The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

yeah ceedee zumba is amazing :D :D so worth doing it it goes so quick you laugh enjoy it and it makes you sweat!!! so it must be helping something lol. i go twice a week and walking uphill etc three times a week,
and SPOTS!!! tell me about them i look like i have been attacked with a red pen. well not that bad lol but i do have about 7!
this af is really confusing me im getting slight af pains yesterday and today but no other signs and if i do start today then that means i will ovulate well on a service users hoilday! so i will miss it and have to wait till july.... so im hoping that it doesnt fall between the 10th june and 17th as i will cry. i think i ovulated may 13th had the cm and the postive but who knows. 6days :D even though we are currently NPNT last few days ish heheh im scared as its al confusing what if i miss it or what if i dont ovulate ooo i can see how these few months are going to be with us. xx
and sorry about your little fishy and it was not your fault. :( xxx
Well Ladies,

My OPk line was very faint this morining, so I am guessing I ov'd sometimes yesterday, and so I put a + on my FF Chart. Hopefully :sex: at 5pm did the trick as I couldnt be bothered to get up early :blush:and wait till today! I then had trampolining :yipee:, so hopefully all the bouncing got the :spermy:to the right place !!

Snowflakes: How do you say ASSHAT? Is is AS- SHAT OR Ass - Hat? Im sure it sounds very different in an english accent anyway!

Poppie: hope your trip goes well

Lu-is: I always feel hopeless if anything gets hurt or dies. I always want to help, I watch a seagull get knock down by a car the other day, and it was horrible, there was nothing I Ccould do, and the car didnt even stop.

Ceedee: Been thinking about buying the Zumba for the WII has anyone had a go with this and Ceedee if yuo have how does it compare?

How is everyone today?? Its raining in London, which always makes me feel rubbish. :rain: but only one day of work left then im on my holidays!!! \\:D/Yipppeeeee
its raining lots here too Nottingham, hope you have catched that eggie! o0o you could be our second bfp wooohooo. that would be lovely.
Has anybody seen the sma advert the full one i really like it :)
looks like we have rain all weekend fun!
rain rain rain sat sun and mon!
Hey girls!

So question. AF came yesterday at like 5:30 - 6 pm. I marked on FF yesterday BUT since it was later in the day was I supposed to put today? I am confused.... It came earlier than expected. I always have a 13 LP - for all 6 months so far. This one was only 12 days. It gets me worried! I was mentally prepared for AF today. Oh well. I also picked up some DHA capsules to add with my prenatals. I bought the Expecta ones. They don't use fish oil - I don't want fishy burps!

Girls today at work are being normal - I don't know what to think. I know they were talking about me though, I will be an adult and not let it get to me anb brush it off.

I think a few people were speaking of their skin - I swear by Proactive. I used RX face creams for over 10 years. Wanted to get off and went to Proactive and my skin has been better on the Proactive than with the prescription stuff! And I am really really picky about my skin products! I have been using it happily for 6 months now.

Singers - I pronounce it ASS-HAT!

Swan - My dr too said not to worry til it has been a year. She specifically said to "have fun your 1st 6 months" if I start to get worried @ 6 months - I can make an appointment we can go over temping and OPK's and get more involved with that. I didn't have the heart to say I was already temping!! But 12 months! Seriously! I am so not that patient!

lu-is - sorry about your fishy. I am an animal lover too! 6 days for you!!

Jess - I hate those people! What jerks! Less than 1 week!!!!!!!!

Ceedee- 6 days for you too!!
With all the great reviews, I’m definitely going to try Zumba soon. I don’t know anyone who has tried Zumba for Wii. I might check the game out from the library and give it a try.

Jess137, Do you know what they are protesting in Joplin? They are just disgusting. As Christians they should be there to offer love and support, not protesting!

Singers, 2WW, hopefully we will see BFP!!!

I can not wait for this weekend. I get a four day weekend. Unfortunately, I will be travelling Saturday and Sunday, but free Monday and Tuesday.
Jess - ugh, that makes me furious. I really... don't want to say this but I abhor those fanatics. they're terrible, terrible people.

So many of you are so close! EEEE I am excited!

I know, snowflakes, 12 months?! ughhhh. I dread the thought.

Such a delay, but I'm sorry about the fishie luis. :( I hate saying goodbye to pets. Our bird and anole died within 3 days of one another. UGH it sucked.

I say it ass-hat too, snowflakes && singers! :D

For the :witch:, snowflakes, put whatever day she came. Meaning yesterday was your CD1. :) And no worries, if you've had 13 day LP your other cycles, this was probably just a wee fluke. And 12 is still great! I only had 11 last cycle, hoping this is longer. LOL. B6, WORK!

I have had heartburn for the past two days for no reason whatsoever. Not trying to overread symptoms especially at 5 DPO, so I'm chalking it up to Post-Ov. I read it's common for Post-Ov anyway. RELIEF. For a moment I was scared that I was just a freak of nature or like, breaking or something. .______.

kimberley, zumba sounds fun! I've wanted to get the zumba for wii for awhile, but never did. kept forgetting and buying other random stuff. o-O tonight, at the suggestion of a coworker, I'm buying a bicycle to pedal at my desk during the day. I was saying I hate being sedentary and he suggested this one that he uses. Only 20 USD and I figure, why not? it's nothing too strenuous but can help burn some excess calories, and I could surely use that!

bah. guess I should get back to work. sorry if I missed anyone! D:

(just realized my posts are so ADD. I bounce from thing to person to thing in no particular order. lmfao. my lack of organization is probably why I accidentally skip things I want to commenton... lmfao)
Its been raining here in wolverhampton to err its horrible.
Im still waitng for af/ break through bleed after pill. Its so horrible waiting I just want to know when my o day is lol.
Just visiting my nan the tomorrow and spending some money as its payday. Then its work the weekend.
Sorry im not wiht good with knowing everones names. Once im on more im sure i'll be fine. feel like i need a notepad to write everything down to catch up.
My sense of smell is really annoying as the slighest hint o something its so strong.
Hope everyones well xxx
Weather has been pretty nice lately, a touch windy but no rain for a couple days.

Singers Love: Let's hope you caught your ovulation time. :thumbup: good luck with the TWW, hopefully you'll get a BFP.
I say Ass-Hat; I think I say it most when people are driving like idiots, which pretty much happens every day.

Snowflake: ugh to fishy burps. The Omega 3 supplement I was taking gives me gross fishy burps, that's probably the main reason I neglect taking that pill.
I'm glad to hear that work is going better today. If they don't smarten up we'll have to fly out there and kick some butt!

CeeDee: I'm taking an extended weekend this week too! :) I'm taking tomorrow off from work so I can go visit my parents this weekend.
Boy am I looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.

pink23: Hope your OV day comes soon! I'm kinda wondering when I'll ovulate after coming off the pill, could be any time right after, or it could be two weeks. Guess it'll be a mystery! (good thing I bought some cheap OPK's)
Lu-is I'm sorry to hear about your fish :hug:

Some asked about hubbie a few pages back! He's doing ok, much better in fact - we managed to do the deed this evening :haha: plus I had what is a very nearly positive OPK this evening, just a shade lighter than the control line. I would upload a photo but I'm on my iPhone and can't figure out how to do it. A lot of watery cm too, which I'm sure you all wanted to know! The things I talk about online :blush: DH doesn't know about the OPKs. I pee on them secretly :haha:

We finished up, and I turned around to discover that the cat had been sat there watching us doing our baby making :rofl:
The god hates fags people, I'm not sure what they're hoping to achieve, seeing as they think that anyone who isn't one of them, ie: fathered by their odious leader, is going straight to hell! I presume they think the tornado is a punishment and that the people of Joplin were bad people and deserved it as punishment.

Awful, awful people!! (the cult, not the poor people of Joplin)...
They are protesting the memorial. They will have signs that say "Thank God for 125 dead in Joplin". They are the ones who protest at soldier's funerals, and yes, Lady Gaga concerts. They believe that America is doomed and is being punished for their tolerance of LGBT people. This is what their press release says about it:

Gov. Jay Nixon – starting as Attorney General of MO – has led an unprecedented legal attack on the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ
(Westboro Baptist Church), passing numerous laws, engaging in
expensive protracted litigation to defend these unconstitutional laws
(losing one case after another, praise be to God!), and siccing vicious
officials at all levels on #WBC and her members and their children. God
will not acquit you evil beasts of MO (who have sex with animals among
your filthy sins) for your great evils against Him and His people. Any
state that follows MO’s lead will have the same destruction!
Enter stage left Antichrist himself – Beast Barack Obama – with big-mouth trumpeting about rebuilding. GOD’S PROMISED YOU WILL NOT REBUILD BRUTES!
We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever, Mal 1:4. Obey the Lord your God TODAY!

They don't sound like they are very rational, do they?

On a lighter note, I have Zumba for WII. It will do in a pinch, but it really doesn't compare to a real class. You still get a great workout, but the atmosphere in a class is awesome.
Good luck Becca! Sounds like you BD at the right times this cycle! And we find our cat watching us too. It's a little weird!

No AF for me yet, but no pg symptoms either. I'm thinking AF might come tomorrow.

So, does anyone else find themselves thinking in B&B terms? I hardly ever used the term Aunt Flo before, but every time I think about my period, I think "AF"!
Hope you caught it, Becca! And I'm so glad I have BNB to talk about the things hubby doesn't want to hear about from me. ;D Our dog always sits and watches. Kinda creepy, actually. lmfao.

Here's to hoping your AF shows up soon Pink!

Agreed, becca && jess, they're really... a sad, sad group of people.

I definitely do, Jess. It used to be period, sex, etc. Now it's BDing, AF, DPO... LMFAO. you know how that goes. ;D
Hello ladies

Just wondering whether anyone could help (as usual) with my chart. I had what I am calling a + OPK the other day, but my temp isnt rising, could this be tod o with my sleeping environment, or because I keep getting up in the night, like this morning it was 3:30am then I set my alarm fro 7:30 to take temp then went back to sleep till 9:30!

Its not very consistent in terms of the other signs, CM is not watery anymore and I haven't check CP yet.

Jess - Yesterday I spoke to OH no the phone and he said "don't we need to have BD tonight? or BMS if you want to call it that" I told him I wasn't sure of the difference between Baby Making sex or Baby Dance, he said one your on top the other I am! I think because we are so use to using those terms here, (and I am definitely an addict!) its natural now! Its also in alot of books I have read!

Becca D Glad your OH is recovering! I have 3 dogs, they sleep with us in bed and sometimes you just have to say get them out of the room, I cant with them watching:dohh: it is especially hard when the littlest one watches! She is half sighted and has a lazy eye! She probably isn't even watching but it just seems very bad ... like doing it in front of a child! Though she has no idea whats going on!

Thanks for all your help ladies It would be very difficult without you all!:thumbup:
Happy Weekend Everyone!!! :happydance:

Well I'm back from my Brissy trip. Got to see my friend who is 22 weeks pregnant.

Will try out an OPK tomorrow as I should OV in the next day or two. Will be good to have that confirmation. Am off to Perth on Sunday til next Thursday for work again. Should have some time when I can come on and chat.

have fun and safe travels poppie! <3 I miss BCP for my clear skin. that's the worst part of being off it, I feel like I'm having an acne attack everytime I turn around. right before AF, right before ov. DAMNIT.

I love the word asshat. :3 LOL. term of endearment yet insult combined!
Yeh, my face is bad before OV, it's horrible. I forgot to ask the Dr last time I was there to see what she thought. I thought I read somewhere that you have to be careful when pregnant about what you use on your skin etc? Anyone know?? :shrug:

Asshat is an awesome word. I also enjoy the word "fucktard" (apologies for the swearing) but sometimes it is warranted. I had an old boss who is the biggest fucktard.

Good luck Becca! Sounds like you BD at the right times this cycle! And we find our cat watching us too. It's a little weird!

So, does anyone else find themselves thinking in B&B terms? I hardly ever used the term Aunt Flo before, but every time I think about my period, I think "AF"!
LOL about pets watching. My hubby won't do it or even be naked in front of our bird! Like as if he knows what's going on!! :haha:

And yeah, I do think in BNB terms too. AF, BD, BFP all that stuff!!

Well my footy game is about to start on TV so I'm off to watch it.

GO BLUES!! =D&gt;
:rofl: at all the pervy pets :haha:

Just wondering whether anyone could help (as usual) with my chart. I had what I am calling a + OPK the other day, but my temp isnt rising, could this be tod o with my sleeping environment, or because I keep getting up in the night, like this morning it was 3:30am then I set my alarm fro 7:30 to take temp then went back to sleep till 9:30! Its not very consistent in terms of the other signs, CM is not watery anymore and I haven't check CP yet.
I find CM a bit erratic too. Yesterday morning I had an absolute deluge of CM (a bit like the weather, in fact) and then nothing since :nope: Tres bizzaro.

Your chart is a bit difficult to make out. Do you temp orally? I've started taking the temperature in my fandango this cycle :blush: I do also do it orally at the same time (I have two thermometers!), just to see what the difference is. The fandango temps are about 0.4 degrees (Celcius) higher than the oral. I would think going by the CM and the OPKs is best, with the temperatures a secondary sign, as it's not quite so reliable. I don't take my temperature at exactly the same time every day, usually sometime between 6.30am and 8.00am. I usually wake up around 4.30/5.00am because the light wakes me up, but I put my eye mask on and go back to sleep. Even if I go to the loo I figure my temp can't change hugely because all i'm upright for about 30 seconds...

Hope you caught it, Becca! And I'm so glad I have BNB to talk about the things hubby doesn't want to hear about from me.
Yeah DH isn't interested in the ins and outs of it all, but instead is happy for me just to tell him when we need to be bonking or not, although he'd be at it every day irrespective of ovulation if he got the chance. Not likely!

Poppie, my DH is a 'Lac-tard'! because he's allergic to lactose :haha: A waiter called him that when we were on holiday, and luckily for him (and his tips) we all found it highly amusing!
someone just sent me an email RE; "PTO" and I totally read it as DPO and was confused.


will update properly later, hope everyone's having a good friday!
Beccad, LOL at the cat!!! Hope you we hear about a BFP soon.

Jess137, I think in B&B terms also. I&#8217;ve never used BFP before and definitely not AF.

Welcome back, Poppiebug!

I&#8217;m no good at reading charts singerslove, but I agree with beccad. If your temps seem erractic and unreadable than go for CM and OPKs.
Hey girls!

How is everyone today? I am stoked about having a long weeekend! Hooray! Can't wait to get to Atlanta! And hang out with friends. We have plans to go to the drive-in and see The Hangover 2 & Bridesmaids. Go out on the boat and chill!! :)

I hear y'all about the pervy pets... Miss Demi is the same way. It's kinda creepy!

I totally think in B&B talk in my head all the time!

Poppie - telling Proactive is awesome! Thumbs up! I have asked and it is preggy safe per my OBGYN!

Singers - As for your chart it looks good that you have a slightly higher temp during AF and then it dips a bit before OV. I can see a tread. I think if you either eliminate the temps competely or just disregard the temps on CD's 8 & 11 you may see it a bit better as a temp shift. And maybe even CD 14? The higher temps on those days throws it off a bit. If I put a finger over those temps it looks fairly steady. But I know I am not the best at the charting either!! I def would keep up the OPK's too.

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