The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Well I opk last night as suggested, and got a line, and I got a darker line this morning, so might test again tonight, (hopefully my new OPK pack will arrive beofre Friday) we :sex: last night, and have been pretty much this whole (fertile ish) time, I was beginning to loose hope of getting any line at all!

What does everyone think, shall I get up extra early tommorrow :sleep:(CD16) to test (incase its a positive) , so That we can get a BD:sex: in before we go to work or if it is positive, will it matter if we wait till after work? :shrug:

Thank you for all responses, I have re-read some of my posts and I am utterly embrassed :blush:by the about of typing errors! So this is a big Sorry!!!!! I particuallry liked, 'we have cashed in our Shavings!' the best one I have ever done was on FB, we went got married in Venice last year, and for our honeymoon travelled round Italy, at one place we went to there was a massive massive Stone Jesus (a bit like in Rio) and on FB I announced 'Hugh Jesus' under the photo, rather than HUGE! My Mum said she didnt realise Jesus's first name was Hugh!

I think maybe my fingers arent quite as fast as my brain! :dohh:

Poppiebug - I try to answer threads if I have read them, but its hard sometimes, as I dont know what to write.

No doubt on my Hols the 'When are you having children' question will come up again, I just say eventually normally! My cousin asked me at a family do once, and I replied with, well when are you getting a Girlfriend! I think that made my point!

well ladies, Im absolutely boiling for some reason, hoping that Im not getting ill! hope you all have a fabulous day!
Trampoling tonight, so thats my exercise for the week!!! and its sooo much fun!:happydance::happydance::yipee:
Hi ladies! Happy Hump Day!

(and to those in the fertile period, double hump for you? lol)

I am overweight too, and if I pop my belly I looked preggo already. So yeah... haha. Whoops? Ah well, I'll be excited to blame my gain on something other than being lazy and bad about my eating habits. Though I'm getting better! I started a food journal last night, bought a cute diary and log my temps, weight, food, etc in it. Bringing it to my appointment today to show my OBG.

I have my annual and I'm nervous she'll be like, "Your BMI is too high, you need to lose before TTC." I'm not... going to listen to her if she says that. Sorry lady! lol.

I considered making no FB announcement initially, but none of my friends are TTC at the moment, and (call me a selfish :witch:, I do!) I know I'm being awful but so many others who've gotten pregnant lately have posted their bumps... and I just want to do it when it's my turn. :( lmao. I'm an awful person, I know. But I'm not going to overload FB with like... bumps and statuses and things. That'll be what my blog is for. lmao. Then people who want to read, will read/can read.

I'd say keep with the :sex:, Singers! You shouldn't have to do a morning one, but if you feel inclined, why not? Good start to a morning, eh? ;) And no worries about spelling errors. We all make them and sometimes, they're a hiliarious icebreaker. I hate autocorrect on my phone. I can't tell you how many conversations have turned sexual because of it. :(

Okay, gotta get some work done then leave for the OBG. BBL! <3
Hello ladies.
I&#8217;m starting to get nervous also. I wonder how long it will take to get a BFP. I guess I better get on amazon and order my opks and conceive plus.

My DH&#8217;s aunt has started in on us about having kids. I just really don&#8217;t want the pressure especially if it takes us awhile. If we do fall PG we don&#8217;t plan on telling anyone (except my parents and sister) till later on, preferably around 16 weeks. That&#8217;s the plan, but things may change in the moment. When I get my BFP I&#8217;m telling the Junebugs.

I&#8217;ve gained 10lbs since I got married, so everyone already thinks I&#8217;m pregnant and I'm just not telling them.

Kimberley3, how do you like Zumba? I was thinking about taking a few classes. My gym offers it for free. Sorry to hear you are having a hard time with losing weight. You might want to switch up your routine to see if that works and also make sure you are eating enough. Plateau&#8217;s are hard, but you can break it!

Singers, since you BD&#8217;d last night, there are some good spermies for the egg. I would test tonight and maybe BD again tonight. This is coming from a person whose DH is not a morning person and it&#8217;s hard to get him to BD in the morning.
fx'd singers, catch that eggy.
I think Its going to be in the later half of pregnancy if I announce it on facebook unless oh does.
Just been to a friends today and now trying to list some stuff on ebay as I want to get rid of some stuff that are filing the cupboards lol.
Chest has been sore today and a few spots have appeared so mabye af might show soon. I havent got a clue when to start opks. think I will wait for af then start them. Only bought some from homebargains didnt want to spend a fortune lol xx
hey girls. I'm unsure about the whole FB thing. I prolly will annouce it but not in any special way I guess.

I am nervous because I am in a perfect BMI for my height but my doctor said she wants me to gain more weight than other people because I am on the thinner side. It kinda scares me plus I am afraid I am going to start to show right away bc I am smaller. But the style of clothes I wear is a lot of flowy tops so I might be able to get away with it for a few months. I don't plan on telling til 12 weeks or maybe even the 14 that is recommended if possible. I really want to hold out as long as possible to tell work.

I am kinda having a hard day. I know that the girls in the office are talking about me behind my back but I don't know why or about what. I walked in on them talking then they all scattered. And now no one is talking to me. So I decided to take the higher road and confronted "the head leader" and asked her if she had anything to say to me and she said no and shook her head. I asked again and same response. Sooo I must have done something I guess but don't know what. I hate drama and stay out of this kinda stuff generally. Just sucks. I feel like I am back in middle school again.

omg. totally less than 4 weeks. I am one of the later ones as well. but am currently in a freak out mode. And AF should come tomorrow - booooo! Buuuuutttttttt this is be my last month using protection! Holy crap!

fx for swan & Jess in their waits.

fx for singers that she catches the eggy.
I&#8217;m nervous too, about the length CeeDee. My doctor said today that if it doesn&#8217;t happen in a year to call, but no sooner. I&#8217;m like&#8230; damnit. Waiting 6 months, no big deal. Waiting a year might kill me. But I&#8217;m trying&#8230;trying&#8230; to stay positive. LOL. She said all looks good, hoping my pap comes in clear. It should, but one never knows.

Sorry your coworkers are being asshats, Snowflakes. That&#8217;s so juvenile. I know it&#8217;s not easy, but try to ignore them and remember, you&#8217;re freakin&#8217; awesome!

Pink, I started taking OPKs around CD 10 last cycle, I believe. And just kept taking them until I knew I had ovulated. I might have even started sooner. This time around I waited until CD13 but I didn't ovulate on time and ran out of sticks on the cruise :)dohh:) so I just relyed on temp to tell me. LOL. I'm not sure if I'll use them next cycle or not, depends on how I'm feeling. But sore boobs is a good sign, I believe!
Swan - Sore boobs is a good sign!!

Pink - I started at CD 7 I think and am still doing it at CD15

Snowflake - People are silly just ride it out, though Im sure it makes your feel uncomfortable!

Dinner has been prepaired so ladies, thank you for all your advice.
Snowflakes, you think once you grow up you don&#8217;t have to deal with people talking behind your back. So silly, don&#8217;t let it ruin your day.
Snowflake - I hate that kind of drama too! It's so not worth it.. plus it really sucks when your the one getting talked about. Maybe it wasn't about you, but someone else entirely but they didn't want to mention it in front of you. people though.. grrr..

Swanxxsong - yay, you use the insult asshat too! I haven't heard many people use Asshat! I like it, both cute, insulting an fun to say!

When I get a BFP I'll try my darndest not to tell anyone but like snowflakes I'm on the skinnier side of a "healthy" BMI, so I think it's likely I'll be showing quite early. MAybe I'll wear baggy sweaters all summer? lol

My body is driving me crazy; it keeps trying to mess with me.
Just about 1 week before my period is expected I’ve got extremely light spotting.
I’m guessing breakthrough bleeding… but why on my last month the BCP is my body being all weird? I think my body wants me to think I’m pregnant, but I’m not going to buy into that again. No siree..
I do hope it’s not something wrong with a part of my body – if it was brownish like old blood I could see it being from last cycle or my ovarian surgery or something. But it’s pinkish, and just barely there. *sigh*. Silly, crazy body… sorry. Just needed to vent a little.

On other topics… how is everybody?
I’m kinda bummed out because my beta fish Doyle died last night – it was sort of an accidental suicide. He jumped out of the small bowl while I was cleaning his tank and fell to the floor. I got him into water as soon as I could, and hoped he’d clean off any dirt. he seemed to be doing pretty fine, I don’t know if it was shock or what but in a couple of hours he was dead. I wish I could’ve done more, I feel bad! My husband figures it’s survival of the fittest.
I know a fish does not compare at all to a child, but as we were trying to get the flopping fish off the floor I couldn’t help but feel like a failure at saving a little helpless being. If we hadn’t gone for a walk to the grocery store, would he be okay?

Sorry... this post got quite long. oops! :wacko:
Morning ladies,
I have been up since 3:20am and am now sitting at the airport waiting to head to Brisbane for work. Hopefully I will be able to have a nap on the plane. I always have to head to the airport super early cuz I panic if I think I am going to be running late.

Sending :dust: for all those ladies currently trying to catch that eggie. Cannot wait until its my turn to be BD to get the egg.

I should ovulate this weekend so I might break out the OPKs just to see if I get any line. Will be good to know that it's actually happening for this time next month. My skin is absolutely crazy, lots of pimples and just generally oily it's horrible. I loved my BCP for the way it made my skin so much better, but I know being off it will be sooo much more worthwhile in the end. I guess I will just got straight back on it as soon as it's safe after having baby.

Well it's getting close to boarding time.

Talk soon!
So AF is due in a few days (not sure exactly since my last cycles were 28, 28, and 29 days long), and FF has the 31st listed as when I should start. Not sure what they based that on, that would make it a 33 day cycle. Maybe they went off of what they think is my ovulation date?

Anyway, I've just been watching for signs that AF will or won't appear...FX'd for the latter!

I think they just add on 14 days from ovulation until you have a few cycles and it can see what your luteal phase length is... It added 14 days onto mine post ovulation, and it's NEVER that long for me!

I’ve gained 10lbs since I got married, so everyone already thinks I’m pregnant and I'm just not telling them.
I gained about 16lbs in the year after I got married :dohh: It happened to everyone I know. I've lost it all again, though. Not as bad as DH - he's gained nearly 30lbs :haha: He looks better for it though as he was pretty thin beforehand. He's nicely cuddly now, but isn't and doesn't look overweight :thumbup:

I peed on an OPK this evening and there was the faintest line you've ever seen :haha: I had to turn it to the light and squint to see it! CD12 here. Waiting to ov, although I don't know if we'll be taking advantage of it at all this cycle. DH and I are in separate beds at the moment because of his leg!
how is hubby healing up becca? better?

have fun and safe travels poppie! <3 I miss BCP for my clear skin. that's the worst part of being off it, I feel like I'm having an acne attack everytime I turn around. right before AF, right before ov. DAMNIT.

I love the word asshat. :3 LOL. term of endearment yet insult combined!
Lu-is, I thought I was the only one. Last week I was feeling nausea everyone morning, like I had morning sickness. Plus I&#8217;ve seen some weird spotting also. It&#8217;s weird, I don&#8217;t know if it&#8217;s the pill or my head. LOL Sorry to hear about your fish.

Have a safe trip Poppiebug!!! Keep us posted on the OPK results.

Beccad, I&#8217;m working on losing the weight. I&#8217;ve got a few more pounds to go.
Snowflakes: I know what it feels like, I work with all women (except the 2 male doctors), and it's like being in high school! Hopefully they'll get over it and grow up soon!

Poppie: Have a safe trip!

Lu-is: Sorry about your fishy! I hate it when pets die or have to be put to sleep :(

Ceedee: I know you didn't ask me, but Zumba is AMAZING!!!! I've been doing it over a year, 3 times a week. I love it!

I think I responded to everyone, I'm sorry if I missed anybody!:flower:
Snowflakes: I know what it feels like, I work with all women (except the 2 male doctors), and it's like being in high school! Hopefully they'll get over it and grow up soon!

Poppie: Have a safe trip!

Lu-is: Sorry about your fishy! I hate it when pets die or have to be put to sleep :(

Ceedee: I know you didn't ask me, but Zumba is AMAZING!!!! I've been doing it over a year, 3 times a week. I love it!

I think I responded to everyone, I'm sorry if I missed anybody!:flower:

I just want to applaud you Jess & all the others that are always keeping up on everyone's post !! You guys are amazing to this thread !!! :friends:

To be honest, I don't have time most of the time to keep up on what everyone writes, but I try !!! :flower:
I know I'm OT again, but I have to get this out somewhere. The Westboro Baptist Church is planning on protesting at the memorial for the people who died in Joplin. They disgust me. :grr::gun: I don't like the freedom of speech sometimes. If someone doesn't know who they are, this is a church whose website is (please excuse this language, it isn't mine)
SICK SICK SICK!:growlmad:
I know I'm OT again, but I have to get this out somewhere. The Westboro Baptist Church is planning on protesting at the memorial for the people who died in Joplin. They disgust me. :grr::gun: I don't like the freedom of speech sometimes. If someone doesn't know who they are, this is a church whose website is (please excuse this language, it isn't mine)
SICK SICK SICK!:growlmad:

that makes me sick and angry !!!! so what exactly are they protesting ??:growlmad:
I know I'm OT again, but I have to get this out somewhere. The Westboro Baptist Church is planning on protesting at the memorial for the people who died in Joplin. They disgust me. :grr::gun: I don't like the freedom of speech sometimes. If someone doesn't know who they are, this is a church whose website is (please excuse this language, it isn't mine)
SICK SICK SICK!:growlmad:

Are these the same ones who were filmed for Louis Theroux's TV show in the UK?? They were just like that picketing funerals and protesting outside of different events with plackards. THey made up their own songs to lady gaga music as well but it was about not liking gay people etc xx
Wow! People like that are very frustrating. Spreading hate does not seem at all like the Christian thing to do.

Ceedee: you are not alone. Last month I had the nausea thing, really did consider the possibility of being preg (but then again, I did miss a couple pills that month). This pack I've been very consistent with taking them properly and my body rewards me with weird symptoms? like I mentioned I've had spotting, and AF like cramps. All I can say is strange. We'll see what happens next week when AF comes to visit.

Jess137: Congrats!!! Yay! I just realized that today is one week for us. hooray!:thumbup:

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