The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Aw WanaB, so sorry to hear about the :witch:! :( What a bummer! But way to keep it optimistic and cheers to next cycle! I can’t even believe how quickly your wedding is approaching. I’m so excited for you! How is the infection clearing up for you? Hope it leaves you soon!

Thoughts and prayers with your cousin, her baby twinnies and her family at this time, Jess – please keep us posted!

Best wishes to you Becca &#8211; these sites can be both supportive and stressful, in every manner. But you&#8217;ll be in my thoughts and I wish all the best to you and your hubby at this time. =) I hope we&#8217;ll see you around soon, especially in first trimester! ;) But no, seriously, take the time you need. <3 We&#8217;ll miss you!

Aw Kimberley, sorry to hear things are rubbish right now, you poor thing. <3 Hope all is well and that everything clears up quickly!

Have fun on vacay, Dinah!

Ahh Poppie the house looks great thus far! Congrats!

Hope your aches go away soon Nanner! I admire you pushing through it to run! I haven&#8217;t run since my 5k on June 11. I&#8217;m totally disappointed in myself and embarrassed to how lazy I&#8217;ve become. I&#8217;m starting working out again this week, making small steps to get myself back into some form of shape, anyway. Bah! Glad you&#8217;re feeling well otherwise though &#8211; maybe you&#8217;ll be one of the lucky ones!

AFM, long and busy week this week &#8211; Tuesday I have a doctor&#8217;s appointment with my OBG and that evening we&#8217;re going to a minor league baseball game &#8211; yay! Thursday I have my appointment at the perinatal clinic for the scan and blood testing &#8211; part 1 of 2 for DS and other such testing. My brain&#8217;s struggling to focus on work right now, but I need to keep pushing through so my days go faster. -__-

I hope everyone had a great weekend, best wishes to those testing and :dust: to everyone who is getting down an&#8217; dirty this week. ;D

Sorry to the ladies who have been caught by AF.

Jess, fingers crossed for your cousin, please keep us posted.

Beccad, completely understand you feeling that way. Will miss you being around, but good luck, hope you get your BFP very soon!
Nanner - I wasn't three sheets to the wind thats why i was so successful lol We had gone to my parents when we realised at 1 in the morning and slept then went back to sort it out sunday mid day lol

Swan - well i might as well be at this point i've got a lot to look forward to atm so i don't feel like buming out lol I know the wedding is 1 month today people!!! see my ticker :D :D and its 24 days till we fly!! which is 3 weekends including a birthday weekend for OH :happydance: Its going to wizz by. We just sorted out the final bits this weekend. Am getting rather excited now :thumbup:

Oh and i don't do excercise very often as it is let alone when pregnant so good on you if your managing to carry on with it :thumbup: xxx
Wow. Lots of catching up to do.

Jess - Thinking about your cousins twins. Keep us updated.

Kim - Hope you are feeling better today. Sounds really serious - happy you are going to the dr to get it all sorted out.

Wanab - What a story! Glad you were able to get your keys without having to break a window. We did that once with the storm door and had to call a locksmith! Hooray for your wedding only being 1 month away - how exciting!

Becca - Sorry to hear you go and wish you nothing but the best in life. Hope you will at least log on to let us know one day that you got your BFP!

Poppie - House is coming along nicely. Love the brick!

The Boyz II Men concert was awesome! We had a great time.

On another note, my chart so far this month is a freaking hot mess. I don't know what in the world is going on with my body. I don't know if it is this heat wave but something is seriously effecting it.

Hubby modded our Wii and put 120 games on it. Sweet. So guess what we have been doing the past few days. So much fun!!
Kimberley, I'm sorry you are still feeling so bad! I really hope you get better soon.

Poppie, love the house! It's really coming along!

Wanab, congrats on 1 month till your wedding! Also, I thought that you were drunk when you got into your house also, I was thinking that I would never have been that coordinated when I'm drunk!

Nanner, I hope that pain goes away soon. Good for you for keeping in shape! I can't even do that and I'm not pg!

Swan, 12 weeks tomorrow! Wow! I can't wait until you get a scan picture for us to see....(I'm living vicariously through you right now!)

I don't think I'm going to ovulate this month. I'm on CD21 and nothing yet. I've been temping and using a First Response digital OPK kit this month. I have no idea what is going on with my body. Also have no idea when AF is going to show since my cycles keep getting longer. If and when AF shows, I'm going to buy one of those home fertility tests to see if I have something wrong with me.
Hello everyone!

Poppie your house looks great! You must be so excited.

Nanner, Sorry about your side aches that doesn&#8217;t sound good. Hopefully, they will go away before your half marathon.

Kimbereley, I&#8217;m praying for you to feel better. So sorry!

Swanxx, I just noticed you are 12 weeks. Congrats!!!! I am so excited for you. Were you scared to exercise or you just weren&#8217;t motivated?

Swanflakes, I&#8217;m glad you enjoyed the Boyz II Men concert. Enjoy your Wii. I pulled mine out this past weekend and played a little Metroid 3 and Harvest Moon.

Jess137, Sounds like you&#8217;ve had a frustrating month. I&#8217;m starting to feel as though I&#8217;m not ovulated either. Next month I plan on starting to temp. Keep us posted on the home fertility test.
Thanks ladies! I have my OBG appointment in 2 hours. NERVOUS. lol. But no scan today, just the general poke and prod and pee in a cup, and we should hear the heartbeat with the doppler. :dance: Then Thursday, it's screening time!

Hope everyone has a good Tuesdayyyy! <3
Wannabe- Yay! Wedding just around the corner!

Poppie- The house seems to be coming along. Is everything on schedule?

Swan- How did your OB apt go? Hope everything is well!

Snowflakes- I love Boyz to Men! I haven't listened to them in years though.

Jess- Hopefully you're mistaken about not ovulating this month. Let's hope for a surprise!

Sorry if I missed anyone! I have a terrible memory sometimes. :dohh:

I went for a five mile run this morning and it went pretty well. I did some reading and changed things up. Slowing down helped. I only got a small side ache today and it went away.

I'm going to my husband's 10 year class reunion this weekend. I can't lie. It's not going to be easy to get through without beer! There's a lot of fun things planned (rafting, a dance, softball tournament) but they don't seem quite as fun without a drink or two! Oh well. All my friends say to put my sense of humor hat on and not let the drunks have all the fun! :drunk:
Went well, thanks Nanner! :) Found the heartbeat right away, so that was awesome. But as she's poking (on my stomach, not inside or anything) she said she feels my uterus is closer to 16 weeks than 12. WTF. I ended up posting a thread because I'm confused, but whatever. As I read, it appears to be highly possible that it's nothing, or that she mis-calculated. So whatever, we'll see Thursday! I'm on cloud nine currently. Eee. When's your appointment?! I know you said but my memory is fail and I looked back and couldn't find it. :dohh:
Hey all. Looks like my Junebug might be 2012 not 2011. Apparently my AF is too light due to hormones being mucked up after coming off implanon, so at present there is nothing for a bean to really stick to. Really dissapointed as she says it could take 6 months to sort out. There are worse things in life but I'm so impatient! I guess this means just enjoying hubby and hoping for heavy AFs for the next few months.
Sorry Dinah, I really hope things move along quickly for you. I know how hard it is to be forced to wait. Hopefully it won't be as long as 6 months. Definitely try to relax and enjoy hubby for the time being.
Swan, I had no idea they could tell by "poking around" how old the baby is, especially that early. I'll be interested to see what happens at the scan. Still can't wait to see scan pics!

I'm sorry Dinah. It looks like my cycles haven't been sorted out either. I thought I had stopped BCP early enough but I guess not. I hope it happens for you soon! (And me!)
Thanks for the support everyone.

Nanner, I'm glad that you were able to exercise without all the pain. I can't even run a mile and I'm NOT pg, so good for you!
I'm so happy for you Swan! You might have a LO sooner than you think!
My appointment is a week from this Wednesday. It'll just be the usually height/ weight, vitamin lecture, ect visit. The nurse told me a few days ago that I should be able to make an appointment during this appointment for my first ultrasound the following week. This seems early but that's so exciting! I didn't know you could already see a baby?!

Jess- Sorry about your news! That's a bummer, but you're right. It could be worse.
Hey all. Looks like my Junebug might be 2012 not 2011. Apparently my AF is too light due to hormones being mucked up after coming off implanon, so at present there is nothing for a bean to really stick to. Really dissapointed as she says it could take 6 months to sort out. There are worse things in life but I'm so impatient! I guess this means just enjoying hubby and hoping for heavy AFs for the next few months.

Dinah - I have been wondering this about myself as well. How do you know you are "too light?" My last AF was just 3 days and not very much at all. It had crossed my mind that there might not be enough there to stick to. I came off my BCP in January and my cycles regulated right away. But this also has kind been a thought in my head. Did you have a Dr. do a test or something??? Also, not to be rude or anything - but are you on the thinner side of your height/weight? My BMI is 19.5 which is considered "normal" but is on the lower side of a normal range. I have wondered if that might have something to do with it as well....

Hugs to you and here's to hoping for heavy AF's...
Mrs Mel &#8211; I have no idea, but I&#8230; couldn&#8217;t be 4 weeks ahead. I just &#8230; there&#8217;s no possible way. :haha: But we&#8217;ll see! I mean, I was measuring right on target at 9 weeks so I can&#8217;t grasp how suddenly they&#8217;d be like, Oh ho, what is this? xD

I&#8217;m so sorry to hear of the struggles, Dinah! That&#8217;s frustrating. =( Is there anything they do for it, or do they just ride it out naturally?

That&#8217;s the thing, Jess, my sister says that it&#8217;s not accurate to push on my stomach and make that kind of guesstimate, so she said she is sure I&#8217;m fine. I&#8217;m torn between trusting a doctor who&#8217;s obviously been there for decades and has to have some idea, and my sister who went through a run-around plenty of times about her baby over similar things. So I&#8217;m taking it easy and waiting to see what they see on Thursday. I had a full bladder, a partially-full stomach and a uterus in there that she was poking. Never know what could have been happening!

I also hope your cycles sort out soon, Jess. So annoying!

Exciting, Nanner! That is so awesome for you &#8211; I can&#8217;t wait to hear how it goes. And yes&#8230; I&#8217;m looking for a link&#8230; here we go!

If you go in at 7 weeks, they&#8217;ll schedule you likely for an 8 week&#8230; which means you&#8217;ll see a bean, no doubt! Mine had leg and arm buds when I went at 9, and they were twitching and flailing about quite a bit. So at 8, you&#8217;d get a nice shot of your peanut, no doubt! Do you know how many u/s they&#8217;ll permit you to have? I was only supposed to get one! But well, between an ER visit and my DS screening, I&#8217;ll get three. Bit more reassuring.
I just wanted to say to our preggo girls, thanks for sticking around. I really enjoy hearing your updates, and having your support (as I'm sure everyone else is also!) Thank you!
Jess- I really enjoy this forum and would hate to leave! Plus, I don't want to have to have to make a connection with new people when I know the ones here are so great! :hugs:
The thought has crossed my mind that I might make some people feel bad. I know some June Bugs are having set backs and I don't want to seem like I'm rubbing in my good fortune. I hope no one feels that way.
I don't feel like that at all! I'm genuinely happy for you. We are all here to support each other, and obviously we weren't all going to get pg at the same time.
Morning ladies!

Getting our BD on, perhaps a little early but better too much than too little right?? :winkwink: LOL!

Hubby is getting his wisdom teeth out today. I'll be taking him down to the hospital shortly. He's a bit nervous but no where near as bad as I was 5 years ago when I had mine out. Long story, but I cried all the way to the theatre and was crying when I woke up. He'll be fine anyway.

I'd like to thank our preggo ladies (lol that sounds funny) for hanging around too. You shouldn't feel bad about being here with the rest of us still trying to get that BFP. Your thoughts and words of wisdom are much appreciated. :hugs:

Thanks everyone for the house comments. It's very exciting to see it all coming together. I've been to the display home of our house so many times I know it inside out, so it's awesome to see our actual home taking the same shape. It seems to be on schedule, even though they had a few days delay with the outside stuff with weather, but now it's at lock up stage everything can be happening inside the house.

I hope everyone else is well. I'd better go get ready to take this boy to the hospital.

Talk soon :flower:

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