The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Kim - yeah it is strange to be on the opposite side of the weather and everything to you ladies. You all have colder winters to us, we don't get any snow where we live and rarely get temps below 0 Celsius however I think our summers are a lot warmer here. I definitely prefer winter to summer. I love rugging up!

Its a bit odd Poppie our weather has really started too change in the last few years. Our winters have got colder and do now drop below 0 but we don't always get snow and if we do its very unpredictable. We have no idea how much or when. This year we had some March time was it?? When everyone had thought we wern't going to get any as the year before had been November/December.

As for summers they are just as unpredictable but deffinatly getting warmer. Take this week its been up 29 and has been beautiful! But it will more than likely dissapear get all miserable and then return at a later date lol

I'm deffinatly a summer person though...the warmer the better :) x
Ooh i'm a winter person too. Love being snuggled up inside with a fire going. Summer irritates me :haha:

Wana you must have a 20 week scan soon?
Hope everyone is doing well.. The heat in London is ridiculous, though I love it, so wont complain much better than rain!! Trying to breastfeed at the moment am going to a breastfeeding club on Thursday!! I dont really know what that entails to be honest but we shall see... Floria is very very hungry, so I end up feeding her for an hour! I think perhaps we havent got the latching right, so therefore she is only getting the milk slowly. I bought an expressing machine the other day so I could express as well, to help at night, because if she feed well before 11 she sleeps till about 5:30 which is brilliant, and means we are all getting some solid sleep!

How is the countdown going for everyone else?
It is strange not being pregnant, I have just spent 9 months getting used to being huge, and now its gone, but I don't look how I did! I suppose 9 months on 9 Months off! Think I might start doing some exercise next week so I can at least feel like Im doing something to help it!

We have another midwife appointment tomorrow, which I'm going to be interested in to see whether she has lost any weight being home and only on Breast milk rather than formula.

Hope the feet swelling are better now! mine have finally gone down which is a blessing as its so uncomfy.

The time seems to be flying by though Im sure that its going slow for everyone on the countdown! Hoe everyone has a good week!
Becca - yes my 20 week scan is Thursday! Very excited :D Hopeing baba cooperates so we can find out if its a :blue: bump or a :pink: bump :D

Singers - I was watching a dvd last night about breastfeeding given to me by midwife and it was very informative, i found it very helpful. I'm sure the group you go to on Thursday will be too!!

Was that the bump to breastfeeding DVD wana? I think I'm the only person in the world who didn't like that :haha: Actually it was fine and very informative up to the point where someone kept banging on about feeding your baby artificial milk. It just got my back up for some reason :haha: The latching on info was very useful.

Singers, I must admit I'm not missing London at all at the moment. I was thinking this afternoon how well I seem to be coping with the heat, when normally it really p*sses me off, but then usually I'm having to get on the tube and go to work and it's just sweltering, whereas now I'm just pottering around in the shade at home, intermittently dozing through the afternoon and liberally eating ice lollies :rofl:
Yeah I think I'll def be late Kimberley, no BH at all. Last midwife appointment a week ago she said head was 1/5th engaged!! Will be interesting to see if that's changed at my 38wk appointment!
Was that the bump to breastfeeding DVD wana? I think I'm the only person in the world who didn't like that :haha: Actually it was fine and very informative up to the point where someone kept banging on about feeding your baby artificial milk. It just got my back up for some reason :haha: The latching on info was very useful.

Singers, I must admit I'm not missing London at all at the moment. I was thinking this afternoon how well I seem to be coping with the heat, when normally it really p*sses me off, but then usually I'm having to get on the tube and go to work and it's just sweltering, whereas now I'm just pottering around in the shade at home, intermittently dozing through the afternoon and liberally eating ice lollies :rofl:

Yeah becca thats the one. It was deffinatly very pro breastfeeding. Some of it was just a bit repetative but the whole latching on like you said was helpful. The hand expressing part just looked like a massive faff that would take hours tbh

Speaking of i've seen in another forum (can remember which on) about hospitals telling people that if your going to formula feed then you have to supply your own milk and bottles now. Some people were on about how that seems a bit pushy to be breastfeeding. But i just thought that makes sense tbh If you want to formula feed, supply your own, like you suply your own nappies. Also its probably got more to do with cost than anything x
Well I suppose bfeeding mums have to supply their own milk :haha: Our hospital will provide 'top-up' formula milk, but it's only for bfeeding mums who might be struggling for whatever reason and baby is hungry and needs feeding NOW.

Hurray for halfway!

Does whether you have BH affect when you'll go into labour then? I keep reading that it's possible to have them but not actually feel them...
I can't believe it -- Aria is 20 weeks old already! Where has time gone??

So glad that your beautiful girlie is home, Singers. Congrats again!

And so glad to hear good news about Grace, Dinah! Will be praying she continues to do well, and that she comes home with you quickly!

Just a quick note as I have a busy day today -- have to go to work for 6 hours, my first time leaving Aria alone for any long period of time so I'm a wreck. :( Thank God it's only for a few hours and then I don't work any more until a couple of days in July. I could just say no and quit working altogether, but the extra cash for the few times they need help is really nice... I just hate leaving my baby. :( :( :( lol.

Hope everyone has a great day! xo
I have watched that video Wanna, I thought it was quite good, and do agree the Breast fedding is good but I feel a bit sorry for the people who want to formula feed, as there isnt any support for them, or there choice, where as there is tons and tons of support for breast feeding. I think they ask you to bring in your own formula and nappies, is because everyone has there own opinion on which formula is the best, and what nappies they want to use.

Formula wise, we were told that Aptimil with the nearest to breast milk and the easiest one to swap between expressed milk and formula, as so far it doesnt seem to have made any difference to her! We had another midwife appointment today, and she weighed Floria, and she is now 8lb 10!!! So she has put on 4 lbs since her birth which wasn't even two weeks ago!! So breastfeeding must be working for her!

Other than that, everything is going well Im just trying to work out when Im suppose to be sleeping, we have managed to get a routine, so if we give her a really good feed before bed then she sleeps for about 4/5 hours... which is great, she isnt really sleeping during the day however only if we take her out in her pram which means neither of us is sleeping enough really. I have a cough, which is irratating me no end, hopefully it will disappear soon.

Whats everyone doing for jubliee? We are probably going to make the trip into central London to try to see something. My mums coming up and OH's parents are coming down. So it will be a family trip!

Wanna do you have a preference??
I remeber being very very excited about the 20 weeks scan!!

We are quite lucky that we dont get the sun on the balcony so its quite cool on there, Becca but would love to be pottering round a garden instead!

Hope everyone else is feeling goood, and liking this weather!
Hello! I've been in hiding lately and I'm sorry. :nope: I'll do better checking in on B&B more often. For those of you on FB, I started a group for us June Bugs: B&B- June Bugs.

I'm so glad to see so much good news! And more little babies will be making their arrival soon. :thumbup:

Has anyone been thinking about trying for baby number two soon? I know it's early but I've been thinking it would be great to have two close in age.
Hi ladies,
How exciting about the Queens Jubilee happening in London soon and then the Olympics. Are you London ladies excited about all the events?

On the formula thing, my hospital provided it and bottles and nappies as well (was a private hospital though). I was a bit sad when they suggested he needed to have some forumula on our last night, but I knew it was what he needed as his weight was dropping and he wasn't very big to start with. We are still mix feeding now, he has up to 60ml after a feed from me if he needs it and I am quite happy with that. I don't think anyone should be made to feel guilty about their choice of breast or bottle or both. You do what is best for you and most importantly your baby.

Fletcher had his immunisations last night and so far has been really good. We went to the community hall to have them done and I was a bit teary hearing all the other babies and toddlers cry when they had theirs done. I made DH hold him, he loved the oral stuff he had to have, then had a little cry with the first leg and then a big cry with the second one as apparently it was more stingy. Poor bubba. He was ok after a few cuddles and then went back to sleep. He hasn't really had any side effects, just seems a bit more sleepy than usual, so hopefully that's all he'll have.

Nanner, we're not trying for another baby soon. We want to wait until he is almost 2 before trying for our second baby.

Anyways, I'd best go have some lunch before he's awake for his! :)
Singers - tbh i've never really thought of formula feeding needing much support due to the fact there isn't the whole latching issue and you know how much your feeding them etc but i suppose it can come with its own issues.

I am getting very excited although i had the worst night sleep ever as yeasterday i managed to come down with a really crappy cold :( My head feels like it will explode. We don't have any preferences although i kind of think it is a girl and hubby is convinced it will be a boy due to his family history and 'strong genes' lol So we'll see.

Nanner - i've added the group even though i haven't actually announced on FB yet lol but will be after scan tomorrow so it's only a case of a few hours haha

Also i know i haven't had my baby yet lol but me and someone i work with were having this discusion yeasterday about when to have the next one. She wasn't married with her first so wanted to be married the second time and have her daughter be out of nappies and off milk. Well she got married in last week and her daughter is 3 and has been both of those for a while now so its all steam ahead for her.

I always thought i wanted a 2 year age gap and was on about it took us 7 months this time so would we start trying at around 1 year? i don't know because that just sounds really soon. so i think once the babies here we will just play in by ear and see what happens.

Poppie - I've got tbh i grew up with a dad that, although its a very strong word, hated the Queen and the Royal Family. So i don't hate them but i'm nto at all bothered either. So i'm not excited about that and i'm not doing anything outside of work but we are having a Jubilee Tea Party on Friday for the children and doing in the garden with bunting hanging up and having sandwiches etc They are all going to be dressed in red white and blue also :)

We don't have anything specific planned for the Jubilee. Some of our neighbours are having a little get-together on the green next to our house, so we might join them for an hour or two.

The Olympics, though. Hmm. Doesn't affect us so much as we don't live IN London anymore, (although still pretty close) but it's a bit of a bone of contention for a lot of Londoners! There's been seven years of higher council tax, they're closing a lot of roads (this in an already hugely congested city) so that the VIPs can get to the games more easily in their cars, and the ticketing was a total farce - people from overseas seemed to be able to get tickets much more easily than people living spitting distance from the Olympic park. 20,000 tickets reserved for corporates remain unsold, yet people who live in the shadow of the stadia will be watching it on TV or on a giant screen in the local park. The advertisers are being very heavy-handed.

On a more positive note, one of the cycling road races (time trials) is actually going right down the road on which I live, so I will be watching that from my front garde :happydance: I would have loved to have gone to see the games - we applied for loads of tickets but didn't get anything at all - but obviously we will have someone else to worry about by the time it all starts!

I've been wondering about formula - our hospital isn't allowed (or won't) give you any information about it. Technique for feeding the baby, how much they might take, how to make up bottles safely. I get that they're promoting breastfeeding, which is great, but it seems wrong that they can't give any advice on how to safely feed your baby from a bottle :shrug: I was reading about bottle-feeding technique the other day on another forum, and it seems that laying them down to feed (like you see people doing) might not be the best thing, as it means the baby finds it harder to turn their head away if they're full. Someone was saying that perhaps formula fed babies often sleep longer at night because they get over-full :shrug: I went to a bfeeding class the other day and they were telling us about how often babies feed, size of their stomach at birth etc., and it was info I just wouldn't have heard otherwise - the amount of liquid needed to fill a stomach the size of a marble is very small, yet if I was bottle feeding and looked at that amount in a bottle I'd probably think it wasn't enough and keep trying to feed the baby more!

Sorry, bit of a brain dump there. It just bothers me that medical staff can't or won't give you advice on how to safely feed your baby if you choose not to bfeed or to supplement with bottles...
Hi! Just wanted to point out that the FB group is now set to secret.

I'm so jealous of you English ladies! I am an Olympic FANATIC and would love to attend the summer games! I went to the 2010 winter games in Vancouver with my mom and we had a blast.

I'm would totally start trying for a second child right now if my hubby were on board. I'm having so much fun with Paige and just love her to death! Unfortunately, we have quite the disagreement on whether or not we'll ever have more kids. My hubby says he's very fullfilled, so I agreed to not bring it up or a few more months. Just as well anyway. I have some things I need to get done before we expand our family. I do hope he changes his mind though. :shrug:
The only thing I have noticed with bottle feeding is that you dont need to feed them as much as you think! Floria was on 150 ml per kg by day 5... SCBU increase it daily ... 90 ml per kg day 1-4. She is currently breastfeeding then Im expressing for her nightly feed so she can be given 80 ml ish easierly and then she sleeps about 4/5 hrs, which means that we are only getting up twice, which isnt to bad.

Jubliee we have found out that some of the flotilla will be passing greenwich so we will probably be going there instead of central london, as it will only take us about 15 mins to get there.

Olympics, we live opposite the para Olympic archery and shooting, and because its paraolympic we got £10 tickets for the whole day, So we will be going to that in September, to be honest Im not really bothered about the rest. we just wanted to go to the archery as its so close and we can see inside the building they have been erecting for 9 months!

In terms of other children, OH would love to have more children but to be honest I cant even contemplate getting pregnant again! Though I had an easy pregnancy the thought of the labour again, is not filling me with joy!! Though I think I might just go for an induction at 40 weeks! I know OH has always said he wants the babies close together, but Im not currently sure.... I think Im definitely going to have to think about it properly.

Good luck with the scan Wanna... Its soo exciting... Im getting what feels like larangytis, which isnt good, as I dont want to go to the DR's to be given something that means I cant breast feed...

Have a great week!

P.s thank you nanner for the FB group!
I struggle with the idea of having another baby. I'd love two children, but the thought of going through another 8 months of the nausea I had daily just fills me with horror :wacko: Of course another pregnancy might not go the same way but you just don't know. I might speak to the GP after I've had her and see what they say about it. I just felt so unwell for such a long time, and I struggled to look after myself really let alone go through all that again with a toddler to look after. Will have to see how I feel after she's born I guess! Plenty of people tell me that I'll forget about it, but I'm not so sure :shrug:
the FB page, I can't seem to find it - I guess because it's secret now? Will I need to be invited? I can PM someone my name if needs be!
becca whats your name ...PM i'll add you and invite you :) x

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