mrs mel, imglad all went well, did you get some pictures i would love to see them

have they given you the date for the 20 week scan? any idea what sex you think baby will be?
lu is- was thinkign about you the other day and wondered where yo went 3months thats mad! bet he is a right little cutie, yeah im still here 7days over! and not a sign but they are going to try a sweep today for me as i begged them!! if not i will be induced on wednesday which i didnt really want to happen

but hey ho i cant change anything.
dinah- i did see on fb that she was going home well kinda i was not sure if i was reading this pictures right but how amazing is that i was like to caleb look look grace is going home i often gave him updates and shown him the videos of little grace,

bet you are so happy she is home hopefully the cold doesnt pick up! how was your first night?
wanna- sorry you had to cut short your hoilday but i know how it feels when all it does is rain rain and more rain we had that a few years ago in cornwell! and it was the middle of july!!!
hope all is well sorry ifi i have missed any out im just about to get ready for ths sweep trying lol!! x