The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

well my mum used them with me and always raved about them and i work in a nursery that uses them and i think they're fab :D and you can get some great wraps with patterns and that :D xx
Yes they are cute. Im secretly hoping for a girl because they are adorable xx
I'm going to be cloth diapering. I've bought a couple. Also my SIL cloth diapers and says she will give or sell me some of hers. I am also planning an attempt to make my own. If that fails, I'm going to buy some pre cut diaper kits that you sew yourself.

I've bought some flannel wipes also, I'm not going to use disposable wipes either.
There are some really great boy ones as well though.

Oh cool. I couldn't do flannel wipes, thats just one step to far for me tbh lol just because of some of the nappies i've seen and done at nursery i wouldn't have wanted to clean those bums with flannels!! :wacko: xx
I'll be using disposable diapers. I think for my lifestyle it'll just be easier. If we are still renting when LO comes around we might not have a washing machine of our own and that would really make washing nappies very inconvenient.

If we had a decent cloth diaper service in town I might be more inclined to try.

I was doing so well but now I'm broody today. :( A couple I know who got married about 4 months after us just announced they are expecting. I wish it was us.
I definately will be trying it again. I bought some cheapy ones of ebay and they are fab . They are quite popular by a seller 97k i think great value especially for starting off xx
I love it when caleb is in his, he has a big bum lol xx

Which do you use, if you don't mind me asking?

I want to cloth diaper, even though hubby is a bit skeptical. And all sets of grandparents aren't keen on it, because they don't want to have to deal. So I want to use mainly cloth but I know that no matter WHAT I tell people, they'll get me dang diapers as gifts... so I'll use those for when the grandparents take the LO. ;)

I'll accept any and all insight on cloth diapering, especially from those who have experience. I've read a lot but first-hand is always wonderful.
You could try getting some AIO's. That would make it easy for the grandparents. They could even use disposable wipes. All they would have to do is put the dirty diapers in the wet bag for you to take home and wash!
Hi everyone, love the loads of chat that's going on.

Today is my 1 month mark until we head overseas which means it's 1 month until TTC!! :happydance:

My work it getting busier this week and next. Can't remember if I've said this or not - Thursday / Friday I'm heading to Brisbane to train up a new person that we've employed, then I'm heading over to Perth for a conference next week. It's great to be getting out of the office but I miss my hubby when I'm away. Hopefully I'll still have time to pop in and see what's happening, especially next week when you all start TTC!!

As far as nappies / diapers go - we're going to use disposable ones. Because I plan on doing the Family Day Care it'll just be so much easier than having to wash loads of nappies. Also, hubby probably won't be impressed if we have poopy nappies to wash!!
Hey girls. Another day gone.

Poppie - I LOVE seinfeld. It is my most fav show in the entire world. Sooooo jealous you are going on the tour when you are in NY!!

lu-is - You only have 8 days!! So close! I know the feeling about wanting it to be you all too well these days!!

Once I am in the 2ww - I don't plan on drinking at all. Which I am afraid my friends might start to notice that I'm not drinking and question me about it. Oh well. I guess I will conveniently always be the DD at those times. ;) So jealous of y'all already in your 2ww's!! I feel like I have forever to go!!

I don't plan on cloth diapering. I just will use disposable. I really don't have a reason other than it kinda grosses me out. I am such a wuss!

We decided we are going to go away this upcoming weekend for the holiday on Monday. We're gonna go and visit some friends in GA. It will be nice to spend some time with them - We haven't gone down to visit for awhile. I feel like a bad friend. She is my only friend that knows of our TTC - she is starting in August but has PCOS so I think it will take her awhile.
I definately will be trying it again. I bought some cheapy ones of ebay and they are fab . They are quite popular by a seller 97k i think great value especially for starting off xx
I love it when caleb is in his, he has a big bum lol xx

Which do you use, if you don't mind me asking?

I want to cloth diaper, even though hubby is a bit skeptical. And all sets of grandparents aren't keen on it, because they don't want to have to deal. So I want to use mainly cloth but I know that no matter WHAT I tell people, they'll get me dang diapers as gifts... so I'll use those for when the grandparents take the LO. ;)

I'll accept any and all insight on cloth diapering, especially from those who have experience. I've read a lot but first-hand is always wonderful.

I've had search about through lots of different websites but for me i've found are fab. I will be diving straight in adn getting the birtht to potty bamboo kit and they just getting cute adn funky wraps of amazon or ebay because there are loads. After using the pre folds in work for years and testing out the all in ones that some of our children have at home and come in with, i deffinatly prefer the idea of a shapped nappy with seperate outter wrap :D There's alot of choice and its just about deciding whats right for you.

Anyways i'm off to work. speak to you all later xx
HI swan heres a few links. This one I have just seen but simular to ones I bought. And from uk so shorter delivery time.
This is the 97k one. I use them and aslong as I changed them regular they we were fine
I Think I might try the bumgenius flip they are supposed to be good to because you just change the insert and your ready to go again.
Hope everyones ok. Got to go to dentist with oh because he doesnt want to goes on his own then just meeting up with my friends later xx
Jess - Hope everything is going ok where you are.

Swan - Yes we have been doing it night and day (almost) My temp went up alot today, so I think hopefully we timed it right!

I have only had one line (a very faint one) on the OPK sticks today in fact, when I woke up early (5AM) and needed wee so thought I would do the OPK then rather than in the morning (7am) Im wondering whether I drink to much to make my Wee consentrated enough for the little sticks? has this happened to anyone else?

Otherwise Swan and all the other Charting experts what do think of my Chart?
any advice will be gratefully recieved!

WannaB - I love cloth nappies, I havent used them yet, but have told everyone that I will be! Grand Parents will have to deal with the Cloth! I cant decide which ones to buy though I keep changing my mind! I found a really good youtube vid of how to dispose of the waste - which made my mind up in the end, as it was really easy! I might actually try making some myslef to, perhaps we should try to find a making Cloth nappy thread there is bound to be one!

Mortgage is being held up because they wont go ahead until we have the deposit in our account! Which I think is a bit cheeky but there you are, so we have cashed in our shaving and hopiefully it shoudl be with us in 8 days! Im just hoping that everything goes quickly after that!!!

Hope everyone had a lovely day yesterday.
Another one for cloth nappies here. Although I do intend to look a little more into it, a hot wash uses a lot of energy, so I want to feel secure that the green credentials stack up as for me thats the biggest reason to do it.

I asked my doc about the drinking during 2WW thing, and her answer was that that early on its such a tiny bundle of cells that the placenta hasn't formed, I could do heroin and it would have no effect on the babies development although she advised against taking up hard drugs as it would increase the risk of miscarriage. She said the stress I would have by changing my lifestyle before conceiving was more likely to cause a chemical than a couple of drinks, and the important thing for conception was to relax, get your 5 a day, and just enjoy life. She also said I'd drive myself and my hubby demented it from the minute we stopped using contraception every decision I made took into consideration a baby which may or may not exist, and I had to just be patient and accept that actually there is very little I can do to influence conception so long as we DTD every few days. Fair play to those who quit drinking straight away, but I'm going to take her advice and go for the route of least resistance as I am a bit prone to stress. The lady has 4 kids as well as the doctorate (all typical healthy, high achievers as you expect from a doc!) so I'm going to trust her opinion above my own fears because lets face it, I'm new to all this!

I'm trying to tott up how many are on here testing in the same few days, wonder how many BFPs we'll get? My guess is 3.
I'm hardly an expert singers, but your chart looks good to me. I see a clear thermal shift, and in another 2 days or so, FF will indicate that, I believe. :) Looks like you nailed BD on the good days!

Thanks for the cloth diaper information ladies! I need to do a lot more research, but thankfully I have time. ;)

I am 'officially' 3 DPO now - thank you FF. TCOYF is still confused over my two oddball high temps this cycle, and even though I manually adjusted my coverline, it's still refusing to acknowledge my nest yet. Thank you, technology. My OBG appointment is tomorrow morning at 10. I'm pumped! Meanwhile, I'm trying to catch up on all my work (on which I'm rather behind due to vacation) and am starting a food journal so I can try and peel off the cruise weight + some extra pounds. Also want to try to be a little more aware of what I eat, and trying to stick better to this guide:

Better safe than sorry!

Also need to print my charts, because I'd like to have them handy to bring to my OBG tomorrow. This is my first time meeting her. I hope we connect as well as my last OBG!

Good to have asked Dinah! Glad your doc was able to clear up questions. I've been jotting down ones to ask mine, about a variety of things.

I also decided, finally, how to tell the general FB world about when I'm pg.

Firstly, we'll be telling our parents and my sister. Then a few close friends. But after that I want to keep it under wraps until we get more 'in the clear.' Probably 10 weeks, at least? But all the while, I'm going to be keeping a photo journal of my progress and each week, will take a photo of me holding the item of comparison to the size of the baby (lemon, orange, onion, etc). So when we announce, I'll post the 10 week photo (or whatever week we choose), and link to the blog beneath the photo. It'll be a blog unveiling + announcement. So I'm excited!! Now to figure out how to tell OH and the family, when the time comes for such.

Clearly, I'm a ridiculous preplanner.

Again, I can't say it enough - I'm so glad for this group. You ladies keep me sane. <3 Hope everyone's having a good Tuesday!
Another one for cloth nappies here. Although I do intend to look a little more into it, a hot wash uses a lot of energy, so I want to feel secure that the green credentials stack up as for me thats the biggest reason to do it.

I asked my doc about the drinking during 2WW thing, and her answer was that that early on its such a tiny bundle of cells that the placenta hasn't formed, I could do heroin and it would have no effect on the babies development although she advised against taking up hard drugs as it would increase the risk of miscarriage. She said the stress I would have by changing my lifestyle before conceiving was more likely to cause a chemical than a couple of drinks, and the important thing for conception was to relax, get your 5 a day, and just enjoy life. She also said I'd drive myself and my hubby demented it from the minute we stopped using contraception every decision I made took into consideration a baby which may or may not exist, and I had to just be patient and accept that actually there is very little I can do to influence conception so long as we DTD every few days. Fair play to those who quit drinking straight away, but I'm going to take her advice and go for the route of least resistance as I am a bit prone to stress. The lady has 4 kids as well as the doctorate (all typical healthy, high achievers as you expect from a doc!) so I'm going to trust her opinion above my own fears because lets face it, I'm new to all this!

I'm trying to tott up how many are on here testing in the same few days, wonder how many BFPs we'll get? My guess is 3.

That's good to hear about the advice from your doctor! I do think I'm going to have some drinks on the hen weekend in a few weeks and if I find out I'm pregnant afterwards then I'll just make sure I don't drink from that day! I've always said I just want to take this whole experience easy and not let it take over my life. I suppose in a year or two down the line if we're not pregnant than maybe I'll change the way I think or do things.
I&#8217;m considering cloth diapers as well. They are so adorable. I just don&#8217;t understand why they are so expensive.

Lu-is, 8 more days!

Dinah, thanks for the advice!

Swanx- I like all your planning, you can tell you are excited about the possibility.
I know I can't believe there's only 8 more days! I stare at my pack of pills and go wow.. only a handful left!
My husband is getting a little scared right now.. I feel bad for him. I ws a litte scared too last week but now I'm feeling all excited again. :)
I'm also feeling less pressure to get a BFP right away, if we don't get lucky for a couple months that will be okay with me. :thumbup:
Thank Dianah... This sounds like good adivec, so I may enjoy a glass of cider in Frnace! At tleast then It wont be so obvious that anything is different (for In laws sake)

SWAN I love your FB anouncement system its brilliant! Only people addicted to BNB might have a clue what your doing, but it would be so far in the back of their brains they would never gues!! SOOOOO cleaver!

Im looking forward to the Testing days it will be intresting to see what everyone gets!
thanks ladies. <3 I am just a wee bit excited. and I'm not even PG yet! lol.

yay for those of you who are on the last sets of pills. so exciting! =D

I cannot believe it's almost june! summer is rollin' around the corner, as is TTC for all our summer lovebugs. ;)
Hello Ladies! Hope you are all well!

I have a handful of pills left too, yikes!

I got asked the old 'When will you be having babies?' question today. I really hate being asked. Firstly, because it's what I want more than anything! And secondly, having read up on TTC, I realise just how delicate the whole process is and I think, now I know what I know about just how hard it can be, I wouldn't ever ask anyone. I can only imagine how awful it would be to be struggling to conceive and to be asked that question, I would just burst into tears!

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