I ordered a teething necklace the other day actually.

I hope it arrives sometime next week. I had custom ordered a carrier from a mom/dad team, and they also were selling infant bracelets made of amber. But since my carrier should be done tonight or tomorrow, I told them to just ship together. Makes it a wee bit easier for them. She's seeming to improve anyway; it was combination of growth spurt and teething, so it was a brutal week. Seems we've peaked and are climbing down now, thank goodness.
She's in the 85 percentile for height now and 50 for weight. Goodness knows she didn't get her height from me, haha. She's almost ready for full-on Baby-Led Weaning, so we're really looking forward to that -- though have been getting flack from certain relatives, so I'm beginning to lose patience. Sigh. If someone tells me ONE MORE TIME that I'm starving her and she needs cereal for bedtime, I may slap someone's face.
Otherwise, things here are busy, but good.

I love seeing all of your updates, even if I don't routinely post. It's exciting seeing the various stages we're in right now!
There's a few of you who are right at the end of the tunnel now -- wonder who will pop next??