mother-in-law, then time to clean up the storage room.
Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers in our group, and as well to the possible mothers to be.. :)
Hey girls! I'm back! Man, did y'all chat it up while I was gone! I had lots of catching up to do! Now I am trying to remember it all!! :winkwink:

Becca - Sorry to hear about your hubby but happy to hear he is recovering well and on the mend!

Welch Mum - Soo happy to hear the great news! One huge hurdle over with! Get it on!

Dodge - BD for you!! You must be over the moon!!

Jess - I would be hurt too. I am a very sensitive person. But she seems quite immature. I might be inclined to confront her and actually ask her why she did it.

Singers - Not sure about the alcohol - I'm not sure what I am going to do. I like to drink socially and know that if I stop all together my friends will start asking questions. I might have some light drinks before OV and then stop for the 2ww.

Swan - I joined your blog. Very lovely writings.

Poppie - hooray on the slab. Not too far now til you see the actual house going up! Exciting!

lu-is - I so do not want to go to work tomorrow! Totally dreding it!

And on that note:

So my sister & BIL were here visiting and I have been off of work for the past 5 days. It has been so nice relaxing and taking them around and just hanging out. We did a tons of things in my area - whitewater rafting, zip lining, hiking, eating, movies & shopping ! I was sad to see them go this AM as I most likely won't see her for over 2 years now. I pray that I will be holding a LO when I see her again. Seems so far away.

I did have a bit a drink the one night (hence the no temp on my chart!) and told them our TTC plans. She was like holy crap that's like next month!! She said she is kinda upset that she most likely won't get to meet her niece/nephew as a infant. I told her I plan on it taking like 6 months and she laughed at me cause my 3 cousins jokingly told her to be careful bc our family gets pregnant supppperr fassttt! Let's hope that is the case with me too! :haha:

I go to TX in like 3 weeks to see my other sister! I can't wait for another vacation! :dohh:

Today is mother's day! Can't wait til next year when I will hopefully be pregnant or even have my LO by then! Hooray for us all!! :happydance:

If ya made it this far.....Sorry for the super long post but wanted to get all caught up!! ::wacko:
Snowflakes it sounds like it has all been going on, im never drinking again so i wont have that problem lol ( i say this but dont think i will stick to it but i feel so hungover ew)
ooo i feel sick how am i going to cope with morning sickness lol... its sunday night here and its so bright outside looks like midday. mind ou i didnt wake up till 2:30 this afternoon went out for my OH littles sisters 21st birthday last night drank wayy to much. got a busy week this week mums 50th birthday on tuesda so we are going for a spa and a meal she doesnt no about, got to get her pressie 2moro and weight watches 2moro night.

How is everyone and happy mothers day to you all celebrating it today.right im not sure what else to write plus im struggling to type lol
Thanks everyone for the FX and for the support ! We just did another insem today for this cycle, this time I did the big O. I figure it can't hurt only help !! At least I got some enjoyment out of it this time haha !!

Met FOB mom today, she seems super nice and she said she liked me a lot ! But, she doesn't know who I am to FOB, just friends... she will find out once I am PG who I really am haha.

I stopped drinking as of yesterday, drank friday night that was kinda my last whoorah for a while. I don't think it's good to drink even if you are waiting to do HPT....

so hard to keep up with this thread anymore, but I hope everyone is doing well and has a great mom's day ! Gotta head over in a few to my mom's to visit !
I will try and read the thread more later but for now I gotta run !

hugs to all my B&B friends !! :hugs:

That's exciting Dodge! Also for you Welsh! Hoping I can figure out when I ovulate this cycle since I don't have anymore time to figure it out before TTC.

Singers, I personally don't drink usually anyway (not counting after horrible family functions like last night!), so I don't really miss the alcohol anyway. If I were you, I would maybe just have some non alcoholic drinks. Some taste the same whether there is alcohol or not, like pina coladas.
woo hoo dodge!! keep us postedddd!

as for alcohol, I've heard drink until you see pink. I'd bring HPT on the vacation and just test again until AF arrives. :) I'm not a huge drinker but I intend to enjoy a few cocktails on vacation next week. but I won't be Oing until sometime around the middle of the vacation, so I figure I'm safe.
Morning everyone!! Another Monday but it's also one more Monday closer to June!

On the alcohol thing, I've already cut back but won't be going completely off, like swan mentioned, "drink until you see pink". I've got a friend coming to visit this weekend so we are getting on the cocktails and this will be my last big hurrah before next month. I'm not planning on having any big nights once we start TTC but I don't think it will do any damage if you were to have a glass of wine before you get that BFP.

I hope you all have a good week! :D
So I am offically in my TWW! And I cant help but to symptom spot already and Im only 3dpo :blush:

Shall I share??

1&2dpo - Really crampy like AF pains and Creamy CM. Also had heartburn and I am very gassy.

3dpo - woke up feeling sicky and had a really dry mouth. Still a little crampy.

I will keep you updated I am going to start testing on the 16th! eeeekkkkk
Oh loads going on! Have had a quick read, but have to see to DH now, so will reply later xx
Wonder if you will be the first :bfp: welsh :p oo0o exciting :D
excited much we dont have long till we all start the 2ww ahahahhahah.
my OH the other night was like i really cant wait to have a baby with you, and he was cuddling me in bed and rubbing my tummy saying this is going to carry our little one hehe and it was really nice to no he feels the same as me.
How is everyone feeling about it being so soon, whats everone feelings?
Me i feel nervous scared excited and really hope everything works and im really nervous for my period to start as it will be my first one since stopping the pill, its planned to come on the 20th day before my cousins wedding!! and im wearing a black and white dress lol ooohhh nooo :)

Happy monday 3 more mondays left till we start trying ladies :D
In terms of drinking, I dont really drink but my In laws know I like cider, so I would be odd for me not to at least try some while I was on hols. Still no:witch: even though I have teasted and definately not PG.. its so odd as I am on the dot regular normally. My Oh says its my body playing tricks because it knows Im monitoring it and its quite funny! NO IT IS NOT FUNNY!!! :growlmad:
Its horrible because I know that until it appears I cant start again!

Back at work :wacko: already wishing it was friday! quite tired and feeling a bit down, but He - ho!

I hope eveyone has a good week,

Becca D hows your OH been? Thanks for the blog swan, Welsh mum good luck!
Wow! I leave for one weekend and miss out on lots of good stuff! I'm glad to hear all the exciting news! It's great that everyone is gearing up for June and future LOs!

As for drinking, I don't have plans to stop altogether, but will cut back. After last weekend, I think I should!
Okay, I’m not flying out the door so now time for a full, proper response.

Drat, I’ll be on holiday when Welsh begins testing! Ack! I’ll keep my FX for good news for when I return! And for Dodge as well! Anyone else already TTC/will be testing?

Kimberley, that’s so sweet. =) I’m feeling enthralled to finally be TTC, and of course nervous about the possibilities of things. I keep wondering, “Am I emotionally strong enough to handle loss, should it encounter me?” But then I just keep reminding myself that I can do this, and it’s worth the risks. Life’s too short to sit and piddle over the what if’s, I guess. ;) So I just try not to dwell on these thoughts. Anything can happen, I’m just trying to stay positive.

Hope your hubby is doing well, Becca!

Ooo, rough weekend Nanners? ;)

Singers, I’m keeping my FX for you!!! ;)

Hubby and I talked about the drinking and read up a bit. We’re just trying to take it as it comes. The way we both see it, it’ll look pretty suspicious if I don’t enjoy a drink or two. I’m not a big drinker but we kept saying how we wanted the drink of the day by the pool and there’s a rum bar on the beach. So I’m hardly going to overdo it, but a drink or two over the course of the day? I figure I should be alright. A lot of people have said their doctor said drink until you see pink is okay since the baby isn’t relying on the mother until it implants and sticks? (for nutrients that is) I don’t know. I’m being cautious but not restrictive.

Finally, period is over. WOOHOO. Now my fertile days are estimated from about the 10 – 17 of the month. Just in time for cruising! ;)

Happy Monday ladies! xo
Hey girls! I am bit worried today. Got a couple important things going on. First of all the UK girls might not understand my insurance issues....

Anyways, here goes.... I have my medical insurance through my husbands college - it is cheaper and a somewhat better plan then what my work offers. Now comes the sticky part: Hubby's school still has not put out pricing for dependents. At this point I don’t even know if they are even going to cover me – I call and they tell me they are definetly going to have coverage for dependents but are still working on pricing – I have heard this from them for the past month. My work needs an answer next week on whether I am going to take their insurance or not. I am afraid I am going to hold out on my husband's school only to find out I am no longer covered…. And I then can’t get enrolled at work because it will be too late and then I will have nothing. And that will mean NO ttc for me!! Ugh! I hate dilemma's!!

Then I am getting nervous because the one girl I work with was supposed to start TTC in January but every month there is an excuse of why they didn't try that month (she is a VERY open person)... She does NOT know about my TTC plans. I feel it is none of anyone at works business what I do... But as the months go by and she isn't doing anything we could possibly be TTC the exact same time. There are only 3 girls including myself in my dept. When I am out - she is supposed to do my job and vice versa. If we are both out on maternity leave well the dept is screwed. I figured she'd be preggers by now and there would have been a pretty good gap in time for both of us. I am still starting MY TTC in July. But feel slightly bad if we both fall pregnant at the same time but oh well. I am not putting my life on hold for a crappy job and some girl I somewhat like. These have been my plans for too long to crush. And it's not my fault she keeps waiting and we have had these plans and will actually stick to them... right???!!!
Snowflakes: is it difficult to cancel coverage with your work after enrolling with it? Would it be safer to sign up for coverage through your work and then if need be cancel the coverage.
I've personally decided not to worry about how my TTC and getting pregnant will effect my workplace. I'm sure they rely on both you and the other girl a lot but a fact of nature is that women will get pregnant and need to go on maternity leave.
Perhaps they'll hire a temp employee to cover if you are both gone at the same time. Who knows, maybe she'll put off TTC for another 6 months or a year!

becca: hope your hubby is doing better today. :)

Everyone's going on fancy vacations and holidays.. lol I don't want to work I need a holiday. ;)

Kimberly, that is so sweet and cute! this is what my hubby said to me... lol
We went to the grocery store and I was carrying a 10KG bag of flour in front of me, after awhile I commented that this was getting heavy.. His retort "well that's what it will feel like when you're pregnant and carrying a child." Excuse me... I sure hope I don't have a 22lb baby in my stomache lol. It was funny but I still rose an eyebrow and gave him "the look".
I agree that you should continue as planned. You're work will be fine. Your company will find a way to make sure your department runs smoothly in the event both you and your coworker are on mat leave at the same time.

As for insurance...
That is a tough one. No one wants to pay for their medical bills out of pocket. Insurance companies can be so untrustworthy! I agree with Lu-is. If it's possible to cancel a plan later after you find out you aren't covered, I would go that route. Especially since companies likely won't insure you if you've become pregnant within 30 days of your date of coverage. Also, is there a supplemental plan that you could look into, such as AFLAC?

June is coming fast!! Is everyone as excited as I am?
Morning girls!

I have stopped drinking for now but if I dont get a BFP I will have a few then!

Yesterday I was soooo crampy all day and I had backache. My BBS started to get sore in the evening and thismorning when I was carrying Daisy they wee really painful!

I am praying that these are good signs but my temps are not really high at all, I had had higher before :shrug:

I am back at work tomorrow so atleast it will take my mind off it.......but I so dont want to go back :nope:

Hope everyone is ok xxx
Well answers on a postcard to the reason why AF still hasnt made an appearence...

It is sooo weird... Having had a 25 day cycle for nearly 6 years with no lates, this month af is no where to be found, its such a pain!! Im going to go Cold turkey (in terms of BNB) for a while, untill she reappears, incase it is my bodies way of telling me to stop being obsessed with babies/TTC.

I hope it all goes well welsh girl!
In terms of your work snowflake, it is not your fault if your company cannot get a cover, you are just as entitled to have Maternity leave as the other woman in your office, do you think she would give you the same curtisy? (in terms of waiting for you?)

Well ladies by for now, hopefully either Af will show up soon, or there wont be too many messages before I return!

from a sunny and warm London!
Well my lovely ladies, I will be checking back in with you in about 12 days or so. Well wishes to all, I'll miss you terribly and fingers crossed for all who are in the 2WW or who are trying while I'm gone!

(and of course, FX for everyone as summer comes so quickly!)

Hello everyone!
Dodgeirl and Welsh, hope we see two BFP’s to start the group off. FX’d.

Snowflakes, Your insurance issues sound so frustrating. Is there any way you can tell your work yes, and than cancel it later if things work out with your husbands insurance? I wouldn’t worry about your work when you go on maternity leave (and possibly your back up), they will survive. The two of you will have plenty of time to get someone else up to speed or hire a temp.

Becca, How’s hubby?

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