The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

My cousin had the babies this evening. Her sister said they are doing great! Both 3 lb 14 oz, and 16 inches. They will be in the NICU for 6 weeks which is normal procedure for preemies at this hospital. My cousin is apparently doing really well. I can't wait to see the girls!
Thanks! I'm excited!

Oooh, also I'm going to start Vitex tomorrow. I'm going to buy it at lunch tomorrow if I have time. I wish I had known earlier, but apparently you're supposed to start it when you stop BCP's to get your cycle back on track.

EDIT: Wow, I feel like a horrible person now. I was so excited a minute ago and now I just want to cry (about the babies). I should be happy for her and everything, and definitely not jealous, since she and the babies are still in the hospital and they were premature. But I got this crazy wave of jealousy just now.:cry:
So pleased things are looking ok for her Jess and you definitely shouldn't feel guilty for feeling like that, it's a very normal way to feel.

I'm another who's really pleased the pregnant women are sticking around! It's nice to hear how you're all doing and for us to know what to expect when it happens :)
Jess, glad to hear everyone's doing well! Will continue to pray for her and her babies as they're taken care of at this time. And :hugs: to you as well. Jealousy is a completely normal reaction, no doubt. Nobody doubts your happiness for her, but it's also not always easy to swallow. Don't feel bad.

And thank you ladies for being so kind to let us stay. Echoing Nanner, I never want to seem as though I'm trying to rub anything in anyone's faces, but I love sticking around to hear of everyone's adventures through their journeys. Having made connections with everyone over the past few months, it's nice having a place to chatter about anything and everything. :) You've always made me feel so welcomed, and I appreciate that immensely. <3 I'm looking forward to the day where we put up a sign on the thread to declare that Junebugs babies have all been born! ;)
Hey all. Looks like my Junebug might be 2012 not 2011. Apparently my AF is too light due to hormones being mucked up after coming off implanon, so at present there is nothing for a bean to really stick to. Really dissapointed as she says it could take 6 months to sort out. There are worse things in life but I'm so impatient! I guess this means just enjoying hubby and hoping for heavy AFs for the next few months.

Dinah - I have been wondering this about myself as well. How do you know you are "too light?" My last AF was just 3 days and not very much at all. It had crossed my mind that there might not be enough there to stick to. I came off my BCP in January and my cycles regulated right away. But this also has kind been a thought in my head. Did you have a Dr. do a test or something??? Also, not to be rude or anything - but are you on the thinner side of your height/weight? My BMI is 19.5 which is considered "normal" but is on the lower side of a normal range. I have wondered if that might have something to do with it as well....

Hugs to you and here's to hoping for heavy AF's...

Apparently AF should be 5-7 days of 'full flow' enough to require changing a pad or tampon at least once during the day. She didn't do a test, just said it I was only getting one day of full flow and 3 days of basically heavy spotting it wasn't enough.

I'm on the thinner side but not as thin, BMI of 22.1

I read this morning evening primrose or agnus castus can help with cycles, going to need to read up on it a bit more, but its worth a shot.


The thought has crossed my mind that I might make some people feel bad. I know some June Bugs are having set backs and I don't want to seem like I'm rubbing in my good fortune. I hope no one feels that way.

No of course not, I see the pg ladies as proof it can happen to anyone at any time because a few months ago they were just as exasperated as me!
Wanna B - sorry that AF came. dang! On to a new cycle, best wishes for this one. Wow! Less than a month until your wedding. How exciting! (I love weddings).
I really enjoyed your ingenious plan of how to get into your house. :) great story!

Jess - Congrats to your cousin. 3 lbs! that's small all right. I'm glad everything went well. :) I hope that your cycles don't keep lengthening, perhaps the Vitex will help. :( I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. (sorry your mood became so low, it's hard not to get a touch jealous about someone having something as wonderful and cute as a teeny little baby).

Becca- I may have already missed saying goodbye to you. dang.. but incase I didn't goodbye!! I'll miss you, it was great to get to know you, and hopefully you'll be back on here one day. :) Best wishes for you and your husband! :hugs:

Poppie- thanks for sharing the pics of your house, looks great so far! Good luck to your husband&#8230; I had my wisdom teeth out last year. Not fun right after, but totally worth it now.

Snowflakes - glad you enjoyed the concert :)

Nanner - I'm impressed, you're going to run a marathon?! wow! I definitely don't have that kind of drive&#8230; wish I did. way to go! (hope you're feeling better)
Have fun at the 10 year reunion! It's a shame you can't drink ;)

Swan - 12 weeks! Way to go!! woot woot! Glad the appointment went well. I think the dating of the baby can flip flop back and forth between appointments ( my sister's sure did) and perhaps you'll just have a really long baby. My sister's advice was to go with the first measurement (like your 9 week one) in her experience it has been correct.

Ceedee - you play Harvest Moon?!?!? oooooh&#8230; sorry.. I'm a huge Harvest Moon fanatic.. I have several games for different consoles, for some reason pretending to farm is just so much fun!

Dinah - sorry to hear about your hormones being wonky! :( :hugs: Hopefully your body bounces back quickly, like you said Fx'd for heavy AF's. Let's hope some evening primrose or agnus castus will help.

Boy did I miss a lot while I was on holidays. It was a long drive to get back from my in-laws but we made it! Had a great visit too! I don't know my DH's brother and gf very well so I was nervous how it would go, but it was fun. Our neice is just about two and she's super cute, thankfully it didn't take too long for her to warm up to us. :)
I'm mostly caught up. I've got another post to start right away. This one just looks way too long already. :)
Me again!
I want to also thank the ladies who are expecting for sticking around, I really enjoy our little group - it's my favorite place to hang out on BNB. Everyone in our group is just awesome. :)

I had the desire to take a test this morning, I really didn't expect to see anything I don't think AF is due until Friday maybe? I can't really tell this cycle since I ov'd late. But who doesn't love POAS and I've got tons of tests I'd might as well use one.. and while I brushed my teeth this morning, a faint little line appeared. I think I have a :bfp: !
I was expecting the ususal stark white, but holy crap there was a second line!! It's faint, but definitely there.

Why did I test? I didn't have any super crazy symptoms like sore boobs, IB or anything, only a few cramps over the weekend.. actually it was odd things that made me think maybe.
1) I have Montgomery Tubercles, I've had them for years, but they've become more pronounced and one of them is really inflamed and sore, hurts as much (if not more) as my nipples did last month.
2) Sore throat off and on for the past few days - I was worried I'd caught something from my neice or her mom.
3) Yesterday I got real nauseous while walking to the bus after work, blech.. I think it's because I was nauseous when I got out of bed this morning that I decided to test.
4) oh, I've been gassy too.

- This is a weird thing and I don't know if it means anything - I'd read a post a couple months ago about pets responding to pregnant women differently; some ladies said they found their dogs more cuddly - I don't have any pets myself but, my DH's brother has a dog and we were visiting them this past weekend. I've only met this dog (Oddie) once before when he was a puppy so he wouldn't remember me. Anyways, well from the moment I got there he was super friendly with me (and not just in the smelling your crotch kinda way, though he did that too); but if I was sitting he would sit down in front of me like a protective stance almost, or he'd place his head on my lap (He's a big dog, so he can't fit on my lap lol), and if we were at the park he'd stay pretty close to me, sit beside me, look around for me. I wasn't sure if it really meant anything but it made me stop and think.

It doesn't really feel real… and I'm worried that I'll test tomorrow and there will be nothing! eeps!

Now to figure out how to tell my hubby. :D I could wait until our 2nd anniversary on Aug 1 - but that's 5 days away!! Maybe I'll make a romantic, early, anniversary dinner and give him a card with something poetic written in it about having a little one on the way.. or something. any suggestions?


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Wow i can defo see a line there Lu!! ususally i see posts with picks of those test and i can't see bugger all but even i can see something :D :D

Looks like a :bfb: to me :happydance: Congratulations!! I hope its a sticky bean for you!! xx
Aah! That looks like a :bfp: to me too! Yay! Let's hope you get a confirmation quickly!

Lu-is- I haven't said anything at the risk of sounding crazy, but I've noticed my dogs acting waaaay more protective and affectionate lately. I take my big dog running a lot and usually she's all over the place smelling and investigating, but lately she runs within a few feet of me. She's always acted like my husband's dog, but suddenly I'm the favorite: she sits by me on the couch, puts her head in my lap, she listens to my every command. Even my little dog that I've described as snobby and indifferent seems to be at my ankles all the time. I thought I was going loony! :fool:
Aah! That looks like a :bfp: to me too! Yay! Let's hope you get a confirmation quickly!

Lu-is- I haven't said anything at the risk of sounding crazy, but I've noticed my dogs acting waaaay more protective and affectionate lately. I take my big dog running a lot and usually she's all over the place smelling and investigating, but lately she runs within a few feet of me. She's always acted like my husband's dog, but suddenly I'm the favorite: she sits by me on the couch, puts her head in my lap, she listens to my every command. Even my little dog that I've described as snobby and indifferent seems to be at my ankles all the time. I thought I was going loony! :fool:

Ooooh, I don't think you're crazy!! :) I'm glad someone else has experienced that too. Your dog's behaviour sounds like what I'd read in that post. I'll have to look for it after work.

I'll take another test tomorrow (or maybe tonight too) then I should I guess call the Dr? is that what happens next? lol
LU IS OH MY GOD GIRLFRIEND. :hugs: Congrats! :dance: :happydance: :dance: :happydance:

My dog acted like a freakin' nut when I got pregnant. She tries to get in my tummy. No, seriously. She tries to climb up my shirt if I'm lying on the couch on my side. Um, nutjob. But yeah, pets can sense that, from what people tell me. There's tons of people whose cats or dogs have acted oddly, and I know people who've said, "I knew my girlfriend was pregnant because my dog acted funny when we had a girls' night at my house." Stuff like that. SO, not uncommon, at all. ;)

Though I wish the horses at the BARN would recognize it, because they all still try to headbutt me as a greeting and it's getting awkward.

But congrats! Eep! <3
Woo Hoo!!! Congrats lu-is....another BFP....very exciting!!! Good luck with your 9 month journey!!

I just wanted to come on here to say that me and DH are doing fine and that we have decided to get right back on the TTC bandwagon! Nurse said that there is no need medically to wait for the next AF to try again, she just said it helps if u do so that u know where ur at with ur cycle. She just said there's no evidence to suggest anything and so just start whenever we feel ready, and we feel ready now! Think as far as these things go, i was lucky that it happened very early on. She also advise me to do a HPT, which by the way was the most depressing HPT i've ever done! Anyway, she said if it comes back negative then that's a good sign as it means all tissue has gone.......and luckily for us it was, so we're just trying to put that behind us and move forward.

In the meantime, i think we're getting another persian kitten on Friday!! woo hoo!! If i cant have a baby, why not get another kitten!!!!!

Hope everyone is well, sorry i haven't been around lots, but things have just been a bit weird....if u know what i mean!! But i did want to say whilst i'm here, that i am glad all our pregnant ladies are sticking around and that i definitely do not feel like any of you are rubbing things in. It's really comforting to hear from you ladies and it keeps me positive.

Hope you are all well x
Glad to hear you're doing well Meadows, and that you're hopping back to it immediately! :hugs: Best wishes this cycle!

And Lu, I forgot to answer your question - yes! I'd give your doctor a ring so they can set up your first appointment. Every one is different, so they may want you in immediately for bloods, or make you wait until 8 weeks - that's what they did for me. haha. Either way, let them know what's up so they can schedule you as they allow. :) Congrats again!
Happy BDing Meadows! :sex:

Lu-is- If you're uncertain about the home tests, you'll definitely want the blood tests from your doc. Then they'll schedule your first apt with an OB when you're at about 6-8 weeks. So excited for you! Have you told your PH?

Went for a run a little while ago. Still having some side aches but the last few runs have been mild. Though I still don't have any symptoms, I have become such a zip face! :growlmad: Any suggestions for a cleansing system that water based, gentle,inexpensive, and of course preggo friendly?
Sadly, anything I try on my skin seems immune to pregnancy hormones. :haha: I swear I'm broken out more than I was in HS, or EVER. But maybe ask your doctor or nurse, see if they can suggest something?? :)
OMG Lu-is!! Congratulations!! Another BFP for our little group. YAY! :happydance:

TMI WARNING - Talking about "full flow" for periods, since coming off my BC mine isn't as much as I used to get. Before I went on the pill I had heavier periods which cut back when I went on it, now since coming off it it's less. I do get red blood but it's mostly more of that yukkie brown / black stuff on the actual pad. Could this be an issue for me?? :shrug:

Well hubby survived his wisdom tooth operation. He's at home for the next week and he's all dosed up on painkillers and has the icepack around his face. Poor thing - LOL! He'll be fine.

About to head out with a work friend to get bagels. We've found an awesome bagerley but it takes us almost an hour to get there and back, so we have to sneak out of work and hoon down there to get our bagel fix!

Talk soon


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