Had my midwife app today. Everything is great..urine, BP, baby etc lol i'm measuring 27cm so a week ahead. She's giving me all the information for clases in my area, excersise and what not. She's already told me the details about antenatal so need to book that. But yeah overall fab

I'm next seeing her at 30 weeks on the 7th August. Which sounds like ages way but is about 4 weeks and is the day after hubby's birthday I'm sure it will fly by
Speaking of hubby's birthday...obviously i'm the younger mum out of all of us and hubby is a year younger than me. Therefore his upcoming birthday he is 21. Well we're not doing anything major because he said he wanted to put the money towards Sophia but he'd have a night out with the boys. He's got friends where we live and where he used to live in Cardiff. Well so far about 10 of them have said they are going and its a night out in Cardiff, he's not sure if he'll stay there over night or come home but that's all i've heard about it.
Well we work together and today i over heard him talking about and he said to our friend that it'll be a major blow out as its his last proper one before baby comes. Well i got to be honest i'm hating the idea now. I know what some of his friends are like and i'm not a huge fan. I mean Rhyd can handle his drink but i think as its all of them together and as he said 'his last one' and his 21 that he's just going to get carried away. Also he used to do weed and and alot of his friends still do and i've heard the story of his 16th birthday and how much weed they smoked and the night they had. I'm dreading that will become a big part of it as well.
He also hasn't mentioned that one of the girls form work is out in Cardiff that night and its not like it means anything its just he doesn't seem to be telling me alot about that night. I trust him and think its probably more to do with he doesn't want me worrying but i just as i said hate the idea now and don't feel very comfortable with it.
I don't know what i'm looking for tbh i just needed to get it out. I know i'm not going and its not because i'm pregnant, i wouldn't have gone anyway as its all lads he's going with. I just don't feel happy about the company he's going to be in and what he might get up do or what state he'll end up in.
He said today that he wanted to book the Tuesday off work as he already has the Monday off. He said how he wouldn't work if needed on the Tuesday because he'd probably still be hung over. To which i replied 'are you taking the piss your going out on the Saturday night. If your still hungover Monday don't think you staying in the house as i'm not dealing with you'. It was all said jokingly but it just makes you think, to say you'd be hungover 3 days later....what on earth are you planning on doing??
Sorry for the rant ladies xx